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03 June 2019

Andrej Bogdanov, Yuval Ishai, Akshayaram Srinivasan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of constructing leakage-resilient circuit compilers that are secure against global leakage functions with bounded output length. By global, we mean that the leakage can depend on all circuit wires and output a low-complexity function (represented as a multi-output Boolean circuit) applied on these wires. In this work, we design compilers both in the stateless (a.k.a. single-shot leakage) setting and the stateful (a.k.a. continuous leakage) setting that are unconditionally secure against AC0 leakage and similar low-complexity classes. In the stateless case, we show that the original private circuits construction of Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner (Crypto 2003) is actually secure against AC0 leakage. In the stateful case, we modify the construction of Rothblum (Crypto 2012), obtaining a simple construction with unconditional security. Prior works that designed leakage-resilient circuit compilers against AC0 leakage had to rely either on secure hardware components (Faust et al., Eurocrypt 2010, Miles-Viola, STOC 2013) or on (unproven) complexity-theoretic assumptions (Rothblum, Crypto 2012).
Vipul Goyal, Aayush Jain, Amit Sahai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we explore the question of simultaneous privacy and soundness amplification for non-interactive zero-knowledge argument systems (NIZK). We show that any $\delta_s-$sound and $\delta_z-$zero-knowledge NIZK candidate satisfying $\delta_s+\delta_z=1-\epsilon$, for any constant $\epsilon>0$, can be turned into a computationally sound and zero-knowledge candidate with the only extra assumption of a subexponentially secure public-key encryption.

We develop novel techniques to leverage the use of leakage simulation lemma (Jetchev-Peitzrak TCC 2014) to argue amplification. A crucial component of our result is a new notion for secret sharing $\mathsf{NP}$ instances. We believe that this may be of independent interest.

To achieve this result we analyze following two transformations:

- Parallel Repetition: We show that using parallel repetition any $\delta_s-$sound and $\delta_z-$zero-knowledge NIZK candidate can be turned into (roughly) $\delta^n_s-$sound and $1-(1-\delta_{z})^n-$zero-knowledge candidate. Here $n$ is the repetition parameter.

- MPC based Repetition: We propose a new transformation that amplifies zero-knowledge in the same way that parallel repetition amplifies soundness. We show that using this any $\delta_s-$sound and $\delta_z-$zero-knowledge NIZK candidate can be turned into (roughly) $1-(1-\delta_s)^n-$sound and $2\cdot \delta^n_{z}-$zero-knowledge candidate.

Then we show that using these transformations in a zig-zag fashion we can obtain our result. Finally, we also present a simple transformation which directly turns any NIZK candidate satisfying $\delta_s,\delta_z<1/3 -1/\textrm{poly}(\lambda)$ to a secure one.
Rio Lavigne, Andrea Lincoln, Virginia Vassilevska Williams
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptography is largely based on unproven assumptions, which, while believable, might fail. Notably if $P = NP$, or if we live in Pessiland, then all current cryptographic assumptions will be broken. A compelling question is if any interesting cryptography might exist in Pessiland.

A natural approach to tackle this question is to base cryptography on an assumption from fine-grained complexity. Ball, Rosen, Sabin, and Vasudevan [BRSV'17] attempted this, starting from popular hardness assumptions, such as the Orthogonal Vectors (OV) Conjecture. They obtained problems that are hard on average, assuming that OV and other problems are hard in the worst case. They obtained proofs of work, and hoped to use their average-case hard problems to build a fine-grained one-way function. Unfortunately, they proved that constructing one using their approach would violate a popular hardness hypothesis. This motivates the search for other fine-grained average-case hard problems.

The main goal of this paper is to identify sufficient properties for a fine-grained average-case assumption that imply cryptographic primitives such as fine-grained public key cryptography (PKC). Our main contribution is a novel construction of a cryptographic key exchange, together with the definition of a small number of relatively weak structural properties, such that if a computational problem satisfies them, our key exchange has provable fine-grained security guarantees, based on the hardness of this problem. We then show that a natural and plausible average-case assumption for the key problem Zero-$k$-Clique from fine-grained complexity satisfies our properties. We also develop fine-grained one-way functions and hardcore bits even under these weaker assumptions.

