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03 June 2020

Amos Beimel, Oriol Farràs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The share size of general secret-sharing schemes is poorly understood. The gap between the best known upper bound on the total share size per party of $2^{0.64n+o(n)}$ (Applebaum et al., STOC 2020) and the best known lower bound of $\Omega(n/\log n)$ (Csirmaz, J. of Cryptology 1997) is huge (where $n$ is the number of parties in the scheme). To gain some understanding on this problem, we study the share size of secret-sharing schemes of almost all access structures, i.e., of almost all collections of authorized sets. This is motivated by the fact that in complexity, many times almost all objects are hardest (e.g., most Boolean functions require exponential size circuits). All previous constructions of secret-sharing schemes were for the worst access structures (i.e., all access structures) or for specific families of access structures.

We prove upper bounds on the share size for almost all access structures. We combine results on almost all monotone Boolean functions (Korshunov, Probl. Kibern. 1981) and a construction of (Liu and Vaikuntanathan, STOC 2018) and conclude that almost all access structures have a secret-sharing scheme with share size $2^{\tilde{0}(\sqrt{n})}$.

We also study graph secret-sharing schemes. In these schemes, the parties are vertices of a graph and a set can reconstruct the secret if and only if it contains an edge. Again, for this family there is a huge gap between the upper bounds $-$ $O(n/\log n)$ (Erdös and Pyber, Discrete Mathematics 1997) $-$ and the lower bounds $-$ $\Omega(\log n)$ (van Dijk, Des. Codes Crypto. 1995). We show that for almost all graphs, the share size of each party is $n^{o(1)}$.

This result is achieved by using robust 2-server conditional disclosure of secrets protocols, a new primitive introduced and constructed in (Applebaum et al., STOC 2020), and the fact that the size of the maximal independent set in a random graph is small. Finally, using robust conditional disclosure of secrets protocols, we improve the total share size for all very dense graphs.
Wei Dai, Stefano Tessaro, Xihu Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We build symmetric encryption schemes from a pseudorandom function/permutation with domain size $N$ which have very high security -- in terms of the amount of messages $q$ they can securely encrypt -- assuming the adversary has $S < N$ bits of memory. We aim to minimize the number of calls $k$ we make to the underlying primitive to achieve a certain $q$, or equivalently, to maximize the achievable $q$ for a given $k$. We target in particular $q \gg N$, in contrast to recent works (Jaeger and Tessaro, EUROCRYPT '19; Dinur, EUROCRYPT '20) which aim to beat the birthday barrier with one call when $S < \sqrt{N}$.

Our first result gives new and explicit bounds for the Sample-then-Extract paradigm by Tessaro and Thiruvengadam (TCC '18). We show instantiations for which $q =\Omega((N/S)^{k})$. If $S < N^{1- \alpha}$, Thiruvengadam and Tessaro's weaker bounds only guarantee $q > N$ when $k = \Omega(\log N)$. In contrast, here, we show this is true already for $k = O(1/\alpha)$.

We also consider a scheme by Bellare, Goldreich and Krawczyk (CRYPTO '99) which evaluates the primitive on $k$ independent random strings, and masks the message with the XOR of the outputs. Here, we show $q= \Omega((N/S)^{k/2})$, using new combinatorial bounds on the list-decodability of XOR codes which are of independent interest. We also study best-possible attacks against this construction.
John Cartlidge, Nigel P. Smart, Younes Talibi Alaoui
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Dark markets for share trading provide an important function in the financial services industry, however the operators of such markets are not operating in the dark; leaving the possibility open for the market operator to gain a market advantage. Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is a method to remove the need for such trusted third parties. In this paper we show how MPC can be used to implement such a dark market. Importantly we base our solution on the throughputs and algorithms needed in real markets. In particular we base our implementation on the Turquoise Plato market used by the London Stock Exchange.
Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We establish the optimal security threshold for the Bitcoin protocol in terms of adversarial hashing power, honest hashing power, and network delays. Specifically, we prove that the protocol is secure if $$r_a < \frac{1}{\Delta + 1/r_h}\; ,$$ where $r_h$ is the expected number of honest proof-of-work successes in unit time, $r_a$ is the expected number of adversarial successes, and no message is delayed by more than $\Delta$ time units. In this regime, the protocol guarantees consistency and liveness with exponentially decaying failure probabilities. Outside this region, the simple private chain attack prevents consensus.

