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11 June 2019

Arijit Dutta, Saravanan Vijayakumaran
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We reveal Revelio, a new privacy-preserving proof of reserves protocol for Grin exchanges. By design, Revelio allows the detection of collusion between exchanges while hiding the identities of the outputs owned by the exchange in a larger anonymity set of outputs.
Huizhong Li, Yongbin Zhou, Jingdian Ming, Guang Yang, Chengbin Jin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit the definition of Transparency Order (TO) and that of Modified Transparency Order (MTO) as well, which were proposed to measure the resistance of an S-box against Differential Power Analysis (DPA). We spot a definitional flaw in original TO, which is proved to have significantly affected the soundness of TO and hinder it to be a good quantitative security criterion. Regretfully, the flaw itself remains virtually undiscovered in MTO, either. Surprisingly, MTO overlooks this flaw and yet it happens to incur no bad effects on the correctness of its formulation, even though the start point of this formulation is highly questionable. It is also this neglect of the flaw that made MTO take a variant of multi-bit DPA attack into consideration, which was mistakenly thought to appropriately serve as an alternative powerful attack. Based on this observation, we also find that MTO introduces such an alternative adversary that it might overestimate the resistance of an S-box in some cases, as the variant of multi-bit DPA attack considered in MTO is not that powerful as one may think. This implies the soundness of MTO is also more or less arguable. Consequently, we fix this definitional flaw, and provide a revised definition in which a powerful adversary is also involved. For demonstrating validity and soundness of our revised TO (RTO), we adopt both optimal $4\times4$ S-boxes and $8\times8$ S-boxes as study cases, and present simulated and practical DPA attacks as well on implementations of those S-boxes. The results of our attacks verify our findings and analysis as well. Furthermore, as a concrete application of the revised TO, we also present the distribution of RTO values for sixteen optimal affine equivalence classes of $4\times4$ S-boxes. Finally, we give some recommended guidelines on how to select optimal $4\times4$ S-boxes in practical implementations.
Alexandros Bakas, Antonis Michalas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure cloud storage is considered as one of the most important issues that both businesses and end-users take into account before moving their private data to the cloud. Lately, we have seen some interesting approaches that are based either on the promising concept of Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) or on the well-studied field of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE). In the first case, researchers are trying to design protocols where users' data will be protected from both internal and external attacks without paying the necessary attention to the problem of user revocation. In the second case, existing approaches address the problem of revocation. However, the overall efficiency of these systems is compromised since the proposed protocols are solely based on ABE schemes and the size of the produced ciphertexts and the time required to decrypt grows with the complexity of the access formula. In this paper, we propose a hybrid encryption scheme that combines both SSE and ABE by utilizing the advantages of both these techniques. In contrast to many approaches, we design a revocation mechanism that is completely separated from the ABE scheme and solely based on the functionality offered by SGX.
Ayesha Khalid, Sarah McCarthy, Weiqiang Liu, Maire O'Neill
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The impending realization of scalable quantum computers has led to active research in Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC). The challenge is harder for embedded IoT (edge) devices, due to their pervasive diffusion in today's world as well as their stricter resources (tight area and energy budgets). Amongst various classes of quantum-resistant cryptography schemes, Lattice-based Cryptography (LBC) is emerging as one of the most viable, almost half of the `survivors' of second round of the NIST's PQC competition are lattice-based in construction. This paper surveys the practicality of deployment of these schemes. In this context, the state-of-the-art LBC implementations on the constrained devices (including low-power FPGAs and embedded microprocessors), leading in terms of low-power footprint, small area, compact bandwidth requirements and high performance is fairly evaluated and bench-marked. The work concludes by identifying a suite of some favorite LBC schemes in terms of various IoT critical performance bench-marks.
Charles Grover, Cong Ling
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem is the fundamental backbone of modern lattice based cryptography, allowing one to establish cryptography on the hardness of well-studied computational problems. However, schemes based on LWE are often impractical, so Ring LWE was introduced as a form of `structured' LWE, trading off a hard to quantify loss of security for an increase in efficiency by working over a well chosen ring. Another popular variant, Module LWE, generalizes this exchange by implementing a module structure over a Ring LWE instance. In this work, we introduce a novel variant of LWE over cyclic algebras (CLWE) to replicate the addition of the ring structure taking LWE to Ring LWE by adding cyclic structure to Module LWE. The proposed construction is both more efficient than Module LWE and conjecturally more secure than Ring LWE, the best of both worlds. We show that the standard security reductions expected for an LWE problem hold, namely a reduction from certain structured lattice problems to the hardness of the decision variant of the CLWE problem. As a contribution of theoretic interest, we view CLWE as the first variant of LWE which naturally supports non-commutative multiplication operations.
Maria Eichlseder, Daniel Kales, Markus Schofnegger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
FlexAEAD is one of the round-1 candidates in the ongoing NIST Lightweight Cryptography standardization project. In this note, we show several forgery attacks on FlexAEAD with complexity less than the security bound given by the designers, such as a block reordering attack on full FlexAEAD-128 with estimated success probability about $2^{-54}$. Additionally, we show some trivial forgeries and point out domain separation issues.
Yongwoo Lee, Wijik Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a novel signature scheme based on a modified Reed--Muller (RM) code, which reduces the signing complexity and key size compared to existing code-based signature schemes. This cheme is called as the modified pqsigRM, and corresponds to an improvement of pqsigRM, the proposal submitted to NIST. Courtois, Finiasz, and Sendrier (CFS) proposed a code-based signature scheme using the Goppa codes based on a full domain hash approach. However, owing to the properties of Goppa codes, the CFS signature scheme has drawbacks such as signing complexity and large key size. We overcome these disadvantages of the CFS signature scheme using partially permuted RM code and its decoding, which finds a near codeword for any received vector. Using a partially permuted RM code, the signature scheme resists various known attacks on the RM code-based cryptography. Additionally, we further modify the RM codes by row insertion/deletion of the generator matrix and thereafter resolve the problems reported in the post-quantum cryptography forum by NIST, such as the Hamming weight distribution of the public code.
Mingjia Huo, Kewen Wu, Qi Ye
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bootstrapping is a crucial but computationally expensive step for realizing Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Recently, Chen and Han (Eurocrypt 2018) introduced a family of low-degree polynomials to extract the lowest digit with respect to a certain congruence, which helps improve the bootstrapping for both FV and BGV schemes. In this note, we present the following relevant findings about the work of Chen and Han (referred to as CH18):

