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19 February 2024

Juliane Krämer, Mirjam Loiero
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multivariate cryptography is one of the main candidates for creating post-quantum public key cryptosystems. Especially in the area of digital signatures, there exist many practical and secure multivariate schemes. The signature schemes UOV and Rainbow are two of the most promising and best studied multivariate schemes which have proven secure for more than a decade. However, so far the security of multivariate signature schemes towards physical attacks has not been appropriately assessed. Towards a better understanding of the physical security of multivariate signature schemes, this paper presents fault attacks against SingleField schemes, especially UOV and Rainbow. Our analysis shows that although promising attack vectors exist, multivariate signature schemes inherently offer a good protection against fault attacks.
Jiseung Kim, Changmin Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The learning parity with noise (LPN) problem has been widely utilized in classical cryptography to construct cryptographic primitives. Various variants of LPN have been proposed, including LPN over large fields and LPN with regular noise, depending on the underlying space and the noise regularity. These LPN variants have proven to be useful in constructing cryptographic primitives.

We propose an improvement to the Gaussian elimination attack, which is also known as Prange's information set decoding algorithm, for solving the LPN problem. Contrary to prevailing knowledge, we find that the Gaussian elimination attack is highly competitive and currently the best method for solving LPN over large fields. Our improvement involves applying partial Gaussian elimination repeatedly, rather than the whole Gaussian algorithm, which we have named the ``Reduce and Prange's algorithm".

Moreover, we provide two applications of Reduce and Prange algorithms: One is the hybrid algorithm of ours and Berstein, Lange and Peters's algorithm at PQCrypto'08, and the other one is Reduce and Prange algorithm for LPN with regular noise.

Last, we provide a concrete estimation of the bit-security of LPN variants using our Reduce and Prange's frameworks. Our results show that the bit-security of LPN over $\mathbb{F}_q$ is reduced by 5-11 bits when $\log q = 128$ compared to previous analysis by Liu et al. (will appear at Eurocrypt'24). Furthermore, we show that our algorithm outperforms recent work by Briaud and Øygard (Eurocrypt'23) and Liu et al. for certain parameters. It reduces the bit-security of LPN with regular noise by 5-28 bits.
Chun Guo, Xiao Wang, Xiang Xie, Yu Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-user (mu) security considers large-scale attackers that, given access to a number of cryptosystem in stances, attempt to compromise at least one of them. We initiate the study of mu security of the so-called GGMtree that stems from the PRG-to-PRF transformation of Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Micali, with a goal to provide references for its recently popularized use in applied cryptography. We propose a generalized model for GGM trees and analyze its mu prefix-constrained PRF security in the random oracle model. Our model allows to derive concrete bounds and improvements for various protocols, and we showcase on the Bitcoin-Improvement-Proposal standard Bip32 hierarchical wallets and function secret sharing (FSS) proto cols. In both scenarios, we propose improvements with better performance and concrete security bounds at the same time. Compared with the state-of-the-art designs, our SHACAL3- and KeccaK-?-based Bip32 vari ants reduce the communication cost of MPC-based implementations by 73.3%∼93.8%, while our AES-based FSS substantially improves mu security while reducing computations by 50%.
Heewon Chung, Hyojun Kim, Young-Sik Kim, Yongwoo Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a new method for efficient look-up table (LUT) evaluation in homomorphic encryption (HE), based on Ring-LWE-based HE schemes, including both integer-message schemes such as Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) and Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV), and complex-number-message schemes like the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) scheme. Our approach encodes bit streams into codewords and translates LUTs into low-degree multivariate polynomials, allowing for the simultaneous evaluation of multiple independent LUTs with minimal overhead. To mitigate noise accumulation in the CKKS scheme, we propose a novel noise-reduction technique, accompanied by proof demonstrating its effectiveness in asymptotically decreasing noise levels. We demonstrate our algorithm's effectiveness through a proof-of-concept implementation, showcasing significant efficiency gains, including a 0.029ms per slot evaluation for 8-input, 8-output LUTs and a 280ms amortized decryption time for AES-128 using CKKS on a single GPU. This work not only advances LUT evaluation in HE but also introduces a transciphering method for the CKKS scheme utilizing standard symmetric-key encryption, bridging the gap between discrete bit strings and numerical data.
Jonathan Trostle
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption has been an active area of research since Gentry's breakthrough results on fully homomorphic encryption. We present secret key somewhat homomorphic schemes where client privacy is information-theoretic (server can be computationally unbounded). As the group order in our schemes gets larger, entropy approaches max- imal entropy (perfect security). Our basic scheme is additive somewhat homomorphic. In one scheme, the server handles circuit multiplication gates by returning the mulitiplicands to the client which does the multiplication and sends back the encrypted product. We give a 2-party protocol that also incorporates server inputs where the client privacy is information-theoretic. Server privacy is not information-theoretic, but rather depends on hardness of the subset sum problem. Correctness for the server in the malicious model can be verified by a 3rd party where the client and server privacy are information-theoretically protected from the verifier. Scaling the 2PC protocol via separate encryption parameters for smaller subcircuits allows the ciphertext size to grow logarithmically as circuit size grows.
Narendra Kumar Patel, Hemraj Shobharam Lamkuche
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The advancements in information technology have made the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the PRESENT cipher indispensable in ensuring data security and facilitating private transactions. AES is renowned for its flexibility and widespread use in various fields, while the PRESENT cipher excels in lightweight cryptographic situations. This paper delves into a dual examination of the Key Scheduling Algorithms (KSAs) of AES and the PRESENT cipher, which play a crucial role in generating round keys for their respective encryption techniques. By implementing deep learning methods, particularly a Neural Network model, our study aims to unravel the complexities of these KSAs and shed light on their inner workings.
Janice Jianing Si, Sharma Tanusree, Kanye Ye Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The advent of Web3 technologies promises unprecedented levels of user control and autonomy. However, this decentralization shifts the burden of security onto the users, making it crucial to understand their security behaviors and perceptions. To address this, our study introduces a comprehensive framework that identifies four core components of user interaction within the Web3 ecosystem: blockchain infrastructures, Web3-based Decentralized Applications (DApps), online communities, and off-chain cryptocurrency platforms. We delve into the security concerns perceived by users in each of these components and analyze the mitigation strategies they employ, ranging from risk assessment and aversion to diversification and acceptance. We further discuss the landscape of both technical and human-induced security risks in the Web3 ecosystem, identify the unique security differences between Web2 and Web3, and highlight key challenges that render users vulnerable, to provide implications for security design in Web3.
Samir Jordan Menon, David J. Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce YPIR, a single-server private information retrieval (PIR) protocol that achieves high throughput (up to 75% of the memory bandwidth of the machine) without any offline communication. For retrieving a 1-bit (or 1-byte) record from a 32-GB database, YPIR achieves 10.9 GB/s/core server throughput and requires 2.5 MB of total communication. On the same setup, the state-of-the-art SimplePIR protocol achieves a 12.6 GB/s/core server throughput, requires 1.5 MB total communication, but additionally requires downloading a 724 MB hint in an offline phase. YPIR leverages a new lightweight technique to remove the hint from high-throughput single-server PIR schemes with small overhead. We also show how to reduce the server preprocessing time in the SimplePIR family of protocols by a factor of $10$-$15\times$.

