International Association for Cryptologic Research

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11 September 2019

Dor Bitan, Shlomi Dolev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption (HE) schemes enable processing of encrypted data and may be used by a user to outsource storage and computations to an untrusted server. A plethora of HE schemes has been suggested in the past four decades, based on various assumptions, and which achieve different attributes. In this work, we assume that the user and server are quantum computers, and look for HE schemes of classical data. We set a high bar of requirements and ask what can be achieved under these requirements. Namely, we look for HE schemes which are efficient, information-theoretically (IT) secure, perfectly correct, and which support homomorphic operations in a fully-compact and non-interactive way. Fully-compact means that decryption costs O(1) time and space. To the best of our knowledge, there is no known scheme which fulfills all the above requirements. We suggest an encryption scheme based on random bases and discuss the homomorphic properties of that scheme. We demonstrate the usefulness of random bases in an efficient and secure QKD protocol and other applications. In particular, our QKD scheme has safer security in the face of weak measurements.
Jintai Ding, Joshua Deaton, Zheng Zhang, Kurt Schmidt, Vishakha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 1998, Jerey Hostein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman introduced the famous Ntru cryptosystem, and called it "A ring-based public key cryptosystem". Actually it turns out to be a lattice based cryptosystem that is resistant to Shor's algorithm. There are several modifications to the original Ntru and two of them are selected as round 2 candidates of NIST post quantum public key scheme standardization.

In this paper, we present a simple attack on the original Ntru scheme. The idea comes from Ding et al.'s key mismatch attack. Essentially, an adversary can find information on the private key of a KEM by not encrypting a message as intended but in a manner which will cause a failure in decryption if the private key is in a certain form. In the present, Ntru has the encrypter generating a random polynomial with "small" coefficients, but we will have the coefficients be "large". After this, some further work will create an equivalent key.
Sean Bowe, Jack Grigg, Daira Hopwood
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Non-interactive proofs of knowledge allow us to publicly demonstrate the faithful execution of arbitrary computations. SNARKs have the additional property of succinctness, meaning that the proofs are short and fast to verify even when the computations involved are large. This property raises the prospect of recursive proof composition: proofs that verify other proofs. All previously known realizations of recursive proof composition have required a trusted setup and cycles of expensive pairing-friendly elliptic curves.

We obtain the first practical example of recursive proof composition without a trusted setup, using only ordinary cycles of elliptic curves. Our primary contribution is a novel technique for amortizing away expensive verification procedures from within the proof verification cycle so that we could obtain recursion using a composition of existing protocols and techniques. We devise a technique for amortizing the cost of verifying multiple inner product arguments which may be of independent interest.
Alexander Vlasov, Konstantin Panarin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce novel efficient and transparent construction of the polynomial commitment scheme. A polynomial commitment scheme allows one side (the prover) to commit to a polynomial of predefined degree $d$ with a string that can be later used by another side (the verifier) to confirm claimed evaluations of the committed polynomial at specific points. Efficiency means that communication costs of interaction between prover and verifier during the protocol are very small compared to sending the whole committed polynomial itself, and is polylogarithmic in our case. Transparency means that our scheme doesn't require any preliminary trusted setup ceremony. We explicitly state that our polynomial commitment scheme is not hiding, although zero knowledge can be achieved at the application level in most of the cases.
Yongha Son, Jung Hee Cheon
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the practical use of the Learning With Error (LWE) based cryptosystems, it is quite common to choose the secret to be extremely small: one popular choice is ternary ($\pm 1, 0$) coefficient vector, and some further use ternary vector having only small numbers of nonzero coefficient, what is called sparse and ternary vector. This use of small secret also benefits to attack algorithms against LWE, and currently LWE-based cryptosystems including homomorphic encryptions (HE) set parameters based on the attack complexity of those improved attacks.

In this work, we revisit the well-known Howgrave-Graham's hybrid attack, which was originally designed to solve the NTRU problem, with respect to sparse and ternary secret LWE case, and also refine the previous analysis for the hybrid attack in line with LWE setting. Moreover, upon our analysis we estimate attack complexity of the hybrid attack for several LWE parameters. As a result, we argue the currently used HE parameters should be raised to maintain the same security level by considering the hybrid attack; for example, the parameter set $(n, \log q, \sigma) = (65536, 1240, 3.2)$ with Hamming weight of secret key $h = 64,$ which was estimated to satisfy $\ge 128$ bit-security by the previously considered attacks, is newly estimated to provide only $113$ bit-security by the hybrid attack.

