International Association for Cryptologic Research

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10 July 2018

Dan Boneh, Darren Glass, Daniel Krashen, Kristin Lauter, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Mehdi Tibouchi, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe a framework for constructing an efficient non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) protocol for n parties for any n >= 2. Our approach is based on the problem of computing isogenies between isogenous elliptic curves, which is believed to be difficult. We do not obtain a working protocol because of a missing step that is currently an open problem. What we need to complete our protocol is an efficient algorithm that takes as input an abelian variety presented as a product of isogenous elliptic curves, and outputs an isomorphism invariant of the abelian variety.

Our framework builds a cryptographic invariant map, which is a new primitive closely related to a cryptographic multilinear map, but whose range does not necessarily have a group structure. Nevertheless, we show that a cryptographic invariant map can be used to build several cryptographic primitives, including NIKE, that were previously constructed from multilinear maps and indistinguishability obfuscation.

09 July 2018

Shafi Goldwasser, Sunoo Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Post 9/11, journalists, scholars and activists have pointed out that secret laws --- a body of law whose details and sometime mere existence is classified as top secret --- were on the rise in all three branches of the US government due to growing national security concerns. Amid heated current debates on governmental wishes for exceptional access to encrypted digital data, one of the key issues is: which mechanisms can be put in place to ensure that government agencies follow agreed-upon rules in a manner which does not compromise national security objectives? This promises to be especially challenging when the rules, according to which access to encrypted data is granted, may themselves be secret.

In this work we show how the use of cryptographic protocols, and in particular, the use of zero-knowledge proofs can ensure accountability and transparency of the government in this extraordinary, seemingly deadlocked, setting. We propose an efficient record-keeping infrastructure with versatile publicly verifiable audits that preserve perfect (information-theoretic) secrecy of record contents as well as of the rules by which the records are attested to abide. Our protocol is based on existing blockchain and cryptographic tools including commitments and zero-knowledge SNARKs, and satisfies the properties of indelibility (i.e., no back-dating), perfect data secrecy, public auditability of secret data with secret laws, accountable deletion, and succinctness. We also propose a variant scheme where entities can be required to pay fees based on record contents (e.g., for violating regulations) while still preserving data secrecy. Our scheme can be directly instantiated on the Ethereum blockchain (and a simplified version with weaker guarantees can be instantiated with Bitcoin).
Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Deevashwer Rathee, Dung Hoang Duong, Masaya Yasuda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure matrix computation is one of the most fundamental and useful operations for statistical analysis and machine learning with protecting the confidentiality of input data. Secure computation can be achieved by homomorphic encryption, supporting meaningful operations over encrypted data. HElib is a software library that implements the Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) homomorphic scheme, in which secure matrix-vector multiplication is proposed for operating matrices. Recently, Duong et al. (Tatra Mt. Publ. 2016) proposed a new method for secure single matrix multiplication over a ring-LWE-based scheme. In this paper, we generalize Duong et al.'s method for secure multiple matrix multiplications over the BGV scheme. We also implement our method using HElib and show that our method is much faster than the matrix-vector multiplication in HElib for secure matrix multiplications.
Kyoohyung Han, Seungwan Hong, Jung Hee Cheon, Daejun Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Machine learning on encrypted data is a cryptographic method for analyzing private and/or sensitive data while keeping privacy. In the training phase, it takes as input an encrypted training data and outputs an encrypted model without using the decryption key. In the prediction phase, it uses the encrypted model to predict results on new encrypted data. In each phase, no decryption key is needed, and thus the privacy of data is guaranteed while the underlying encryption is secure. It has many applications in various areas such as finance, education, genomics, and medical field that have sensitive private data. While several studies have been reported on the prediction phase, few studies have been conducted on the training phase due to the inefficiency of homomorphic encryption (HE), leaving the machine learning training on encrypted data only as a long-term goal.

