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26 November 2013
The Ethics Committee of the IACR is responsible for providing recommendations to editors, program chairs, program-committee members, and reviewers concerning fairness and ethical aspects of all matters under the influence of the IACR, such as its operations, its events, and its publications.
The mission of the Ethics Committee is described in the "IACR Policy for the Ethics Committee", available at http://www.iacr.org/docs/
The Ethics committee has discussed only a handful of cases in 2013. In the interest of raising awareness for ethical matters among the researchers in cryptology, the Ethics Committee may occasionally inform the IACR members about its work. An account of one case follows.
A team of authors submitted a paper to a non-IACR conference in the field of cryptology and information security. After submitting the work, the authors developed their method further and discovered other ways to attack the problem. Before receiving an acceptance or rejection notification from the conference, the authors had written another paper on the second method and submitted this to a second conference, this one sponsored by the IACR. The second paper did not cite or mention the first paper.
Some reviewers in the overlap of the two program committees spotted a similarity of the works, and, in line with the IACR Policy on Irregular Submissions, they shared this information with the program chairs of the two venues. The program chair of the first conference then rejected the first paper declaring that it was a "potential double submission" and informed the program chair of the IACR conference about this. The authors then reached out to the IACR Ethics Committee and explained their case. They wanted to obtain a clarification that there was no double submission.
The Ethics Committee reviewed the situation and examined the submitted papers superficially. The committee then concluded that there was no obvious case of "parallel submissions" as described in the IACR Policy and that the second paper should enter the regular reviewing process of the IACR conference. The committee also remarked that it cannot make any statement towards the first conference because it is not an IACR venue. To the committee, it seemed that there was a misunderstanding because the existence and nature of technical links between the contributions of the two papers were not mentioned by the authors.
Last but not least, the committee recommended to the authors that, in the interest of being transparent in scientific work, authors should always cite existing known related work, even when a new contribution would not directly build on it. Furthermore, considering the delicate issues around double submissions, this point was particularly important with related work from the same authors.
IACR Ethics Committee (2013)
- Josh Benaloh
- Thomas Berson
- Christian Cachin (chair)
21 November 2013
25 August 2013
20 August 2013
05 August 2013
One of the key roles of the the IACR is the review and dissemination of scientific publications. In the past three years, there has been an intensive discussion of publication options, in which several alternatives have been reviewed thoroughly.
At the end of 2012, the IACR has signed a new publication contract with Springer for a 4-year period (2013-2017); IACR continues to publish the proceedings of our flagship conferences and workshops in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. This new contract makes substantial progress towards broader access to our publications and reduces the cost of publications. However, the IACR Board believes that the area of scientific publications will undergo further changes in the next years, in particular towards open access. In addition, the expansion of our field (more than 1200 submissions and more than 250 publications per year) has resulted in a steadily increasing reviewing load. Some other scientific communities have updated their publication models with a shift towards journal publications.
The IACR Board understands that any change to our publication model has major implications on our members and on the cryptographic community at large. We also have learned that changing this model would be complex and time consuming: in order to be ready for a new publication model in 2018, a new strategy would need to be in place by mid 2015.
In view of this, the IACR Board has decided to start an open discussion on the future of IACR publications. In order to focus this discussion, Nigel Smart has drafted a radical proposal, that would involve moving towards a journal publication model. This proposal has been outlined at the rump session of Eurocrypt'13 and has been further refined based on comments received. The reason for working with a detailed document is that this seems the best way to make sure that all issues are identified and detailed solutions are proposed and compared.
It should be fully understood that this document is a strawman proposal: it does not reflect the view of the IACR Board; the document has also not been discussed with the steering committees of the workshops. Its only intention is to start an open discussion. In particular, the Board welcomes detailed comments and alternative proposals for the future of IACR publications.
We are looking forward to hearing from the community.
Bart Preneel
IACR-International Association for Cryptologic Research
04 June 2013
Some of the latest postings:
- Assigning Papers to Talks (cbw)
- Some issues + Counter proposal (Orr)
- Change is needed, but slow change is important (lindell)
- How to handle resubmissions? (ivandamgard)
- Questions (nigel)
In case you want to contribute, you need to request a login/password via the same link.
30 May 2013
08 April 2013
03 October 2012
03 September 2012
24 August 2012
05 August 2012
17 April 2012
- Advance the science, technology, and practice of cryptology and related fields
- Promote the free exchange of ideas and information about cryptology and related fields
- Develop and maintain the professional skill and integrity of individuals in the cryptologic community
- Advance the standing of the cryptologic community in the wider scientific and technical world and promote fruitful relationships between the IACR and other scientific and technical organizations
16 April 2012
The number of publication at IACR conferences hardly changed over the
last 15 years. At the same time, the number of submissions increased by nearly 60% while the quality of submissions stayed the same - at least according to members of the programme committees. To worsen things, the IACR community has grown and there are many more researchers active in our domain than used to be 15 years ago.
Detailed statistics on submissions and acceptance rates:
To better serve our community, the Board of Directors expressed its with that Conference Programme Chairs (for Eurocrypt, Crypto, and Asiacrypt) to accept substancially more papers then used to be the case and to work with their General Chair for the logistics to make this possible (using extra slots, shorter talks, and parallel sessions).
12 April 2012
11 April 2012
The IACR website has a new look. A team of cryptologists has recently started an effort to advance the online services of the IACR, and has formed a new online content team for this task. What you see today is the result of the first two months of steady improvements. We hope that you like it and that you find the new organization useful.
This is only a start, and we know that many things are not yet as integrated as we would wish. We are working on improving the site and you should visit http://www.iacr.org often to see further improvements.
Please send your feedback, praise, or bug reports to webbugs(at)iacr.org.
The online content core team:
Christian Cachin, Kevin McCurley, Nigel Smart, Christopher Wolf.
The online content extended team:
Shai Halevi, Hilarie Orman, Bart Preneel, abhi shelat.