International Association for Cryptologic Research

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11 March 2021

Liron David, Avishai Wool
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Efficient rank estimation algorithms are of prime interest in security evaluation against side-channel attacks (SCA) and recently also for password strength estimators. In a side channel setting it allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over $d$ subkeys (usually key bytes). In password strength estimators the rank estimation allows estimating how many attempts a password cracker would need until it finds a given password. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm with a bounded error ratio: its error ratio is bounded by $\gamma^{2d-2}$, for any probability distribution, where $d$ is the number of subkey dimensions and $\gamma>1$ can be chosen according to the desired accuracy. ESrank is also the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm's complexity.

We evaluated the performance of ESrank on real SCA and password strength corpora. We show ESrank gives excellent rank estimation with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds in less than 1 second on the SCA corpus and 4 seconds preprocessing time and 7$\mu$sec lookup time on the password strength corpus.
Zhimin Luo, Mengce Zheng, Ping Wang, Minhui Jin, Jiajia Zhang, Honggang Hu, Nenghai Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, various deep learning techniques have been exploited in side channel attacks, with the anticipation of obtaining more appreciable attack results. Most of them concentrate on improving network architectures or putting forward novel algorithms, assuming that there are adequate profiling traces available to train an appropriate neural network. However, in practical scenarios, profiling traces are probably insufficient, which makes the network learn deficiently and compromises attack performance. In this paper, we investigate a kind of data augmentation technique, called mixup, and first propose to exploit it in deep learning-based side channel attacks, for the purpose of expanding the profiling set and facilitating the chances of mounting a successful attack. We perform Correlation Power Analysis for generated traces and original traces, and discover that there exists consistency between them regarding leakage information. Our experiments show that mixup is truly capable of enhancing attack performance especially for insufficient profiling traces. Specifically, when the size of the training set is decreased to 30% of the original set, mixup can significantly reduce acquired attacking traces. We test three mixup parameter values and conclude that generally all of them can bring about improvements. Besides, we compare three leakage models and unexpectedly find that least significant bit model, which is less frequently used in previous works, actually surpasses prevalent identity model and hamming weight model in terms of attack results.
Raleigh, United States, 8 November - 11 November 2021
Event date: 8 November to 11 November 2021
Submission deadline: 25 May 2021
Notification: 27 August 2021
CISPA-Stanford Center
Job Posting Job Posting
The CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity was established as a joint program by CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security - and Stanford University in 2016 and is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The Elite Research Career Program intends to offer the very best postdoctoral cybersecurity researchers a unique career path at two of the leading cybersecurity institutes in the world. The program consists of three consecutive phases:

· a preparatory 1-2-year postdoctoral phase (Phase P) at CISPA, followed by

· a 2-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, followed by

· a 3-year position at CISPA as an independent research group leader (Phase II).

Applicants to the program must have completed a PhD and demonstrated their potential to become future leaders in their field of IT security research. After their return from Stanford candidates are invited to apply for CISPA Tenure Track Faculty-Positions and will be considered fast track.

Application period: The call is open until April 30, 2021.

Please note: If we receive your application after the end of the indicated period, we cannot guarantee that it will be considered during the selection process.

CISPA is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications of severely disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given priority.

Stanford University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce. It welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, veterans, persons with disabilities, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research and teaching mission.

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Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Job Posting Job Posting
There are two Ph.D. positions opening at Dr. Jiafeng Harvest Xie's research group at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Villanova University, Villanova, PA (west of Philadelphia), USA. The research topics of the two positions primarily focused on hardware implementation of the post-quantum cryptosystems. Interested ones are warmly welcomed to send their resume/CV to Dr. Xie through email:

Requirements: preferred to be at the majors of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and related others. Familiar with FPGA/VLSI design will be desirable. Proficiency in programming languages such as HDLs, C/C++ etc. Good at English communication and writing. Great enthusiasm of doing research oriented tasks. Excellent team work member.

Degree: both B.S. and M.S. graduates or similar are warmly welcomed to apply.

Start date: Fall 2021. It is always better to apply as early as possible. Positions are open until they are filled. The 2021 U.S. News & World Report ranks Villanova as tied for the 53th best National University in the U.S (Famous Alumni includes the Current First Lady of the United States, etc.).

