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30 October 2023

Jörn Kußmaul, Matthew Akram, Anselme Tueno
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a well-studied secure two-party computation problem in which a client and a server want to compute the intersection of their input sets without revealing additional information to the other party. With this work, we present nested Cuckoo hashing, a novel hashing approach that can be combined with additively homomorphic encryption (AHE) to construct an efficient PSI protocol for unbalanced input sets. We formally prove the security of our protocol against semi-honest adversaries in the standard model. Our protocol yields client computation and communication complexity that is sublinear in the server’s set size and is thus of interest to clients with limited resources. The implementation and empirical evaluation of our protocol using the exponential ElGamal and BGV/BFV encryption schemes attests to state-of-the-art practical performance.
Karim Baghery
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An $(n, t)$-Non-Interactive Verifiable Secret Sharing (NI-VSS) scheme allows a dealer to share a secret among $n$ parties, s.t. all the parties can verify the validity of their shares and only a set of them, i.e., more than $t$, can access the secret. In this paper, we introduce $\Pi$, as a unified framework for building NI-VSS schemes in the majority honest setting. Notably, $\Pi$ does not rely on homomorphic commitments; instead, builds upon any commitment scheme that extra to its core attributes hiding and binding, it might be homomorphic and/or PQ-secure.

- When employing Discrete Logarithm (DL)-based commitments, $\Pi$ enables the construction of two novel NI-VSS schemes, named $\Pi_P$ and $\Pi_F$. In comparison to the well-known Pedersen and Feldman VSS schemes, both $\Pi_P$ and $\Pi_F$ require $O(1)$ exponentiations in the verification process, as opposed to $O(t)$, albeit at the expense of a slightly slower sharing phase and increased communication. - By instantiating $\Pi$ with a hash-based commitment scheme, we obtain the first PQ-secure NI-VSS scheme in the $\it{plain}$ model, labeled $\Pi_{LA}$ (pronounced [paɪla]). $\Pi_{LA}$ outperforms the recent random oracle-based construction by Atapoor, Baghery, Cozzo, and Pedersen from Asiacrypt'23 by a constant factor in all metrics. $\Pi_{LA}$ can also be viewed as an amplified version of the $\it{simple}$ NI-VSS scheme, proposed by Gennaro, Rabin, and Rabin, at PODC'98. - Building upon $\Pi_F$, we construct a Publicly VSS (PVSS) scheme, labeled $\Pi_S$, that can be seen as a new variant of Schoenmakers' scheme from Crypto'99. To this end, we first define the Polynomial Discrete Logarithm (PDL) problem, as a generalization of DL and then build a variant of the Schnorr Proof of Knowledge (PoK) scheme based on the new hardness assumption. We think the PDL relation and the associated PoK scheme can be independently interesting for Shamir-based threshold protocols.