In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for logistic regression on encrypted data, and evaluate our algorithm on real financial data consisting of 422,108 samples over 200 features. Our experiment shows that an encrypted model with a sufficient Kolmogorov Smirnow statistic value can be obtained in $\sim$17 hours in a single machine. We also evaluate our algorithm on the public MNIST dataset, and it takes $\sim$2 hours to learn an encrypted model with 96.4% accuracy. Considering the inefficiency of HEs, our result is encouraging and demonstrates the practical feasibility of the logistic regression training on large encrypted data, for the first time to the best of our knowledge.
Christoph Döpmann, Sebastian Rust, Florian Tschorsch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In response to upcoming performance and security challenges of anonymity networks like Tor, it will be of crucial importance to be able to develop and deploy performance improvements and state-of-the-art countermeasures. In this paper, we therefore explore different deployment strategies and review their applicability to the Tor network. In particular, we consider flag day, dual stack, translation, and tunneling strategies and discuss their impact on the network, as well as common risks associated with each of them. In a simulation based evaluation, which stems on historical data of Tor, we show that they can practically be applied to realize significant protocol changes in Tor. However, our results also indicate that during the transitional phase a certain degradation of anonymity is unavoidable with current viable deployment strategies.

08 July 2018

Xun Yi, Kwok-Yan Lam, Dieter Gollmann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we consider a scenario where a bitcoin liquidity provider sells bitcoins to clients. When a client pays for a bitcoin online, the provider is able to link the client's payment information to the bitcoin sold to that client. To address the clients' privacy concern, it is desirable for the provider to perform the bitcoin transaction with blind signatures. However, existing blind signature schemes are incompatible with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) which is used by most of the existing bitcoin protocol, thus cannot be applied directly in Bitcoin. In this paper, we propose a new blind signature scheme that allows generating a blind signature compatible with the standard ECDSA. Afterwards, we make use of the new scheme to achieve bitcoin transaction anonymity. The new scheme is built on a variant of the Paillier cryptosystem and its homomorphic properties. As long as the modified Paillier cryptosystem is semantically secure, the new blind signature scheme has blindness and unforgeability.

07 July 2018

Sihem Mesnager, Kwang Ho Kim, Junyop Choe, Chunming Tang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2003, Alfred Menezes, Edlyn Teske and Annegret Weng presented a conjecture on properties of the solutions of a type of quadratic equation over the binary extension fields, which had been convinced by extensive experiments but the proof was unknown until now. We prove that this conjecture is correct. Furthermore, using this proved conjecture, we have completely determined the null space of a class of linear polynomials.
Konstantinos Chalkias, James Brown, Mike Hearn, Tommy Lillehagen, Igor Nitto, Thomas Schroeter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Inspired by the blockchain architecture and existing Merkle tree based signature schemes, we propose BPQS, an extensible post-quantum (PQ) resistant digital signature scheme best suited to blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). One of the unique characteristics of the protocol is that it can take advantage of application-specific chain/graph structures in order to decrease key generation, signing and verification costs as well as signature size. Compared to recent improvements in the field, BPQS outperforms existing hash-based algorithms when a key is reused for reasonable numbers of signatures, while it supports a fallback mechanism to allow for a practically unlimited number of signatures if required. To our knowledge, this is the first signature scheme that can utilise an existing blockchain or graph structure to reduce the signature cost to one OTS, even when we plan to sign many times. This makes existing many-time stateful signature schemes obsolete for blockchain applications. We provide an open source implementation of the scheme and benchmark it.
Bin Yu, Joseph Liu, Amin Sakzad, Surya Nepal, Paul Rimba, Ron Steinfeld, Man Ho Au
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic techniques are employed to ensure the security of voting systems in order to increase its wide adoption. However, in such electronic voting systems, the public bulletin board that is hosted by the third party for publishing and auditing the voting results should be trusted by all participants. Recently a number of blockchain-based solutions have been proposed to address this issue. However, these systems are impractical to use due to the limitations on the voter and candidate numbers supported, and their security framework, which highly depends on the underlying blockchain protocol and suffers from potential attacks (e.g., force-abstention attacks). To deal with two aforementioned issues, we propose a practical platform-independent secure and verifiable voting system that can be deployed on any blockchain that supports an execution of a smart contract. Verifiability is inherently provided by the underlying blockchain platform, whereas cryptographic techniques like Paillier encryption, proof-of-knowledge, and linkable ring signature are employed to provide a framework for system security and user-privacy that are independent from the security and privacy features of the blockchain platform. We analyse the correctness and coercion-resistance of our proposed voting system. We employ Hyperledger Fabric to deploy our voting system and analyse the performance of our deployed scheme numerically.
Seattle, USA, 10 December - 13 December 2018
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 10 December to 13 December 2018
Submission deadline: 10 October 2018
Notification: 1 November 2018