10 September 2019

Asiacrypt Asiacrypt
ASIACRYPT 2019, the 25th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, will take place at Kobe Portopia Hotel in the city of Kobe, Japan, December 8-12, 2019.

The conference webpage:

ASIACRYPT 2019 registrations are now open at The early registration deadline ends on November 8, 2019.

Technical Program
We are pleased to announce that Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria) and Elaine Shi (Cornell University) will give us special lectures. Please visit for the invited speakers and talks. A list of accepted papers will appear on the conference site shortly. Stay tuned.

Venue and Travel
All technical sessions and social events take place at Kobe Portopia Hotel. The venue is easily reachable from three nearby airports (KIX, UKB and ITM) by public transportation. Consult for additional and detailed guidelines.

There are many hotels in Kobe downtown area in a variety of price ranges. A limited number of rooms of Kobe Portopia Hotel have been reserved for participants of the conference. Find more information at Early booking is highly recommended.

Student Stipends
All student presenters of an accepted paper will have their registration fees waived. In addition, a limited number of stipends are available to those unable to obtain funding to join the conference. If such assistance is needed, please read and contact the general chair.

Julia Kastner, Jiaxin Pan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Generic Group Model (GGM) is one of the most important tools for analyzing the hardness of a cryptographic problem. Although a proof in the GGM provides a certain degree of confidence in the problem's hardness, it is a rather strong and limited model, since it does not allow an algorithm to exploit any property of the group structure. To bridge the gap between the GGM and the Standard Model, Fuchsbauer, Kiltz, and Loss proposed a model, called the Algebraic Group Model (AGM, CRYPTO 2018). In the AGM, an adversary can take advantage of the group structure, but it needs to provide a representation of its group element outputs, which seems weaker than the GGM but stronger than the Standard Model. Due to this additional information we learn about the adversary, the AGM allows us to derive simple but meaningful security proofs.

In this paper, we take the first step to bridge the gap between the AGM and the Standard Model. We instantiate the AGM under Standard Assumptions. More precisely, we construct two algebraic groups under the Knowledge of Exponent Assumption (KEA). In addition to the KEA, our first construction requires symmetric pairings, and our second construction needs an additively homomorphic Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK) argument system, which can be implemented by a standard variant of Diffie-Hellman Assumption in the asymmetric pairing setting. Furthermore, we show that both of our constructions provide cryptographic hardness which can be used to construct secure cryptosystems. We note that the KEA provably holds in the GGM. Our results show that, instead of instantiating the seemingly complex AGM directly, one can try to instantiate the GKEA under falsifiable assumptions in the Standard Model. Thus, our results can serve as a stepping stone towards instantiating the AGM under falsifiable assumptions.
Mihir Bellare, Wei Dai, Lucy Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We bypass impossibility results for the deterministic encryption of public-key-dependent messages, showing that, in this setting, the classical Encrypt-with-Hash scheme provides message-recovery security, across a broad range of message distributions. The proof relies on a new variant of the forking lemma in which the random oracle is reprogrammed on just a single fork point rather than on all points past the fork.
Elena Kirshanova, Erik Mårtensson, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Subhayan Roy Moulik
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the mathematical foundations of lattice based cryptography. Lattice sieve algorithms are amongst the foremost methods of solving SVP. The asymptotically fastest known classical and quantum sieves solve SVP in a \(d\)-dimensional lattice in \(2^{cd + o(d)}\) time steps with \(2^{c'd + o(d)}\) memory for constants \(c, c'\). In this work, we give various quantum sieving algorithms that trade computational steps for memory.

We first give a quantum analogue of the classical \(k\)-Sieve algorithm [Herold--Kirshanova--Laarhoven, PKC'18] in the Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) model, achieving an algorithm that heuristically solves SVP in \(2^{0.2989d + o(d)}\) time steps using \(2^{0.1395d + o(d)}\) memory. This should be compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm [Laarhoven, Ph.D Thesis, 2015] which, in the same model, solves SVP in \(2^{0.2653d + o(d)}\) time steps and memory. In the QRAM model these algorithms can be implemented using \(poly(d)\) width quantum circuits.