We believe $\Pi$ is general enough to be employed in various contexts such as lattices, isogenies, and an extensive array of practical use cases.
Tomer Ashur, Al Kindi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We design a SNARKs/STARKs-optimized AEAD scheme based on the $\texttt{MonkeySpongeWrap}$ (ToSC 2023(2)) and the RPO permutation (ePrint 2022/1577).
Soumya Sahoo, Debasmita Chakraborty, Santanu Sarkar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
QARMAv2 represents a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced in ToSC 2023. This new iteration, QARMAv2, is an evolution of the original QARMA design, specifically constructed to accommodate more extended tweak values while simultaneously enhancing security measures. This family of ciphers is available in two distinct versions, referred to as QARMAv2-$b$-$s$, where ‘$b$’ signifies the block length, with options for both 64-bit and 128-bit blocks, and ‘$c$’ signifies the key length. In this paper, for the first time, we present differential fault analysis (DFA) of all the QARMAv2 variants- QARMAv2-64, and QARMAv2-128 by introducing an approach to utilize the fault propagation patterns at the nibble level, with the goal of identifying relevant faulty ciphertexts and vulnerable fault positions. This technique highlights a substantial security risk for the practical implementation of QARMAv2. By strategically introducing six random nibble faults into the input of the $(r − 1)$-th and $(r − 2)$-th backward rounds within the $r$-round QARMAv2-64, our attack achieves a significant reduction in the secret key space, diminishing it from the expansive $2^{128}$ to a significantly more smaller set of size $2^{32}$. Additionally, when targeting QARMAv2-128-128, it demands the introduction of six random nibble faults to effectively reduce the secret key space from $2^{128}$ to a remarkably reduced $2^{24}$. To conclude, we also explore the potential extension of our methods to conduct DFA on various other iterations and adaptations of the QARMAv2 cryptographic scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this marks the first instance of a differential fault attack targeting the QARMAv2 tweakable block cipher family, signifying an important direction in cryptographic analysis.
Gora Adj, Stefano Barbero, Emanuele Bellini, Andre Esser, Luis Rivera-Zamarripa, Carlo Sanna, Javier Verbel, Floyd Zweydinger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Since 2016’s NIST call for standardization of post-quantum cryptographic primitives, developing efficient post-quantum secure digital signature schemes has become a highly active area of research. The difficulty in constructing such schemes is evidenced by NIST reopening the call in 2022 for digital signature schemes, because of missing diversity in existing proposals. In this work, we introduce the new post-quantum digital signature scheme MiRitH. As direct successor of a scheme recently developed by Adj, Rivera-Zamarripa and Verbel (Africacrypt ’23), it is based on the hardness of the MinRank problem and follows the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm. We revisit the initial proposal, incorporate design-level improvements and provide more efficient parameter sets. We also provide the missing justification for the quantum security of all parameter sets following NIST metrics. In this context we design a novel Grover-amplified quantum search algorithm for solving the MinRank problem that outperforms a naive quantum brute-force search for the solution. MiRitH obtains signatures of size 5.7 kB for NIST category I security and therefore competes for the smallest signatures among any post-quantum signature following the MPCitH paradigm. At the same time MiRitH offers competitive signing and verification timings compared to the state of the art. To substantiate those claims we provide extensive implementations. This includes a reference implementation as well as optimized constant-time implementations for Intel processors (AVX2), and for the ARM (NEON) architecture. The speed-up of our optimized AVX2 implementation relies mostly on a redesign of the finite field arithmetic, improving over existing implementations as well as an improved memory management.
Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi, Anirban Chakraborty, Ayantika Chatterjee, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Classic MLaaS solutions suffer from privacy-related risks since the user is required to send unencrypted data to the server hosting the MLaaS. To alleviate this problem, a thriving line of research has emerged called Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) or secure MLaaS solutions that use cryptographic techniques to preserve the privacy of both the input of the client and the output of the server. However, these implementations do not take into consideration the possibility of transferability of known attacks in classic MLaaS settings to PPML settings. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to transfer existing model-extraction attacks using adversarial examples to PPML settings due to relaxed constraints on the abilities of the adversary. We show a working example of an end-to-end attack on an image processing application built using a popular FHE-based framework, namely Concrete-ML. We successfully create a cloned model with just 5000 queries, which is, in fact, 10× less than the size of the training set of the victim model, while incurring only a 7% loss in accuracy. Further, we incorporate the well-known defense strategy against such attacks and show that our attack is still able to clone the model. Finally, we evaluate the different defense rationales that exist in literature and observe that such model stealing attacks are difficult to prevent in secure MLaaS settings.

