International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

All job postings
Two lectureships in cryptography
University of Tartu

The cryptography group at the University of Tartu, Estonia, has two openings for tenured lectureships (corresponding to the assistant professorship in the US) in cryptography. The first position is aimed at a person working in modern zero-knowledge proofs, zk-SNARKs, their construction, and security proofs. The person is expected to have a strong cryptography background and several publications in IACR or equivalent conferences. The second position is aimed at a person working at the intersection of coding theory and cryptography, and an interest in hash and code-based zk-SNARKs is appreciated. The person is expected to have a strong background either in coding-theory and cryptography (preferably both) with several publications in IACR or equivalent conferences in cryptography or equivalent venues in coding theory.

Helger Lipmaa leads the cryptography research group, but the department also has a strong coding theory group. Both applicants are expected to collaborate scientifically with the existing groups. Despite the name of the positions, they are research-heavy. We encourage outside activities, like consulting for ZK companies, as long as they are done via the university.

Please contact Helger Lipmaa if you have any questions.

Official application links with other relevant information are at and (two separate openings).

Application deadline: 01.11.2024

Contact: Helger Lipmaa (
Last updated: 2024-10-15 posted on 2024-10-10