Secondly, we frame the \(k\)-Sieve as the problem of \(k\)-clique listing in a graph and apply quantum \(k\)-clique finding techniques to the \(k\)-Sieve.

Finally, we explore the large quantum memory regime by adapting parallel quantum search [Beals et al., Proc. Roy. Soc. A'13] to the \(2\)-Sieve and giving an analysis in the quantum circuit model. We show how to heuristically solve SVP in \(2^{0.1037d + o(d)}\) time steps using \(2^{0.2075d + o(d)}\) quantum memory.
Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias, Alexander Spiegelman, Dahlia Malkhi, Ittai Abraham
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present the first fully asynchronous distributed key generation (ADKG) algorithm as well as the first distributed key generation algorithm that can create keys with a dual $(f,2f+1)-$threshold that are necessary for scalable consensus (which so far needs a trusted dealer assumption).

In order to create a DKG with a dual $(f,2f+1)-$ threshold we first answer in the affirmative the open question posed by Cachin et al. how to create an AVSS protocol with recovery thresholds $ f+1 < k \le 2f+1$, which is of independent interest. Our High-threshold-AVSS (\textit{HAVSS}) uses an asymmetric bi-variate polynomial, where the secret shared is hidden from any set of $k$ nodes but an honest node that did not participate in the sharing phase can still recover his share with only $n-2f$ shares, hence be able to contribute in the secret reconstruction.

Another building block for ADKG is a novel \textit{Eventually Perfect} Common Coin (EPCC) abstraction and protocol that enables the participants to create a common coin that might fail to agree at most $f+1$ times (even if invoked a polynomial number of times). Using \textit{EPCC} we implement an Eventually Efficient Asynchronous Binary Agreement (EEABA) in which each instance takes $O(n^2)$ bits and $O(1)$ rounds in expectation, except for at most $f+1$ instances which may take $O(n^4)$ bits and $O(n)$ rounds in total.

Using EEABA we construct the first fully Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation (ADKG) which has the same overhead and expected runtime as the best partially-synchronous DKG ($O(n^4)$ words, $O(n)$ rounds). As a corollary of our ADKG we can also create the first Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement (VABA) in the authenticated setting that does not need a trusted dealer to setup threshold signatures of degree $n-f$. Our VABA has an overhead of expected $O(n^2)$ words and $O(1)$ time per instance after an initial $O(n^4)$ words and $O(n)$ time bootstrap via ADKG.
Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Chris Brzuska, Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson, Wil Michiels
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The goal of white-box cryptography is to provide security even when the cryptographic implementation is executed in adversarially controlled environments. White-box implementations nowadays appear in commercial products such as mobile payment applications, e.g., those certified by Mastercard. Interestingly, there, white-box cryptography is championed as a tool for secure storage of payment tokens, and importantly, the white-boxed storage functionality is bound to a hardware functionality to prevent code-lifting attacks.

In this paper, we show that the approach of using hardware binding and obfuscation for secure storage is conceptually sound. Following security specifications by Mastercard, we first define security for a white-box key derivation functions (WKDF) that is bound to a hardware functionality. WKDFs with hardware-binding model a secure storage functionality, as the WKDFs in turn can be used to derive encryption keys for secure storage. We then provide a proof-of-concept construction of WKDFs based on pseudorandom functions (PRF) and obfuscation. To show that our use of cryptographic primitives is sound, we perform a cryptographic analysis and reduce the security of our WKDF to the cryptographic assumptions of indistinguishability obfuscation and PRF-security. The hardware-functionality that our WKDF is bound to is a PRF-like functionality. Obfuscation helps us to hide the secret key used for the verification, essentially emulating a signature functionality as is provided by the Android key store.

