International Association for Cryptologic Research

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03 December 2019

Radboud University, The Netherlands
Job Posting Job Posting
We ask The ideal candidate: • Is a leading expert in computer security, with a substantial track record of independent, original research, evidenced by, for example, publications at conferences and in journals that are leading in the field, invitations to speak at renowned conferences, and memberships of steering committees and editorial boards. • Has the ability to inspire and motivate others and is excited by the opportunity to set up a new research activity in the department • Has an engaging and open-minded attitude and is ready to contribute actively to a scientifically vibrant, productive and interactive workplace • Has experience in managing and leading research groups, including a proven record in successfully supervising PhD candidates • Has successfully acquired substantial research funding. • Has proven teaching qualities as a teacher and supervisor and wishes to help broaden and further develop our educational programme. Since we are looking for a broad spectrum of possible candidates, we encourage you to apply even if you do not meet all of the listed qualifications. We are aiming for a more diverse staff in the department. We strongly encourage qualified women to apply. We are You will be appointed in the Digital Security Group of the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) of the Faculty of Science. The Digital Security Group is one of the leading groups in computer security in the Netherlands and Europe, with, for example, 4 ERC grants in the last decade and strong involvement in European projects. To further strengthen our group, we are looking for an outstanding researcher and teacher in the field of computer security. Possible focus areas include, but are not limited to, systems security, network security, hardware security, security analysis, applied cryptography, formal methods in security, and privacy-enhancing technologies. We offer • Employment: 32 - 40 hours per week. • A maximum gross monthly salary of € 8.127 based on a 38-hour working week

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Peter Schwabe,

More information:

Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Job Posting Job Posting
The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) in Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) is offering a scholarship for a PhD position.

Post description. The PhD student will work under the supervision of a member of the CSE faculty on topics related to applied cybersecurity. Areas include, but not limited to: applied cryptography, malware analysis, intrusion detection, privacy-preserving machine learning and security in quantum computing. The student will have the opportunity to work interdisciplinary environment and get involved in external collaborations with other academic institutions and industry partners.

Duration. The scholarship is for 3 years, and can be extended for one extra year.

Requirements. Candidates are expected to have completed a Master’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 (or equivalent). English proficiency test and GRE are also required.

Scholarship. HBKU PhD scholarships provide the following: 80% fees waiver, accommodation, monthly stipends (approx. 23,000 USD per annum)

Deadline. 8 Nov. 2019, applications received after the closing date will be considered until the position is filled.

Apply and further information. For further information and to apply, please send CV, transcripts, research statement and cover letter to:

About HBKU . Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) is an emerging research University that acts as a catalyst for transformative change in Qatar and the region while having global impact. The information and Computing Technology (ICT) division within the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) has 20 full-time faculty, 17 post-doctoral researchers and over 50 PhD students working mainly on areas related to cybersecurity and data science.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Saif Al-Kuwari:

CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for an excellent scientist with a successful track record showing research of high-quality, as evidenced by a body of publications in leading international conferences/journals, and of substantial relevance to cryptology.

You find inspiration in collaborations within related areas of interest, specifically in mathematics, computer science and physics. In particular, you demonstrate a clear interest in cryptographic security in the presence of quantum computing. Most importantly, you will display the ability and capacity to develop an independent research program of funded research.

This position is established as part of the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC), a 10-year grant for fundamental research awarded in 2017 and funded through the Gravitation programme of NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). QSC is a project of University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The project is carried out in collaboration with QuTech (Delft) and with QuSoft (Amsterdam).

Therefore, apart from the general requirements listed earlier, you are expected to contribute to the general aims of the QSC program ( for the duration of the grant, research-wise in so far as they pertain to cryptology.

You will also find synergy with the QSC-research (and other research) ongoing within the Cryptology Group at CWI. There is substantial collaboration on QSC research between the Cryptology Group and the Mathematical Institute at Leiden University.

The position is initially for three or five years depending on knowledge and experience. Consideration for a tenured position at the start may be given to exceptionally well-qualified individuals.

