Much of the information on this web page was provided courtesy of Michael Ley and the DBLP Project

CHES 2006:

Yokohama, Japan Louis Goubin and Mitsuru Matsui, (Eds.):
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
CHES 2006, 8th International Workshop,
Yokohama, Japan,
October 10-13, 2006,
Preface , by Louis Goubin and Mitsuru Matsui

Organizing Committee
Program Committee
Steering Committee

External Referees

Side Channels I

Low Resources

Invited Talk I

Hardware Attacks and Countermeasures I

Special Purpose Hardware

Efficient Algorithms for Embedded Processors

Side Channels II

Invited Talk II

Hardware Attacks and Countermeasures II

Efficient Hardware I

Trusted Computing

Side Channels III

Hardware Attacks and Countermeasures III

Invited Talk III

Efficient Hardware II

Author Index