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12 June 2023

Krzysztof MAŃK
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Randomness testing is one of the essential and easiest tools for evaluating cryptographic primitives. The faster we can test, the greater volume of data that can be tested. Thus a more detailed analysis is possible. This paper presents a range of observations made for a well-known frequency test for overlapping vectors in binary sequence testing. We have obtained precise chi-square statistic computed in $O \left(dt 2^{dt} \right)$ instead of $O\left( 2^{2dt}\right)$ time, without precomputed tables.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that the key agreement scheme [J. Syst. Archit., 116: 102053, 2021] is flawed. It makes use of a symmetric key encryption to transfer data between the user and server. But the symmetric key is easily retrieved by an adversary, which results in the loss of data confidentiality, and makes it vulnerable to impersonation attack.
Qian Liu, Xiaobei Dong, Ximeng Liu, Jian Zou
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Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear codes and have applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems as they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In this paper, by analyzing the solutions of certain equations over $\mathbb{F}_{3^m}$ and using the multivariate method, we present three classes of optimal ternary cyclic codes in the case of $m$ is odd and five classes of optimal ternary cyclic codes with explicit values $e$, respectively. In addition, two classes of optimal ternary cyclic codes $C_{(u, v)}$ are given.
Mingyao Shao, Yuejun Liu, Yongbin Zhou
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Key mismatch attacks resilience is a great concern for KEMs in the NIST PQC standardization process. In key mismatch attacks, the adversary aims to recover the reused key by sending special form of ciphertexts to the target party and observing whether the shared key matches his guesses or not.

In this paper, we propose pairwise-parallel key mismatch attacks on Kyber and other lattice-based KEMs. The strategy is to recover partial information about multiple secret key coefficient-pairs in a parallel way per query. We realize the required multi-value key mismatch oracle in a simple key exchange scenario and experimentally validate our proposed attacks. Our attacks greatly reduce the number of queries required to recover the full secret key. Specifically, compared with state-of-the-art key mismatch attacks on CPA-secure Kyber, our attacks reduce the number of queries by 95% with computational complexity $2^{32}$. Then we employ the post-processing with lattice reduction to further minimize the number of queries. The results show we only need 78 queries to recover the full secret key with a lattice reduction cost of $2^{32}$. Moreover, our proposed pairwise-parallel attack method can be directly applied to enhance the PC oracle-based SCA against CCA-secure Kyber, reducing the number of queries/traces by 16.67%.
Gabrielle De Micheli, Daniele Micciancio, Alice Pellet-Mary, Nam Tran
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this article, we give evidence that free modules (i.e., modules which admit a basis) are no weaker than arbitrary modules, when it comes to solving cryptographic algorithmic problems (and when the rank of the module is at least 2). More precisely, we show that for three algorithmic problems used in cryptography, namely the shortest vector problem, the Hermite shortest vector problem and a variant of the closest vector problem, there is a reduction from solving the problem in any module of rank $n ≥ 2$ to solving the problem in any free module of the same rank $n$. As an application, we show that this can be used to dequantize the LLL algorithm for module lattices presented by Lee et al. (Asiacrypt 2019).