27 October 2023

João Diogo Duarte
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Joux--Vitse Crossbred algorithm's aim is to efficiently solve a system of semi-regular multivariate polynomials equations. The authors tested their algorithm for polynomials in $\mathbb{F}_2$ and stated that this algorithm also works for other finite fields. In addition. the algorithm is dependent on a set of parameters that control its course. Finding functional parameters for this algorithm is a non-trivial task, so the authors presented a bivariate generating series to test the admissibility of parameters in $\mathbb{F}_2$. However, due to restrictive page limits, the series itself and its derivation are not explained. In this work, the derivation of the bivariate generating series to test the admissibility of parameters in $\mathbb{F}_2$ is explained and from this, a new series for $\mathbb{F}_{q>2}$ is presented. In addition, a complexity estimate of the algorithm is given for both $\mathbb{F}_2$ and $\mathbb{F}_{q>2}$. By obtaining optimal parameters using the previous results, the cost of applying Crossbred to polynomial systems of various sizes, numbers of variables and values of $q$ was plotted. Overall, it was determined that for larger fields, the Crossbred algorithm does not provide an improved asymptotic complexity over FES (Fast Exhaustive Search) and a similar state-of-the-art algorithm, Hybrid-$F_5$.
Juan Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Yu Shen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the traditional consensus problem (aka Byzantine agreement), parties are required to agree on a common value despite the malicious behavior of some of them, subject to the condition that if all the honest parties start the execution with the same value, then that should be the outcome. This problem has been extensively studied by both the distributed computing and cryptographic protocols communities. With the advent of blockchains, whose main application—a distributed ledger—essentially requires that miners agree on their views, new techniques have been proposed to solve the problem, and in particular in so-called ``permissionless'' environments, where parties are not authenticated or have access to point to point channels and, further, may come and go as they please.

So far, the fastest way to achieve consensus in the proof-of-work (PoW)-based setting of Bitcoin, takes O(polylog $\kappa$) number of rounds, where $\kappa$ is the security parameter. We present the first protocol in this setting that requires expected-constant number of rounds. Further, we show how to apply securely sequential composition in order to yield a fast distributed ledger protocol that settles all transactions in expected-constant time. Our result is based on a novel instantiation of ``m-for-1 PoWs'' on parallel chains that facilitates our basic building block, Chain-King Consensus. The techniques we use, via parallel chains, to port classical protocol design elements (such as Phase-King Consensus, super-phase sequential composition and others) into the permissionless setting may be of independent interest.
Antonio Sanso
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents embedded curves that stem from BLS elliptic curves, providing general formulas derived from the curve’s seed. The mathematical groundwork is laid, and advantages of these embeddings are discussed. Additionally, practical examples are included at the end of the paper.

26 October 2023

Jaiden Fairoze, Sanjam Garg, Somesh Jha, Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Mingyuan Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct the first provable watermarking scheme for language models with public detectability or verifiability: we use a private key for watermarking and a public key for watermark detection. Our protocol is the first watermarking scheme that does not embed a statistical signal in generated text. Rather, we directly embed a publicly-verifiable cryptographic signature using a form of rejection sampling. We show that our construction meets strong formal security guarantees and preserves many desirable properties found in schemes in the private-key watermarking setting. In particular, our watermarking scheme retains distortion-freeness and model agnosticity. We implement our scheme and make empirical measurements over open models in the 7B parameter range. Our experiments suggest that our watermarking scheme meets our formal claims while preserving text quality.
Yu Song, Yu Long, Xian Xu, Dawn Gu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) protocol is a long-standing topic. Recently, a lot of efforts have been made in the research of asynchronous BFT. However, the existing solutions cannot adapt well to the flexible network environment, and suffer from problems such as high communication complexity or long latency. To improve the efficiency of BFT consensus in flexible networks, we propose FaBFT. FaBFT's clients can make their own assumptions about the network conditions, and make the most of their networks based on different network assumptions. We also use the BlockDAG structure and an efficient consistent broadcast protocol to improve the concurrency and reduce the number of steps in FaBFT. The comparison with other asynchronous BFT protocols shows that FaBFT has lower complexity and cancels the dependency on the view change. We prove that FaBFT is an atomic broadcast protocol in the flexible networks.
Orr Dunkelman, Shibam Ghosh, Nathan Keller, Gaetan Leurent, Avichai Marmor, Victor Mollimard
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The partial sums cryptanalytic technique was introduced in 2000 by Ferguson et al., who used it to break 6-round AES with time complexity of $2^{52}$ S-box computations -- a record that has not been beaten ever since. In 2014, Todo and Aoki showed that for 6-round AES, partial sums can be replaced by a technique based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), leading to an attack with a comparable complexity.