Where previous works had to assume random oracles or the existence of strong one-way functions to get a key-exchange computable in $O(n)$ time secure against $O(n^2)$ adversaries (see [Merkle'78] and [BGI'08]), our assumptions seem much weaker. Our key exchange has a similar gap between the computation of the honest party and the adversary as prior work, while being non-interactive, implying fine-grained PKC.
Mihir Bellare, Ruth Ng, Björn Tackmann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We draw attention to a gap between theory and usage of nonce-based symmetric encryption, under which the way the former treats nonces can result in violation of privacy in the latter. We bridge the gap with a new treatment of nonce-based symmetric encryption that modifies the syntax (decryption no longer takes a nonce), upgrades the security goal (asking that not just messages, but also nonces, be hidden) and gives simple, efficient schemes conforming to the new definitions. We investigate both basic security (holding when nonces are not reused) and advanced security (misuse resistance, providing best-possible guarantees when nonces are reused).
Shuichi Katsumata, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) protocol allows a prover to non-interactively convince a verifier of the truth of the statement without leaking any other information. In this study, we explore shorter NIZK proofs for all NP languages. Our primary interest is NIZK proofs from falsifiable pairing/pairing-free group-based assumptions. Thus far, NIZKs in the common reference string model (CRS-NIZKs) for NP based on falsifiable pairing-based assumptions all require a proof size at least as large as $O(|C| k)$, where $C$ is a circuit computing the NP relation and $k$ is the security parameter. This holds true even for the weaker designated-verifier NIZKs (DV-NIZKs). Notably, constructing a (CRS, DV)-NIZK with proof size achieving an additive-overhead $O(|C|) + poly(k)$, rather than a multiplicative-overhead $|C| \cdot poly(k)$, based on any falsifiable pairing-based assumptions is an open problem.

In this work, we present various techniques for constructing NIZKs with compact proofs, i.e., proofs smaller than $O(|C|) + poly(k)$, and make progress regarding the above situation. Our result is summarized below.

- We construct CRS-NIZK for all NP with proof size $|C| + poly(k)$ from a (non-static) falsifiable Diffie-Hellman (DH) type assumption over pairing groups. This is the first CRS-NIZK to achieve a compact proof without relying on either lattice-based assumptions or non-falsifiable assumptions. Moreover, a variant of our CRS-NIZK satisfies universal composability (UC) in the erasure-free adaptive setting. Although it is limited to NP relations in NC1, the proof size is $|w| \cdot poly(k)$ where $w$ is the witness, and in particular, it matches the state-of-the-art UC-NIZK proposed by Cohen, shelat, and Wichs (EPRINT'18) based on lattices.

- We construct (multi-theorem) DV-NIZKs for NP with proof size $|C|+poly(k)$ from the computational DH assumption over pairing-free groups. This is the first DV-NIZK that achieves a compact proof from a standard DH type assumption. Moreover, if we further assume the NP relation to be computable in NC1 and assume hardness of a (non-static) falsifiable DH type assumption over pairing-free groups, the proof size can be made as small as $|w| + poly(k)$.

Another related but independent issue is that all (CRS, DV)-NIZKs require the running time of the prover to be at least $|C|\cdot poly(k)$. Considering that there exists NIZKs with efficient verifiers whose running time is strictly smaller than $|C|$, it is an interesting problem whether we can construct prover-efficient NIZKs. To this end, we construct prover-efficient CRS-NIZKs for NP with compact proof through a generic construction using laconic functional evaluation schemes (Quach, Wee, and Wichs (FOCS'18)). This is the first NIZK in any model where the running time of the prover is strictly smaller than the time it takes to compute the circuit $C$ computing the NP relation.

