International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

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Lecturer in Cyber Security
University of Surrey, UK
The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is seeking to recruit a full-time Lecturer in Cyber Security to expand our team of dynamic and highly skilled security researchers. It is part of a strategic investment in cyber security alongside a Senior Lecturer position in cyber security.

The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), within the School, has an international reputation in cyber security and resilience research excellence in applied and post-quantum cryptography, security verification and analysis, security and privacy, distributed systems, and networked systems. SCCS is recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre as an Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research and Education. Its research was also a core contributor to Surrey’s 7th position in the UK for REF2021 outputs within Computer Science. Surrey was recognised as Cyber University of the Year 2023 at the National Cyber Awards.

Surrey has an international leading track record in security and communications research and runs the newly formed Doctoral Training centre in Future Open Secure and Resilient Communications in collaboration with Queens University Belfast with funding for 50 PhD students.

This post sits within SCCS and this role encourages applications in the areas of systems security, web security, cyber-physical systems, cyber resilience, ethical hacking, machine learning for security, with application in various domains with preference in communications, space, banking, and autonomous systems. Candidates with practical security experience and skills will complement our strengths in cryptography and formal verification.

This post will support the growing cohort of students across all undergraduate Computer Science programmes and support students in the highly successful MSc in Cyber Security.

Contact: Professor Steve Schneider
Last updated: 2025-02-16 posted on 2025-02-14