The submission deadline is December 15, 2019.

For full information and application instructions, please refer to

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. dr. Ronald Cramer (CWI & Math. Inst., Leiden U). Email:,

More information:

Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey
Job Posting Job Posting
Cryptography, Security & Privacy Research Group at Koç University has multiple openings at every level. Accepted applicants may receive competitive scholarships including tuition waiver, housing, monthly stipend, computer, travel support, lunch meal card, etc.

Your duties include performing research on cryptography, security, and privacy in line with our research group's focus, assist teaching, and collaborate with other graduate and undergraduate students.

For applying online, and questions about the application-process for M.Sc. and Ph.D. positions, visit

All applications must be completed online. Applications with missing documents will not be considered.

For more information about joining our group and projects, visit

Admission Requirements:
  1. CV
  2. Recommendation Letters (2 for MSc, 3 for Ph.D)
  3. TOEFL (for those whose native language is not English, Internet Based: Minimum Score 80)
  4. GRE scores (required from non-Turkish nationals)
  5. Official transcripts from all the universities attended
  6. Statement of Purpose
  7. Area of Interest Form filled online

Closing date for applications:


More information:

CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity
Job Posting Job Posting
The CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity was established as a joint program by the Helmholtz Center for Information Security CISPA and Stanford University in 2016 and is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Elite Research Career Program intends to offer the very best postdoctoral cybersecurity researchers a unique career path at two of the leading cybersecurity institutes in the world.

The program consists of three consecutive phases:

  • a preparatory 1-2-year postdoctoralphase (Phase P) at CISPA, followed by
  • a 2-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, followed by
  • a 3-year position at CISPA as an independent research group leader (Phase II).

    Applicants to the program must have completed a distinguished PhD and demonstrated their potential to become future leaders in their field of research. After their return from Stanford candidates are invited to apply for CISPA Tenure Track Faculty-Positions and will be considered for fast track.

    Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school and university reports, a list of publications highlighting their five most relevant ones, names of 3-5 references, a brief description of their previous research, and a research proposal outlining their research vision.

    Please apply via our application website:

    Application period: The call is open from August to December 2019. Please note: If we receive your applications after the end of the indicated period, we cannot guarantee that it will be considered during the selection process.

    The CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity is an equal opportunity employer and women are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications of severely disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given priority. We intend to arrange future rounds of application periodically.

    More information:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: In case of any questions, please contact Sandra Strohbach strohbach (at) or Stephanie Boecker at boecker (at)

    More information:

  • Expand
    Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Cryptography, Security & Privacy Research Group at Koç University has one opening at the post-doctoral researcher level. Accepted applicants may receive competitive salary, housing (accommodation), health insurance, and lunch meal card.

    Your duties are performing research on cryptography, security, and privacy in line with our research group's focus, and direct graduate and undergraduate students in their research and teaching. The project funding is related to cryptography, game theory and mechanism design, and blockchain technologies.

    Applicants are expected to have already obtained their Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science or related discipline with a thesis topic related to the duties above.

    For more information about joining our group and projects, visit

    Submit you application via email including
    • full CV,
    • sample publications,
    • a research proposal,
    • and 2-3 reference letters sent directly by the referees.
    Application and start dates are flexible.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Assoc. Prof. Alptekin Küpçü

    More information:

    TU Darmstadt, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting

    The Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) at Technische Universität Darmstadt offers a position for a Postdoctoral Researcher in the project “Privacy-preserving Services on The Internet” (PSOTI) funded via an ERC Starting Grant. We are part of the profile area CYSEC at TU Darmstadt and develop techniques and tools for protecting privacy in applications.

