IACR 2021 Election
The 2021 election is being held to fill three of nine Director positions.
Election of Officers and Directors
The positions of the election are as follows.
Position | Incumbent |
Director | Mark Fischlin |
Director | Nadia Heninger |
Director | Anna Lysyanskaya |
Nominations were due by October 1st, 2021 and
are now closed
. If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the
Election Committee at .
Candidates for Election in 2021
The three directors of the IACR for the period 2022 to 2025 are to be elected in the 2021 election. The candidates are listed in randomized order each time this page is loaded.
Three will be elected from the candidates listed below.
Vladimir Kolensnikov
Statement: I have been an IACR member for 20 years, working in industry and academia. The work of the Association has brought many benefits to its members and to science and engineering. I would like to contribute my energy and experience to the IACR and the community by serving as a Director.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page: none supplied
Emmanuel Thomé
Statement: IACR is authoritative in the identification of high-quality research outputs in crypto.If elected, I would support the efforts of the board to keep these high quality standards. Diversity in all forms is essential to a well-run community. In particular, I would promote sub-topic diversity at the IACR, and the recognition of crypto software developments, whether attached to papers or as standalone research outputs.
Longer statement: https://members.loria.fr/EThome/iacr/candidacy/
Home page: https://members.loria.fr/EThome/
Bo-Yin Yang
Statement: Twenty years of public-key/applied cryptography; served IACR on many PCs; 1x Program Chair, 2x General Chair. If elected, I will promote geographic, cultural, and research-area inclusiveness/cohesiveness; encourage reproducibility: published code, artifact submissions, and formally verified protocols/programs/proofs; help sustain/expand online services.
Longer statement: https://troll.iis.sinica.edu.tw/by-publ/position.html
Home page: https://homepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pages/byyang/index_en.html
Jian Guo
Statement: I have been dedicated for crypto research and IACR community services for 15 years, by serving as PC members of IACR conferences, General (co-)Chair of FSE 2013 and Asiacrypt 2021, and Program Co-Chair of future Asiacrypt 2023. I would contribute further my experiences to promote research, education, and collaborations in the crypto community.
Longer statement: http://web.spms.ntu.edu.sg/~guojian/iacr.html
Home page: http://guo.crypto.sg
Anna Lysyanskaya
Statement: It has been an honor to serve on the IACR Board for the past nine years, and I hope to continue. My priorities are (1) high quality research and its effective dissemination, (2) listening and responding to IACR members' needs, (3) mentoring, (4) dialogue with related research, industry and other communities.
Longer statement: https://cs.brown.edu/~alysyans/iacr-election-2021.html
Home page: https://cs.brown.edu/~alysyans/iacr-election-2021.html
Allison Bishop
Statement: I will take a proactive approach to strengthening our research community through communication and collaboration. As the creator of CFAIL (the annual Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in cryptology), I have led efforts to destigmatize research failures and extract their insights for the benefit of the community.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page: none supplied
How To Vote
The election will be conducted electronically from October 15th, 2021 (12pm UTC), to November 15th, 2021 (12pm UTC) using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. Please see this overview of how the Helios system works and information on the IACR decision to adopt Helios.
2021 members of the IACR (generally people who attended an IACR conference in 2020) will receive a customized invitation to vote from system@heliosvoting.org with a subject line "Vote: IACR 2021 Election" sent to their email address of record with the IACR. (Members may update their email addresses and other information by visiting this page.)
Election Committee
- Masayuki Abe (chair)
- Shai Halevi
- Tancrède Lepoint