Our analysis immediately applies to any Nakamoto-style proof-of-work protocol; we also present the adaptations needed to apply it in the proof-of-stake setting, establishing a similar threshold there.
Jing Tian, Piaoyang Wang, Zhe Liu, Jun Lin, Zhongfeng Wang, Johann Großschädl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Due to the smaller size in public and secret keys over other candidates for post-quantum cryptography (PQC), the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol has survived from the second round fierce competition hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in January 2019. Many efforts have been done by researchers to reduce the computation latency, which, however, is still far more than desired. In the SIKE implementation, the Montgomery representation has been mostly adopted in the finite field arithmetic computing as the corresponding reduction algorithm is considered the fastest method for implementing the modular reduction. In this paper, we propose a new data representation for the supersingular isogeny-based elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), of which the SIKE is a subclass. The new representation can facilitate faster modular reduction implementation than the Montgomery reduction. Meanwhile, the other finite field arithmetic operations in the ECC can also benefit from the proposed data representation. We have implemented all the arithmetic operations in C language with constant execution time based on our proposed data representation and applied them to the newest SIKE software library. Targeting at the SIKEp751, we run our design and the optimized implementation on a 2.6GHz Intel Xeon E5-2690 processor. The experiment results show that for the parameters of SIKEp751, the proposed modular reduction algorithm is about 2.61x faster than the best Montgomery one and our scheme also performs significantly better for the other finite field operations. With these improvements, the overall software implementation for the SIKEp751 achieves about 1.65x speedup compared to the state-of-the-art implementation.
Alexander Maximov, Martin Hell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Grain-128AEAD is a stream cipher supporting authenticated encryption with associated data, and it is currently in round 2 of the NIST lightweight crypto standardization process. In this paper we present and benchmark software implementations of the cipher, targeting constrained processors. The processors chosen are the 8-bit (AVR) and 16-bit (MSP) processors used in the FELICS-AEAD framework. Both high speed and small code size implementations are targeted, giving us in total 4 different implementations. Using the FELICS framework for benchmarking, we conclude that Grain-128AEAD is competitive to other algorithms currently included in the FELICS framework. Our detailed discussion regarding particular implementation tricks and choices can hopefully be of use for the community when considering optimizations for other ciphers.
Masahito Ishizaka, Shinsaku Kiyomoto
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In Time-Specific Signatures (TSS) parameterized by an integer $T\in\mathbb{N}$, a signer with a secret-key associated with a numerical value $t\in[0,T-1]$ can anonymously, i.e., without revealing $t$, sign a message under a numerical range $[L,R]$ such that $0\leq L \leq t\leq R\leq T-1$. An application of TSS is anonymous questionnaire, where each user associated with a numerical value such as age, date, salary, geographical position (represented by longitude and latitude) and etc., can anonymously fill in a questionnaire in an efficient manner.

In this paper, we propose two \textit{polylogarithmically} efficient TSS constructions based on asymmetric pairing with groups of prime order, which achieve different characteristics in efficiency. In the first one based on a forward-secure signatures scheme concretely obtained from a hierarchical identity-based signatures scheme proposed by Chutterjee and Sarker (IJACT'13), size of the master public-key, size of a secret-key and size of a signature are asymptotically $\mathcal{O}(\log T)$, and size of the master secret-key is $\mathcal{O}(1)$. In the second one based on a wildcarded identity-based ring signatures scheme obtained as an instantiation of an attribute-based signatures scheme proposed by Sakai, Attrapadung and Hanaoka (PKC'16), the sizes are $\mathcal{O}(\log T)$, $\mathcal{O}(1)$, $\mathcal{O}(\log^2 T)$ and $\mathcal{O}(\log T)$, respectively.
Chloé Hébant, David Pointcheval
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many attribute-based anonymous credential (ABC) schemes have been proposed allowing a user to prove the possession of attributes, anonymously. They became more and more practical with, for the most recent papers, a constant-size credential to show a subset of attributes issued by a unique credential issuer. However, proving possession of attributes coming from $K$ different credential issuers usually requires $K$ independent credentials to be shown. Only attribute-based credential schemes from aggregatable signatures can overcome this issue.