Finally, perhaps of an independent interest, we formalize the notion of homomorphic equivocal commitments, which we use as building blocks to obtain the first result, and show how to construct them from pairing-based assumptions.
Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Eik List
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distinguishers on round-reduced AES have attracted considerable attention in the recent years. Although the number of rounds covered in key-recovery attacks has not been increased since, subspace, yoyo, and multiple-of-n cryptanalysis advanced the understanding of properties of the cipher. Expectation cryptanalysis is an umbrella term for all forms of statistical analysis that try to identify properties whose expectation differs from that of an ideal primitive. For substitution-permutation networks, integral attacks seem a suitable target for extension since they usually end after a linear layer sums several subcomponents. Based on results by Patarin, Chen et al. already observed that the expected number of collisions differs slightly for a sum of permutations from the ideal. Though, their target remained lightweight primitives. The present work applies expectation-based distinguisher from a sum of PRPs to round-reduced AES. We show how to extend the well-known 3-round integral distinguisher to expectation distinguishers over 4 and 5 rounds. In contrast to previous expectation distinguishers by Grassi et al., our approach allows to prepend a round that starts from a diagonal subspace. We demonstrate how the prepended round can be used for key recovery. Moreover, we show how the prepended round can be integrated to form a six-round distinguisher. For all distinguishers, our results are supported by their implementations with Cid et al.'s established Small-AES version.
Bruce Kallick
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The classic simple substitution cipher is modified by randomly inserting key-defined noise characters into the ciphertext in encryption which are ignored in decryption. Interestingly, this yields a finite-key cipher system with unbounded unicity.
Steven D. Galbraith, Lukas Zobernig
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of obfuscating programs for fuzzy matching (in other words, testing whether the Hamming distance between an $n$-bit input and a fixed $n$-bit target vector is smaller than some predetermined threshold). This problem arises in biometric matching and other contexts. We present a virtual-black-box (VBB) secure and input-hiding obfuscator for fuzzy matching for Hamming distance, based on certain natural number-theoretic computational assumptions. In contrast to schemes based on coding theory, our obfuscator is based on computational hardness rather than information-theoretic hardness, and can be implemented for a much wider range of parameters. The Hamming distance obfuscator can also be applied to obfuscation of matching under the $\ell_1$ norm on $\Z^n$.

We also consider obfuscating conjunctions. Conjunctions are equivalent to pattern matching with wildcards, which can be reduced in some cases to fuzzy matching. Our approach does not cover as general a range of parameters as other solutions, but it is much more compact. We study the relation between our obfuscation schemes and other obfuscators and give some advantages of our solution.
Naomi Ephraim, Cody Freitag, Ilan Komargodski, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce the notion of a $\textit{continuous verifiable delay function}$ (cVDF): a function $g$ which is (a) $\textit{iteratively sequential}$---meaning that evaluating the composed function $g^{(t)}$ of $g$ (on a random input) takes roughly $t$ times the time to evaluate $g$, even with many parallel processors, and (b) $\textit{(iteratively) verifiable}$---the output of $g^{(t)}$ can be efficiently verified (in time that is essentially independent of $t$). In other words, the iteration $g^{(t)}$ of $g$ is a verifiable delay function (VDF) (Boneh et al., EUROCRYPT '19), having the property that intermediate steps of the computation (i.e., $g^{(t')}$ for $t' < t$) are publicly and continuously verifiable.

We demonstrate that cVDFs have intriguing applications: (a) they can be used to construct a $\textit{public randomness beacon}$ that only requires an initial random seed (and no further unpredictable sources of randomness), (b) enable $\textit{outsourceable VDFs}$ where any part of the VDF computation can be verifiably outsourced, and (c) have deep complexity-theoretic consequences: in particular, they imply that $\mathsf{PPAD} \cap \mathsf{P} \not\subseteq \mathsf{NC}$ (i.e., the existence of "easy" Nash equilibrium problem instances that require a high $\textit{sequential}$ running time).

