International Association for Cryptologic Research

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01 December 2019

Masoumeh Shafieinejad, Navid Nasr Esfahani, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Abstract. We present a construction for hash-based one-time group signature schemes, and develop a traceable post-quantum multi-time group signature upon it. A group signature scheme allows group members to anonymously sign a message on behalf of the whole group. The signatures are unforgeable and the scheme enables authorized openers to trace the signature back to the original signer when needed. Our construction utilizes three nested layers to build the group signature scheme. The first layer is key management; it deploys a transversal design to assign keys to the group members and the openers, providing the construction with traceability. The second layer utilizes hash pools to build the group public verification key, to connect group members together, and to provide anonymity. The final layer is a post-quantum hash-based signature scheme, that adds unforgeability to our construction. We extend our scheme to multi-time signatures by using Merkle trees, and show that this process keeps the scalability property of Merkle-based signatures, while it supports the group members signing any number of messages. Keywords: Post Quantum Signatures, Hash-based Signatures, Group Signatures, Transversal Designs, τ−traceability
Xuecheng Ma, Dongdai Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) is an extension of IBE which can support a key revocation mechanism, and it is important when deploying an IBE system in practice. Boneh and Franklin (Crypto'01) presented the first generic construction of RIBE, however, their scheme is not scalable where the size of key updates is linear in the number of users in the system. The first generic construction of RIBE is presented by Ma and Lin with complete subtree (CS) method by combining IBE and hierarchical IBE (HIBE) schemes. Recently, Lee proposed a new generic construction using the subset difference (SD) method by combining IBE,identity-based revocation (IBR), and two-level HIBE schemes.

In this paper, we present a new primitive called Identity-Based Encryption with Ciphertext Delegation (CIBE) and propose a generic construction of RIBE scheme via subset difference method using CIBE and HIBE as building blocks. CIBE is a special type of Wildcarded IBE (WIBE) and Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption (IBBE). Furthermore, we show that CIBE can be constructed from IBE in a black-box way. Instantiating the underlying building blocks with different concrete schemes, we can obtain a RIBE scheme with constant-size public parameter, ciphertext, private key and $O(r)$ key updates in the selective-ID model. Additionally, our generic RIBE scheme can be easily converted to a sever-aided RIBE scheme which is more suitable for lightweight devices.
Gérald Gavin, Sandrine Tainturier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We design a very simple private-key encryption scheme whose decryption function is a rational function. This scheme is not born naturally homomorphic. To get homomorphic properties, a nonlinear additive homomorphic operator is specifically developed. The security analysis is based on symmetry considerations and we prove some formal results under the factoring assumption. In particular, we prove IND-CPA security in the generic ring model. Even if our security proof is not complete, we think that it is convincing and that the technical tools considered in this paper are interesting by themselves. Moreover, the factoring assumption is just needed to ensure that solving nonlinear equations or finding non-null polynomials with many roots is difficult. Consequently, the ideas behind our construction could be re-used in rings satisfying these properties. As motivating perspectives, we then propose to develop a simple multiplicative operator. To achieve this, randomness is added in our construction giving hope to remove the factoring assumption in order to get a pure multivariate encryption scheme.
Teik Guan Tan, Jianying Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public key cryptography is threatened by the advent of quantum computers. Using Shor’s algorithm on a large-enough quantum computer, an attacker could cryptanalyze any RSA/ECDSA public key, and generate fake digital signatures in seconds. In this paper, we profile all 9 digital signature candidate algorithms within NIST’s post-quantum cryptography contest round 2, plus stateful hash-based signatures, and evaluate their suitability against 11 different industry applications. We have found that Falcon, a lattice-based digital signing algorithm, when supplemented with XMSS/LMS hash-based signatures, can best meet all of the application requirements if improvements in key generation and key sizes are achieved.
Daniel Cervantes-Vázquez, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Finding an isogenous supersingular elliptic curve of a prescribed odd degree is an important building block for all the isogeny-based protocols proposed to date. In this note, we present several strategies for the efficient construction of odd degree isogenies that outperform previously reported methods when dealing with isogeny degrees in the range $[7, 2^{20}].$
Maria Eichlseder, Marcel Nageler, Robert Primas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
AEGIS is one of the authenticated encryption designs selected for the final portfolio of the CAESAR competition. It combines the AES round function and simple Boolean operations to update its large state and extract a keystream to achieve an excellent software performance. In 2014, Minaud discovered slight biases in the keystream based on linear characteristics. For family member AEGIS-256, these could be exploited to undermine the confidentiality faster than generic attacks, but this still requires very large amounts of data. For final portfolio member AEGIS-128, these attacks are currently less efficient than generic attacks. We propose improved keystream approximations for the AEGIS family, but also prove upper bounds below $2^{-128}$ for the squared correlation contribution of any single suitable linear characteristic.
Aurore Guillevic
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There have been notable improvements in discrete logarithm computations in finite fields since 2015 and the introduction of the Tower Number Field Sieve (TNFS) algorithm for extension fields. The Special TNFS is very efficient in finite fields that are target groups of pairings on elliptic curves, where the characteristic is special (e.g.~sparse). The key sizes for pairings should be increased, and alternative pairing-friendly curves can be considered. We revisit the Special variant of TNFS for pairing-friendly curves. In this case the characteristic is given by a polynomial of moderate degree (between 4 and 38) and tiny coefficients, evaluated at an integer (a seed). We present a polynomial selection with a new practical trade-off between degree and coefficient size. As a consequence, the security of curves computed by Barbulescu, El Mrabet and Ghammam should be revised: we obtain a smaller estimated cost of STNFS for all curves except BLS12 and BN. To obtain TNFS-secure curves, we reconsider the Brezing-Weng generic construction of families of pairing-friendly curves and estimate the cost of our new Special TNFS algorithm for these curves. This improves on the work of Fotiadis and Konstantinou, Fotiadis and Martindale, and Barbulescu, El Mrabet and Ghammam. We obtain a short-list of interesting families of curves that are resistant to the Special TNFS algorithm, of embedding degrees 10 to 16 for the 128-bit security level. We conclude that at the 128-bit security level, a BLS-12 curve over a 440 to 448-bit prime seems to be the best choice for pairing efficiency. We also give a brief overview of the 192-bit security level.

