International Association for Cryptologic Research

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21 September 2020

Ilan Komargodski, Wei-Kai Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An Oblivious RAM (ORAM), introduced by Goldreich and Ostrovsky (J. ACM 1996), is a (probabilistic) RAM that hides its access pattern, i.e., for every input the observed locations accessed are similarly distributed. In recent years there has been great progress both in terms of upper bounds as well as in terms of lower bounds, essentially pinning down the smallest overhead possible in various settings of parameters.

We observe that there is a very natural setting of parameters in which no non-trivial lower bound is known, even not ones in restricted models of computation (like the so called balls and bins model). Let $N$ and ${\boldsymbol w}$ be the number of cells and bit-size of cells, respectively, in the RAM that we wish to simulate obliviously. Denote by ${\boldsymbol b}$ the cell bit-size of the ORAM. All previous ORAM lower bounds have a multiplicative ${\boldsymbol w}/{\boldsymbol b}$ factor which makes them trivial in many settings of parameters of interest.

In this work, we prove a new ORAM lower bound that captures this setting (and in all other settings it is at least as good as previous ones, quantitatively). We show that any ORAM must make (amortized) $$ \Omega\left(\log \left(\frac{N{\boldsymbol w}}{m}\right)/\log\left(\frac{{\boldsymbol b}}{{\boldsymbol w}}\right)\right) $$ memory probes for every logical operation. Here, $m$ denotes the bit-size of the local storage of the ORAM. Our lower bound implies that logarithmic overhead in accesses is necessary, even if $ {\boldsymbol b} \gg {\boldsymbol w}$. Our lower bound is tight for all settings of parameters, up to the $\log({\boldsymbol b}/{\boldsymbol w})$ factor. Our bound also extends to the non-colluding multi-server setting.

As an application, we derive the first (unconditional) separation between the overhead needed for ORAMs in the online vs. offline models. Specifically, we show that when ${\boldsymbol w}=\log N$ and ${\boldsymbol b},m \in \mathsf{poly}\log N$, there exists an offline ORAM that makes (on average) $o(1)$ memory probes per logical operation while every online one must make $\Omega(\log N/\log\log N)$ memory probes per logical operation. No such previous separation was known for any setting of parameters, not even in the balls and bins model.
Enes Pasalic, René Rodríguez, Fengrong Zhang, Yongzhuang Wei
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Minimal linear codes are a special class of codes which have important applications in secret sharing and secure two-party computation. These codes are characterized by the property that none of the codewords is covered by some other codeword. Denoting by $w_{min}$ and $w_{max}$ minimal and maximal weight of the codewords respectively, such codes are relatively easy to design when the ratio $w_{min}/w_{max} > 1/2$ (known as Aschikhmin-Barg's bound). On the other hand, there are few known classes of minimal codes violating this bound, hence having the property $w_{min}/w_{max} \leq 1/2$. In this article, we provide several explicit classes of minimal binary linear codes violating the Aschikhmin-Barg's bound, at the same time achieving a great variety of the ratio $w_{min}/w_{max}$. Our first generic method employs suitable characteristic functions of relatively low weight within the range $[n+1, 2^{n-2}]$. The second approach addresses a specification of characteristic functions covering the weights in $[2^{n-2}+1, 2^{n-2} + 2^{n-3}-1]$ and containing a skewed (removing one element) affine subspace of dimension $n-2$. Finally, we also characterize an infinite family of such codes that utilize the class of so-called root Boolean functions of weight $2^{n-1}-(n-1)$, which are useful in certain hardware testing applications. Consequently, many infinite classes of minimal codes crossing the Aschikhmin-Barg's bound, with a wide range of the weight of their characteristic functions, are deduced. In certain cases we also completely specify the weight distribution of resulting codes.
Mark Abspoel, Daniel Escudero, Nikolaj Volgushev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We apply multiparty computation (MPC) techniques to show, given a database that is secret-shared among multiple mutually distrustful parties, how the parties may obliviously construct a decision tree based on the secret data. We consider data with continuous attributes (i.e., coming from a large domain), and develop a secure version of a learning algorithm similar to the C4.5 or CART algorithms. Previous MPC-based work only focused on decision tree learning with discrete attributes (De Hoogh et al. 2014).

