International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


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07 October 2024

Announcement Announcement
After the successful launch of the IACR Communications in Cryptology in 2024, the Editors-in-Chief are looking for new Editorial Board members for the 4 issues in 2025.

Please use this form for (self-) nomination:

16 August 2024

Announcement Announcement
The PC chairs of Crypto 2025 are soliciting nominations (including self-nominations) for program committee service. The bulk of the work will take place from mid-February to the first week of May. Each PC member will be expected to review approximately 15 papers.

Please submit nominations via this form:


21 May 2024

Announcement Announcement
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2024 IACR Test-of-Time Award for Eurocrypt. The IACR Test-of-Time Award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field. We are announcing the winners for each conference separately.

The Test-of-Time award for Eurocrypt 2009 is awarded to the following paper:

A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks, by François-Xavier Standaert, Tal G. Malkin and Moti Yung.
For introducing a structured approach for evaluation of side-channel attacks and countermeasures and for inspiring further connections between the theory of leakage-resilient cryptography and the practice of defending implementations against side-channels attacks.

For more information, see

Congratulations to the winners!

12 May 2024

15 December 2023

Announcement Announcement
You can now submit your papers to the very first edition of the IACR Communications in Cryptology.

Submission deadline: Jan 8, 2024 at 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth (AoE).


20 October 2023

Announcement Announcement
The IACR strongly condemns the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas against Israel. We are outraged and horrified by this dreadful assault on civilians: Israelis of all religions, ages, and backgrounds; tourists; and foreign workers. We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel.

Our heartfelt sympathy and support go out to our members everywhere who are affected by that attack, and to all those who are suffering its ongoing consequences.

Approved by the IACR board of directors, October 18, 2023


20 July 2023

Announcement Announcement
As an experiment to manage the problem of growing program committee sizes, the PC chairs of Crypto 2024 are soliciting nominations (including self-nominations) for program committee service. The bulk of the work will take place from mid-February to the first week of May. Each PC member will be expected to review approximately 15 papers.

Please submit nominations via this form by July 31:

15 February 2023

Announcement Announcement
During CRYPTO’22 in Santa Barbara, a Women in Cryptography Networking Reception was successfully held. The attendees discussed several gender-related points they would like to be addressed by the IACR community. A resume (in bullet form) can be found here (

As a result of this, a discord “Women in Cryptography” and a website ( have been created.

We invite all people who identify as women to join the discord and the ongoing discussions there. To join, please send email with the subject line “Request to join WIC discord” to

08 February 2023

Announcement Announcement
NIST has published NISTIR 8214C ipd: NIST First Call for Multi-Party Threshold Schemes (Initial Public Draft). The call has two categories: cat1, for NIST-specified primitives; and cat2, for primitives not specified by NIST.

The period of public comments is open till April 10, 2023. The participation of the cryptology community is essential for the success of this initiative.

Details here:

Consider also joining the MPTC forum:

13 April 2022

Announcement Announcement
IACR Statement Condemning the Russian war in Ukraine
April 6, 2022

Statement from the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) Condemning the Russian war in Ukraine

The IACR strongly condemns the unprovoked and unjust war that Russia is waging in Ukraine. We are outraged by the suffering and loss of life that this brutal aggression is inflicting on the Ukrainian People.

While this war continues, the IACR will not hold or plan to hold any conference in Russia, nor will it be affiliated with conferences in Russia.

The IACR fully endorses the following joint statement by the National Academies of G7 States which was published on 2 March 2022:

"The unprovoked attack against Ukraine, a democratic and independent country, is a blatant violation of international law and of core values of humanity. The Russian invasion is an assault on the fundamental principles of freedom, democracy and self-determination, which provide the basis for academic freedom and opportunities for scientific exchange and cooperation.

In this dark hour, our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with the people of Ukraine. We are determined to support the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with the scientific community and the scientists in Ukraine.

We acknowledge the Russian scientists and citizens who are ashamed of this attack and speak out against the war.

We call on the Russian leadership to immediately cease all military action against Ukraine and put an end to this war."

