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18 August 2019

Mohsin Khan, Kaisa Nyberg
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The goal of this paper is to investigate the behavior of the ideal cipher under linear cryptanalysis. The motivation of this work is twofold. First, before a practical cipher can be distinguished from an ideal one, the cryptanalyst must have an accurate understanding of the statistical behavior of the ideal cipher. Secondly, this issue has been neglected both in old and in more recent studies, particularly when multiple linear approximations are being used simultaneously. Traditionally, the models have been based on the average behavior and simplified using other artificial assumptions such as independence of linear approximations. The new models given in this paper are realistic, accurate and easy to use. They are backed up by standard statistical tools such as Pearson's chi-squared test and finite population correction and shown to work well in small practical examples.
Daniele Antonioli, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Kasper Rasmussen
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The specification of Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy includes dedicated encryption key negotiation protocols used by two parties to agree on the entropy of encryption keys. In this work, we show that an attacker can manipulate the entropy negotiation of Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy to drastically reduce the encryption key space. We call our attack the Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth (KNOB) attack.

In the case of Bluetooth, we demonstrate that the entropy can be reduced from 16 to 1 Byte. Such low entropy enables the attacker to easily brute force the negotiated encryption keys, decrypt the eavesdropped ciphertext, and inject valid encrypted messages in real-time. For Bluetooth Low Energy, we show that the entropy can still be downgraded from 16 to 7 Bytes, which reduces the attacker's effort to brute force the keys.

We implement and evaluate the KNOB attack on 17 Bluetooth chips (e.g., Intel Broadcom, Apple, and Qualcomm) and 15 Bluetooth Low Energy devices (e.g., Lenovo, Garmin, Samsung, Xiaomi, and Fitbit). Our results demonstrate that all tested devices are vulnerable to the KNOB attack. We discuss legacy and non-legacy compliant countermeasures to neutralize or mitigate the KNOB attack.
Muhammad ElSheikh, Amr M. Youssef
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$\texttt{CRAFT}$ is a lightweight tweakable block cipher introduced in FSE 2019. One of the main design criteria of $\texttt{CRAFT}$ is the efficient protection of its implementations against differential fault analysis. While the authors of $\texttt{CRAFT}$ provide several cryptanalysis results in several attack models, they do not claim any security of $\texttt{CRAFT}$ against related-key differential attacks. In this paper, we utilize the simple key schedule of $\texttt{CRAFT}$ to propose a systematic method for constructing several repeatable 2-round related-key differential characteristics with probability $2^{-2}$. We then employ one of these characteristics to mount a key recovery attack on full-round $\texttt{CRAFT}$ using $2^{30}$ queries to the encryption oracle and $2^{69}$ encryptions. Additionally, we manage to use 8 related-key differential distinguishers, with 8 related-key differences, in order to mount a key recovery attack on the full-round cipher with $2^{35.17}$ queries to the encryption oracle, $2^{32}$ encryptions and about $2^6$ 64-bit blocks of memory. Furthermore, we present another attack that recovers the whole master key with $2^{36.09}$ queries to the encryption oracle and only $11$ encryptions with $2^7$ blocks of memory using 16 related-key differential distinguishers.
Andre Esser, Alexander May
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose two polynomial memory collision finding algorithms for the low Hamming weight discrete logarithm problem in any abelian group $G$. The first one is a direct adaptation of the Becker-Coron-Joux (BCJ) algorithm for subset sum to the discrete logarithm setting. The second one significantly improves on this adaptation for all possible weights using a more involved application of the representation technique together with some new Markov chain analysis. In contrast to other low weight discrete logarithm algorithms, our second algorithm's time complexity interpolates to Pollard's $|G|^{\frac 1 2}$ bound for general discrete logarithm instances.