Brief introduction of Dr. Xie: Dr. Jiafeng Harvest Xie is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Villanova University. His research interests include cryptographic engineering, hardware security, and VLSI digital design. He is the Best Paper Awardee of IEEE HOST 2019. He has served the Associate Editor for Microelectronics Journal, IEEE Access, and IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II. He has also been awarded the 2019 IEEE Access Outstanding Associate Editor.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Jiafeng (Harvest) Xie

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
Job Posting Job Posting
LIST is looking for a highly motivated candidate with proven skills in network traffic anomaly detection to work on a research project funded by Luxembourg government under the RDI law program. The project will be carried out in a collaboration between POST Luxembourg (i.e. the biggest telecom service provider in Luxembourg) and LIST. The objective of the project is to measure and secure the 5G services from a telecom operator perspective. Purpose is to develop a 5G telecom security platform (a comprehensive Telecom Intrusion Detection System) over three years to protect the POST network and its users from exploits at infrastructure level against Telecom attacks such as SMS spoofing, call and SMS interception, signaling intrusion. The objective of the platform is to bring both explicit protection towards known exploits and implicit based on machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Qiang Tang

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SUTD, Singapore
Job Posting Job Posting
Multiple Postdoc/RF positions on cybersecurity are immediately available at SUTD, Singapore. Candidates with expertise of applied crypto, blockchain, or CPS/IoT security are most welcome.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Jianying Zhou (

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Umeå University, Sweden
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of computing science seeks 2 postdoctoral fellows to projects in computer security and software engineering. The fellowship is full-time for two years with access June 2021 or otherwise agreed.

The Department of Computing Science ( is a dynamic department with about 130 employees from over twenty countries. We are providing research and education within a broad spectrum of areas, and offer education on basic, advanced, and PhD levels. The research is internationally well recognized and includes basic research, methods development, and software development, and research and development within various application domains.

The successful candidates will join the new software system security research group. You will contribute to projects in computer security and software engineering such as developing new approaches to detect or prevent software vulnerabilities or scalable static analysis algorithms to extract security properties.

The stipend project is financed by the Kempe foundations. The stipend is full-time for two years with starting date 1st of June, 2021, or to be negotiated. The stipend amounts to 330 000 SEK per year (around 32500 euro). The stipend is not subject to tax.

Application deadline is 15 March 2021.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Bartel:

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Announcement Announcement
Thanks to everyone for confirming the importance of the Cryptology ePrint Archive by alerting us that it was not reachable.

The problem has now been fixed

--The eprint editors & maintainers


09 March 2021

Yi Chen, Hongbo Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At CRYPTO 2019, Gohr improved attacks on Speck32/64 using deep learning. In 2020, Chen et al. proposed a neural aided statistical attack that is more generic. Chen et’s attack is based on a statistical distinguisher that covers a prepended differential transition and a neural distinguisher. When the probability of the differential transition is pq, its impact on the data complexity is O(p^{-2}q^{-2}. In this paper, we propose an improved neural aided statistical attack based on a new concept named Homogeneous Set. Since partial random ciphertext pairs are filtered with the help of homogeneous sets, the differential transition’s impact on the data complexity is reduced to O(p^{−1}q^{−2}). As a demonstration, the improved neural aided statistical attack is applied to round-reduced Speck. And several better attacks are obtained.
Yi Chen, Hongbo Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Gohr has proposed the only deep learning-based distinguisher model at Crypto 2019, which is used to distinguish reduced Speck32/64 and a pseudorandom permutation. This distinguisher model can be applied to many symmetric ciphers. Given a plaintext differential, Gohr’s distinguisher model can learn differences between two distributions from adequate single ciphertext pairs. In this paper, we propose a new neural distinguisher model which takes k > 2 ciphertext pairs as the analysis object. A non-uniform distribution can produce many derived features that will not appear in a single ciphertext pair. Our neural distinguisher model can exploit these derived features from k ciphertext pairs. Taking Gohr’s distinguisher model as the baseline model, we firstly construct strong baseline distinguishers for five reduced ciphers. Then our neural distinguishers for five ciphers are also constructed using the new distinguisher model proposed in this paper. Experiments show our neural distinguishers can always obtain distinguishing accuracy promotions under various settings of k. When combining k samples incorrectly classified by baseline distinguishers into one group, our neural distinguishers can still distinguish correctly with a non-negligible probability. It indicates that derived features have been successfully captured by our neural distinguishers. The distinguishing accuracy promotion also comes from derived features. Our neural distinguishers can also be used to improve the key recovery attack on 11-round Specck32/64. Besides, compared with the raw attack scheme provided by Gohr, we propose a new key recovery attack scheme that can further reduce the time complexity.
Xingyu Meng, Kshitij Raj, Atul Prasad Deb Nath, Kanad Basu, Sandip Ray
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Modern SoC designs include several reset domains that enable asynchronous partial resets while obviating complete system boot. Unfortunately, asynchronous resets can introduce security vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect through traditional validation. In this paper, we address this problem through a new security validation framework, SoCCCAR, that accounts for asynchronous resets. The framework involves (1) efficient extraction of reset-controlled events while avoiding combinatorial explosion, and (2) concolic testing for systematic exploration of the extracted design space. Our experiments demonstrate that SoCCAR can achieve almost perfect detection accuracy and verification time of a few seconds on realistic SoC designs.
Michele Ciampi, Vipul Goyal, Rafail Ostrovsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Garbled Circuits (GCs) represent fundamental and powerful tools in cryptography, and many variants of GCs have been considered since their introduction. An important property of the garbled circuits is that they can be evaluated securely if and only if exactly 1 key for each input wire is obtained: no less and no more.

