International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR 2023 Election

The 2023 election is being held to fill three of nine Director positions.

Election of Officers and Directors

The positions of the election are as follows.

Position Incumbent
Director Masayuki Abe
Director Tancrède Lepoint
Director Moti Yung

Nominations were due by October 1st, 2023 and are now closed. If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the Election Committee at email address hidden .

Candidates for Election in 2023

The three directors of the IACR for the period 2024 to 2027 are to be elected in the 2023 election. The candidates are listed in randomized order each time this page is loaded.


Three will be elected from the candidates listed below.

Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez

Statement: I've been working in cryptographic research for the last twenty years. I have served as PC member in many IACR conferences. I have been General/Program co-chair in Latincrypt, ECC, CHES and CRYPTO. If elected as Director, I'll be representing the applied cryptographic community, and cryptographers belonging to the Global South.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Moti Yung

Statement: IACR has overcome great difficulties recently, but challenges continue. It is important to move ahead carefully, assuring publication scale, growth, autonomy of different areas, advancing further Asiacrypt, assuring fairness, diversity, modernization, and preparing the next generation, while balancing careful tradeoffs. For all these challenges I was convinced to run again
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Britta Hale

Statement: I have had the privilege of serving on the IACR board 2022-2023 and witnessing the community's participation and publication growth ahead of organizing CRYPTO'23. I would be honored to continue, with specific priorities on supporting effective research dissemination opportunities and the scientific goals of the diverse cryptographic communities of interest.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

Elaine Shi

Statement: I have served on the PCs of various IACR conferences, and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Cryptology. As a director, I will help promote the technology transfer of cryptography into real-world applications, and I will help maintain a culture that is welcoming to women and underrepresented minorities, to people with diverse backgrounds, just as it was welcoming to me.
Longer statement:
Home page:

MarĂ­a Naya-Plasencia

Statement: Active IACR member since 2006 and first co-editor of the ToSC-IACR journal. I am one of the pioneers of quantum symmetric cryptanalysis. I am also proud to have sent the last email in a public debate with Dan Bernstein. I will help making needed changes, and defending equality and respect.
Longer statement:
Home page:

Mariana Raykova

Statement: I would like to bring new ideas in the discussion how to scale the IACR conferences as our community continues to grow. I believe that conferences give an opportunity for the students to get the spotlight during their talks and I would advocate to preserve this.
Longer statement: none supplied
Home page:

How To Vote

The election will be conducted electronically from October 15th, 2023 (12pm UTC), to November 15th, 2023 (12pm UTC) using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. Please see this overview of how the Helios system works .

2023 members of the IACR (generally people who attended an IACR conference in 2022) will receive a customized invitation to vote from with a subject line "Vote: IACR 2023 Election" sent to their email address of record with the IACR. (Members may update their email addresses and other information by visiting this page.)

Election Committee