Faculty Positions (Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/) in
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool Univeristy
The Post-Quantum Migration Interdisciplinary Lab (PQC-X) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) led by Prof. Jintai Ding specializes in Post- quantum Cryptography. It is an internationally collaborative, open lab, with English as the primary working language.
The lab aims to establish itself as a world-class research facility, focused on advancing key post-quantum migration technologies, facilitating their transfer to industry, and fostering the development of high-level talent in the field.
Now PQX-X is hiring talents in working in areas such as computational algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory, mathematical optimization, quantum algorithms, post-quantum cryptography, multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, fully homomorphic encryption, privacy-preserving algorithms, block chain, high-performance computing, and algorithm implementation.
The position requires you to have a doctorate degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cryptography, or equivalent practical experience.
How to Apply
Please submit your application through our university website: https://career15.sapsf.cn/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=4087&company=xjtlu. The documents listed as below are required for the application:
• A Cover Letter
• A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level
• Three Academic References Letters
Contact: For specific inquiries relating to the position, please email the dean of the School, Prof. Jintai Ding, at Jintai.Ding@xjtlu.edu.cn. Informal inquiries may be addressed to HR at Ye.Lan@xjtlu.edu.cn.
Last updated: 2025-03-12 posted on 2025-03-12