We rigorously define the required security properties of a hardware-bound white-box payment application (WPAY) for generating and encrypting valid payment requests. We construct a WPAY, which uses a WKDF as a secure building block. We thereby show that a WKDF can be securely combined with any secure symmetric encryption scheme, including those based on standard ciphers such as AES.
Carolyn Whitnall, Elisabeth Oswald
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The ISO standardisation of `Testing methods for the mitigation of non-invasive attack classes against cryptographic modules' (ISO/IEC 17825:2016) specifies the use of the Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) framework as the sole measure to assess whether or not an implementation of (symmetric) cryptography is vulnerable to differential side-channel attacks. It is the only publicly available standard of this kind, and the first side-channel assessment regime to exclusively rely on a TVLA instantiation.

TVLA essentially specifies statistical leakage detection tests with the aim of removing the burden of having to test against an ever increasing number of attack vectors. It offers the tantalising prospect of `conformance testing': if a device passes TVLA, then, one is led to hope, the device would be secure against all (first-order) differential side-channel attacks.

In this paper we provide a statistical assessment of the specific instantiation of TVLA in this standard. This task leads us to inquire whether (or not) it is possible to assess the side-channel security of a device via leakage detection (TVLA) only. We find a number of grave issues in the standard and its adaptation of the original TVLA guidelines. We propose some innovations on existing methodologies and finish by giving recommendations for best practice and the responsible reporting of outcomes.
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda, Keisuke Tanaka
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose two efficient public key encryption (PKE) schemes satisfying key dependent message security against chosen ciphertext attacks (KDM-CCA security). The first one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to affine functions. The other one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to polynomial functions. Both of our schemes are based on the KDM-CPA secure PKE schemes proposed by Malkin, Teranishi, and Yung (EUROCRYPT 2011). Although our schemes satisfy KDM-CCA security, their efficiency overheads compared to Malkin et al.'s schemes are very small. Thus, efficiency of our schemes is drastically improved compared to the existing KDM-CCA secure schemes.

We achieve our results by extending the construction technique by Kitagawa and Tanaka (ASIACRYPT 2018). Our schemes are obtained via semi-generic constructions using an IND-CCA secure PKE scheme as a building block. We prove the KDM-CCA security of our schemes based on the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption and the IND-CCA security of the building block PKE scheme.

Moreover, our security proofs are tight if the IND-CCA security of the building block PKE scheme is tightly reduced to its underlying computational assumption. By instantiating our schemes using existing tightly IND-CCA secure PKE schemes, we obtain the first tightly KDM-CCA secure PKE schemes whose ciphertext consists only of a constant number of group elements.

09 September 2019

Oxford, United Kingdom, 14 April - 16 April 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 14 April to 16 April 2020
Submission deadline: 1 December 2019
Notification: 15 January 2020
Raymond K. Zhao, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The arbitrary-centered discrete Gaussian sampler is a fundamental subroutine in implementing lattice trapdoor sampling algorithms. However, existing approaches typically rely on either a fast implementation of another discrete Gaussian sampler or pre-computations with regards to some specific discrete Gaussian distributions with fixed centers and standard deviations. These approaches may only support sampling from standard deviations within a limited range, or cannot efficiently sample from arbitrary standard deviations determined on-the-fly at run-time.

In this paper, we propose a compact and scalable rejection sampling algorithm by sampling from a continuous normal distribution and performing rejection sampling on rounded samples. Our scheme does not require pre-computations related to any specific discrete Gaussian distributions. Our scheme can sample from both arbitrary centers and arbitrary standard deviations determined on-the-fly at run-time. In addition, we show that our scheme only requires a low number of trials close to 2 per sample on average, and our scheme maintains good performance when scaling up the standard deviation. We also provide a concrete error analysis of our scheme based on the Renyi divergence.
Rishab Goyal, Venkata Koppula, Satyanarayana Vusirikala, Brent Waters
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a lockable obfuscation scheme a party takes as input a program $P$, a lock value $\alpha$, a message $m$ and produces an obfuscated program $\tilde{P}$. The obfuscated program can be evaluated on an input $x$ to learn the message $m$ if $P(x)= \alpha$. The security of such schemes states that if $\alpha$ is randomly chosen (independent of $P$ and $m$), then one cannot distinguish an obfuscation of $P$ from a ``dummy'' obfuscation. Existing constructions of lockable obfuscation achieve provable security under the Learning with Errors assumption. One limitation of these constructions is that they achieve only statistical correctness and allow for a possible one sided error where the obfuscated program could output the $m$ on some value $x$ where $P(x) \neq \alpha$.