Kittiphon Phalakarn, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, M. Anwar Hasan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Strategies and their evaluations play important roles in speeding up the computation of large smooth-degree isogenies. The concept of optimal strategies for such computation was introduced by De Feo et al., and virtually all implementations of isogeny-based protocols have adopted this approach, which is provably optimal for single-core platforms. In spite of its inherent sequential nature, several recent works have studied ways of speeding up this isogeny computation by exploiting the rich parallelism available in vectorized and multi-core platforms. One obstacle to taking full advantage of this parallelism, however, is that De Feo et al.'s strategies are not necessarily optimal in multi-core environments. To illustrate how the speed of vectorized and parallel isogeny computation can be improved at the strategy-level, we present two novel software implementations that utilize a state-of-the-art evaluation technique, called precedence-constrained scheduling (PCS), presented by Phalakarn et al., with our proposed strategies crafted for these environments. Our first implementation relies only on the parallelism provided by multi-core processors. The second implementation targets multi-core processors supporting the latest generation of the Intel's Advanced Vector eXtensions (AVX) technology, commonly known as AVX-512IFMA instructions. To better handle the computational concurrency associated with PCS, we equip both implementations with extensive synchronization techniques. Our first implementation outperforms the implementation of Cervantes-Vazquez et al. by yielding up to 14.36% reduction in the execution time, when targeting platforms with two- to four-core processors. Our second implementation, equipped with four cores, achieves up to 34.05% reduction in the execution time compared to the single-core implementation of Cheng et al. of CHES 2022.
Subhadeep Banik, Daniel Collins, Willi Meier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A near collision attack against the Grain v1 stream cipher was proposed by Zhang et al. in Eurocrypt 18. The attack uses the fact that two internal states of the stream cipher with very low hamming distance between them, produce similar keystream sequences which can be identified by simple statistical tests. Such internal states once found in the stream cipher simplify the task of cryptanalysis for the attacker. However this attack has recently come under heavy criticism from Derbez et al. at ToSC 2020:4, who claim that some of the assumptions made in the above paper were not correct. As a result they concluded that the attack presented by Zhang et al. when implemented would take time more than required for a brute force search. In this paper, we take another look at the near collision attack against the Grain v1 stream cipher. We avoid the techniques of the above Eurocrypt paper that have come under criticism, and independently show that a near collision attack can still be applied to Grain v1.
Loïc Masure, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking is a counter-measure that can be incorporated to software and hardware implementations of block ciphers to provably se- cure them against side-channel attacks. The security of masking can be proven in different types of threat models. In this paper, we are interested in directly proving the security in the most realistic threat model, the so-called noisy leakage adversary, that captures well how real-world side- channel adversaries operate. Direct proofs in this leakage model have been established by Prouff & Rivain at Eurocrypt 2013, Dziembowski et al. at Eurocrypt 2015, and Prest et al. at Crypto 2019. Both proofs are complementary to each other, in the sense that the weaknesses of one proof are fixed in at least one of the others, and conversely. These weak- nesses concerned in particular the strong requirements on the noise level and the security parameter to get meaningful security bounds, and some requirements on the type of adversary covered by the proof — i.e., cho- sen or random plaintexts. This suggested that the drawbacks of each security bound could actually be proof artifacts. In this paper, we solve these issues, by revisiting Prouff & Rivain’s approach.
Srinivasan Raghuraman, Peter Rindal, Titouan Tanguy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The recent development of pseudorandom correlation generators (PCG) holds tremendous promise for highly efficient MPC protocols. Among other correlations, PCGs allow for the efficient generation of oblivious transfer (OT) and vector oblivious linear evaluations (VOLE) with sublinear communication and concretely good computational overhead. This type of PCG makes use of a so-called LPN-friendly error-correcting code. That is, for large dimensions the code should have very efficient encoding and have high minimum distance.