By removing the need for offline communication, YPIR significantly reduces the server-side costs for private auditing of Certificate Transparency logs. Compared to the best previous PIR-based approach, YPIR reduces the server-side costs by a factor of $5.6\times$. Note that to reduce communication costs, the previous approach assumed that updates to the Certificate Transparency log servers occurred in weekly batches. Since there is no offline communication in YPIR, our approach allows clients to always audit the most recent Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., updating once a day). Supporting daily updates using the prior scheme would cost $30\times$ more than YPIR (based on current AWS compute costs).
Milad Seddigh, Seyed Hamid Baghestani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) provides effective charging services, allows bidirectional energy communication between the power grid and electric vehicle (EV), and reduces environmental pollution and energy crises. Recently, Sungjin Yu et al. proposed a PUF-based, robust, and anonymous authentication and key establishment scheme for V2G networks. In this paper, we show that the proposed protocol does not provide user anonymity and is vulnerable to tracing attack. We also found their scheme is vulnerable to ephemeral secret leakage attacks.
Minki Hhan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper studies the limitations of the generic approaches to solving cryptographic problems in classical and quantum settings in various models. - In the classical generic group model (GGM), we find simple alternative proofs for the lower bounds of variants of the discrete logarithm (DL) problem: the multiple-instance DL and one-more DL problems (and their mixture). We also re-prove the unknown-order GGM lower bounds, such as the order finding, root extraction, and repeated squaring. - In the quantum generic group model (QGGM), we study the complexity of variants of the discrete logarithm. We prove the logarithm DL lower bound in the QGGM even for the composite order setting. We also prove an asymptotically tight lower bound for the multiple-instance DL problem. Both results resolve the open problems suggested in a recent work by Hhan, Yamakawa, and Yun. - In the quantum generic ring model we newly suggested, we give the logarithmic lower bound for the order-finding algorithms, an important step for Shor's algorithm. We also give a logarithmic lower bound for a certain generic factoring algorithm outputting relatively small integers, which includes a modified version of Regev's algorithm. - Finally, we prove a lower bound for the basic index calculus method for solving the DL problem in a new idealized group model regarding smooth numbers. The quantum lower bounds in both models allow certain (different) types of classical preprocessing. All of the proofs are significantly simpler than the previous proofs and are through a single tool, the so-called compression lemma, along with linear algebra tools. Our use of this lemma may be of independent interest.
Evan Laufer, Alex Ozdemir, Dan Boneh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Interactive theorem provers (ITPs), such as Lean and Coq, can express formal proofs for a large category of theorems, from abstract math to software correctness. Consider Alice who has a Lean proof for some public statement $T$. Alice wants to convince the world that she has such a proof, without revealing the actual proof. Perhaps the proof shows that a secret program is correct or safe, but the proof itself might leak information about the program's source code. A natural way for Alice to proceed is to construct a succinct, zero-knowledge, non-interactive argument of knowledge (zkSNARK) to prove that she has a Lean proof for the statement $T$.