We also introduce a new subset sum algorithm with polynomial memory that improves on BCJ's $2^{0.72n}$ time bound for random subset sum instances $a_1, \ldots, a_n, t \in Z_{2^n}$. Technically, we introduce a novel nested collision finding for subset sum -- inspired by the NestedRho algorithm from Crypto '16 -- that recursively produces collisions. We first show how to instantiate our algorithm with run time $2^{0.649n}$. Using further tricks, we are then able to improve its complexity down to $2^{0.645n}$.
Yang Wang, Mingqiang Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Till now, the only reduction from the module learning with errors problem (MLWE) to the ring learning with errors problem (RLWE) is given by Albrecht $et\ al.$ in ASIACRYPT $2017$. Reductions from search MLWE to search RLWE were satisfactory over power-of-$2$ cyclotomic fields with relative small increase of errors. However, a direct reduction from decision MLWE to decision RLWE leads to a super-polynomial increase of errors and does not work even in the most special cases-\ -power-of-$2$ cyclotomic fields. Whether we could reduce decision MLWE to decision RLWE and whether similar reductions could also work for general fields are still open. In this paper, we give a reduction from decision MLWE with module rank $d$ and computation modulus $q$ in worst-case to decision RLWE with modulus $q^d$ in average-case over any cyclotomic field. Our reduction increases the LWE error rate by a small polynomial factor. As a conclusion, we obtain an efficient reduction from decision MLWE with modulus $q\approx\tilde{O}(n^{5.75})$ and error rate $\alpha\approx\tilde{O}(n^{-4.25})$ in worst-case to decision RLWE with error rate $\Gamma\approx\tilde{O}(n^{-\frac{1}{2}})$ in average-case, hence, we get a reduction from worst-case module approximate shortest independent vectors problem (SIVP$_\gamma$) with approximation parameter $\gamma\approx\tilde{O}(n^{5})$ to corresponding average-case decision RLWE problems. Meanwhile, our result shows that the search variant reductions of Albrecht $et\ al.$ could work in arbitrary cyclotomic field as well. We also give an efficient self-reduction of RLWE problems and a converse reduction from decision MLWE to module SIVP$_{\gamma}$ over any cyclotomic field as improvements of relative results showed by Rosca $et\ al.$ in EUROCRYPT $2018$ and Langlois $et\ al.$ $[\rm{DCC}\ 15]$. Our methods can also be applied to more general algebraic fields $K$, as long as we can find a good enough basis of the dual $R^{\vee}$ of the ring of integers of $K$.
Samuel Dobson, Steven D. Galbraith
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Fujioka, Takashima, Terada and Yoneyama, in their 2018 work on an authenticated key exchange protocol using supersingular isogenies, use new assumptions in their security proof of the scheme. In particular, they define the degree-sensitive and degree-insensitive SI-GDH assumptions and problems. These assumptions include a decision oracle that is used in the security proofs. We give evidence that those assumptions are not well defined. Hence, the security proofs in their paper do not seem to be correct.
Fatemeh Ganji, Shahin Tajik, Domenic Forte, Jean-Pierre Seifert
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Electronic chips in consumer, industrial, and military applications are targeted by untrusted entities in the design and fabrication process, aiming at reverse-engineering and Intellectual Property (IP) piracy. Hardware obfuscation techniques, namely logic locking and IC camouflaging, have been developed to mislead an adversary hoping to reverse engineer the netlist and extract the functionality. However, virtually all existing hardware obfuscation schemes developed over the last decade have been shown to be vulnerable to oracle-guided attacks, e.g., SAT and machine learning attacks. Moreover, most of these schemes rely on an ideal tamper- and read-proof memory to store the key used to unlock the circuit after manufacturing. In this work, we propose two novel cryptographically-secure hardware obfuscation schemes using garbled circuits, which are compatible with current circuit synthesis and fabrication tools. Our first construction does not require any secure hardware with tamper- and read-proof memory. In this case, the security of the obfuscation is guaranteed by Proof-of-Stack blockchain protocols and witness encryption schemes. However, for our second construction, we assume the existence of secure memory in the hardware to achieve higher performance and less overhead. Both constructions are inspired by program obfuscation and one-time program techniques enabling us to selectively encrypt and garble some IP cores during integration as well as manufacturing to prevent IP piracy. Furthermore, with the help of our constructions, we can realize one-time and pay-per-use hardware, where a user can use the electronic circuit for a limited amount of time.
Lorenz Panny
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Charles-Goren-Lauter hash function on isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves was shown to be insecure under collision attacks when the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is known. Since there is no known way to generate a supersingular elliptic curve with verifiably unknown endomorphisms, the hash function can currently only be used after a trusted-setup phase. This note presents a simple modification to the construction of the hash function which, under a few heuristics, prevents said collision attack and permits the use of arbitrary starting curves, albeit with a performance impact of a factor of two.
Gilles Barthe, Sandrine Blazy, Benjamin Grégoire, Rémi Hutin, Vincent Laporte, David Pichardie, Alix Trieu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Timing side-channels are arguably one of the main sources of vulnerabilities in cryptographic implementations. One effective mitigation against timing side-channels is to write programs that do not perform secret-dependent branches and memory accesses. This mitigation, known as ''cryptographic constant-time'', is adopted by several popular cryptographic libraries.