In this paper we show that the partial sums technique can be combined with an FFT-based technique, to get the best of the two worlds. Using our combined technique, we obtain an attack on 6-round AES with complexity of about $2^{46.4}$ additions. We fully implemented the attack experimentally, along with the partial sums attack and the Todo-Aoki attack, and confirmed that our attack improves the best known attack on 6-round AES by a factor of more than 32.

We expect that our technique can be used to significantly enhance numerous attacks that exploit the partial sums technique. To demonstrate this, we use our technique to improve the best known attack on 7-round Kuznyechik by a factor of more than 80, and to reduce the complexity of the best known attack on the full MISTY1 from $2^{69.5}$ to $2^{67}$.
Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Eik List, Sougata Mandal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In TCHES’22, Shen et al. proposed Triplex, a single-pass leakage-resistant authenticated encryption scheme based on Tweakable Block Ciphers (TBCs) with 2n-bit tweaks. Triplex enjoys beyond-birthday-bound ciphertext integrity in the CIML2 setting and birthday-bound confidentiality in the CCAmL1 notion. Despite its strengths, Triplex’s operational efficiency was hindered by its sequential nature, coupled with a rate limit of 2/3. In an endeavor to surmount these efficiency challenges, Peters et al. proposed Multiplex, a variant of Triplex with increased parallelism and a flexible rate of d/(d+1) that retains similar security guarantees. However, the innovation came at the price of requiring TBCs with dn-bit tweaks, which are unusual and potentially costly for d > 3. In this paper, we investigate the limits of generalized Triplex- and Multiplex-type constructions for single-pass leakage-resilient authenticated encryption. Our contributions are threefold. First, we show that such constructions cannot provide CIML2 integrity for any tweak lengths below dn/2 bits. Second, we provide a birthday-bound attack for constructions with TBCs of tweak lengths between dn/2 and (d − 1)n + n/2 bits. Finally, on the constructive side, we propose a family of single-pass leakage-resilient authenticated ciphers, dubbed Tweplex, that uses tweaks of dn/2 bits and provides a rate of d/(d + 1) while providing n/2-bit CIML2 integrity and CCAmL1 confidentiality.
Abel C. H. Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, the elliptic curve Qu-Vanstone (ECQV) implicit certificate scheme has found application in security credential management systems (SCMS) and secure vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication to issue pseudonymous certificates. However, the vulnerability of elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) to polynomial-time attacks posed by quantum computing raises concerns. In order to enhance resistance against quantum computing threats, various post-quantum cryptography methods have been adopted as standard (e.g. Dilithium) or candidate standard methods (e.g. McEliece cryptography), but state of the art has proven to be challenging to implement implicit certificates using lattice-based cryptography methods. Therefore, this study proposes a post-quantum cryptography McEliece-Chen (PQCMC) based on an efficient random invertible matrix generation method to issue pseudonymous certificates with less computation time. The study provides mathematical models to validate the key expansion process for implicit certificates. Furthermore, comprehensive security evaluations and discussions are conducted to demonstrate that distinct implicit certificates can be linked to the same end entity. In experiments, a comparison is conducted between the certificate length and computation time to evaluate the performance of the proposed PQCMC. This study demonstrates the viability of the implicit certificate scheme based on PQC as a means of countering quantum computing threats.
Thai Duong, Jiahui Gao, Duong Hieu Phan, Ni Trieu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The global lockdown imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in significant social and economic challenges. In an effort to reopen economies and simultaneously control the spread of the disease, the implementation of contact tracing and digital vaccine passport technologies has been introduced. While contact tracing methods have been extensively studied and scrutinized for security concerns through numerous publications, vaccine passports have not received the same level of attention in terms of defining the problems they address, establishing security requirements, or developing efficient systems. Many of the existing methods employed currently suffer from privacy issues. This work introduces PPass, an advanced digital vaccine passport system that prioritizes user privacy. We begin by outlining the essential security requirements for an ideal vaccine passport system. To address these requirements, we present two efficient constructions that enable PPass to function effectively across various environments while upholding user privacy. By estimating its performance, we demonstrate the practical feasibility of PPass. Our findings suggest that PPass can efficiently verify a passenger’s vaccine passport in just 7 milliseconds, with a modest bandwidth requirement of 480KB.
Pyrros Chaidos, Aggelos Kiayias, Leonid Reyzin, Anatoliy Zinovyev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Suppose a prover, in possession of a large body of valuable evidence, wants to quickly convince a verifier by presenting only a small portion of the evidence.

