24 June 2020
Peter Dixon, Sutanu Gayen, A. Pavan, N. V. Vinodchandran
1. A unconditional inclusion that NIPZK is in CoSBP.
2. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in NIPZK but not in SBP, thus giving a relativized separation of NIPZK (and hence PZK) from SBP.
3. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in PZK but not in CoSBP, thus giving a relativized separation of PZK from CoSBP. These results refine the landscape of perfect zero-knowledge classes in relation to traditional complexity classes.
Carsten Baum, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
In this work, we present the first efficient MPC protocols with identifiable abort in the dishonest majority setting, which run in a constant number of rounds and make only black-box use of cryptographic primitives. Our main construction is built from highly efficient primitives in a careful way to achieve identifiability at a low cost. In particular, we avoid the use of public-key operations outside of a setup phase, incurring a relatively low overhead on top of the fastest currently known constant-round MPC protocols based on garbled circuits. Our construction also avoids the use of adaptively secure primitives and heavy zero-knowledge machinery, which was inherent in previous works. In addition, we show how to upgrade our protocol to achieve public verifiability using a public bulletin board, allowing any external party to verify correctness of the computation or identify a cheating party.
Unai Rioja, Servio Paguada, Lejla Batina, Igor Armendariz
Joseph Jaeger, Nirvan Tyagi
We apply our framework to give proofs of security for the BurnBox system for privacy in the face of border searches and the in-use searchable symmetric encryption scheme due to Cash et al. In both cases, prior analyses had bugs that our framework helps avoid.
Romain Gay, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Amit Sahai
New Assumption: Previous to our work, all constructions of $i\mathcal{O}$ from simple assumptions required novel pseudorandomness generators involving LWE samples and constant-degree polynomials over the integers, evaluated on the error of the LWE samples. In contrast, Boolean pseudorandom generators (PRGs) computable by constant-degree polynomials have been extensively studied since the work of Goldreich (2000). We show how to replace the novel pseudorandom objects over the integers used in previous works, with appropriate Boolean pseudorandom generators with sufficient stretch, when combined with LWE with binary error over suitable parameters. Both binary error LWE and constant-degree Goldreich PRGs have been subject to extensive cryptanalysis since much before our work. Thus, we back the plausibility of our assumption with security against algorithms studied in context of cryptanalysis of these objects.
New Techniques: We introduce a number of new techniques: - We introduce a simple new technique for proving leakage resilience when polynomial-size noise is used to hide small secrets (for example, to hide LWE-based FHE decryption errors). - We show how to build partially-hiding \emph{public-key} functional encryption, supporting degree-2 functions in the secret part of the message, and arithmetic $\mathsf{NC}^1$ functions over the public part of the message, assuming only standard assumptions over asymmetric pairing groups. - We construct single-ciphertext secret-key functional encryption for all circuits with {\em linear} key generation, assuming only the LWE assumption.
Simplification: Unlike prior works, our new techniques furthermore let us construct public-key functional encryption for polynomial-sized circuits directly (without invoking any bootstrapping theorem, nor security amplification, nor transformation from secret-key to public-key FE), and based only on the polynomial hardness of underlying assumptions. The functional encryption scheme satisfies a strong notion of efficiency where the size of the ciphertext grows only sublinearly in the output size of the circuit and not its size. Finally, assuming that the underlying assumptions are subexponentially hard, we can bootstrap this construction to achieve $i\mathcal{O}$.
23 June 2020
École polytechnique, France
Depending on her/his profile, the chosen candidate will become a member of the cryptography team («Grace», joint with INRIA) at the Department of Computer Science, or of the Department of Economics. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in computer science or in Economics, and have demonstrated great ability in research and teaching. Candidates must present a scientific research project in relation to blockchains.