In this work we build zkPi, the first zkSNARKfor proofs expressed in Lean, a state of the art interactive theorem prover. With zkPi, a prover can convince a verifier that a Lean theorem is true, while revealing little else. The core problem is building an efficient zkSNARKfor dependent typing. We evaluate zkPion theorems from two core Lean libraries: stdlib and mathlib. zkPisuccessfuly proves 57.9% of the theorems in stdlib, and 14.1% of the theorems in mathlib, within 4.5 minutes per theorem. A zkPiproof is sufficiently short that Fermat could have written one in the margin of his notebook to convince the world, in zero knowledge, that he proved his famous last theorem.

Interactive theorem provers (ITPs) can express virtually all systems of formal reasoning. Thus, an implemented zkSNARKfor ITP theorems generalizes practical zero-knowledge's interface beyond the status quo: circuit satisfiability and program execution.
Leo de Castro, Kevin Lewi, Edward Suh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent constructions of private information retrieval (PIR) have seen significant improvements in computational performance. However, these improvements rely on heavy offline preprocessing that is typically difficult in real-world applications. Motivated by the question of PIR with no offline processing, we introduce WhisPIR, a fully stateless PIR protocol with low per-query communication. WhisPIR clients are all ephemeral, meaning that they appear with only the protocol public parameters and disappear as soon as their query is complete, giving no opportunity for additional "offline" communication that is not counted towards the overall query communication. As such, WhisPIR is highly suited for practical applications that must support many clients and frequent database updates.

We demonstrate that WhisPIR requires significantly less communication than all other lattice-based PIR protocols in a stateless setting. WhisPIR is outperformed in computation only by SimplePIR and HintlessPIR when the database entries are large (several kilobytes). WhisPIR achieves this performance by introducing a number of novel optimizations. These include improvements to the index expansion algorithm of SealPIR & OnionPIR that optimizes the algorithm when only one rotation key is available. WhisPIR also makes novel use of the non-compact variant of the BGV homomorphic encryption scheme to further save communication and computation. To demonstrate the practicality of WhisPIR, we apply the protocol to the problem of secure blocklist checking, an important user-safety application in end-to-end encrypted messaging.
Michele Orrù, George Kadianakis, Mary Maller, Greg Zaverucha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge circuits are frequently required to prove gadgets that are not optimised for the constraint system in question. A particularly daunting task is to embed foreign arithmetic such as Boolean operations, field arithmetic, or public-key cryptography.

We construct techniques for offloading foreign arithmetic from a zero-knowledge circuit including: (i) equality of discrete logarithms across different groups; (ii) scalar multiplication without requiring elliptic curve operations; (iii) proving knowledge of an AES encryption.

To achieve our goal, we employ techniques inherited from rejection sampling and lookup protocols. We implement and provide concrete benchmarks for our protocols.
Nils Fleischhacker, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Mark Simkin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a concretely efficient and simple extractable witness encryption scheme for KZG polynomial commitments. It allows to encrypt a message towards a triple $(\mathsf{com}, \alpha, \beta)$, where $\mathsf{com}$ is a KZG commitment for some polynomial $f$. Anyone with an opening for the commitment attesting $f(\alpha) = \beta$ can decrypt, but without knowledge of a valid opening the message is computationally hidden. Our construction is simple and highly efficient. The ciphertext is only a single group element. Encryption and decryption both require a single pairing evaluation and a constant number of group operations.