In this paper, we propose new ABC schemes from aggregatable signatures with randomizable tags. We consider malicious credential issuers, with adaptive corruptions and collusions with malicious users. Whereas our constructions only support selective disclosures of attributes, our approach significantly improves the complexity in both time and memory of the showing of multiple attributes: for the first time, the cost for the prover is (almost) independent of the number of attributes \emph{and} the number of credential issuers. Moreover, we propose the first schemes allowing traceability in case of abuse of credentials.

We formally define an aggregatable signature scheme with (traceable) randomizable tags, which is of independent interest. We build concrete schemes from linearly homomorphic signatures. As all the recent ABC schemes, our constructions are proven in the bilinear generic group model.
Bishwajit Chakraborty, Soumya Chattopadhyay, Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At FSE 2017, Ga\v{z}i et al. demonstrated a pseudorandom function (PRF) distinguisher (Ga\v{z}i et al., ToSC 2016(2)) on PMAC with $ \Omega(\ell q^2/2^n) $ advantage, where $ q $, $ \ell $, and $ n $, denote the number of queries, maximum permissible query length (in terms of $ n $-bit blocks), and block size of the underlying block cipher. This, in combination with the upper bounds of $ O(\ell q^2/2^n) $ (Minematsu and Matsushima, FSE 2007) and $ O(q\sigma/2^n) $ (Nandi and Mandal, J. Mathematical Cryptology 2008(2)), resolved the long-standing problem of exact security of PMAC. Ga\v{z}i et al. also showed that the dependency on $ \ell $ can be dropped (i.e. $ O(q^2/2^n) $ bound up to $ \ell \leq 2^{n/2} $) for a simplified version of PMAC, called sPMAC, by replacing the Gray code-based masking in PMAC with any $ 4 $-wise independent universal hash-based masking. Recently, Naito proposed another variant of PMAC with two powering-up maskings (Naito, ToSC 2019(2)) that achieves $ \ell $-free bound of $ O(q^2/2^n) $, provided $ \ell \leq 2^{n/2} $. In this work, we first identify a flaw in the analysis of Naito's PMAC variant that invalidates the security proof. Apparently, the flaw is not easy to fix under the existing proof setup. We then formulate an equivalent problem which must be solved in order to achieve $ \ell $-free security bounds for this variant. Second, we show that sPMAC achieves $ O(q^2/2^n) $ bound for a weaker notion of universality as compared to the earlier condition of $ 4 $-wise independence.
Yoo-Seung Won, Dirmanto Jap, Shivam Bhasin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-channel analysis has seen rapid adoption of deep learning techniques over the past years. While many paper focus on designing efficient architectures, some works have proposed techniques to boost the efficiency of existing architectures. These include methods like data augmentation, oversampling, regularization etc. In this paper, we compare data augmentation and oversampling (particularly SMOTE and its variants) on public traces of two side-channel protected AES. The techniques are compared in both balanced and imbalanced classes setting, and we show that adopting SMOTE variants can boost the attack efficiency in general. Further, we report a successful key recovery on ASCAD(desync=100) with 180 traces, a 50% improvement over current state of the art.
Eli Ben-Sasson, Dan Carmon, Yuval Ishai, Swastik Kopparty, Shubhangi Saraf
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A collection of sets displays a proximity gap with respect to some property if for every set in the collection, either (i) all members are $\delta$-close to the property in relative Hamming distance or (ii) only a tiny fraction of members are $\delta$-close to the property. In particular, no set in the collection has roughly half of its members $\delta$-close to the property and the others $\delta$-far from it.

We show that the collection of affine spaces displays a proximity gap with respect to Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, even over small fields, of size polynomial in the dimension of the code, and the gap applies to any $\delta$ smaller than the Johnson/Guruswami-Sudan list-decoding bound of the RS code. We also show near-optimal gap results, over fields of (at least) linear size in the RS code dimension, for $\delta$ smaller than the unique decoding radius. Finally, we discuss several applications of our proximity gap results to distributed storage, multi-party cryptographic protocols, and concretely efficient proof systems.

