International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

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PhD on quantum PUFs
Eindhoven University of Technology
Topics: Quantum Readout of Physical Unclonable Functions; Use of PUFs in quantum-cryptographic protocols.

The project focuses on the use of PUFs as a physical authentication credential, and in particular Quantum Readout of PUFs, which enables remote authentication of physical credentials without the need to trust remote devices.

One of the goals is to achieve Quantum Readout through a long optical fiber, with random challenges in the time-frequency domain (instead of the easier to achieve transverse modes domain). You will be involved in the system modeling, the design of protocols, and the security analysis.
A broader topic of interest is the use of PUFs in (quantum) security schemes in general.

We are looking for a researcher with strong analytical skills, with a master's degree in theoretical physics, cryptography, or a related field.

The research is done at the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (EIPSI), in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science. There is a strong collaboration with the TU/e's fiber optics experts at the department of Electrical Engineering, and with physicists at Twente University.

This position is part of the Dutch Zwaartekracht program "Challenges in Cyber Security", which aims to address fundamental open problems in digital security.

Contact: Boris Skoric
Last updated: 2024-09-27 posted on 2024-09-25