Our starting point is to apply an existing generic MPC protocol to a standard decision tree learning algorithm, which we then optimize in several ways. We exploit the fact that even if we allow the data to have continuous values, which a priori might require fixed or floating point representations, the output of the tree learning algorithm only depends on the relative ordering of the data. By obliviously sorting the data we reduce the number of comparisons needed per node to $O(N \log^2 N)$ from the naive $O(N^2)$, where $N$ is the number of training records in the dataset, thus making the algorithm feasible for larger datasets. This does however introduce a problem when duplicate values occur in the dataset, but we manage to overcome this problem with a relatively cheap subprotocol. We show a procedure to convert a sorting network into a permutation network of smaller complexity, resulting in a round complexity of $O(\log N)$ per layer in the tree.

We implement our algorithm in the MP-SPDZ framework and benchmark our implementation for both passive and active three-party computation using arithmetic modulo $2^{64}$. We apply our implementation to a large scale medical dataset of $\approx 290\,000$ rows using random forests, and thus demonstrate practical feasibility of using MPC for privacy-preserving machine learning based on decision trees for large datasets.
Ambili K N, Jimmy Jose
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The connectivity is increasing in the world with the increased usage of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. To this end, amount of data that needs to be stored and retrieved securely has increased tremendously, but the IoT devices have a small amount of memory and computation capacity. Consequently, a storage area with a large amount of secured storage space is needed. Software-defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network technology which implements a new paradigm of insecure applications and IoT services. To build a heterogeneous secure network, we introduced SDN controller broadcast encryption using the Open Network Operating System integrated with network switches and SDN Controllers. In this paper, we propose a secured data sharing system in IoT devices in which the IoT devices are connected to an SDN controller and data from the IoT device is encrypted. Only the corresponding authorized switch receives the data and knows the exact key to decrypt the ciphertext, so the data is stored and retrieved securely. In this system, we use Wheatstone algorithm to encrypt the data from the IoT devices. The usage of this algorithm helps to avoid botnet attacks and other types of attacks on the data. The proposed system established new forwarding paths through controller and it communicated with authorized switches for secure data transmissions. We analyzed the performance of our proposed algorithm using OMNeT++ to simulate our entire scenario and confirmed that the algorithm is efficient and secure in IoT applications. This extends the security features of IoT applications.
Jingchun Yang, Dongdai Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently, division property based cube attack has acheived new progress and some cryptanalytic results against well-known stream ciphers. At EUROCRYPT 2020, Hao~\emph{et~al.} proposed a new modeling method for three-subset division property without unknown subset. With this method, the exact expression of the superpoly in cube attack can be recovered. In this paper, we propose a method to search good cubes for both distinguishing attacks and key recovery attacks in the division property based cube attack scenario. Our cube searching procedure is based on the algorithm of degree evaluation of the superpoly and the algorithm of superpoly recovery. In the process of cube searching, we mainly use the embedded property to narrow down the searching space. As a result, we find some new cube testers of dimension $126$ on $775$-round ACORN. We also find a new key recovery attack on $775$-round ACORN with a $126$-dimensional cube, whose corresponding superpoly is a 2-degree polynomial with respect to key bits.
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe Loubet Moundi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
To meet the ever-growing need for performance in silicon devices, SoC providers have been increasingly relying on software-hardware cooperation. By controlling hardware resources such as power or clock management from the software, developers earn the possibility to build more flexible and power efficient applications. Despite the benefits, these hardware components are now exposed to software code and can potentially be misused as open-doors to jeopardize trusted environments, perform privilege escalation or steal cryptographic secrets. In this work, we introduce SideLine, a novel side-channel vector based on delay-line components widely implemented in high-end SoCs. After providing a detailed method on how to access and convert delay-line data into power consumption information, we demonstrate that these entities can be used to perform remote power side-channel attacks. We report experiments carried out on two SoCs from distinct vendors and we recount several core-vs-core attack scenarios in which an adversary process located in one processor core aims at eavesdropping the activity of a victim process located in another core. For each scenario, we demonstrate the adversary ability to fully recover the secret key of an OpenSSL AES running in the victim core. Even more detrimental, we show that these attacks are still practicable if the victim or the attacker program runs over an operating system.
Joël Gugger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In blockchains where hashed timelock contracts are possible atomic swaps are already deployed, but when one of the blockchains doesn't have this capability it becomes a challenge. This protocol describes how to achieve atomic swaps between Bitcoin and Monero with two transactions per chain without trusting any central authority, servers, nor the other swap participant. We propose a swap between two participants, one holding bitcoin and the other monero, in which when both follow the protocol their funds are not at risk at any moment. The protocol does not require timelocks on the Monero side nor script capabilities but does require two proofs of knowledge of equal discrete logarithm across the edward25519 and the secp256k1 groups and ECDSA one-time VES.