We define an Approximate Lower Bound Argument, or ALBA, which allows the prover to do just that: to succinctly prove knowledge of a large number of elements satisfying a predicate (or, more generally, elements of a sufficient total weight when a predicate is generalized to a weight function). The argument is approximate because there is a small gap between what the prover actually knows and what the verifier is convinced the prover knows. This gap enables very efficient schemes.

We present noninteractive constructions of ALBA in the random oracle and uniform reference string models and show that our proof sizes are nearly optimal. We also show how our constructions can be made particularly communication-efficient when the evidence is distributed among multiple provers, which is of practical importance when ALBA is applied to a decentralized setting.

We demonstrate two very different applications of ALBAs: for large-scale decentralized signatures and for proving universal composability of succinct proofs.
Thomas Espitau, Alexandre Wallet, Yang Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a general framework for polynomial-time lattice Gaussian sampling. It revolves around a systematic study of the discrete Gaussian measure and its samplers under extensions of lattices; we first show that given lattices $\Lambda'\subset \Lambda$ we can sample efficiently in $\Lambda$ if we know how to do so in $\Lambda'$ and the quotient $\Lambda/\Lambda'$, \emph{regardless} of the primitivity of $\Lambda'$. As a direct application, we tackle the problem of domain extension and restriction for sampling and propose a sampler tailored for lattice \emph{filtrations}, which can be seen as a broad generalization of the celebrated Klein's sampler. Then, we demonstrate how to sample using a change of bases, or even switching the ambient space, even when the target lattice is not represented as full-rank in the ambient space. We show how to correct the induced distortion with the ``convolution-like'' technique of Peikert (Crypto 2010) (which we encompass as a byproduct). Since our framework aims at modularity and leverage the combinations of smaller samplers to build new ones, we also propose ad-hoc samplers for the so-called \emph{root lattices} $\mathsf{A}_n, \mathsf{D}_n, \mathsf{E}_n$ as base cases, extending the state-of-the-art for root lattice sampling, which was limited to $\mathbb{Z}^n$. We also show how our framework blends with the so-called $k$ing construction and provides a sampler for the remarkable Leech and Barnes-Wall lattices.

As a by-product, we obtain novel, quasi-linear samplers for prime and smooth conductor (as $2^\ell 3^k$) cyclotomic rings, achieving essentially optimal Gaussian width. In a practice-oriented application, we showcase the impact of our work on hash-and-sign signatures over \textsc{ntru} lattices. In the best case, we can gain around 200 bytes (which corresponds to an improvement greater than 20\%) on the signature size. We also improve the new gadget-based constructions (Yu, Jia, Wang, Crypto 2023) and gain up to 110 bytes for the resulting signatures.