Our main result is the construction of a cVDF based on the repeated squaring assumption and the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir (FS) heuristic for $\textit{constant-round}$ proofs. We highlight that even when viewed as a (plain) VDF, our construction enjoys several advantages over previous ones: it satisfies a stronger soundness property under a weaker FS assumption (earlier constructions require the FS heuristic for either super-logarithmic round protocols, or for $\textit{arguments}$ (as opposed to proofs)).
Fukang Liu, Takanori Isobe
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Troika is a recently proposed sponge-based hash function for IOTA's ternary architecture and platform, which is developed by CYBERCRYPT. In this paper, we introduce the preimage attack on 2 and 3 rounds of Troika with a divide-and-conquer approach. Instead of directly matching a given hash value, we propose equivalent conditions to determine whether a message is the preimage before computing the complete hash value. As a result, for the two-round hash value that can be generated with one block, we can search the preimage only in a valid space and efficiently enumerate the messages which can satisfy most of the equivalent conditions with a guess-and-determine technique. For the three-round preimage attack, an MILP-based method is applied to separate the one-block message space into two parts in order to obtain the best advantage over brute force. Our experiments show that the time complexity of the preimage attack on 2 (out of 24) rounds of Troika can be improved to $3^{79}$, which is $3^{164}$ times faster than the brute force. For the preimage attack on 3 (out of 24) rounds of Troika, we can obtain an advantage of $3^{25.7}$ over brute force. In addition, how to construct the second preimage for two-round Troika in seconds is presented as well. Our attacks do not threaten the security of Troika.
Sebastian Gajek, Marco Lewandowsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Voting systems are the tool of choice when it comes to settle an agreement of different opinions. We propose a solution for a trustless, censorship-resilient and scalable electronic voting platform. By leveraging the blockchain together with the functional encryption paradigm, we fully decentralize the system and reduce the risks that a voting provider, like a corrupt government, does censor or manipulate the outcome.
Iftach Haitner, Noam Mazor, Ronen Shaltiel, Jad Silbak
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Consider a PPT two-party protocol $\Pi=(A,B)$ in which the parties get no private inputs and obtain outputs $O^A,O^B\in \{0,1\}$, and let $V^A$ and $V^B$ denote the parties' individual views. Protocol $\Pi$ has $\alpha$-agreement if $Pr[O^A=O^B]=1/2+\alpha$. The leakage of $\epsilon$ is the amount of information a party obtains about the event $\{O^A=O^B\}$; that is, the leakage $\epsilon$ is the maximum, over $P\in \{A,B\}$, of the distance between $V^P|_{O^A=O^B}$ and $V^P|_{O^A\neq O^B}$. Typically, this distance is measured in statistical distance, or, in the computational setting, in computational indistinguishability. For this choice, Wullschleger [TCC '09] showed that if $\epsilon<<\alpha$ then the protocol can be transformed into an OT protocol.

We consider measuring the protocol leakage by the log-ratio distance (which was popularized by its use in the differential privacy framework). The log-ratio distance between $X,Y$ over domain $\Omega$ is the minimal $\epsilon\geq 0$ for which, for every $v\in\Omega, \log(Pr[X=v]/Pr[Y=v])\in [-\epsilon,\epsilon]$. In the computational setting, we use computational indistinguishability from having log-ratio distance $\epsilon$. We show that a protocol with (noticeable) accuracy $\alpha\in\Omega(\epsilon^2)$ can be transformed into an OT protocol (note that this allows $\epsilon>>\alpha$). We complete the picture, in this respect, showing that a protocol with $\alpha\in o(\epsilon^2)$ does not necessarily imply OT. Our results hold for both the information theoretic and the computational settings, and can be viewed as a ``fine grained'' approach to ``weak OT amplification''.

We then use the above result to fully characterize the complexity of differentially private two-party computation for the XOR function, answering the open question put by Goyal, Khurana, Mironov, Pandey, and Sahai [ICALP '16] and Haitner, Nissim, Omri, Shaltiel, and Silbak [FOCS '18]. Specifically, we show that for any (noticeable) $\alpha\in\Omega(\epsilon^2)$, a two-party protocol that computes the XOR function with $\alpha$-accuracy and $\epsilon$-differential privacy can be transformed into an OT protocol. This improves upon Goyal et al. that only handle $\alpha\in\Omega(\epsilon)$, and upon Haitner et al. who showed that such a protocol implies (infinitely-often) key agreement (and not OT). Our characterization is tight since OT does not follow from protocols in which $\alpha\in o(\epsilon^2)$, and extends to functions (over many bits) that ``contain'' an ``embedded copy'' of the XOR function.
Siemen Dhooghe, Svetla Nikova
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In order to thwart Differential Power Analysis (DPA) and Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attacks, we require the implemented algorithm to ensure correct output and sensitive variable privacy. We propose security notions to determine an algorithm's security against combined attacks consisting of both faults and probes on circuit wires. To ease verification, help create secure components, and isolate primitives in protocols, we extend our notions to capture secure compositions. We propose the NINA property which forms the link between the established Non-Interference (NI) property and our composable active security property, Non-Accumulation (NA).