28 November 2019

San Diego, USA, 23 February 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 23 February 2020
Submission deadline: 13 December 2019
Notification: 17 January 2020
Priyanka Joshi, Bodhisatwa Mazumdar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
ASCON is an authenticated encryption, selected as the first choice for a lightweight use case in the CAESAR competition in February 2019. In this work, we investigate vulnerabilities of ASCON against fault analysis. We observe that the use of 128-bit random nonce makes it resistant against many cryptanalysis techniques like differential, linear, etc. and their variants. However, XORing the key just before releasing the tag T (a public value) creates a trivial attack path. Also, the S-Box demonstrates a non-random behavior towards subset cryptanalysis. We observe that if the 3rd bit of the S-box input is set to zero, then XoR of the last two output bits is zero, with a probability of $0.625$, i.e., this characteristic is present in 10 out of 16 cases. Our subset fault analysis(SSFA) attack uses this property to retrieve the 128-bit secret key. The SSFA attack can uniquely retrieve the key of full-round ASCON with the complexity of $2^{64}$.
Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Protection against active physical attacks is of serious concerns of cryptographic hardware designers. Introduction of SIFA invalidating several previously-thought-effective countermeasures, made this challenge even harder. Here in this work we deal with error correction, and introduce a methodology which shows, depending on the selected adversary model, how to correctly embed error-correcting codes in a cryptographic implementation. Our construction guarantees the correction of faults, in any location of the circuit and at any clock cycle, as long as they fit into the underlying adversary model. Based on case studies evaluated by open-source fault diagnostic tools, we claim protection against SIFA.
Daniel Kales, Sebastian Ramacher, Christian Rechberger, Roman Walch, Mario Werner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Post-quantum cryptography has received increased attention in recent years, in particular, due to the standardization effort by NIST. One of the second-round candidates in the NIST post-quantum standardization project is Picnic, a post-quantum secure signature scheme based on efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. In this work, we present the first FPGA implementation of Picnic. We show how to efficiently calculate LowMC, the block cipher used as a one-way function in Picnic, in hardware despite the large number of constants needed during computation. We then combine our LowMC implementation and efficient instantiations of Keccak to build the full Picnic algorithm. Additionally, we conform to recently proposed hardware interfaces for post-quantum schemes to enable easier comparisons with other designs. We provide evaluations of our Picnic implementation for both, the standalone design and a version wrapped with a PCIe interface, and compare them to the state-of-the-art software implementations of Picnic and similar hardware designs. Concretely, signing messages on our FPGA takes 0.25 ms for the L1 security level and 1.24 ms for the L5 security level, beating existing optimized software implementations by a factor of 4.

