International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR 2019 Election

The 2019 election is being held to fill four Officer positions and three of nine Director positions. In addition a minor change to the Bylaws is submitted for a vote.

Election of Officers and Directors

The positions of the election are as follows.

Position Incumbent
President Christian Cachin
Vice President Greg Rose
Treasurer Brian LaMacchia
Secretary Joppe Bos
Director Shai Halevi
Director Bart Preneel
Director Francois-Xavier Standaert

The election is conducted electronically from October 15 through November 15 using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. If you are interested, see an overview of how the Helios system works .

Nominations were due by September 24, 2018 and are now closed . If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the Election Committee at email address hidden .

Candidates for Election in 2019

The four officers of the IACR for the period 2020 to 2022 are to be elected in the 2019 election. The candidates are listed in randomized order each time this page is loaded.


Michel Abdalla

Statement: After consecutive terms as director since 2013, I now seek the opportunity to continue serving the community as the IACR president. If elected, I'll continue to help improve existing services provided by IACR, offer new services, and promote worldwide dissemination of cryptologic research.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Greg Rose

Statement: While the IACR is not in any danger of collapse, it is certainly facing a number of important decisions. As President I will continue to focus on open publications, an emphasis on learning, and serving the community. I promise to serve the membership diligently, non-politically and to the best of my abilities.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Shai Halevi

Statement: The IACR is my professional home. This is where I publish most of my work, and over the years I held several board-level roles, chaired conferences, and contributed in other ways. As the vice president I will keep contributing to the IACR, helping us maintain our vibrant research culture.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Brian LaMacchia

Statement: I have served on the IACR Board of Directors since 2015 and as Treasurer since 2017. Over the past three years I've improved our banking, credit card processing and accounting systems (details in my longer statement). I seek a second term as Treasurer to continue improving the IACR's financial systems.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Joppe W. Bos

Statement: I enjoyed serving as the previous Secretary and the current ePrint co-editor and hope I can continue to serve as secretary another term. I aim to get the voices heard of the younger / new IACR members in our community.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:


Three will be elected from the candidates listed below.

Leonie Simpson

Statement: I'm an academic in an Australian university, teaching and researching in information security and cryptology. I have been an IACR member for 18 years. I believe that, by being part of the IACR board of directors, I can contribute perspectives that help reflect the diversity of our international organisation.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Huaxiong Wang

Statement: I have been an IACR member since 1998 and had faculty/research positions at several universities from different countries: Australia, China, Japan and Singapore. I would like to contribute my experiences to promote research, education and collaborations in the crypto community, especially for the Asia­Pacific region.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam

Statement: My goals, if elected, are to continue my efforts on the board towards: (1) Making our community free of harassment and discrimination, (2) Advocating the needs of our evolving community and the next generation of researchers, (3) Promoting science and adhering to scientific principles that are core to our existence and philosophy.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Bart Preneel

Statement: I have served the IACR since 1997 as director, vice-president and president. I would like to contribute my experience to further develop the IACR, with as key points maintaining scientific quality, open availability of scientific results, supporting students and exploring how our publications and events can be gradually improved.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Marc Fischlin

Statement: I've been on the IACR board for the past two years as general chair for Eurocrypt 2019. I’d like to continue to contribute as a director, bringing in my experience as chair, author, and reviewer of our conferences. I see IACR as an organization to foster all areas and communities in cryptography.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Jung Hee Cheon

Statement: Based on my previous experiences as 2015/2016 Asiacrypt program co-chair and 1998/2005 IACR best papers, I will do my best to improve IACR activities from the diversity of geography, gender and race of our society and to strengthen the interactions between theory and practice, such as machine learning, blockchain, etc.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Francois-Xavier Standaert

Statement: I have served the last three years as IACR director and enjoyed being active as an IACR attendee, author, PC member and PC chair for more than 15 years, with a particular interest for the inter-disciplinary exchanges that our community allows. I would like to further contribute to the development of the IACR and am committed to help maintaining the association's high quality standards, and to promote collaboration between our subfields.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Peter Schwabe

Statement: Since I joined the IACR 10 years ago I became increasingly involved, for example, by organizing CHES 2018 and RWC 2021. Most IACR members probably see me as a "crypto engineer" and my goal as director of the IACR is to represent this engineering side of crypto in the Board.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Modification of the Bylaws

The Board proposes a small modification to the Bylaws, which affects only the decision processes within the Board. Specifically, votes at Board meetings will now require a majority of the votes cast to approve a motion; with the current formulation, a majority of the votes of all Board members is needed.

The following documents further explain the modification to of the current Bylaws:

How To Vote

The election will be conducted electronically from October 15th to November 15th using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. Please see this overview of how the Helios system works and information on the IACR decision to adopt Helios.

2019 members of the IACR (generally people who attended an IACR conference in 2018) should have received a customized invitation to vote from with a subject line "Vote: IACR 2019 Election" sent to their email address of record with the IACR. (Members may update their email addresses and other information by visiting this page .)

That email message contains the Election URL: , the Election Fingerprint: 1c0d7e28-eece-11e9-a2bb-de3cf49e36de, and in addition a username and password for voting in the elections. (Please notice that the system will only ask for your username and password at the end of the voting process, after you entered all your choices .)

The IACR uses an approval voting system, which means you can vote for as many candidates, for each role, who you approve of.

Election Committee