To illustrate the NINA property, we prove the security of three multiplication gadgets: an error checking duplication gadget; an error correcting duplication gadget; and an error checking polynomial gadget. Our proofs illustrate that the error detecting gadgets admit to statistical ineffective faults. We also prove the error correcting gadget attains the stronger Independent NINA property meaning that faults do not affect its sensitive variable privacy. Lastly, we prove the combined security of a polynomial based method using the error detecting properties of Shamir's secret sharing.
Xavier Bonnetain, Akinori Hosoyamada, María Naya-Plasencia, Yu Sasaki, André Schrottenloher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In symmetric cryptanalysis, the model of superposition queries has lead to surprising results, with many constructions being broken in polynomial time thanks to Simon's period-finding algorithm. But the practical implications of these attacks remain blurry. In contrast, the results obtained so far for a quantum adversary making classical queries only are less impressive.

In this paper, we introduce a new quantum algorithm which uses Simon's subroutines in a novel way. We manage to leverage the algebraic structure of cryptosystems in the context of a quantum attacker limited to classical queries and offline quantum computations. We obtain improved quantum-time/classical-data tradeoffs with respect to the current literature, while using only as much hardware requirements (quantum and classical) as a standard exhaustive search using Grover's algorithm. In particular, we are able to break the Even-Mansour construction in quantum time $O(2^{n/3})$, with $O(2^{n/3})$ classical queries and $O(n^2)$ qubits only. In addition, we propose an algorithm that allows to improve some previous superposition attacks by reducing the data complexity from exponential to polynomial, with the same time complexity.

Our approach can be seen in two complementary ways: reusing superposition queries during the iteration of a search using Grover's algorithm, or alternatively, removing the memory requirement in some quantum attacks based on a collision search, thanks to their algebraic structure.

We provide a list of cryptographic applications, including the Even-Mansour construction, the FX construction, some Sponge authenticated modes of encryption, and many more.
Taha Atahan Akyildiz, Can Berk Guzgeren, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present a runtime approach, called MeltdownDetector, for detecting, isolating, and preventing ongoing Meltdown attacks that operate by causing segmentation faults. Meltdown exploits a hardware vulnerability that allows a malicious process to access memory locations, which do not belong to the process, including the physical and kernel memory. The proposed approach is based on a simple observation that in order for a Meltdown attack to be successful, either a single byte of data located at a particular memory address or a sequence of consecutive memory addresses (i.e., sequence of bytes) need to be read, so that a meaningful piece of information can be extracted from the data leaked. MeltdownDetector, therefore, monitors segmentation faults occurring at memory addresses that are close to each other and issues a warning at runtime when these faults become ``suspicious.'' Furthermore, MeltdownDetector flushes the caches after every suspicious segmentation fault, preventing even a single byte of data from being leaked. In the experiments we carried out to evaluate the proposed approach, MeltdownDetector successfully detected all the attacks, correctly isolated all the malicious processes, and did so at the earliest possible time after the attacks have started with an average runtime overhead of 0.34% and without even leaking a single byte of information.
Helger Lipmaa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Motivated by applications like verifiable computation and privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies, many efficient pairing-based SNARKs were recently proposed. However, the most efficient SNARKs like the one by Groth (EUROCRYPT 2016) have a very brittle and difficult-to-verify knowledge-soundness proof in the generic model. Due to that, it is difficult to modify such SNARKs to, e.g., satisfy simulation-extractability or to implement some other language instead of QAP (Quadratic Arithmetic Program).

We propose a template for constructing knowledge-sound and non-black-box any-simulation-extractable NBBASE SNARKs for QAP. This template is designed so that the knowledge-soundness and even NBBASE proofs of the new SNARKs are quite simple. The new knowledge-sound SNARK for QAP is very similar to the mentioned SNARK of Groth, except it has fewer trapdoors. To achieve NBBASE, we add to the knowledge-sound SNARK a few well-motivated extra steps, while its security proof is even simpler due to the use of a second verification equation. Moreover, we give a simple characterization of languages like SAP, SSP, and QSP in the terms of QAP and show how to modify the SNARK for QAP correspondingly. The only prior published efficient simulation-extractable SNARK was for SAP.
Thaddeus Dryja
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the Bitcoin consensus network, all nodes come to agreement on the set of Unspent Transaction Outputs (The “UTXO” set). The size of this shared state is a scalability constraint for the network, as the size of the set expands as more users join the system, increasing resource requirements of all nodes. Decoupling the network’s state size from the storage requirements of individual machines would reduce hardware requirements of validating nodes. We introduce a hash based accumulator to locally represent the UTXO set, which is logarithmic in the size of the full set. Nodes attach and propagate inclusion proofs to the inputs of transactions, which along with the accumulator state, give all the information needed to validate a transaction. While the size of the inclusion proofs results in an increase in network traffic, these proofs can be discarded after verification, and aggregation methods can reduce their size to a manageable level of overhead. In our simulations of downloading Bitcoin’s blockchain up to early 2019 with 500MB of RAM allocated for caching, the proofs only add approximately 25% to the amount otherwise downloaded.

