IACR 2020 Election
The 2020 election is being held to fill three of nine Director positions.
Election of Officers and Directors
The positions of the election are as follows.
Position | Incumbent |
Director | Masayuki Abe |
Director | Tancrède Lepoint |
Director | Moti Yung |
Nominations were due by September 24, 2020 and
are now closed
. If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the
Election Committee at .
Candidates for Election in 2020
The three directors of the IACR for the period 2021 to 2023 are to be elected in the 2020 election. The candidates are listed in randomized order each time this page is loaded.
Three will be elected from the candidates listed below.
Moti Yung
Statement: IACR is going through challenging times: Covid19 challenges and growth challenges are central. The current health of IACR is important, e.g., allowing young researchers publish faster. Also, supporting various communities with varied cultures and scientific goals is important. Managing from scientific, rational solutions, and care perspectives is important.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~moti/
Emmanuel Thomé
Statement: IACR is authoritative in the identification of high-quality research outputs in crypto. If elected, I would support the efforts of the board to keep these high quality standards. I will also promote sub-topic diversity, and the recognition of crypto software developments, whether attached to papers or as standalone research outputs.
Longer statement: https://members.loria.fr/EThome/iacr/candidacy.html
Home page: https://members.loria.fr/EThome/
Britta Hale
Statement: My offer, as a director, is to support the IACR’s high quality standards throughout the dynamic challenges of our current world situation while fostering community in our events and among our subfields. I commit to continuing the development of scientific excellence, and the interdisciplinary and international attributes of the IACR.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page: http://faculty.nps.edu/haleb/
Masayuki Abe
Statement: Being challenged by the growth of our community and the COVID-19 pandemic, the IACR Board is facing important decisions that requires broader views to consider. I have been in the Board in this difficult time and willing to continue serving with my long experiences both in academia and industry.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page: http://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/nanacov/
Tancrède Lepoint
Statement: I had the privilege of serving on the IACR board for the past three years and as ePrint co-editor for the past four years, and would be honored to continue serving the cryptographic community. My priorities are to foster diversity, improve the online services, and ensure the IACR’s continuous excellence.
Longer statement: https://tlepoint.github.io/iacr-election-2020/
Home page: https://tlepoint.github.io/
How To Vote
The election will be conducted electronically from October 15th, 2020 (12pm UTC), to November 15th, 2020 (12pm UTC) using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. Please see this overview of how the Helios system works and information on the IACR decision to adopt Helios.
2020 members of the IACR (generally people who attended an IACR conference in 2019) should have received a customized invitation to vote from system@heliosvoting.org with a subject line "Vote: IACR 2020 Election" sent to their email address of record with the IACR. (Members may update their email addresses and other information by visiting this page.)
That email message contains the Election URL: https://vote.heliosvoting.org/helios/e/IACR2020Election , the Election Fingerprint: mRhIKLBmC12AGmQ8tDiPQehSLZCaDQ+SbLJ/W9nx2Dc, and in addition a username and password for voting in the elections. (Please notice that the system will only ask for your username and password at the end of the voting process, after you entered all your choices .)
The IACR uses an approval voting system, which means you can vote for as many candidates, for each role, who you approve of.
Election Committee
- Anna Lysyanskaya (chair)
- Bart Preneel
- Marc Fischlin