The mission of the accepted candidate will be to develop research, coordinate with PhD students and researchers, and also support the activities of the chair, by outreaching to the blockchain network in the Paris area, but also worldwide, and by supporting the communication and PR of the chair. If she/he wishes to, the candidate will be able to complement his or her activity by doing lectures, labs and student projects about blockchain platforms.
Through a fast and lightweight process the candidate will be hired from Winter 2020 for two years, which could be extended for two more years after a further review process. The complementary teaching activity, if any, may complement the base salary. Successful candidates will work at Ecole Polytechnique located in Palaiseau, Paris area, France.
Deadline for Application: July 23rd, 2020
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Daniel Augot, Senior researcher, INRIA and École polytechnique. Daniel.Augot@inria.fr
More information: https://blockchain-chair.io/
CryptoLux Group, University of Luxembourg
- Design and cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives
- Cryptocurrencies, blockchain
- Privacy enhancing technologies, Tor
- Side-channel attacks and countermeasures
- White-box cryptography
The University offers a two-year employment contract, which may be extended up to five years. The University of Luxembourg offers excellent working conditions and a highly competitive salary. Interested candidates are invited to send their application by email to Alex Biryukov before August 1, 2020. The application should contain a brief cover letter explaining the candidate's research interests, CV with photo, a list of publications and the names and contacts of 3 references.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Alex Biryukov
More information: https://www.cryptolux.org/index.php/Vacancies
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Candidates are expected to mainly teach courses under the umbrella of Cybersecurity in support of our graduate and undergraduate programs. The successful candidate will also be involved in creating course content and materials with a focus on experiential and project-based learning.
Interested applicants should submit their CV and the names of at least two references by applying as soon as possible at https://njit.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?site=1&id=1961. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
Work environment and location:
The Computer Science department, part of the Ying Wu College of Computing Sciences, is the largest at NJIT, comprising one tenth of the student population. It is also the largest computer science department among all research universities in the New York metropolitan area. Located in Northern New Jersey, within the greater New York Metropolitan area, NJIT is part of a vibrant ecosystem of research universities and corporate research centers.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Reza Curtmola
More information: https://njit.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?site=1&id=1961
21 June 2020
University of Lübeck, Institute of IT-Security, Privacy & Security Group, Lübeck, Germany
- enhancing or attacking training-data-privacy in machine learning algorithms
- ensuring or attacking the robustness of machine learning algorithms
- privacy-preserving health applications (including epidemiological applications)
- privacy-preserving Smart Grid, Smart City applications
- anonymous communication
- information security, differential privacy, or cryptography
- mathematical statistics and probability theory
- machine learning
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a brief description of research interests, transcripts of grades, 2-3 letters of recommendation from teachers or employers, and, if possible, the Master's or Bachelor's thesis and publications.
- Application deadline: 30 August 2020 (later applications might also be considered)
- Starting date: 1 October 2020 (negotiable)
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Esfandiar Mohammadi
Privacy & Security group
University of Lübeck
More information: https://www.its.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/jobs/privsec_open_positions.pdf
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa
More information: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/Working-at-Chalmers/Vacancies/Pages/default.aspx?rmpage=job&rmjob=p8404
Jia Xu, Yiwen Gao, Hoonwei Lim
Michel Abdalla, Junqing Gong, Hoeteck Wee
(1) compact public parameters and key sizes that are independent of $N$ and the secret key can decrypt a ciphertext for any a-prior unbounded $N$;
(2) short ciphertexts that grow with $N$ and the size of $z_i$ but not $x_i$;
(3) simulation-based security against unbounded collusions;
(4) relies on the standard $k$-linear assumption in prime-order bilinear groups.