    Job Description
    The fully funded position is for 2.5 years with starting date latest on February 1, 2020. In our project, we will build privacy-preserving services on the Internet. This includes protocols for privately outsourcing, searching and processing data among untrusted service providers using secure multi-party computation, and building a scalable secure multi-party computation framework. You will co-advise PhD students, be involved in the project management, do research, build prototype implementations, and publish the results at top venues in IT security / applied cryptography. We provide an open and international working environment for excellent research in a sociable team. TU Darmstadt is ranked as a top university for IT security and cryptography in Europe and computer science in Germany. The position is based in the “City of Science” Darmstadt, which is very international and livable, and well-connected in the Rhine-Main area around Frankfurt.

    Your Profile
    • You have a completed PhD degree (or equivalent) from a top university in IT security, computer science, applied mathematics, electrical engineering, or a similar area.
    • You have published in top venues for IT security / applied cryptography (such as S&P, CCS, NDSS, USENIX SEC, EUROCRYPT, CRYPTO), ideally on cryptographic protocols and secure computation.
    • Experience in software development, project management, and supervising students is required.
    • You are self-motivated, reliable, creative, able to discuss/write/present scientific results in English, and can conduct excellent research on challenging scientific problems with practical relevance.
    Application deadline: Nov 1, 2019; later applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Thomas Schneider (

    More information:

    TU Darmstadt, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting

    The Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) at Technische Universität Darmstadt offers a position for a Doctoral Researcher (Research Assistant/PhD Student) in the project “Privacy-preserving Services on The Internet” (PSOTI) funded via an ERC Starting Grant. We are part of the profile area CYSEC at TU Darmstadt and develop techniques and tools for protecting privacy in applications.

    Job Description
    The fully funded position is for 4.5 years with starting date latest on Feb 1, 2020. In our project, we will build privacy-preserving services on the Internet. This includes protocols for privately outsourcing, searching and processing data among untrusted service providers using secure multi-party computation, and building a scalable secure multi-party computation framework. You will do research, build prototype implementations, and publish and present the results at top conferences and journals. We provide an open and international working environment for excellent research in a sociable team and give the opportunity for further qualification (doctoral/PhD degree). TU Darmstadt is ranked as a top university for IT security and cryptography in Europe and computer science in Germany. The position is based in the “City of Science” Darmstadt, which is very international and livable, and well-connected in the Rhine-Main area around Frankfurt

    Your Profile
    • You have a completed Master degree (or equivalent) from a top university with excellent grades in IT security, computer science, applied mathematics, electrical engineering, or a similar field.
    • Extensive knowledge in IT security/applied cryptography and excellent software development skills are required.
    • Additional knowledge in cryptographic protocols (ideally secure multi-party computation) is a plus.
    • You are self-motivated, reliable, creative, able to discuss/write/present scientific results in English, and able to conduct excellent research on challenging scientific problems with practical relevance.
    Application deadline: Nov 1, 2019; later applications will be accepted until the position has been filled.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Thomas Schneider (

    More information:

    École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Post-doctoral position on blockchains at École polytechnique

    Cap Gemini funds a chair « blockchains and B2B platforms » fostering research and teaching at École polytechnique. The Department of Computer Science at École Polytechnique thus welcomes applications for a post-doctoral research position (possibly completed with teaching) in the blockchain domain.

    The chosen candidate will become a member of the cryptography teamteam «Grace», joint with INRIA, within the Department of Computer Science of École polytechnique. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in computer science and have demonstrated great ability in research and teaching. Candidates must present a scientific research project in relation to blockchains.

    The mission of the accepted candidate will be to develop research, coordinate with PhD students and researchers of the team «Grace», and also support the activities of the chair, by outreaching to the blockchain network in Paris area, but also worldwide, and by supporting communication, PR, etc, of the chair « blockchains and B2B platform ». On his or her will, he can complement his activity by doing lectures, labs and student projects about blockchain platforms.

    Through a fast and lightweight process the candidate will be hired for two years (which can be extended two more years) starting January 2020. The complementary teaching activity will complement the base salary.

    Successful candidates will work at Ecole Polytechnique located in Palaiseau, Paris area, France.

    Applicants must send to the contact address below a CV, their list of publications and a research project in blockchains.