Jing Tian, Bo Wu, Zhongfeng Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol, as one of the post-quantum protocol candidates, is widely regarded as the best alternative for curve-based cryptography. However, the long latency, caused by the serial large-degree isogeny computation which is dominated by modular multiplications, has made it hard for practical applications. In this paper, we present a fast FPGA implementation for the SIKE by incorporating algorithmic transformations and architectural optimizations. Firstly, we introduce a novel data representation, which can facilitate faster and higher-parallel field arithmetic computing than prior arts. Secondly, an extremely low-latency modular multiplier is devised based on the new algorithm by fully parallelizing and highly optimizing the small-size multipliers and reduction modules. Thirdly, a compact control logic is developed based on the benchmark provided in the newest SIKE library, well fitting our arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Finally, we code the proposed architectures using the Verilog language and integrate them into the SIKE library. The implementation results on a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA show that for the SIKEp751, our design only costs 13.2 ms with a frequency of 138.9 MHz, about 2x faster than the state-of-the-art. Particularly, the modular multiplier merely needs 16 clock cycles, reducing the delay by nearly one order of magnitude with a small factor of increase in hardware resource.
Artur Mariano, Filipe Cabeleira, Gabriel Falcao, Luís Paulo Santos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper addresses V ̈oronoi cell-based algorithms, specifically the ”Relevant Vectors” algorithm, used to solve the Shortest Vector Problem, a fundamental challenge in lattice-based cryptanalysis. Several optimizations are proposed to reduce the execution time of the original algorithm. It is also shown that the algorithm is highly suited for parallel execution on both CPUs and GPUs. The proposed optimizations are based on pruning, i.e., avoiding computations that will not, with high probability, improve the solution. The pruning criteria is related to the target vectors norm relative to the current best solution vector norm. When pruning is performed without pre-processing, speedups up to 69× are observed compared to the original algorithm. If a pre-process sorting step is performed, which requires storing the norm ordered target vectors and therefore significantly more memory, this speedup increases to 77×. On the parallel processing side, the multi-core version of the optimized algorithm exhibits linear scalability on a CPU with up to 28 threads and keeps scaling, albeit at a lower rate, with Simultaneous Multi-Threading with up to 56 threads. The lack of support for efficient global synchronization among threads in GPUs does not allow for a scalable implementation of the pruning optimization using these devices. Nevertheless, a parallel GPU version of the non optimized algorithm is demonstrated to be competitive with the parallel non optimized CPU version, although the latter outperforms the former when using 56 threads. It is argued that the GPU version would outperform the CPU for higher lattice dimensions, although this statement cannot be experimentally verified due to the limited memory available on current GPU boards.
Alexandre Adomnicai, Thomas Peyrin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The fixslicing implementation strategy was originally introduced as a new representation for the hardware-oriented GIFT block cipher to achieve very efficient software constant-time implementations. In this article, we show that the fundamental idea underlying the fixslicing technique is not of interest only for GIFT, but can be applied to other ciphers as well. Especially, we study the benefits of fixslicing in the case of AES and show that it allows to reduce by 41% the amount of operations required by the linear layer when compared to the current fastest bitsliced implementation on 32-bit platforms. Overall, we report that fixsliced AES-128 allows to reach 83 and 99 cycles per byte on ARM Cortex-M and RISC-V respectively (assuming pre-computed round keys), improving the previous records on those platforms by 17% and 20%. In order to highlight that our work also directly improves masked implementations that rely on bitslicing, we report implementation results when integrating first-order masking that outperform by 12% the fastest results reported in the literature on ARM Cortex-M4. Finally, we demonstrate the genericity of the fixslicing technique for AES-like designs by applying it to the Skinny-128 tweakable block ciphers.
Aggelos Kiayias, Andrianna Polydouri, Dionysis Zindros
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Superlight blockchain clients learn facts about the blockchain state while requiring merely polylogarithmic communication in the total number of blocks. For proof-of-work blockchains, two known constructions exist: Superblock and FlyClient. Unfortunately, none of them can be deployed to existing blockchains, as they require consensus changes and at least a soft fork to implement. In this paper, we investigate how a blockchain can be upgraded to support superblock clients without a soft fork. We show that it is possible to implement the needed changes without modifying the consensus protocol and by requiring only a minority of miners to upgrade, a process termed a “velvet fork” in the literature. While previous work conjectured that superblock clients can be safely deployed using velvet forks as-is, we show that previous constructions are insecure, and that using velvet techniques to interlink a blockchain can pose insidious security risks. We describe a novel class of attacks, called “chain-sewing”, which arise in the velvet fork setting: an adversary can cut-and-paste portions of various chains from independent temporary forks, sewing them together to fool a superlight client into accepting a false claim. We show how previous velvet fork constructions can be attacked via chain- sewing. Next, we put forth the first provably secure velvet superblock client construction which we show secure against adversaries that are bounded by 1/3 of the upgraded honest miner population. Like non-velvet superlight clients, our approach allows proving generic predicates about chains using infix proofs and as such can be adopted in practice for fast synchronization of transactions and accounts.
Wilson Alberto Torres, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad, Veronika Kuchta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
When electronic wallets are transferred by more than one party, the level of security can be enhanced by decentralising the distribution of authorisation amongst those parties. Threshold signature schemes enable this functionality by allowing multiple cosigners to cooperate in order to create a joint signature. These cosigners interact to sign a transaction which then confirms that a wallet has been transferred. However, in the event of a post-quantum attack, existing threshold signature schemes that support such an authorisation technique in privacy-preserving cryptocurrency protocols - like Ring Confidential Transaction (RingCT) - would not provide adequate security.