1. We provide a simpler construction of the low-degree polynomials that serve the same purpose and match the asymptotic bound achieved in CH18;

2. We show the optimality and limit of our approach by solving a minimal polynomial degree problem;

3. We consider the problem of extracting other low-order digits using polynomials and provide negative results.
Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias
ePrint Report ePrint Report
ByzCoin, a promising alternative of Bitcoin, is a scalable consensus protocol used as a building block of many research and enterprise-level decentralized systems. In this paper, we show that ByzCoin is unsuitable for deployment in an anopen, adversarial network and instead introduceMOTOR. MOTORis designed as a secure, robust, and scalable consensus suitable for permissionless sharded blockchains. MOTORachieves these properties by making four key design choices: (a) it prioritizes robustness in adversarial environments while maintaining adequate scalability, (b) it employees provably correct cryptography that resists DoS attacks from individual nodes, (c) it deploys unpredictable rotating leaders to defend against mildly-adaptive adversaries and prevents censorship, and (d) it creates an incentive compatible reward mechanism. These choices are materialized as (a) a “rotating subleader” communication pattern that balances the scalability needs with the robustness requirements under failures, (b) deployment of provable secure BLS multi-signatures, (c) use of deterministic thresh-old signatures as a source of randomness and (d) careful design of the reward allocation mechanism. We have implemented MOTORand compare it withByzCoin. We show that MOTORcan scale similar to ByzCoin with an at most2xoverhead whereas it maintains good performance even under high-percentage of faults, unlike ByzCoin.

10 June 2019

San Jose, United States, 4 May - 8 May 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 4 May to 8 May 2020
Submission deadline: 15 August 2019
Notification: 20 October 2019
London, UK, 11 November 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 11 November 2019
Submission deadline: 1 August 2019
Notification: 15 August 2019