Tassos Dimitriou
In this work, we develop a privacy-preserving reputation scheme for collaborative systems such as P2P networks in which peers can represent themselves with different pseudonyms when interacting with others. All these pseudonyms, however, are bound to the same reputation token. This allows honest peers maintain their good record even when switching to a new pseudonym, while preventing malicious peers from making a fresh start. Apart from an initial offline setup phase which is only needed to ensure reputation soundness but not privacy, our system is truly decentralized. Using an append-only distributed ledger such as Bitcoins blockchain, we show how participants can make anonymous yet verifiable assertions about their own reputation. Thus the system maintains soundness, peer-pseudonym unlinkability as well as unlinkability among pseudonyms of the same peer. We formally prove these properties, we discuss ways to eliminate the setup phase and we evaluate the efficiency of the various operations.
Rémi Clarisse, Sylvain Duquesne, Olivier Sanders
Because a randomly picked elliptic curve will not support an efficient pairing (the embedding degree will usually be too large to make any computation practical), a pairing-friendly curve has to be carefully constructed. This has led to famous curves, e.g. Barreto-Naehrig curves.
However, the computation of the discrete logarithm problem on the finite-field side has received much interest and its complexity has recently decreased. Hence the need to propose new curves has emerged.
In this work, we give one new curve that is specifically tailored to be fast over the first pairing-group, which is well suited for several cryptographic schemes, such as group signatures and their variants (EPID, anonymous attestation, etc) or accumulators.
Susan Hohenberger, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters
Srinath Setty, Sebastian Angel, Jonathan Lee
Gabriel Zaid, Lilian Bossuet, Amaury Habrard, Alexandre Venelli
Shan Chen, Manuel Barbosa, Alexandra Boldyreva, Bogdan Warinschi
Our analysis is modular. For CTAP2 and WebAuthn, in turn, we propose appropriate security models that aim to capture their intended security goals and use the models to analyze security. We identify a series of shortcomings and propose stronger protocols designed to withstand stronger yet realistic adversaries. Next, we prove the security guarantees FIDO2 provides based on the security of its components.
We expect that our models and provable security results will help clarify the security guarantees of the FIDO2 protocols. In addition, our proposed constructions should pave the way towards the design and deployment of more secure passwordless user authentication protocols.
Samuel Jaques, Hart Montgomery, Arnab Roy
We systematically address these drawbacks. We define formal notions of sequential functions, the building blocks of time-release cryptography. The new definitions are robust against change of machine models, making them more amenable to complexity theoretic treatment. We demonstrate the equivalence of various types of sequential functions under standard cryptographic assumptions. The time-release primitives in the literature (such as those defined by Bitansky et al. (ITCS '16)) imply that these primitives exist, as well as the converse.
However, showing that a given construction is a sequential function is a hard circuit lower bound problem. To our knowledge, no results show that standard cryptographic assumptions imply any sequentiality. For example, repeated squaring over RSA groups is assumed to be sequential, but nothing connects this conjecture to standard hardness assumptions. To circumvent this, we construct a function that we prove is sequential if there exists any sequential function, without needing any specific knowledge of this hypothetical function. Our techniques use universal circuits and fully homomorphic encryption and generalize some of the elegant techniques of the recent work on lattice NIZKs (Canetti et al., STOC '19).
Using our reductions and sequential function constructions, we build VDFs and sequential proofs of work from fully homomorphic encryption, incremental verifiable computation, and the existence of a sequential function. Though our constructions are theoretical in nature and not competitive with existing techniques, they are built from much weaker assumptions than known constructions.
Arka Rai Choudhuri, Aarushi Goel, Matthew Green, Abhishek Jain, Gabriel Kaptchuk
In this work, we initiate the study of ``fluid MPC'', where parties can dynamically join and leave the computation. The minimum commitment required from each participant is referred to as ``fluidity'', measured in the number of rounds of communication that it must stay online. Our contributions are threefold:
1) We provide a formal treatment of fluid MPC, exploring various possible modeling choices.
2) We construct information-theoretic fluid MPC protocols in the honest-majority setting. Our protocols achieve ``maximal fluidity'', meaning that a party can exit the computation after receiving and sending messages in one round.
3) We implement our protocol and test it in multiple network settings.