In this paper, we present a new post-quantum cryptographic mechanism, called Lattice-based Linkable Ring Signature with Co-Signing (L2RS-CS), which offers a distributed authorisation feature to protect electronic wallets. A novel security model for L2RS-CS is also formalised to capture the security and privacy requirements to protect transactions in applications to blockchain cryptocurrency protocols, such as the RingCT. To address key-generation security concerns, and to support compression of keys and signatures, the L2RS-CS incorporates a distributed key generation along with a solid public-key aggregation. Finally, we prove the security of our constructed L2RS-CS in the random oracle model and the standard lattice-based Module-SIS hardness assumption.
Yasufumi Hashimoto
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Diene, Thabet and Yusuf recently proposed a new multivariate signature scheme whose public key is a set of multivariate cubic polynomials over a finite field. This paper studies its security.
Christoph Hagen, Christian Weinert, Christoph Sendner, Alexandra Dmitrienko, Thomas Schneider
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Contact discovery allows users of mobile messengers to conveniently connect with people in their address book. In this work, we demonstrate that severe privacy issues exist in currently deployed contact discovery methods.

Our study of three popular mobile messengers (WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram) shows that, contrary to expectations, large-scale crawling attacks are (still) possible. Using an accurate database of mobile phone number prefixes and very few resources, we have queried 10% of US mobile phone numbers for WhatsApp and 100% for Signal. For Telegram we find that its API exposes a wide range of sensitive information, even about numbers not registered with the service. We present interesting (cross-messenger) usage statistics, which also reveal that very few users change the default privacy settings. Regarding mitigations, we propose novel techniques to significantly limit the feasibility of our crawling attacks, especially a new incremental contact discovery scheme that strictly improves over Signal's current approach.