    Deadline for applications: November 4, 2019

    Closing date for applications:


    More information:

    University of Waterloo, Department of Combinatorics & Optimization
    Job Posting Job Posting

    The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization ( in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo invites applications for three tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor. Associate or Full Professors with tenure will be considered in special cases that enhance the research and teaching needs of the Department. We welcome candidates in the research areas of algebraic combinatorics, continuous optimization, cryptography, discrete optimization, and graph theory, with algebraic combinatorics and algebraic graph theory being focus areas for at least one of the positions.

    A Ph.D. degree and evidence of excellence in research and teaching are required. Successful applicants are expected to maintain an active program of research, to attract and supervise graduate students, and to participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The salary range for the position is $105,000 to $155,000. Negotiations beyond this salary range will be considered for exceptionally qualified candidates. The effective date of appointment is July 1 2020.

    Interested individuals should apply using the MathJobs site ( Applications should include a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and up to three reprints/preprints. In addition, at least three reference letters should be submitted. Closing date for receipt of applications is December 1, 2019.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will receive priority in the recruitment process.

    Closing date for applications:


    Questions regarding the position, the application process, assessment process, eligibility, or a request for accommodation during the hiring process, please contact or Chaitanya Swamy, Chair, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo.

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Strategic Centre for Research in Privacy-Preserving Technologies & Systems (SCRIPTS) of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore is the one-stop center for knowledge, technologies, and solutions for privacy-preserving problems. We seek highly motivated researchers to fill several R&D positions ranging from fresh postdoc research fellows to senior research scientists. The successful applicant is expected to have strong system and privacy research experiences and software development skills in the areas including but not limited to Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Searchable Encryptions (SE), and Differential Privacy (DP). Knowledge or experience in machine learning/deep learning is an additional plus. The applicant is also expected to have a proven record of top publications (IACR conferences, S&P, CCS, Usenix, NDSS, etc). We offer a globally competitive salary package and low-income tax, plus an excellent research environment in Singapore. The initial contract will be for 2 years, and renewable subject to the performance. Interested candidates are to send their CV, and 2 reference letters to Dr. Le Su. Review of the application will start immediately until the positions are filled.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr. Le Su, (at)

    Villanova University
    Job Posting Job Posting
    PhD positions with full scholarship support (tuition & stipend) at Prof. Jiafeng Xie's research group @ Villanova University (spring 2020/fall 2020, the earlier the better) 1. Research area. Cryptographic hardware (post quantum cryptography), hardware security, and VLSI deep neural network systems 2. Qualification. Preferred to have research experience in the areas of cryptographic engineering, VLSI design, and machine learning (deep neural network systems). Students from electrical engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics or other related majors are WARMLY welcome! Programming skills such as HDL, C++, Python will be more favorable. 3. Application process. Interested students can directly send the CV/resume to Dr. Jiafeng Xie's email: 4. Application information. The detailed application requirement is available at 5. Additional information. Villanova University is a private research university located in Radnor Township, a suburb northwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S. News & World Report ranks Villanova as tied for the 46th best National University in the U.S. for 2020.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr. Jiafeng Xie Email:

    More information:

    TU Darmstadt
    Job Posting Job Posting
    We are looking for outstanding Post doctoral researchers working on topics related to cryptography and IT Security.

    Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):

    - Secure cryptographic implementations

    - Leakage/tamper resilient cryptography

    - Distributed cryptography

    - Blockchains and cryptocurrencies

    The application must include a curriculum vitae, a short research statement, and names of references about the applicant and her/his work. The candidate shall be able to show solid expertise in cryptography/IT Security illustrated in form of publications at top crypto/security venues such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, TCC, PKC, CHES, FC, ACM CCS, IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, NDSS etc.

    The positions are available immediately and salary is internationally competitive based on the TU Darmstadt’s wage agreement (TV-TUD) and includes social benefits. TU Darmstadt offers excellent working environment in the heart of the Rhein-Main area, and has a strong institute for research on IT security with more than 300 researchers working on all aspects of cybersecurity.