27 November 2019

Keitaro Hashimoto, Wakaha Ogata, Toi Tomita
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Certificateless signature was proposed by Al-Riyami and Paterson to eliminate the certificate management in the public-key infrastructures and solve the key escrow problem in the identity-based signature. In 2007, Hu et al. proposed a generic construction of certificateless signature. They construct certificateless signature scheme from any standard identity-based signature and signature scheme. However, their security reduction is loose; the security of the constructed scheme depends on the number of users. In this paper, we show that their construction can achieve tight security if the underlying signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen-message attacks in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions. Moreover, we instantiate a tightly-secure certificateless signature scheme without pairing, whose security is independent of the number of users. Best of our knowledge, this scheme is the first tightly-secure certificateless signature scheme.
Nada EL Kassem, Luis Fiolhais, Paulo Martins, Liqun Chen, Leonel Sousa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) scheme is currently used for hardware enclave attestation by an increasingly large number of platforms that implement Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). However, the scheme currently deployed by Intel is supported on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), and will become insecure should a large quantum computer become available. As part of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)'s effort for the standardisation of post-quantum cryptography, there has been a great boost in research on lattice-based cryptography. As this type of cryptography is more widely used, one expects that hardware platforms start integrating specific instructions that accelerate its execution. In this article, a new EPID scheme is proposed, supported on lattice primitives, that may benefit not only from future research developments in post-quantum cryptography, but also from instructions that may extend Intel's Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) in the future. This paper presents a new security model for EPID in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. The proposed Lattice-based EPID (LEPID) scheme is proved secure under the new model. Experimentally compared with a closely related Lattice-based Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) (LDAA) scheme from related art, it is shown that the private-key size is reduced 1.5 times, and that signature and verification times are sped up up to 1.4 and 1.1 times, respectively, for the considered parameters, when LEPID is compared with LDAA. Moreover, the signature size compares favourably to LDAA for small and medium-sized communities.
Megha Byali, Harsh Chaudhari, Arpita Patra, Ajith Suresh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) via Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) has gained momentum in the recent past. Assuming a minimal network of pair-wise private channels, we propose an efficient four-party PPML framework over rings, FLASH, the first of its kind in the regime of PPML framework, that achieves the strongest security notion of Guaranteed Output Delivery (all parties obtain the output irrespective of adversary's behaviour). The state of the art ML frameworks such as ABY3 by {\em Mohassel} (ACM CCS'18) and SecureNN by {\em Wagh} (PETS'19) operate in the setting of $3$ parties with one malicious corruption but achieve the {\em weaker} security guarantee of {\em abort}. We demonstrate PPML with real-time efficiency, using the following custom-made tools that overcome the limitations of the aforementioned state-of-the-art-- (a) {\em dot product}, which is independent of the vector size unlike the state-of-the-art ABY3, SecureNN and ASTRA by {\em Chaudhari} (ACM CCSW'19), all of which have linear dependence on the vector size. (b) {\em Truncation} and {\em MSB Extraction}, which are constant round and free of circuits like Parallel Prefix Adder (PPA) and Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), unlike ABY3 which uses these circuits and has round complexity of the order of depth of these circuits. We then exhibit the application of our FLASH framework in the secure server-aided prediction of vital algorithms-- Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Deep Neural Networks, and Binarized Neural Networks. We substantiate our theoretical claims through improvement in benchmarks of the aforementioned algorithms when compared with the current best framework ABY3. All the protocols are implemented over a 64-bit ring in LAN and WAN. Our experiments demonstrate that, for MNIST dataset, the improvement (in terms of throughput) ranges from $24\times$ to $1390\times$ over LAN and WAN together.
Cagdas Calik, Meltem Sonmez Turan, Rene Peralta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multiplicative complexity (MC) is defined as the minimum number of AND gates required to implement a function with a circuit over the basis (AND, XOR, NOT). Boolean functions with MC 1 and 2 have been characterized in Fischer and Peralta ( 2002) and Find et al. (2017), respectively. In this work, we identify the affine equivalence classes for functions with MC 3 and 4. In order to achieve this, we utilize the notion of the dimension $dim(f)$ of a Boolean function in relation to its linearity dimension, and provide a new lower bound suggesting that multiplicative complexity of $f$ is at least $\ceil{dim(f)/2}$. For MC 3, this implies that there are no equivalence classes other than those $24$ identified in Calik et al (2018). Using the techniques from Calik et al. (2018) and the new relation between dimension and MC, we identify the 1277 equivalence classes having MC 4. We also provide a closed formula for the number of $n$-variable functions with MC 3 and 4. The techniques allow us to construct MC-optimal circuits for Boolean functions that have MC 4 or less, independent of the number of variables they are defined on.
