International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR 2022 Election

The 2022 election is being held to fill four Officer positions and three of nine Director positions.

Election of Officers and Directors

The positions of the election are as follows.

Position Incumbent
President Michel Abdalla
Vice President Shai Halevi
Treasurer Brian LaMacchia
Secretary Joppe Bos
Director Bart Preneel
Director Peter Schwabe
Director Francois-Xavier Standaert

The election is conducted electronically from October 15 through November 15 using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. If you are interested, see an overview of how the Helios system works .

Nominations were due by Oct. 1st, 2022 and are now closed . If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the Election Committee at email address hidden .

Candidates for Election in 2022

The four officers of the IACR for the period 2023 to 2026 are to be elected in the 2022 election. The candidates are listed in randomized order each time this page is loaded.


Michel Abdalla

Statement: After serving the IACR as committee member, general chair, program chair, director, and president, I seek again the opportunity to continue serving the community as president. If reelected, I'll continue to help improve existing IACR services and publication model, offer new services, and promote worldwide dissemination of cryptologic research.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Allison Bishop

Statement: I am grateful to have served the community as the general chair for crypto 2022 and as the creator of CFAIL. I would like to continue serving by facilitating traditional and innovative programming, and working to expand and inclusively support our growing community.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Brian LaMacchia

Statement: I have served on the IACR Board of Directors since 2015 and as Treasurer since 2017. Over the past six years I’ve improved our domestic and international banking, investment, credit card processing, and accounting systems. I seek a third term as Treasurer to continue improving the IACR’s financial systems.
Longer statement:
Home page:


Benjamin Wesolowski

Statement: As secretary, I would strive to preserve the transparency and openness of IACR, and maintain clear and timely communication between the board and the community. I would promote open discussion, and encourage the involvement of younger members, securing the long-term leadership of the IACR in cryptologic research.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:


Three will be elected from the candidates listed below.

Bart Preneel

Statement: I have served the IACR since 1997 as director, vice-president and president. I would like to contribute my experience to further develop the IACR, with as key points maintaining scientific quality, open availability of scientific results, supporting students and exploring how our publications and events can be strengthened and expanded.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Francisco Rodríguez Henríquez

Statement: I’ve been working in cryptographic research for the last twenty years. I have served as PC member in many IACR conferences, and I have been General/Program co-chair in Latincrypt, CHES and ECC. If elected as Director, my main goals will be representing the cryptographic community belonging to the Global South.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Hoeteck Wee

Statement: I hope to give back to the community as an IACR director, with the overarching goal of improving our professional and personal well-being —especially that of students and junior researchers— through (i) better and healthier conference reviewing, (ii) stronger bi-directional engagement with industry, and (iii) building a more cohesive community.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Tal Malkin

Statement: I have been a member of IACR for over 20 years, co-chaired CRYPTO, and am an IACR fellow. I want to give back to the community, and help set its direction as we grow and change. My top priorities are high-quality research and a nurturing community, especially to students.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Peter Schwabe

Statement: I serve on the BoD since 2020 and I am a member of the CHES and RWC steering committees. Most IACR members probably see me as a crypto engineer and my goal as director of the IACR is to represent this real-world or engineering side of crypto in the Board.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Shai Halevi

Statement: The IACR is my professional home, where I publish most of my work. Over the years I held several board-level roles, chaired conferences, and contributed in other ways. As a director, I will use my experience to help make the changes we need while maintaining out vibrant research culture.
Longer statement:
Home page:

How To Vote

The election will be conducted electronically from October 15th to November 15th using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. Please see this overview of how the Helios system works and information on the IACR decision to adopt Helios.

2022 members of the IACR (generally people who attended an IACR conference in 2021) should have received a customized invitation to vote from with a subject line "Vote: IACR 2022 Election" sent to their email address of record with the IACR. (Members may update their email addresses and other information by visiting this page .)

That email message contains the Election URL: , and in addition a username and password for voting in the elections. (Please notice that the system will only ask for your username and password at the end of the voting process, after you entered all your choices. )

The IACR uses an approval voting system, which means you can vote for as many candidates, for each role, who you approve of.

Election Committee