    Review of applications starts immediately until the positions are filled.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Sebastian Faust (

    University of South Florida, The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tampa, FL, USA.
    Job Posting Job Posting
    We have (fully funded) multiple PhD positions in the areas of applied cryptography beginning from Fall 2020 (August 2020) or Spring 2020 (January 2020) at University of South Florida (USF). USF is a Rank 1 Research University and offers a competitive salary with an excellent working environment, all within close proximity of high-tech industry and beautiful beaches of Sunny Florida. Tampa/Orlando area is a key part of the Florida High Technology Corridor and harbors major tech and research companies. The qualified candidate will have opportunities for research internship and joint-projects with lead-industrial companies. Topics include:

    Trustworthy and Scalable Blockchains in the Post-Quantum Era
    • New cryptographic schemes for consensus and distributed transactions in Blockchains
    • Practical quantum-safe cryptographic deployments for Blockchains
    Secure and Reliable Internet of Things and Systems (IoT)
    • Lightweight cryptography for IoT
    • Efficient cryptography for unmanned aerial systems
    Breach-Resilient Cyber-Infrastructures
    • Searchable encryption, Oblivious RAM, and multi-party computation
    Trustworthy Machine Learning (TML)
    • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
    • Adversarial Machine Learning
    Emerging Areas in Quantum-Safe Cryptography
    • Practical aspects of Post-Quantum Cryptography
    • A BS degree in ECE/CS with a high-GPA
    • Very good programming skills (e.g., C, C++), familiarity with Linux
    • MS degree in ECE/CS/Math is a big plus. Publications in security and privacy are highly desirable
    Please send (by e-mail) to below contact information:
    Rambus Cryptography Research
    Job Posting Job Posting

    Rambus is seeking for a dynamic, highly motivated, experienced Senior Security Engineer. The ideal candidate will be team oriented, highly skilled on side-channel analysis, fault analysis, and digital design relating on security ICs in deep nanometer technology nodes. In addition, She/he possesses an in-depth knowledge of front-end digital design process and related design flows.

    • Design and implement secure cryptographic hardware IP blocks as part of cryptography research’s security IP portfolio.
    • Implement fault and side-channel analysis countermeasures and verify resistance to state-of-the-art attack techniques
    • Invent, patent and publish new techniques in the fields of DPA countermeasures, fault resistance and efficient hardware designs
    • Support FAEs, customers, and Rambus sales and marketing team in Europe and Asia and work closely with our offices in Sunnyvale, San Francisco, and Bangalore
    • Collaborate with different teams to support all technical aspects of the sales cycle
    • Represent Rambus CRD at international workshops, conferences and trade shows.
    • Author technical collateral and whitepapers on CRD’s cryptographic hardware technologies

    Please see the link for the list of qualifications and application

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Begul Bilgin (bbilgin [at] for informal inquiries

    More information:

    King Khaled University. Abha, Saudi Arabia
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Information Security and Cyber Security Unit at King Khalid University is seeking applicants for full time positions of Professor, and Associate Professor in all areas of information security.


    The University offers a competitive salary based on qualification, professional experience, and the position offered.

    Common Benefits:

      Free visa.
      Tax-free salary
      60-days annually paid vacation.
      Annual air tickets for up to 4 family members to home country.
      Free Medical Services for all family members at all government hospitals.
      Children Education Allowance (Terms and Conditions apply).
      Annual housing allowance (Terms and Conditions apply).
      Furniture allowance upon arrival (Terms and Conditions apply).
      Weekends (Friday and Saturday) are off.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr. Sarah abu Ghazalah