We prove the proximity gap results by analyzing the execution of classical algebraic decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon codes (due to Berlekamp-Welch and Guruswami-Sudan) on a formal element of an affine space. This involves working with Reed-Solomon codes whose base field is an (infinite) rational function field. Our proofs are obtained by developing an extension (to function fields) of a strategy of Arora and Sudan for analyzing low-degree tests.
Zhen Hang Jiang, Yunsi Fei, Aidong Adam Ding, Thomas Wahl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent years have seen various side-channel timing attacks demonstrated on both CPUs and GPUs, in diverse settings such as desktops, clouds, and mobile systems. These attacks observe events on different shared resources on the memory hierarchy from timing information, and then infer secret-dependent memory access pattern to retrieve the secret through statistical analysis. We generalize these attacks as memory-based side-channel attacks.

In this paper, we propose a novel software countermeasure, MemPoline, against memory-based side-channel attacks. MemPoline hides the secret-dependent memory access pattern by moving sensitive data around randomly within a memory space. Compared to the prior oblivious RAM technology, MemPoline employs parameter-directed permutations to achieve randomness, which are significantly more efficient and yet provide similar security. Our countermeasure only requires modifying the source code, and has great advantages of being general - algorithm-agnostic, portable - independent of the underlying architecture, and compatible - a user-space approach that works for any operating system or hypervisor. We run a thorough evaluation of our countermeasure. We apply it to both AES, a symmetric cipher, and RSA, an asymmetric cipher. Both empirical results and theoretical analysis show that our countermeasure resists a series of existing memory-based side-channel attacks on CPUs and GPUs.
Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, Zaira Pindado, Janno Siim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We define a new primitive that we call a somewhere statistically binding (SSB) commitment scheme, which is a generalization of dual-mode commitments but has similarities with SSB hash functions (Hubacek and Wichs, ITCS 2015) without local opening. In (existing) SSB hash functions, one can compute a hash of a vector $v$ that is statistically binding in one coordinate of $v$. Meanwhile, in SSB commitment schemes, a commitment of a vector $v$ is statistically binding in some coordinates of $v$ and is statistically hiding in the other coordinates. The set of indices where binding holds is predetermined but known only to the commitment key generator. We show that the primitive can be instantiated by generalizing the succinct Extended Multi-Pedersen commitment scheme (González et al., Asiacrypt 2015). We further introduce the notion of functional SSB commitment schemes and, importantly, use it to get an efficient quasi-adaptive NIZK for arithmetic circuits and efficient oblivious database queries.
Zi-Yuan Liu, Yi-Fan Tseng, Raylin Tso
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this manuscript, we review lattice-based public-key encryption with the keyword search scheme proposed by Zhang \textit{et al}. in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2019. We demonstrate that this scheme is insecure for inside keyword guess attacks, although Zhang \textit{et al.} demonstrated a secure proof. In addition, we identify that lattice-based proxy-oriented identity-based encryption with keyword search proposed by Zhang \textit{et al}. in Information Sciences in 2019 suffers from the same issue.
Feng Hao, Shen Wang, Samiran Bag, Rob Procter, Siamak Shahandashti, Maryam Mehrnezhad, Ehsan Toreini, Roberto Metere, Lana Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
On 2 May 2019, during the UK local elections, an e-voting trial was conducted in Gateshead, using a touch-screen end-to-end verifiable e-voting system. This was the first trial of verifiable e-voting for polling station voting in the UK, and it presented a case study to envisage the future of e-voting.
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give a construction of a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) argument for all NP languages based on a succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) for all NP languages and a one-way function. The succinctness requirement for the SNARG is rather mild: We only require that the proof size be $|\pi|=\mathsf{poly}(\lambda)(|x|+|w|)^c$ for some constant $c<1/2$, where $|x|$ is the statement length, $|w|$ is the witness length, and $\lambda$ is the security parameter. Especially, we do not require anything about the efficiency of the verification.