06 July 2018

Abhishek Bajpai, S V Kulgod
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper a ‘FPGA cluster’ based framework for high performance Cryptanalysis has been proposed. The framework abstracts underlying networked FPGA cluster into a unified acceleration resource. It does so by implementing requested amount of computation kernels (cryptographic modules) and managing efficient distribution of the network band-width between the inter-FPGA and intra-FPGA computation kernels. Further agile methodology for developing such networked computation kernels with use of a high level language (Python) based HDL library and seamless integration with a user space crypt analysis application have been discussed. 40-bit partial key attack over AES256 has been demonstrated as a capability demonstration. Performance higher than clustered CPUs and GPUs at lower costs and power is reported.
Lijing Zhou, Licheng Wang, Yiru Sun, Pin Lv
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Currently, the blockchain technology is experiencing an exponential growth in the academia and industry. Blockchain may provide the fault-tolerance, tamper-resistance, credibility and privacy to users. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based residual loanable-limit query system, called Loamit. Firstly, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first work to prevent that a client, who lacks the ability to repay, borrows an un-repayable amount of money from independent banks without releasing the personal privacy of client. Specifically, if a client wants to borrow a certain amount of money from a bank, then the bank can get the client's residual loanable-limit in the alliance of banks without knowing details of the client's previous loans and repayments. Secondly, most of data in Loamit is verifiable. Therefore, malicious banks can be checked out. Thirdly, Loamit is fault-tolerant since it may work smoothly as long as a certain number of banks are active and honest. Finally, we deploy the Loamit system on the Ethererum private blockchain and give the corresponding performance evaluation.
Ivan Damgård, Chaya Ganesh, Claudio Orlandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we provide a formal treatment of proof of replicated storage, a novel cryptographic primitive recently proposed in the context of a novel cryptocurrency, namely Filecoin.

In a nutshell, proofs of replicated storage is a solution to the following problem: A user stores a file $m$ on $n$ different servers to ensure that the file will be available even if some of the servers fail. Using proof of retrievability, the user could check that every server is indeed storing the file. However, what if the servers collude and, in order to save on resources, decide to only store one copy of the file? A proof of replicated storage guarantees that, unless the server is indeed reserving the space necessary to store the $n$ copies of the file, the user will not accept the proof.

While some candidate proofs of replicated storage have already been proposed, their soundness relies on timing assumptions i.e., the user must reject the proof if the prover does not reply within a certain time-bound.

In this paper we provide the first construction of a proof of replication which does not rely on any timing assumptions.
Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Hadjibeyli, Paul Kirchner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Optimizing performance of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is nowadays an active trend of research in cryptography. One way of improvement is to use a hybrid construction with a classical symmetric encryption scheme to transfer encrypted data to the Cloud. This allows to reduce the bandwidth since the expansion factor of symmetric schemes (the ratio between the ciphertext and the plaintext length) is close to one, whereas for FHE schemes it is in the order of 1,000 to 1,000,000. However, such a construction requires the decryption circuit of the symmetric scheme to be easy to evaluate homomorphically. Several works have studied the cost of homomorphically evaluating classical block ciphers, and some recent works have suggested new homomorphic oriented constructions of block ciphers or stream ciphers. Since the multiplication gate of FHE schemes significantly increases the noise of the ciphertext, we cannot afford too many multiplication stages in the decryption circuit. Consequently, FHE-friendly symmetric encryption schemes have a decryption circuit with small multiplication depth. We aim at minimizing the cost of the homomorphic evaluation of the decryption of symmetric encryption schemes. To do so, we focus on schemes based on learning problems: Learning With Errors (LWE), Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) and Learning With Rounding (LWR). We show that they have lower multiplicative depth than usual block ciphers, and hence allow more FHE operations before a heavy bootstrapping becomes necessary. Moreover, some of them come with a security proof. Finally, we implement our schemes in HElib. Experimental evidence shows that they achieve lower amortized and total running time than previous performance from the literature: our schemes are from 10 to 10,000 more efficient for the time per bit and the total running time is also reduced by a factor between 20 to 10,000. Of independent interest, the security of our LWR-based scheme is related to LWE and we provide an efficient security proof that allows to take smaller parameters.
Fukang Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we re-consider the connecting techniques to find colliding messages, which is achieved by connecting the middle part with the initial part. To obtain the best position of middle part, we propose two principles even when the case is not ideal.