In this work we motivate the problem of studying perfect correctness in lockable obfuscation for the case where the party performing the obfuscation might wish to inject a backdoor or hole in correctness. We begin by studying the existing constructions and identify two components that are susceptible to imperfect correctness. The first is in the LWE-based pseudo random generators (PRGs) that are non-injective, while the second is in the last level testing procedure of the core constructions.

We address each in turn. First, we build upon previous work to design injective PRGs that are provably secure from the LWE assumption. Next, we design an alternative last level testing procedure that has additional structure to prevent correctness errors. We then provide a surgical proof of security (to avoid redundancy) that connects our construction to the construction by Goyal, Koppula, and Waters (GKW). Specifically, we show how for a random value $\alpha$ an obfuscation under our new construction is indistinguishable from an obfuscation under the existing GKW construction.
Jintai Ding, Seungki Kim, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Yuntao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce stochastic sandpile models which imitate numerous aspects of the practical behavior of the LLL algorithm with compelling accuracy. In addition, we argue that the physics and mathematics of sandpile models provide satisfactory heuristic explanations to much of the mysteries of LLL, and pleasant implications for lattice-based cryptography as a whole. Based on these successes, we suggest a paradigm in which one regards blockwise reduction algorithms as 1-d stochastic self-organized criticality(SOC) models and study them as such.

06 September 2019

Olivier Bronchain, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We take advantage of a recently published open source implementation of the AES protected with a mix of countermeasures against side-channel attacks to discuss both the challenges in protecting COTS devices against such attacks and the limitations of closed source security evaluations. The target implementation has been proposed by the French ANSSI (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information) to stimulate research on the design and evaluation of side-channel secure implementations. It combines additive and multiplicative secret sharings into an affine masking scheme that is additionally mixed with a shuffled execution. Its preliminary leakage assessment did not detect data dependencies with up to 100,000 measurements. We first exhibit the gap between such a preliminary leakage assessment and advanced attacks by exhibiting how a countermeasures' dissection exploiting a mix of dimensionality reduction, multivariate information extraction and key enumeration can recover the full key with less than 2,000 measurements. We then discuss the relevance of open source evaluations to analyze such implementations efficiently, by exhibiting that certain steps of the attack are hard to automate without implementation knowledge (even with machine learning tools), while performing them manually is trivial. Our findings are not due to design flaws but from the general difficulty to prevent side-channel attacks in COTS devices with limited noise. We anticipate that high security on such devices requires significantly more shares.
Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Cyril Hugounenq, Sébastien Riou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose SPAE, a single pass, patent free, authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) for AES. The algorithm has been developped to address the needs of a growing trend in IoT systems: storing code and data on a low cost flash memory external to the main SOC. Existing AEAD algorithms such as OCB, GCM, CCM, EAX , SIV, provide the required functionality however in practice each of them suffer from various drawbacks for this particular use case. Academic contributions such as ASCON and AEGIS-128 are suitable and efficient however they require the development of new hardware accelerators and they use primitives which are not ‘approved’ by governemental institutions such as NIST, BSI, ANSSI. From a silicon manufacturer point of view, an efficient AEAD which use existing AES hardware is much more enticing: the AES is required already by most industry standards invovling symmetric encryption (GSMA, EMVco, FIDO, Bluetooth, ZigBee to name few). This paper expose the properties of an ideal AEAD for external memory encryption, present the SPAE algorithm and analyze various security aspects. Performances of SPAE on actual hardware are better than OCB, GCM and CCM.
Francesco Lucente Stabile, Carey Patrick Atkins
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The LSA cryptosystem is an asymmetric encryption algorithm which is based on both group and number theory that follows Kerckhoffs’s principle and relies on a specific case of Gauss’s Generalization of Wilson’s Theorem. Unlike prime factorization based algorithms, the eavesdropping cryptanalyst has no indication that he has successfully decrypted the ciphertext. For this reason, we aim to show that LSAis not only more secure than existing asymmetric algorithms but has the potential to be significantly computationally faster.
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