Based on this result, we also give a generic conversion from a SNARG to a zero-knowledge SNARG assuming the existence of CPA secure public-key encryption. For this conversion, we require a SNARG to have efficient verification, i.e., the computational complexity of the verification algorithm is $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda)(|x|+|w|)^{o(1)}$. Before this work, such a conversion was only known if we additionally assume the existence of a NIZK.

Along the way of obtaining our result, we give a generic compiler to upgrade a NIZK for all NP languages with non-adaptive zero-knowledge to one with adaptive zero-knowledge. Though this can be shown by carefully combining known results, to the best of our knowledge, no explicit proof of this generic conversion has been presented.
Yuncong Hu, Sam Kumar, Raluca Ada Popa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Data-sharing systems are often used to store sensitive data. Both academia and industry have proposed numerous solutions to protect user privacy and data integrity from a compromised server. Practical state-of-the-art solutions, however, use weak threat models based on centralized trust—they assume that part of the server will remain uncompromised, or that the adversary will not perform active attacks. We propose Ghostor, a data-sharing system that, using only decentralized trust, (1) hides user identities from the server, and (2) allows users to detect server-side integrity violations. To achieve (1), Ghostor avoids keeping any per-user state at the server, requiring us to redesign the system to avoid common paradigms like per-user authentication and user-specific mailboxes. To achieve (2), Ghostor develops a technique called verifiable anonymous history. Ghostor leverages a blockchain rarely, publishing only a single hash to the blockchain for the entire system once every epoch. We measured that Ghostor incurs a 4–5x throughput overhead compared to an insecure baseline. Although significant, Ghostor's overhead may be worth it for security- and privacy-sensitive applications.
Saeid Esmaeilzade, Ziba Eslami, Nasrollah Pakniat
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental problem in cryptography where it is required that a sender transfers one of potentially many pieces of information to a receiver and at the same time remains oblivious as to which piece has been transferred. After its introduction back in 1981 by Rabin, some more useful variations of OT appeared in the literature such as $OT^1_2$, $OT^1_n$, and $OT^k_n$. In 2015, a very simple and efficient OT protocol was proposed by Chou and Orlandi. Later, Hauck and Loss proposed an improved protocol and proved it to be fully UC-secure under the CDH assumption. Our goal in this paper is to extend the results of Hauck and Loss and propose a simple generic construction to build $OT^1_2$ and in general $OT^1_n$. The machinery we employ is homomorphic encryption. We instantiate our construction with some well known homomorphic encryption schemes such as RSA, Paillier, and NTRU to obtain concrete OT protocols. We further provide the details of the proof of the UC-security of our generic construction.
Ward Beullens, Shuichi Katsumata, Federico Pintore
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct efficient ring signatures from isogeny and lattice assumptions. Our ring signatures are based on a logarithmic OR proof for group actions. We then instantiate this group action by either the CSIDH group action or an MLWE-based group action to obtain our isogeny-based or lattice-based ring signature scheme respectively. Even though this OR proof has a binary challenge space and therefore needs to be repeated a linear number of times, the size of our ring signatures is small and scales better with the ring size N than previously known post-quantum ring signatures. We also construct linkable ring signatures that are almost as efficient as the non-linkable variant. The signature size of our isogeny-based construction is an order of magnitude smaller than all previously known logarithmic post-quantum ring signatures, but is relatively slow (e.g. 5.5 KB signatures and 79 s signing time for rings with 8 members). In comparison, our lattice-based construction is much faster, but has larger signatures (e.g. 30 KB signatures and 90 ms signing time for the same ring size). For small ring sizes our lattice-based ring signatures are slightly larger than state-of-the-art schemes, but they are smaller for ring sizes larger than $N \approx 1024$.
Liliya Kraleva, Nikolai L. Manev, Vincent Rijmen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we study two-round key-alternating block ciphers with round function $f(x)=x^{(2^t+1)2^s},$ where $t,s$ are positive integers. An algorithm to compute the distribution weight with respect to input and output masks is described. In the case $t=1$ the correlation distributions in dependence on input and output masks are completely determined for arbitrary pairs of masks. We investigate with more details the case $f(x)=x^3$ and fully derive and classify the distributions, proving that there are only 5 possible values for the correlation for any pair of masks.
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