We investigate existing LPN-friendly codes and find that several candidates are less secure than was believed. Beginning with the recent expand-accumulate codes, we find that for their aggressive parameters, aimed at good concrete efficiency, they achieve a smaller [pseudo] minimum distance than conjectured. This decreases the resulting security parameter of the PCG but it remains unclear by how much. We additionally show that the recently proposed and extremely efficient silver codes achieve only very small minimum distance and result in concretely efficient attacks on the resulting PCG protocol. As such, silver codes should not be used.

We introduce a new LPN-friendly code which we call \emph{expand-convolute}. These codes have provably high minimum distance and faster encoding time than suitable alternatives, e.g. expand-accumulate. The main contribution of these codes is the introduction of a convolution step that dramatically increases the minimum distance. This in turn allows for a more efficient parameter selection which results in improved concrete performance. In particular, we observe a 3 times improvement in running time for a comparable security level.
Xiang Fu
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Given a table $\mathfrak{t} ∈ \mathbb{F}_N$ , and a commitment to a polynomial $f (X) \in $ $\mathbb{F}_{
Khashayar Barooti, Daniel Collins, Simone Colombo, Loı̈s Huguenin-Dumittan, Serge Vaudenay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The widely used Signal protocol provides protection against state exposure attacks through forward security (protecting past messages) and post-compromise security (for restoring security). It supports immediate decryption, allowing messages to be re-ordered or dropped at the protocol level without affecting correctness. In this work, we consider strong active attack detection for secure messaging with immediate decryption, where parties are able to immediately detect active attacks under certain conditions. We first consider in-band active attack detection, where participants who have been actively compromised but are still able to send a single message to their partner can detect the compromise. We propose two complementary notions to capture security, and present a compiler that provides security with respect to both notions. Our notions generalise existing work (RECOVER security) which only supported in-order messaging. We also study the related out-of-band attack detection problem by considering communication over out-of-band, authenticated channels and propose analogous security notions. We prove that one of our two notions in each setting imposes a linear communication overhead in the number of sent messages and security parameter using an information-theoretic argument. This implies that each message must information-theoretically contain all previous messages and that our construction, that essentially attaches the entire message history to every new message, is asymptotically optimal. We then explore ways to bypass this lower bound and highlight the feasibility of practical active attack detection compatible with immediate decryption.
Claude Carlet, Irene Villa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cubic bent Boolean functions (i.e. bent functions of algebraic degree at most 3) have the property that, for every nonzero element $a$ of $\mathbb{F}_2^n$, the derivative $D_af(x)=f(x)+f(x+a)$ of $f$ admits at least one derivative $D_bD_af(x)=f(x)+f(x+a)+f(x+b)+f(x+a+b)$ that is equal to constant function 1. We study the general class of those Boolean functions having this property, which we call cubic-like bent. We study the properties of such functions and the structure of their constant second-order derivatives. We characterize them by means of their Walsh transform (that is, by their duals), by the Walsh transform of their derivatives and by other means. We study them within the Maiorana-McFarland class of bent functions, providing characterizations and constructions and showing the existence of cubic-like bent functions of any algebraic degree between 2 and $\frac n2$.
Yanis Belkheyar, Joan Daemen, Christoph Dobraunig, Santosh Ghosh, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
For many latency-critical operations in computer systems, like memory reads/writes, adding encryption can have a big impact on the performance. Hence, the existence of cryptographic primitives with good security properties and minimal latency is a key element in the wide-spread implementation of such security measures. % In this paper, we present two new families of low-latency permutations/block ciphers called Sonic and SuperSonic, inspired by Simon. In this paper, we introduce two new families of low-latency permutations/block ciphers called Sonic and SuperSonic, inspired by the Simon block ciphers.
Khashayar Barooti, Alex B. Grilo, Loïs Huguenin-Dumittan, Giulio Malavolta, Or Sattath, Quoc-Huy Vu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the framework of Impagliazzo's five worlds, a distinction is often made between two worlds, one where public-key encryption exists (Cryptomania), and one in which only one-way functions exist (MiniCrypt). However, the boundaries between these worlds can change when quantum information is taken into account. Recent work has shown that quantum variants of oblivious transfer and multi-party computation, both primitives that are classically in Cryptomania, can be constructed from one-way functions, placing them in the realm of quantum MiniCrypt (the so-called MiniQCrypt). This naturally raises the following question: Is it possible to construct a quantum variant of public-key encryption, which is at the heart of Cryptomania, from one-way functions or potentially weaker assumptions? In this work, we initiate the formal study of the notion of quantum public-key encryption (qPKE), i.e., public-key encryption where keys are allowed to be quantum states. We propose new definitions of security and several constructions of qPKE based on the existence of one-way functions (OWF), or even weaker assumptions, such as pseudorandom function-like states (PRFS) and pseudorandom function-like states with proof of destruction (PRFSPD). Finally, to give a tight characterization of this primitive, we show that computational assumptions are necessary to build quantum public-key encryption. That is, we give a self-contained proof that no quantum public-key encryption scheme can provide information-theoretic security.
Michele Fabbrini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The major objective of this paper is to present a theoretical model for an algorithm that has not been previously described in the literature, capable of generating a secret key through the transmission of data over a public channel. We explain how the method creates a shared secret key by attaining commutativity through the multiplication of the modular exponentiation of a minimum of two bases and an equal number of private exponents for each party involved in the exchange. In addition, we explore the relationship between CMME and the traditional Diffie-Hellman scheme. We just briefly discuss the algorithm's security, opting to leave the essential investigation to cryptanalysts, while we elucidate on the algorithm's mechanism by illustrating some cases.
Dennis Hofheinz, Julia Kastner, Karen Klein
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Existing proofs of adaptive security (e.g., in settings in which decryption keys are adaptively revealed) often rely on guessing arguments. Such guessing arguments can be simple (and, e.g., just involve guessing which keys are revealed), or more complex "partitioning'' arguments. Since guessing directly and negatively impacts the loss of the corresponding security reduction, this leads to black-box lower bounds for a number of cryptographic scenarios that involve adaptive security.