06 June 2019

Dominik Harz, Lewis Gudgeon, Arthur Gervais, William J. Knottenbelt
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In cryptoeconomic protocols, financial deposits are fundamental to their security. Protocol designers and their agents face a trade-off when choosing the deposit size. While substantial deposits might increase the protocol security, for example by minimising the impact of adversarial behaviour or risks of currency fluctuations, locked-up capital incurs opportunity costs for agents. Moreover, some protocols require over-collateralization in anticipation of future events and malicious intentions of agents. We present Balance, an application-agnostic system that reduces over-collateralization without compromising protocol security. In Balance, malicious agents receive no additional utility for cheating once their deposits are reduced. At the same time, honest and rational agents increase their utilities for behaving honestly as their opportunity costs for the locked-up deposits are reduced. Balance is a round-based mechanism in which agents need to continuously perform desired actions. Rather than treating agents' incentives and behaviour as ancillary, we explicitly model agents' utility, proving the conditions for incentive compatibility. Balance improves social welfare given a distribution of honest, rational, and malicious agents. Further, we integrate Balance with a cross-chain interoperability protocol, XCLAIM, reducing deposits by 10% while maintaining the same utility for behaving honestly. Our implementation allows any number of agents to be maintained for at most 55,287 gas (ca. USD 0.07) to update the agents' scores, and at a cost of 54,948 gas (ca. USD 0.07) to update the assignment of agents to layers.
Jiabo Wang, Cong Ling
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic constructions based on hard lattice problems have emerged as a front runner for the standardization of post quantum public key cryptography. As the standardization process takes place, optimizing specific parts of proposed schemes becomes a worthwhile endeavor. Gaussian sampling over the integers is one of the fundamental building blocks of latticed-based cryptography. In this work, we propose a new integer Gaussian sampler based on polar codes, dubbed ``polar sampler". The polar sampler is asymptotically information theoretically optimum in the sense that the number of uniformly random bits it uses approaches the entropy bound. It also features quasi-linear complexity and constant-time implementation. Our algorithm becomes effective when sufficiently many samples are required at each query to the sampler. Security analysis is given based on the statistical distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence and R\'enyi divergence. A comparison between the polar sampler and the Knuth-Yao sampler verifies its time efficiency and the memory cost can be further optimized if space-efficient successive-cancellation decoding is adopted.
Ahto Buldas, Denis Firsov, Risto Laanoja, Henri Lakk, Ahto Truu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A new hash-based, server-supported digital signature scheme was proposed recently. We decompose the concept into forward-resistant tags and a generic cryptographic time-stamping service. Based on the decomposition, we propose more tag constructions which allow efficient digital signature schemes with interesting properties to be built. In particular, the new schemes are more suitable for use in personal signing devices, such as smart cards, which are used infrequently. We define the forward-resistant tags formally and prove that (1) the discussed constructs are indeed tags and (2) combining such tags with time-stamping services gives us signature schemes.
Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Ahto Truu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a server-supported, hash-based digital signature scheme. To achieve greater efficiency than current state of the art, we relax the security model somewhat. We postulate a set of design requirements, discuss some approaches and their practicality, and finally reach a forward-secure scheme with only modest trust assumptions, achieved by employing the concepts of authenticated data structures and blockchains. The concepts of blockchain authenticated data structures and the presented blockchain design could have independent value and are worth further research.
Ahto Buldas, Risto Laanoja, Ahto Truu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a practical digital signature scheme built from a cryptographic hash function and a hash-then-publish digital time- stamping scheme. We also provide a simple proof of existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen-message attack (EUF-ACM) in the random oracle (RO) model.
Vahid Amin Ghafari, Honggang Hu, Fujiang Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A new generation of stream ciphers, small-state stream ciphers (SSCs), was born in 2015 with the introduction of the Sprout cipher. The new generation is based on using key bits not only in the initialization but also continuously in the keystream generation phase. The new idea allowed designing stream ciphers with significantly smaller area size and low power consumption. A distinguishing time-memory-data tradeoff (TMDTO) attack was successfully applied against all SSCs in 2017 by Hamann et al. [1]. They suggested using not only key bits but also initial value (IV) bits continuously in the keystream generation phase to strengthen SSCs against TMDTO attacks. Then, Hamann and Krause [2] proposed a construction based on using only IV bits continuously in packet mode. They suggested an instantiation of an SSC and claimed that it is resistant to TMDTO attacks. We point out that storing IV bits imposes an overhead on cryptosystems that is not acceptable in many applications. More importantly, we show that the proposed SSC remains vulnerable to TMDTO attacks. To resolve security threat, the current paper proposes constructions, based on storing key or IV bits, that are the first to provide full security against TMDTO attacks. It is possible to obtain parameters for secure SSCs based on these suggested constructions. Our constructions are a fruitful research direction in stream ciphers.