This paper focuses on compilation of cryptographic constant-time programs, and more specifically on the following question: is the code generated by a realistic compiler for a constant-time source program itself provably constant-time? Surprisingly, we answer the question positively for a mildly modified version of the CompCert compiler, a formally verified and moderately optimizing compiler for C. Concretely, we modify the CompCert compiler to eliminate sources of potential leakage. Then, we instrument the operational semantics of CompCert intermediate languages so as to be able to capture cryptographic constant-time. Finally, we prove that the modified CompCert compiler preserves constant-time. Our mechanization maximizes reuse of the CompCert correctness proof, through the use of new proof techniques for proving preservation of constant-time. These techniques achieve complementary trade-offs between generality and tractability of proof effort, and are of independent interest.
Wulu Li, Lei Chen, Xin Lai, Xiao Zhang, Jiajun Xin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy protection has been extensively studied in the current blockchain research field. As representations, Monero and Zerocash have realized completely anonymous and amount-hiding transactions. However, nonregulation can lead to abuse of privacy, which brings about serious risks of breaking laws and committing crimes. Therefore, it is crucial to study the privacy-preserving blockchain systems with regulatory functions. In this paper, we discuss the regulatory model (regulator behavior, user behavior) on the privacy-preserving blockchains from application scenarios and finally select unconditional regulation, static regulation, and self-participation of users as the core principles, which is currently the closest approach to the "decentralization" of regulatable privacy-preserving blockchains. On the basis of the established regulatory model, we first propose a traceable and linkable ring signature scheme (TLRS) by use of classic ring signatures, one-time signatures and zero-knowledge proofs, which realizes the unforgeability, anonymity, linkability, nonslanderability and traceability of users' identities. Moreover, we first propose traceable Borromean range proof (TBoRP) and traceable Bulletproofs range proof (TBuRP) by use of Fiat-Shamir transform and DH assumptions, which realize the completeness, soundness, zero-knowledge and traceability of the transaction amounts. We also apply the newly designed schemes and other zero-knowledge proof protocols to achieve richer regulatory functions.
Dirk Achenbach, Roland Gröll, Timon Hackenjos, Alexander Koch, Bernhard Löwe, Jeremias Mechler, Jörn Müller-Quade, Jochen Rill
ePrint Report ePrint Report
EMV, also known as Chip and PIN, is the world-wide standard for card-based electronic payment. Its security wavers: over the past years, researchers have demonstrated various practical attacks, ranging from using stolen cards by disabling PIN verification to cloning cards by pre-computing transaction data. Most of these attacks rely on violating certain unjustified and not explicitly stated core assumptions upon which EMV is built, namely that the input device (e.g. the ATM) is trusted and all communication channels are non-interceptable. In addition, EMV lacks a comprehensive formal description of its security. In this work we give a formal model for the security of electronic payment protocols in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. A particular challenge for electronic payment is that one participant of a transaction is a human who cannot perform cryptographic operations. Our goal is twofold. First, we want to enable a transition from the iterative engineering of such protocols to using cryptographic security models to argue about a protocol’s security. Second, we establish a more realistic adversarial model for payment protocols in the presence of insecure devices and channels. We prove a set of necessary requirements for secure electronic payment with regards to our model. We then discuss the security of current payment protocols based on these results and find that most are insecure or require unrealistically strong assumptions. Finally, we give a simple payment protocol inspired by chipTAN and photoTAN and prove its security. Our model captures the security properties of electronic payment protocols with human interaction. We show how to use this to reason about necessary requirements for secure electronic payment and how to develop a protocol based on the resulting guidelines. We hope that this will facilitate the development of new protocols with well-understood security properties.

