International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

All job postings
PhD in Cryptography
King's College London

We are inviting applications for a PhD studentship in the cryptography lab at King's College London. Specifically, we are looking for an applicant to work with Martin Albrecht and Benjamin Dowling.

The PhD could, for example, cover cryptanalysing existing cryptographic technologies/protocols, such as Telegram or WhatsApp, or modelling and designing new cryptographic protocols or primitives.

This PhD will work in a team consisting of social scientists, specifically ethnographers, and us cryptographers. Together, we study what the security needs and wants of participants in large-scale protests are and how these relate to the security guarantees provided by cryptographic solutions.

We encourage applicants to reach out to us to discuss the position informally before applying.

Fine print: This is a fully-funded positions covering both fees and maintenance. The latter is at the UKRI rate. We seek applicants with a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science, preferably with some background in cryptography. We will consider applications on a rolling basis.

Contact: Martin Albrecht and Ben Dowling
Last updated: 2025-01-10 posted on 2025-01-07