Furthermore, we show that currently deployed hashing-based contact discovery protocols are severely broken by comparing three methods for efficient hash reversal of mobile phone numbers. For this, we also propose a significantly improved rainbow table construction for non-uniformly distributed inputs that is of independent interest.
Andrey Kim, Antonis Papadimitriou, Yuriy Polyakov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) homomorphic encryption scheme is currently the most efficient method to perform approximate homomorphic computations over real and complex numbers. Although the CKKS scheme can already be used to achieve practical performance for many advanced applications, e.g., in machine learning, its broader use in practice is hindered by several major usability issues, most of which are related to relatively high approximation errors and the complexity of dealing with them.

We present a reduced-error CKKS variant that removes the approximation errors due to the Learning With Errors (LWE) noise in the encryption and key switching operations. We also propose and implement its RNS instantiation that has a lower error than the original CKKS scheme implementation based on multiprecision integer arithmetic. While formulating the RNS instantiation, we develop an intermediate RNS variant that has a smaller approximation error than the prior RNS variant of CKKS. The high-level idea of our main RNS-specific improvements is to remove the approximate scaling error using an automated procedure that computes different scaling factors for each level and performs all necessary adjustments. The rescaling procedure and scaling factor adjustments in our implementation are done automatically and are not exposed to the application developer.

We implement both RNS variants in PALISADE and compare their approximation error and efficiency to the prior RNS variant. Our results for uniform ternary secret key distribution, which is the most efficient setting included in the community homomorphic encryption security standard, show that the reduced-error CKKS RNS implementation typically has an approximation error that is 6 to 9 bits smaller for computations with multiplications than the prior RNS variant. For computations without a multiplication, the approximation error can be up to 20 bits lower than in the prior RNS variant. As compared to the original CKKS using multiprecision integer arithmetic, our reduced-error CKKS RNS implementation has an error that is smaller by 4 and up to 20 bits for computations with multiplications and without multiplications, respectively. For the sparse ternary secret key setting, which was used in the original CKKS paper, the approximate error reduction of reduced-error CKKS w.r.t. original CKKS typically ranges from 6 to 8 bits for computations with multiplications.
Jia Kan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain is the distributed system allowing multiple parties to host a service. Nakamoto Consensus, also named Proof of Work (PoW), is widely used in Bitcoin and other blockchain systems. PoW is an important consensus algorithm. It solves the Byzantine Generals problem in an open network. It also protects the blockchain security from longest chain attack.