13 August 2019

Bastian Richter, Alexander Wild, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In side-channel analysis attacks, on-die localized EM monitoring enable high bandwidth measurements of only a relevant part of the Integrated Circuit (IC). This can lead to improved attacks compared to cases where only power consumption is measured. Combined with profiled attacks which utilize a training phase to create precise models of the information leakage, the attacks can become even more powerful. In contrast, localized EM measurements can cause difficulties in applying the learned models as the probe should be identically positioned for both the training and the attack even when the setup was used otherwise in between. Even small differences in the probe position can lead to significant differences in the recorded signals. In this paper we present an automated system to precisely and efficiently reposition the probe when performing repeated measurements. Based on the training IC, we train a machine learning system to return the position of the probe for a given measurement. By taking a small number of measurements on the IC under attack, we can then obtain the coordinates of the measurements and map it to correct the coordinate system. As the target for our practical analyses, we use an STM32L0 ARMM0+ microcontroller with integrated hardware AES.
Karim Eldefrawy, Vitor Pereira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) enables a group of $n$ distrusting parties to jointly compute a function using private inputs. MPC guarantees correctness of computation and confidentiality of inputs if no more than a threshold $t$ of the parties are corrupted. Proactive MPC (PMPC) addresses the stronger threat model of a mobile adversary that controls a changing set of parties (but only up to $t$ at any instant), and may eventually corrupt all $n$ parties over a long time.

This paper takes a first stab at developing high-assurance implementations of (P)MPC. We present high-assurance implementations of (P)MPC protocols. We formalize in EasyCrypt, a tool-assisted framework for building high-confidence cryptographic proofs, several abstract and reusable variations of secret sharing and of (P)MPC protocols building on top of them. Using those, we prove a series of abstract theorems for the proactive setting. We implement and perform computer-checked security proofs of concrete instantiations of all required (abstract) protocols in EasyCrypt.

We also develop a new tool-chain to extract high-assurance executable implementations of protocols implemented and verified in EasyCrypt that uses Why3 as an intermediate tool. Using this new tool, we were able to extract code from our (P)MPC formalizations and to conduct a practical evaluation of it by comparing the performance obtained using our approach to the performance of manually implemented versions using Python-based Charm framework for prototyping cryptographic schemes. We argue that the small overhead of our high-assurance executables is a reasonable price to pay for the increased confidence about their correctness and security.
Pavol Zajac
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public key algorithms based on QC-MPDC and QC-LDPC codes for key encapsulation/encryption submitted to NIST post-quantum competition (BIKE, QC-MDPC KEM, LEDA) are vulnerable against reaction attacks based on decoding failures. To protect algorithms, authors propose to limit the key usage, in the extreme (BIKE) to only use ephemeral public keys. In some authenticated protocols, we need to combine each key with a signature, which can lead to increased traffic overhead, especially given large signature sizes of some of the proposed post-quantum signature schemes. We propose to combine ephemeral public keys with a simple Merkle-tree to obtain a server authenticated key encapsulation/transport suitable for TLS-like handshake protocols.
Raluca Posteuca
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The stream cipher FOUNTAIN was introduced in April 2019 as one of the candidates in the NIST lightweight crypto standardization process. In this paper we introduce a slide attack that leads to the construction of 32 relations on key bits, with time complexity around $17\times 2^{80}$. The success of the attack is around 98%. We also present some properties of the internal state transitions that allow the identification of (key-iv-ad) input data that produce identical ciphertexts, with probability of $2^{-32}$.
Wei Cheng, Claude Carlet, Kouassi Goli, Sylvain Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-channel analysis and fault injection attacks are two typical threats to cryptographic implementations, especially in modern embedded devices. Thus there is an insistent demand for dual side-channel and fault injection protections. As it is known, masking is a kind of provable countermeasure against side-channel attacks. Recently, inner product masking (IPM) was proposed as a promising higher-order masking scheme against side-channel analysis, but not for fault injection attacks. In this paper, we devise a new masking scheme named IPM-FD. It is built on IPM, which enables fault detection. This novel masking scheme has three properties: the security orders in the word-level probing model, bit-level probing model, and the number of detected faults. IPM-FD is proven secure both in the word-level and in the bit-level probing models, and allows for end-to-end fault detection against fault injection attacks.