In this work, we provide an alternative to such guessing arguments: instead of guessing in a security reduction which adaptive choices an adversary A makes, we rewind A many times until we can successfully embed a given computational challenge. The main benefit of using rewindings is that these rewindings can be arranged sequentially, and the corresponding reduction loss only accumulates additively (instead of multiplicatively, as with guessing). The main technical challenge is to show that A's success is not negatively affected after (potentially many) rewindings. To this end, we develop a machinery for "undirected'' rewindings that preserve A's success across (potentially many) rewindings.

We use this strategy to show - security of the "Logical Key Hierarchy'' protocol underlying the popular TreeKEM key management protocol, and - security of the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Micali (GGM) pseudorandom function (PRF) as a prefix-constrained PRF.

In both cases, we provide the first polynomial reductions to standard assumptions (i.e., to IND-CPA and PRG security, respectively), and in case of the GGM PRF, we also circumvent an existing lower bound.
Dimitris Kolonelos, Giulio Malavolta, Hoeteck Wee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributed broadcast encryption (DBE) [Boneh and Zhandry - CRYPTO 2014] improves on the traditional notion of broadcast encryption by eliminating the key-escrow problem: In a DBE system, users generate their own secret keys without the help of a trusted party. Then anyone can broadcast a message for a subset S of the users, in such a way that the resulting ciphertext size is sublinear in (and, ideally, independent of) |S|. Unfortunately, the only known construction of DBE requires heavy cryptographic machinery, such as general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscation. In this work, we show that obfuscation is not necessary for DBE, and we present two DBE schemes from standard assumptions in prime-order bilinear groups. Our constructions are conceptually simple, satisfy the strong notion of adaptive security, and are concretely efficient. In fact, their performance, in terms of number of group elements and efficiency of the algorithms, is comparable with that of traditional (non distributed) broadcast encryption schemes from bilinear groups.
Jiale Chen, Dima Grigoriev, Vladimir Shpilrain
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We offer two very transparent digital signature schemes: one using non-square matrices and the other using scrap automorphisms. The former can be easily converted to a public key encryption scheme.
Debadrita Talapatra, Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) supports efficient keyword searches over encrypted outsourced document collections while minimizing information leakage. All practically efficient SSE schemes supporting conjunctive queries rely crucially on quantum-broken cryptographic assumptions (such as discrete-log hard groups) to achieve compact storage and fast query processing. On the other hand, quantum-safe SSE schemes based on purely symmetric-key crypto-primitives either do not support conjunctive searches, or are practically inefficient. In particular, there exists no quantum-safe yet practically efficient conjunctive SSE scheme from lattice-based hardness assumptions. We solve this open question by proposing Oblivious Post-Quantum Secure Cross Tags (OQXT) – the first lattice-based practically efficient and highly scalable conjunctive SSE scheme. The technical centerpiece of OQXT is a novel oblivious cross-tag generation protocol with provable security guarantees derived from lattice-based hardness assumptions. We prove the post-quantum simulation security of OQXT with respect to a rigorously defined and thoroughly analyzed leakage profile. We then present a prototype implementation of OQXT and experimentally validate its practical efficiency and scalability over extremely large real-world databases. Our experiments show that OQXT has competitive end-to-end search latency when compared with the best (quantum-broken) conjunctive SSE schemes.
Yu Long Chen, Wonseok Choi, Changmin Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Proving security bounds in contexts with a large number of users is one of the central problems in symmetric-key cryptography today. This paper introduces a new method for information-theoretic multi-user security proofs, called ``the Squared-Ratio Method''. At its core, the method requires the expectation of the square of the ratio of observing the so-called good transcripts (from Patarin's H-coefficient technique) in the real and the ideal world. Central to the method is the observation that for information-theoretic adversaries, the KL-divergence for the multi-user security bound can be written as a summation of the KL-divergence of every single user. We showcase the Squared-Ratio Method on three examples: the Xor of two Permutations by Bellare et al. (EUROCRYPT '98) and Hall et al. (CRYPTO '98), the Encrypted Davies-Mayer by Cogliati and Seurin (CRYPTO '16), and the two permutation variant of the nEHtM MAC algorithm by Dutta et al. (EUROCRYPT '19). With this new tool, we provide improved bounds for the multi-user security of these constructions. Our approach is modular in the sense that the multi-user security can be obtained directly from single-user results.
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