Using our witness encryption scheme, we construct a simple and highly efficient laconic OT protocol, which significantly outperforms the state of the art in most important metrics.
Sanjam Garg, Dimitris Kolonelos, Guru-Vamsi Policharla, Mingyuan Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We build a concretely efficient threshold encryption scheme where the joint public key of a set of parties is computed as a deterministic function of their locally computed public keys, enabling a silent setup phase. By eliminating interaction from the setup phase, our scheme immediately enjoys several highly desirable features such as asynchronous setup, multiverse support, and dynamic threshold. Prior to our work, the only known constructions of threshold encryption with silent setup relied on heavy cryptographic machinery such as indistinguishability Obfuscation or witness encryption for all of $\mathsf{NP}$. Our core technical innovation lies in building a special purpose witness encryption scheme for the statement ``at least $t$ parties have signed a given message''. Our construction relies on pairings and is proved secure in the Generic Group Model. Notably, our construction, restricted to the special case of threshold $t=1$, gives an alternative construction of the (flexible) distributed broadcast encryption from pairings, which has been the central focus of several recent works. We implement and evaluate our scheme to demonstrate its concrete efficiency. Both encryption and partial decryption are constant time, taking $<7\,$ms and $<1\,$ms, respectively. For a committee of $1024$ parties, the aggregation of partial decryptions takes $<200\,$ms, when all parties provide partial decryptions. The size of each ciphertext is $\approx 8\times$ larger than an ElGamal ciphertext.
Tim Beyne, Addie Neyt
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At Eurocrypt 2023, a differential attack on the block cipher Speedy-7-192 was presented. This note shows that the main differential characteristic that this attack is based on has probability zero.
Véronique Cortier, Alexandre Debant, Anselme Goetschmann, Lucca Hirschi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Eligibility checks are often abstracted away or omitted in voting protocols, leading to situations where the voting server can easily stuff the ballot box. One reason for this is the difficulty of bootstraping the authentication material for voters without relying on trusting the voting server. In this paper, we propose a new protocol that solves this problem by building on OpenID, a widely deployed authentication protocol. Instead of using it as a standard authentication means, we turn it into a mechanism that delivers transferable proofs of eligibility. Using zk-SNARK proofs, we show that this can be done without revealing any compromising information, in particular, protecting everlasting privacy. Our approach remains efficient and can easily be integrated into existing protocols, as we have done for the Belenios voting protocol. We provide a full-fledged proof of concept along with benchmarks showing our protocol could be realistically used in large-scale elections.
Antoine Joux, Julian Loss, Benedikt Wagner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Given its integral role in modern encryption systems such as CRYSTALS-Kyber, the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform will soon be at the center of our secure communications infrastructure. An enduring debate surrounding the FO transform is whether to use explicit or implicit rejection when decapsulation fails. Presently, implicit rejection, as implemented in CRYSTALS-Kyber, is supported by a strong set of arguments. Therefore, understanding its security implications in different attacker models is essential.

In this work, we study implicit rejection through a novel lens, namely, from the perspective of kleptography. Concretely, we consider an attacker model in which the attacker can subvert the user's code to compromise security while remaining undetectable. In this scenario, we present three attacks that significantly reduce the security level of the FO transform with implicit rejection. Notably, our attacks apply to CRYSTALS-Kyber.
Kehao Ma, Minghui Xu, Yihao Guo, Lukai Cui, Shiping Ni, Shan Zhang, Weibing Wang, Haiyong Yang, Xiuzhen Cheng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, decentralized computing has gained popularity in various domains such as decentralized learning, financial services and the Industrial Internet of Things. As identity privacy becomes increasingly important in the era of big data, safeguarding user identity privacy while ensuring the security of decentralized computing systems has become a critical challenge. To address this issue, we propose ADC (Anonymous Decentralized Computing) to achieve anonymity in decentralized computing. In ADC, the entire network of users can vote to trace and revoke malicious nodes. Furthermore, ADC possesses excellent Sybil-resistance and Byzantine fault tolerance, enhancing the security of the system and increasing user trust in the decentralized computing system. To decentralize the system, we propose a practical blockchain-based decentralized group signature scheme called Group Contract. We construct the entire decentralized system based on Group Contract, which does not require the participation of a trusted authority to guarantee the above functions. Finally, we conduct rigorous privacy and security analysis and performance evaluation to demonstrate the security and practicality of ADC for decentralized computing with only a minor additional time overhead.
Chuanlei Li, Minghui Xu, Jiahao Zhang, Hechuan Guo, Xiuzhen Cheng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Decentralized Storage Networks (DSNs) represent a paradigm shift in data storage methodology, distributing and housing data across multiple network nodes rather than relying on a centralized server or data center architecture. The fundamental objective of DSNs is to enhance security, reinforce reliability, and mitigate censorship risks by eliminating a single point of failure. Leveraging blockchain technology for functions such as access control, ownership validation, and transaction facilitation, DSN initiatives aim to provide users with a robust and secure alternative to traditional centralized storage solutions. This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of the developmental trajectory of DSNs, focusing on key components such as Proof of Storage protocols, consensus algorithms, and incentive mechanisms. Additionally, the study explores recent optimization tactics, encountered challenges, and potential avenues for future research, thereby offering insights into the ongoing evolution and advancement within the DSN domain.
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