Sébastien Campion, Julien Devigne, Céline Duguey, Pierre-Alain Fouque
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Nowadays, we spend our life juggling with many devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops, and we expect to easily and efficiently switch between them without losing time or security. However, most applications have been designed for single device usage. This is the case for secure instant messaging (SIM) services based on the Signal protocol, that implements the Double Ratchet key exchange algorithm. While some adaptations, like the Sesame protocol released by the developers of Signal, have been proposed to fix this usability issue, they have not been designed as specific multi-device solutions and no security model has been formally defined either. In addition, even though the group key exchange problematic appears related to the multi-device case, group solutions are too generic and do not take into account some properties of the multi-device setting.Indeed, the fact that all devices belong to a single user can be exploited to build more efficient solutions. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Device Instant Messaging protocol based on Signal, ensuring all the security properties of the original Signal.
Colin Boyd, Kai Gellert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Forward security ensures that compromise of entities today does not impact the security of cryptographic primtitives employed in the past. Such a form of security is regarded as increasingly important in the modern world due to the existence of adversaries with mass storage capabilites and powerful infiltration abilities. Although the idea of forward security has been known for over 30 years, current understanding of what it really should mean is limited due to the prevalence of new techniques and inconsistent terminology. We survey existing methods for achieving forward security for different cryptographic primitives and propose new definitions and terminology aimed at a unified treatment of the notion.
Kaushik Nath, Palash Sarkar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we introduce new Montgomery and Edwards form elliptic curve targeted at the 256-bit security level. To this end, we work with three primes, namely $p_1:=2^{506}-45$, $p_2=2^{510}-75$ and $p_3:=2^{521}-1$. While $p_3$ has been considered earlier in the literature, $p_1$ and $p_2$ are new. We define a pair of birationally equivalent Montgomery and Edwards form curves over all the three primes. Efficient 64-bit assembly implementations targeted at Skylake and later generation Intel processors have been made for the shared secret computation phase of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol for the new Montgomery curves. Curve448 of the Transport Layer Security, Version 1.3 is a Montgomery curve which provides security at the 224-bit security level. Compared to the best publicly available 64-bit implementation of Curve448, the new Montgomery curve over $p_1$ leads to a $3\%$-$4\%$ slowdown and the new Montgomery curve over $p_2$ leads to a $4.5\%$-$5\%$ slowdown; on the other hand, 29 and 30.5 extra bits of security respectively are gained. For designers aiming for the 256-bit security level, the new curves over $p_1$ and $p_2$ provide an acceptable trade-off between security and efficiency.
Daniele Cozzo, Nigel P. smart
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first actively secure variant of a distributed signature scheme based on isogenies. The protocol produces signatures from the recent CSI-FiSh signature scheme. Our scheme works for any access structure, as we use a replicated secret sharing scheme to define the underlying secret sharing; as such it is only practical when the number of maximally unqualified sets is relatively small. This, however, includes the important case of full threshold, and $(n,t)$-threshold schemes when $n$ is small.
Yanbin Li, Gaëtan Leurent, Meiqin Wang, Wei Wang, Guoyan Zhang , Yu Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Authenticated encryption (AE) schemes are widely used to secure communications because they can guarantee both confidentiality and authenticity of a message. In addition to the standard AE security notion, some recent schemes offer extra robustness, i.e. they maintain security in some misuse scenarios. In particular, Ashur, Dunkelman and Luykx proposed a generic AE construction at CRYPTO'17 that is secure even when releasing unverified plaintext (the RUP setting), and a concrete instantiation, GCM-RUP. The designers proved that GCM-RUP is secure up to the birthday bound in the nonce-respecting model.

In this paper, we perform a birthday-bound universal forgery attack against GCM-RUP, matching the bound of the proof. While there are simple distinguishing attacks with birthday complexity on GCM-RUP, our attack is much stronger: we have a partial key recovery leading to universal forgeries. For reference, the best known universal forgery attack against GCM requires $2^{2n/3}$ operations, and many schemes do not have any known universal forgery attacks faster than $2^n$. This suggests that GCM-RUP offers a different security trade-off than GCM: stronger protection in the RUP setting, but more fragile when the data complexity reaches the birthday bound. In order to avoid this attack, we suggest a minor modification of GCM-RUP that seems to offer better robustness at the birthday bound.
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