Approved by the IACR board of directors, April 6, 2022

12 October 2021

Announcement Announcement
Algorand Foundation invites proposals for the Algorand Centres of Excellence (ACE) programme to build and run multidisciplinary centers which advance research and support applied education in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

Proposals for three to five years are accepted from higher education institutions and non-profit research organizations anywhere in the world. The ACE programme is being launched with a budget of 100,000,000 ALGO for the next ten years.

See the ACE website for further details.

11 August 2021

Announcement Announcement
The NIST Multi-Party Threshold Cryptography project has an open call (2021a), till September 13, 2021, for feedback on selected topics of criteria for multi-party threshold schemes.

Details here:

Consider also joining the TC forum:

27 July 2021

Announcement Announcement
Dear Cryptographers,

Here you can find a compilation of mentoring videos with Q&A's on such questions as:
  • How to prepare a good talk?
  • Was there a time when you doubted yourself?
  • How do you find a research topic?
  • And many many more questions, all answered by people who have been through it before you, there will be many familiar faces.
The organizers:
  • Peihan Miao
  • Tal Rabin
  • Xiao Wang

21 May 2021

Announcement Announcement
The Covid Pandemic has taken a toll on one of our young cryptographers and cybersecurity specialist Dr Nishant Sinha on 9th May, 2021. He was a thorough gentleman for whom no challenge was difficult.

Nishant was born on 22 Feb 1985. He completed his Bachelor's in 2009 from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, in Computer Science and Engineering. He next post-graduated from the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in 2012. He had a brief stint as an Assistant professor from April 2012 to Dec 2014. In the year 2015, he joined Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for Ph. D., which he completed by the year 2018. During this time he was collaborating with Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata too. His area of research was Cryptanalysis on Symmetric Ciphers. After the PhD he joined Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions at Bangalore, where he surprised everybody by a remarkable transformation from a Cryptology Researcher to a Security Practitioner. We remember working with Nishant both in Academia and Industry. A link to his publication is at .

Nishant is missed by each of his colleagues. During the cryptology conferences and workshops in India, participants from all over the world were greeted by Nishant with his big and bright smile. That is why we think Nishant should be remembered at the IACR webpage. Our heart reaches out to his family - his mother, sister, wife and little baby daughter. We pray God almighty gives them the strength to overcome these difficult times. In the short span Nishant made his brilliance known to all of us. No doubt he leaves a void that we will never be able to fill. Yet we shall be guided and inspired by him especially his simplicity and ability to handle complicated things. May our friend find peace.

Sugata (IIT Roorkee), Shashwat (Bosch), Subhamoy (ISI Kolkata)


06 May 2021

Registration is free with IACR membership.
Announcement Announcement
The PKC conference will be held as a virtual event this year, starting on Monday, May 10. There will be brief presentations on 53 papers, two invited talks, and social events. The program is online at

22 March 2021

Announcement Announcement
Within the scope of the NIST Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (PEC) project, the preliminary draft "Toward a PEC use-case suite" is open for public comments. See for the document, contact info and suggested feedback template.

Feedback by March 2021 is most welcome. Subsequent feedback will also be appreciated. It is expected that a followup draft version will later be posted for a new period of public comments.

11 March 2021

Announcement Announcement
Thanks to everyone for confirming the importance of the Cryptology ePrint Archive by alerting us that it was not reachable.

The problem has now been fixed

--The eprint editors & maintainers


27 November 2020

Announcement Announcement
The registration for Asiacrypt 2020 (virtual) is now open:

The IACR board has decided that virtual Asiacrypt 2020 will be free, but attendees are required to pay the IACR membership fee for 2021 if they have not already paid it (typically by attending an IACR conference in 2020).

The conference program is available here:


19 May 2020

Announcement Announcement
PKC 2020 has been converted to a virtual conference this year, to be held June 1-4. The program is now live and registration is open. Chat will go live on Saturday, May 20. The only fees being collected are for the IACR membership, so if you already attended RWC or Eurocrypt this year, then you can register for free.

24 April 2020

Dates: 11-15 May 2020
Announcement Announcement

The website for Eurocrypt 2020 has been revised with information about the upcoming virtual conference on May 11-15. Registration is now open, and further details will appear in the days to come.

This will be the first virtual conference by IACR, and the only cost for attendees will be the IACR membership fee if you haven't already paid it yet this year.

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