Lastly, we sprinkle our exposition with several new estimates for the smoothing parameter of lattices, stemming from our algorithmic constructions and by novel methods based on series reversion.
Jannis Leuther, Stefan Lucks
ePrint Report ePrint Report
QCB is a proposal for a post-quantum secure, rate-one authenticated encryption with associated data scheme (AEAD) based on classical OCB3 and \(\Theta\)CB, which are vulnerable against a quantum adversary in the Q2 setting. The authors of QCB prove integrity under plus-one unforgeability, whereas the proof of the stronger definition of blind unforgeability has been left as an open problem. After a short overview of QCB and the current state of security definitions for authentication, this work proves blind unforgeability of QCB. Finally, the strategy of using tweakable block ciphers in authenticated encryption is generalised to a generic blindly unforgeable AEAD model.
Claudia Bartoli, Ignacio Cascudo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
$\Sigma$-protocols are a widely utilized, relatively simple and well understood type of zero-knowledge proofs. However, the well known Schnorr $\Sigma$-protocol for proving knowledge of discrete logarithm in a cyclic group of known prime order, and similar protocols working over this type of groups, are hard to generalize to dealing with other groups. In particular with hidden order groups, due to the inability of the knowledge extractor to invert elements modulo the order.

In this paper, we introduce a universal construction of $\Sigma$-protocols designed to prove knowledge of preimages of group homomorphisms for any abelian finite group. In order to do this, we first establish a general construction of a $\Sigma$-protocol for $\mathfrak{R}$-module homomorphism given only a linear secret sharing scheme over the ring $\mathfrak{R}$, where zero knowledge and special soundness can be related to the privacy and reconstruction properties of the secret sharing scheme. Then, we introduce a new construction of 2-out-of-$n$ packed black-box secret sharing scheme capable of sharing $k$ elements of an arbitrary (abelian, finite) group where each share consists of $k+\log n-3$ group elements. From these two elements we obtain a generic ``batch'' $\Sigma$-protocol for proving knowledge of $k$ preimages of elements via the same group homomorphism, which communicates $k+\lambda-3$ elements of the group to achieve $2^{-\lambda}$ knowledge error.

For the case of class groups, we show that our $\Sigma$-protocol improves in several aspects on existing proofs for knowledge of discrete logarithm and other related statements that have been used in a number of works.

Finally, we extend our constructions from group homomorphisms to the case of ZK-ready functions, introduced by Cramer and Damg\aa rd in Crypto 09, which in particular include the case of proofs of knowledge of plaintext (and randomness) for some linearly homomorphic encryption schemes such as Joye-Libert encryption. However, in the case of Joye-Libert, we show an even better alternative, using Shamir secret sharing over Galois rings, which achieves $2^{-k}$ knowledge soundness by communicating $k$ ciphertexts to prove $k$ statements.
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) allows a dealer to publish encrypted shares of a secret so that parties holding the corresponding decryption keys may later reconstruct it. Both dealing and reconstruction are non-interactive and any verifier can check their validity. PVSS finds applications in randomness beacons, distributed key generation (DKG) and in YOSO MPC (Gentry et al. CRYPTO'21), when endowed with suitable publicly verifiable re-sharing as in YOLO YOSO (Cascudo et al. ASIACRYPT'22).

We introduce a PVSS scheme over class groups that achieves similar efficiency to state-of-the art schemes that only allow for reconstructing a function of the secret, while our scheme allows the reconstruction of the original secret. Our construction generalizes the DDH-based scheme of YOLO YOSO to operate over class groups, which poses technical challenges in adapting the necessary NIZKs in face of the unknown group order and the fact that efficient NIZKs of knowledge are not as simple to construct in this setting.

Building on our PVSS scheme's ability to recover the original secret, we propose two DKG protocols for discrete logarithm key pairs: a biasable 1-round protocol, which improves on the concrete communication/computational complexities of previous works; and a 2-round unbiasable protocol, which improves on the round complexity of previous works. We also add publicly verifiable resharing towards anonymous committees to our PVSS, so that it can be used to efficiently transfer state among committees in the YOSO setting. Together with a recent construction of MPC in the YOSO model based on class groups (Braun et al. CRYPTO'23), this results in the most efficient full realization (i.e without assuming receiver anonymous channels) of YOSO MPC based on the CDN framework with transparent setup.
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