Yunwen Liu, Yu Sasaki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In Eurocrypt 2018, Cid et al. proposed a novel notion called the boomerang connectivity table, which formalised the switch property in the middle round of boomerang distinguishers in a unified approach. In this paper, we present a generic model of the boomerang connectivity table with automatic search technique for the first time, and search for (related-key) boomerang distinguishers directly by combining with the search of (related-key) differential characteristics. With the technique, we are able to find 19-round related-key boomerang distinguishers in the lightweight block cipher \textsc{Gift}-64 and \textsc{Gift}-128. Interestingly, a transition that is not predictable by the conventional switches is realised in a boomerang distinguisher predicted by the boomerang connectivity table. In addition, we experimentally extend the 19-round distinguisher by one more round. A 23-round key-recovery attack is presented on \textsc{Gift}-64 based on the distinguisher, which covers more rounds than previous known results in the single-key setting. Although the designers of \textsc{Gift} do not claim related-key security, bit positions of the key addition and 16-bit rotations were chosen to optimize the related-key differential bound. Indeed, the designers evaluated related-key differential attacks. This is the first work to present better related-key attacks than the simple related-key differential attack.
Fukang Liu, Christoph Dobraunig, Florian Mendel, Takanori Isobe, Gaoli Wang, Zhenfu Cao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
RIPEMD-160 is a hash function published in 1996, which shares similarities with other hash functions designed in this time-period like MD4, MD5 and SHA-1. However, for RIPEMD-160, no (semi-free-start) collision attacks on the full number of steps are known. Hence, it is still used, e.g., to generate Bitcoin addresses together with SHA-256, and is an ISO/IEC standard. Due to its dual-stream structure, even semi-free-start collision attacks starting from the first step only reach 36 steps, which were firstly shown by Mendel et al. at Asiacrypt 2013 and later improved by Liu, Mendel and Wang at Asiacrypt 2017. Both of the attacks are based on a similar freedom degree utilization technique as proposed by Landelle and Peyrin at Eurocrypt 2013. However, the best known semi-free-start collision attack on 36 steps of RIPEMD-160 presented at Asiacrypt 2017 still requires $2^{55.1}$ time and $2^{32}$ memory. Consequently, a practical semi-free-start collision attack for the first 36 steps of RIPEMD-160 still requires a significant amount of resources. Considering the structure of these previous semi-free-start collision attacks for 36 steps of RIPEMD-160, it seems hard to extend it to more steps. Thus, we develop a different semi-free-start collision attack framework for reduced RIPEMD-160 by carefully investigating the message expansion of RIPEMD-160. Our new framework has several advantages. First of all, it allows to extend the attacks to more steps. Second, the memory complexity of the attacks is negligible. Hence, we were able to give a practical semi-free-start collision attack on 36 steps of RIPEMD-160 with time complexity $2^{41}$. Additionally, we describe semi-free-start collision attacks on 37, 38 and 40 (out of 80) steps of RIPEMD-160 with time complexity $2^{49}$, $2^{53}$ and $2^{74.6}$, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, these are the best semi-free-start collision attacks for RIPEMD-160 starting from the first step with respect to the number of steps, including the first practical colliding message pairs for 36 steps of RIPEMD-160.
Arka Rai Choudhuri, Pavel Hubacek, Chethan Kamath, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Alon Rosen, Guy N. Rothblum
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that, relative to a random oracle, solving the END-OF-LINE problem (which is PPAD-complete) is no easier than computing the function \[f(N,x,T) = x^{2^T} \text{mod } N,\] where $N$ is an $n$-bit RSA modulus, $x\in \mathbb{Z}_N^*$ and $T\in\mathbb{N}$. It was conjectured by Rivest, Shamir and Wagner, that, unless the factorization of $N$ is known, the fastest algorithm for computing $f$ consists of $\Omega(T)$ iterated squaring operations mod $N$. Under a milder assumption, namely that computing $f$ takes $n^{\omega(1)}$ time for some (possibly exponentially) large $T$, our construction of END-OF-LINE cannot be solved in $\text{poly}(n)$ time.

We prove our result by reducing $f$ to (a variant of) the SINK-OF-VERIFIABLE-LINE problem, which is known to imply PPAD (and in fact CLS) hardness. The main building block of our reduction is a recently discovered interactive public-coin proof by Pietrzak for certifying $y=f(N,x,T)$, which can be made non-interactive using (an analogue of) the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. The value $y$ can be computed together with the proof in time $\text{poly}(n)\cdot T$, and the proof can be verified in time $\text{poly}(n) \cdot \text{log} T$. The key technical challenge in our setting is to provide a means by which the solution $y$ together with a proof can be computed in small incremental steps, while the correctness of each intermediate state of this computation can still be verified in time $\text{poly}(n, \text{log} T)$
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