World widely virtual currency mining was commonly regarded as over energy consuming. How to make use of the computation capacity provided by mining, is one of the most important problems to solve in blockchain. We extend Proof of Work to be useful and economic. And discover a simple method to generate the proof of storing useful data with PoW. In a blockchain based distributed file storage system, any storage resource owner could freely join as a service provider. It requires the service provider to show the proof of honestly keeping the data content, because the malicious provers may use other's content to generate the proof in order to reduce their resource cost. This is out-sourcing attack. Furtherly, we proposed a novel technique to combine data replica process with Proof of Work's contributing to blockchain security.
V. Ustimenko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multivariate cryptography studies applications of endomorphisms of K[x_1, x_2, …, x_n] where K is a finite commutative ring given in the standard form x_i →f_i(x_1, x_2,…, x_n), i=1, 2,…, n. The importance of this direction for the constructions of multivariate digital signatures systems is well known. Close attention of researchers directed towards studies of perspectives of quadratic rainbow oil and vinegar system and LUOV presented for NIST postquantum certification. Various cryptanalytic studies of these signature systems were completed. Recently some options to modify theses algorithms as well as all multivariate signature systems which alow to avoid already known attacks were suggested. One of the modifications is to use protocol of noncommutative multivariate cryptography based on platform of endomorphisms of degree 2 and 3. The secure protocol allows safe transfer of quadratic multivariate map from one correspondent to another. So the quadratic map developed for digital signature scheme can be used in a private mode. This scheme requires periodic usage of the protocol with the change of generators and the modification of quadratic multivariate maps. Other modification suggests combination of multivariate map of unbounded degree of size O(n) and density of each f_i of size O(1). The resulting map F in its standard form is given as the public rule. We suggest the usage of the last algorithm on the secure El Gamal mode. It means that correspondents use protocols of Noncommutative Cryptography with two multivariate platforms to elaborate safely a collision endomorphism G: x_i → g_i of linear unbounded degree such that densities of each gi are of size O(n^2). One of correspondents generates mentioned above F and sends F+G to his/her partner. The security of the protocol and entire digital signature scheme rests on the complexity of NP hard word problem of finding decomposition of given endomorphism G of K[x_1,x_2,…,x_n ] into composition of given generators 1^G, 2^G, …t^G, t>1 of the semigroup of End(K[x_1 ,x_2 ,…,x_n]). Differently from the usage of quadratic map on El Gamal mode the case of unbounded degree allows single usage of the protocol because the task to approximate F via interception of hashed messages and corresponding signatures is unfeasible in this case.
Karim M. Abdellatif, Olivier Hériveaux
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Electromagnetic Fault Injection (EMFI) is considered as an effective fault injection technique for the purpose of conducting physical attacks against integrated circuits. It enables an adversary to inject errors on a circuit to gain knowledge of sensitive information or to bypass security features. The aim of this paper is to highlight the design and validation of SiliconToaster, which is a cheap and programmable platform for EM pulse injection. It has been designed using low-cost and accessible components that can be easily found. In addition, it can inject faults with a programmable voltage up to 1.2kV without the need to an external power supply as it is powered by the USB. The second part of the paper invests the SiliconToaster in order to bypass the firmware security protections of an IoT chip. Two security configurations were bypassed sequentially in a non-invasive way (without chip decapsulation).

19 September 2020

Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
The postdoc will work alongside Prof. Martin Albrecht and other cryptographic researchers in the ISG on topics in lattice-based cryptography and related fields. This post is funded by a joint grant between Royal Holloway and Imperial College (Dr. Cong Ling) for bridging the gap between lattice-based cryptography and coding theory.

The ISG is a nice place to work; it’s a friendly environment with strong research going on in several areas. We got people working across the field of information security including several people working on cryptography. For example, Carlos Cid, Anamaria Costache, Lydia Garms, Jianwei Li, Sean Murphy, Rachel Player, Eamonn Postlethwaite, Joe Rowell, Fernando Virdia and Martin Albrecht all have looked at or are looking at lattice-based cryptography.

The ISG is one of the largest departments dedicated to information security in the world with 21 core academic staff in the department, as well as research and support staff. We work with many research partners in other departments and have circa 90 PhD students working on a wide range of security research, many of whom are fully funded through our Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security. We have a strong, vibrant, embedded and successful multi-disciplinary research profile spanning from cryptography to systems security and social aspects of security. This vibrant environment incorporates visiting researchers, weekly research seminars, weekly reading groups, PhD seminars and mini conferences, the WISDOM group (Women in the Security Domain Or Mathematics) and we are proud of our collegial atmosphere and approach.

A postdoc here is a 100% research position, i.e. the postdoc would not have teaching duties. That said, if the applicant would like to gain some teaching experience, we can arrange for that as well.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Martin Albrecht

More information:


16 September 2020

TU Darmstadt, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for outstanding Post doctoral researchers working on topics related to cryptography and IT Security.

Current topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Secure cryptographic implementations
  • Leakage/tamper resilient cryptography
  • Blockchains and cryptocurrencies
  • Distributed cryptography
The application must include a curriculum vitae, a short research statement, and names of 2 contacts that can provide reference about the applicant and her/his work.

The candidate shall be able to show solid expertise in cryptography/IT Security illustrated in form of publications at major crypto/security venues such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, TCC, PKC, CHES, FC, ACM CCS, Oakland, USENIX Security, NDSS etc.

The position offers an internationally competitive salary including social benefits. TU Darmstadt is a leading university for Computer Science and offers excellent working environment in the heart of the Rhein-Main metropolitan area. It has a strong institute for research on IT security and cryptography with more than 300 researchers working on all aspects of cybersecurity. Review of applications starts immediately until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:


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