02 June 2019

Jean-Sebastien Coron, Agnese Gini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At Crypto 2018, Aggarwal, Joux, Prakash and Santha (AJPS) described a new public-key encryption scheme based on Mersenne numbers. Shortly after the publication of the cryptosystem, Beunardeau et al. described an attack with complexity O(2^(2h)). In this paper, we describe an improved attack with complexity O(2^(1.75h)).
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) security is equivalent to chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) security for key-dependent message (KDM) security. Concretely, we show how to construct a public-key encryption (PKE) scheme that is KDM-CCA secure with respect to all functions computable by circuits of a-priori bounded size, based only on a PKE scheme that is KDM-CPA secure with respect to projection functions. Our construction works for KDM security in the single user setting.

Our main result is achieved by combining the following two steps. First, we observe that by combining the results and techniques from the recent works by Lombardi et al. (CRYPTO 2019), and by Kitagawa et al. (CRYPTO 2019), we can construct a reusable designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge (DV-NIZK) argument system based on an IND-CPA secure PKE scheme and a secret-key encryption (SKE) scheme satisfying one-time KDM security with respect to projection functions. This observation leads to the first reusable DV-NIZK argument system under the learning-parity-with-noise (LPN) assumption. Then, as the second and main technical step, we show a generic construction of a KDM-CCA secure PKE scheme using an IND-CPA secure PKE scheme, a reusable DV-NIZK argument system, and an SKE scheme satisfying one-time KDM security with respect to projection functions. Since the classical Naor-Yung paradigm (STOC 1990) with a DV-NIZK argument system does not work for proving KDM security, we propose a new construction methodology to achieve this generic construction.

Moreover, we show how to extend our generic construction and achieve KDM-CCA security in the multi-user setting, by additionally requiring the underlying SKE scheme in our generic construction to satisfy a weak form of KDM security against related-key attacks (RKA-KDM security) instead of one-time KDM security. From this extension, we obtain the first KDM-CCA secure PKE schemes in the multi-user setting under the CDH or LPN assumption.
Navid Alamati, Hart Montgomery, Sikhar Patranabis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Securely managing encrypted data on an untrusted party is a challenging problem that has motivated the study of a variety of cryptographic primitives. A special class of such primitives allows an untrusted party to transform a ciphertext encrypted under one key to a ciphertext under another key, using some auxiliary information that does not leak the underlying data. Prominent examples of such primitives in the symmetric-key setting are key-homomorphic PRFs, updatable encryption, and proxy re-encryption. Although these primitives differ significantly in terms of their constructions and security requirements, they share two important properties: (a) they have secrets with structure or extra functionality, and (b) all known constructions of these primitives satisfying reasonably strong definitions of security are based on concrete public-key assumptions, e.g., DDH and LWE.

This raises the question of whether these objects inherently belong to the world of public-key primitives, or they can potentially be built from simple symmetric-key objects such as pseudorandom functions. In this work, we show that the latter possibility is unlikely. More specifically, we show that:

• Any (bounded) key-homomorphic weak PRF with an abelian output group implies a (bounded) input-homomorphic weak PRF, which has recently been shown to imply not only public-key encryption (PKE), but also a variety of primitives such as PIR, lossy TDFs, and even IBE.

• Any ciphertext-independent updatable encryption scheme that is forward and post-compromise secure implies PKE. Moreover, any symmetric-key proxy re-encryption scheme with reasonably strong security guarantees implies a forward and post-compromise secure ciphertext-independent updatable encryption, and hence PKE.

In addition, we show that unbounded (or exact) key-homomorphic weak PRFs over abelian groups are impossible in the quantum world. In other words, over abelian groups, bounded key-homomorphism is the best that we can hope for in terms of post-quantum security. Our attack also works over other structured primitives with abelian groups and exact homomorphisms, including homomorphic one-way functions and input-homomorphic weak PRFs.
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