Then, we reviewed the searching strategy to find a differential path presented at Asiacrypt 2017, we observe some useful characteristics of the path which is not used in their work. To fully capture the characteristics of the differential path discovered by the searching strategy, we find an efficient attack framework under the guidance of the two principles, which in turn helps improve the searching strategy. Under our efficient attack framework, we easily improve the collision attack on 30-step RIPEMD-160 by a factor of $2^{13}$. And we believe that the collision attack can be further improved under this efficient framework if the differential path is discovered by taking the new strategies into consideration.

For some interest, we also consider an opposite searching strategy and propose another efficient attack framework special for the differential path discovered by the new searching strategy. Under this new framework, we find we can control one more step than that special for the original searching strategy. Therefore, we expect that we can obtain better collision attack by adopting the new searching strategy and attack framework.

Moreover, combining with the searching tool, we may give a tight upper bound of steps to mount collision attack on reduced RIPEMD-160 when adopting the two searching strategies.
Nicola Tuveri, Sohaib ul Hassan, Cesar Pereida García, Billy Brumley
ePrint Report ePrint Report
SM2 is a public key cryptography suite originating from Chinese standards, including digital signatures and public key encryption. Ahead of schedule, code for this functionality was recently mainlined in OpenSSL, marked for the upcoming 1.1.1 release. We perform a security review of this implementation, uncovering various deficiencies ranging from traditional software quality issues to side-channel risks. To assess the latter, we carry out a side-channel security evaluation and discover that the implementation hits every pitfall seen for OpenSSL's ECDSA code in the past decade. We carry out remote timings, cache timings, and EM analysis, with accompanying empirical data to demonstrate secret information leakage during execution of both digital signature generation and public key decryption. Finally, we propose, implement, and empirically evaluate countermeasures.
Gustavo Banegas, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic primitives from coding theory are some of the most promising candidates for NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization process. In this paper, we introduce a variety of techniques to improve operations on dyadic matrices, a particular type of symmetric matrices that appear in the automorphism group of certain linear codes. Besides the independent interest, these techniques find an immediate application in practice. In fact, one of the candidates for the Key Exchange functionality, called DAGS, makes use of quasi-dyadic matrices to provide compact keys for the scheme.
Susumu Kiyoshima
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we give a no-signaling linear probabilistically checkable proof (PCP) system for P, i.e., a PCP system such that (1) the PCP oracle is a linear function and (2) the soundness holds against any (computational) no-signaling cheating prover, who answers each query according to a distribution that depends on the entire query set in a certain way. To the best of our knowledge, our construction is the first PCP system that satisfies these two properties simultaneously.

As an application of our PCP system, we obtain a 2-message scheme for delegating computation by using a known transformation. Compared with existing 2-message delegation schemes based on standard cryptographic assumptions, our scheme requires preprocessing (which can be reused multiple times) but has a simpler structure and makes use of cheaper cryptographic primitives such as additive/multiplicative homomorphic encryption schemes.
Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Emmanuela Orsini, Christophe Petit, Nigel P. Smart
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we first define semi-commutative (invertible) masking structures which present a simple abstraction to capture the various examples of protocol design that are based on exponentiation-only style operations (such as discrete logarithm and isogeny based cryptography). We discuss two possible instantiations of our structure: The first is based on commutative group actions and captures both the action of exponentiation in the discrete logarithm setting and also the action of the class group of commutative endomorphism rings of elliptic curves, in the style of the CSIDH key-exchange protocol; the second is based on the semi-commutative action of isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves, in the style of the SIDH key-exchange protocol. We then design two oblivious transfer protocols using this structure and prove that they securely UC-realise the standard OT-functionality in the Random-Oracle-hybrid model against passive adversaries with static corruptions. This paper thus introduces the first oblivious transfer protocol based on supersingular isogenies that is proven secure in the UC framework.
Thorsten Kleinjung, Benjamin Wesolowski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A new proof is given for the correctness of the powers of two descent method for computing discrete logarithms. The result is slightly stronger than the original work, but more importantly we provide a unified geometric argument, eliminating the need to analyse all possible subgroups of $\mathrm{PGL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$. Our approach sheds new light on the role of $\mathrm{PGL}_2$, in the hope to eventually lead to a complete proof that discrete logarithms can be computed in quasi-polynomial time in finite fields of fixed characteristic.
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