    ConsenSys (PegaSys)
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Role
    We are seeking applied researchers from a variety of backgrounds who are able to think deeply and creatively about protocol-level blockchain challenges and translate that work into practical outputs for PegaSys, enterprises seeking to use Ethereum and the wider blockchain community. Areas in which we are working include, but are by no means limited to:
    • Consensus protocols
    • Scalability techniques
    • Formal methods
    • Gossip protocols and peer-to-peer protocols more in general
    • Applications of Cryptography
    • Zero-knowledge-proofs
    • Blockchain privacy protocols and permissioning
    • Game theory and cryptoeconomic design
    The Profile We’re Seeking
    • Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics Master degree. PhD is a bonus.
    • Strong familiarity with advanced computer science and mathematical concepts
    • Expertise in using formal methods especially in the context of analysing distributed systems
    • Capable of articulating theories and related proof in a language suitable for scientific publication. Track record of previous scientific publications is a bonus.
    • Well versed in analysing existing code in a number of languages including Java, Go, Rust, etc.
    • Capable of deep and creative thinking.
    • Have a drive for excellence and quality
    • Passionate about blockchain consensus protocol research and blockchain technology in general
    • Previous experience either in leading small/me
    About ConsenSys
    ConsenSys is focused on building and scaling tools and software products for the Ethereum blockchain. Our mission is to use these solutions to empower decentralized networks for social, political, and business related use cases.
    About PegaSys:
    The Protocol Engineering Group (PegaSys) team within ConsenSys creates and contributes to the software which operates Ethereum networks from the public chain to

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Please apply at

    More information:

    IAIK, TU-Graz, Austria
    Job Posting Job Posting
    With 30 years of research in information security, the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (aka IAIK) is a well-established player in the field. More than 60 researchers work on topics like security architectures, side channels, cryptography, privacy-enhancing technologies, formal methods, identity management, and e-government.

    We are looking for PhD students and PostDocs to support our growth in the areas of privacy-preserving machine learning and data analytics.

    For PhD students we expect a strong background in math, computer science or related areas. Background in machine learning, data science, security, cryptography or privacy is a plus.

    For PostDocs, demonstrating a track record related to privacy-preserving machine learning or data analytics, or the underlying techniques, is expected.

    We offer competitive salaries and an environment with motivated researchers and lots of professional development opportunities. Applications are considered until positions are filled.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Use to contact Christian Rechberger for further information or submitting application material.

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Cryptanalysis Taskforce at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, led by Prof. Jian Guo, is seeking for candidates to fill 2 postdoctoral research fellow positions on symmetric-key cryptography, including but not limited to the following sub-areas:
    • tool aided cryptanalysis, such as MILP, CP, SAT
    • machine learning aided cryptanalysis and designs
    • privacy-preserving orientated designs
    • quantum attacks
    • cryptanalysis against SHA-3 and AES
    We offer competitive salary package with extremely low tax, as well as excellent research environment in Singapore. The contract will be initially for 2 years, and has the possibility to be extended. Candidates are expected to have proven record of publications in IACR conferences. Interested candidates are to send their CV and 2 reference letters to Prof. Jian Guo. Review of applicants will start immediately until the positions are filled. More information about the Cryptanalysis Taskforce research group can be found here:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Jian Guo,

    More information:

    Job Posting Job Posting
    Job description:

    Temasek Laboratories @ NTU is seeking to appoint a Research Scientist in Hardware Assurance. Research areas of interest include failure analysis of digital devices, hardware security analysis and digital forensic science. The successful candidate will:

      • Carry out hardware security analysis using failure analysis tools
      • Develop new hardware security analysis techniques or approach using existing equipment
      • Collaborate with local and international partners
      • Literature survey and article publications in Internationally reputed Journals/Conferences
      • Write progress report and make presentation to funding agency
      • Provide technical support to the team.
    Job requirements:

      • Possess a Ph.D. degree in Electrical/ Electronics/Computer Engineering or related field
      • Have experience in hardware security analysis
      • Strong background in semiconductor materials and device physics is preferred
      • Experience in circuit design, prototyping and testing of mobile devices is preferred
      • Programming experience is preferred
      • Good communication skills and the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
      • Able to contribute to Journal/Conference papers with good presentation skills.
      • Possess skills in design of experiments for quick trouble shooting.
      • Able to plan and organize well and adhere to deadlines.
      • Good teamwork

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr Liu Qing

      Nanyang Technological University