Furthermore, we illustrate its security order by interpreting IPM-FD as a coding problem then linking it to one defining parameters of linear code, and show its implementation cost by applying IPM-FD to AES-128.
Hai Zhou, Amin Rezaei, Yuanqi Shen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Logic encryption, a method to lock a circuit from unauthorized use unless the correct key is provided, is the most important technique in hardware IP protection. However, with the discovery of the SAT attack, all traditional logic encryption algorithms are broken. New algorithms after the SAT attack are all vulnerable to structural analysis unless a provable obfuscation is applied to the locked circuit. But there is no provable logic obfuscation available, in spite of some vague resorting to logic resynthesis. In this paper, we formulate and discuss a trilemma in logic encryption among locking robustness, structural security, and encryption efficiency, showing that pre-SAT approaches achieve only structural security and encryption efficiency, and post-SAT approaches achieve only locking robustness and encryption efficiency. There is also a dilemma between query complexity and error number in locking. We first develop a theory and solution to the dilemma in locking between query complexity and error number. Then, we provide a provable obfuscation solution to the dilemma between structural security and locking robustness. We finally present and discuss some results towards the resolution of the trilemma in logic encryption.
Shixiong Wang, Juanyang Zhang, Jingnan He, Huaxiong Wang, Chao Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As an extension of identity-based encryption (IBE), revocable hierarchical IBE (RHIBE) supports both key revocation and key delegation simultaneously, which are two important functionalities for cryptographic use in practice. Recently in PKC 2019, Katsumata et al. constructed the first lattice-based RHIBE scheme with decryption key exposure resistance (DKER). Such constructions are all based on bilinear or multilinear maps before their work. In this paper, we simplify the construction of RHIBE scheme with DKER provided by Katsumata et al. With our new treatment of the identity spaces and the time period space, there is only one short trapdoor base in the master secret key and in the secret key of each identity. In addition, we claim that some items in the keys can also be removed due to the DKER setting. Our first RHIBE scheme in the standard model is presented as a result of the above simplification. Furthermore, based on the technique for lattice basis delegation in fixed dimension, we construct our second RHIBE scheme in the random oracle model. It has much shorter items in keys and ciphertexts than before, and also achieves the adaptive-identity security under the learning with errors (LWE) assumption.
Kai Chen; Zhongrui Lin; Jian Wan; Lei Xu; Chungen Xu.
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) for multi-owner model draws much attention as it enables data users to perform searches over encrypted cloud data outsourced by data owners. However, implementing secure and precise query, efficient search and flexible dynamic system maintenance at the same time in SSE remains a challenge. To address this, this paper proposes secure and efficient multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data for multi-owner model based on searching adversarial networks. We exploit searching adversarial networks to achieve optimal pseudo-keyword padding, and obtain the optimal game equilibrium for query precision and privacy protection strength. Maximum likelihood search balanced tree is generated by probabilistic learning, which achieves efficient search and brings the computational complexity close to $\mathcal{O}(\log N)$. In addition, we enable flexible dynamic system maintenance with balanced index forest that makes full use of distributed computing. Compared with previous works, our solution maintains query precision above 95% while ensuring adequate privacy protection, and introduces low overhead on computation, communication and storage.
Lynn Margaret Batten, Hugh Cowie Williams
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Abstract. The extremely efficient Rabin-Williams signature scheme relies on decryption of a quadratic equation in order to retrieve the original message. Customarily, square roots are found using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. This can be done in polynomial time, but generally produces four options for the correct message which must be analyzed to determine the correct one. This paper resolves the problem of efficient deterministic decryption to the correct message modulo $p^2q$ by establishing conditions on the primes $p$ and $q$ as well as on any legitimate message. We do this using the CRT modulo pq to find four roots. We show that the correct root (initial message) is the only one of these four which is in our allowed message set (it is in fact the smallest of the four integers) and which satisfies a quadratic equation modulo $p^2q$; no additional work is required to eliminate the others. As a result, we propose what we believe is now the most efficient version of R-W signature scheme decryption.
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