In this work we study the case when: 1) some of the wire-keys are missing, but we are still interested in computing the output of the garbled circuit and 2) the evaluator of the GC might have both keys for a constant number of wires. We start to study this question in terms of non-interactive multi-party computation (NIMPC) which is strongly connected with GCs. In this notion there is a fixed number of parties ($n$) that can get correlated information from a trusted setup. Then these parties can send an encoding of their input to an evaluator, which can compute the output of the function. Similarly to the notion of ad hoc secure computation proposed by Beimel et al. [ITCS 2016], we consider the case when less than $n$ parties participate in the online phase, and in addition we let these parties colluding with the evaluator. We refer to this notion as Threshold NIMPC. In addition, we show that when the number of parties participating in the online phase is a fixed threshold $l\leq n$ then it is possible to securely evaluate any $l$-input function. We build our result on top of a new secret-sharing scheme (which can be of independent interest) and on the results proposed by Benhamouda, Krawczyk and Rabin [Crypto 2017]. Our protocol can be used to compute any function in NC1 in the information-theoretic setting and any function in $P$ assuming one-way functions. As a second (and main) contribution, we consider a slightly different notion of security in which the number of parties that can participate in the online phase is not specified, and can be any number $c$ above the threshold $l$ (in this case the evaluator cannot collude with the other parties). We solve an open question left open by  Beimel, Ishai and Kushilevitz [Eurocrypt 2017] showing how to build a secure protocol for the case when $c$ is constant, under the Learning with Errors assumption. 
Thomas Attema, Ronald Cramer, Lisa Kohl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show a lattice-based solution for commit-and-prove transparent circuit zero-knowledge (ZK) with polylog-communication, the first not depending on PCPs.

We start from compressed $\Sigma$-protocol theory (CRYPTO 2020), which is built around basic $\Sigma$-protocols for opening an arbitrary linear form on a long secret vector that is compactly committed to. These protocols are first compressed using a recursive ``folding-technique'' adapted from Bulletproofs, at the expense of logarithmic rounds. Proving in ZK that the secret vector satisfies a given constraint -- captured by a circuit -- is then by (blackbox) reduction to the linear case, via arithmetic secret-sharing techniques adapted from MPC. Commit-and-prove is also facilitated, i.e., when commitment(s) to the secret vector are created ahead of any circuit-ZK proof. On several platforms (incl. DL) this leads to logarithmic communication. Non-interactive versions follow from Fiat-Shamir.

This abstract modular theory strongly suggests that it should somehow be supported by a lattice-platform as well. However, when going through the motions and trying to establish low communication (on an SIS-platform), a certain significant lack in current understanding of multi-round protocols is exposed.

Namely, as opposed to the DL-case, the basic $\Sigma$-protocol in question typically has poly-small challenge space. Taking into account the compression-step -- which yields non-constant rounds -- and the necessity for parallelization to reduce error, there is no known tight result that the compound protocol admits an efficient knowledge extractor. We resolve the state of affairs here by a combination of two novel results which are fully general and of independent interest. The first gives a tight analysis of efficient knowledge extraction in case of non-constant rounds combined with poly-small challenge space, whereas the second shows that parallel repetition indeed forces rapid decrease of knowledge error.

Moreover, in our present context, arithmetic secret sharing is not defined over a large finite field but over a quotient of a number ring and this forces our careful adaptation of how the linearization techniques are deployed.

We develop our protocols in an abstract framework that is conceptually simple and can be flexibly instantiated. In particular, the framework applies to arbitrary rings and norms.

As a byproduct, our compressed $\Sigma$-protocol can double as a PoK for an SIS preimage. In this mode of operation, it improves the communication-efficiency of the PoK by Bootle et al. (CRYPTO 2020).
Shuichi Katsumata, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blind signatures, introduced by Chaum (Crypto’82), allows a user to obtain a signature on a message without revealing the message itself to the signer. Thus far, all existing constructions of round-optimal blind signatures are known to require one of the following: a trusted setup, an interactive assumption, or complexity leveraging. This state-of-the-affair is somewhat justified by the few known impossibility results on constructions of round-optimal blind signatures in the plain model (i.e., without trusted setup) from standard assumptions. However, since all of these impossibility results only hold under some conditions, fully (dis)proving the existence of such round-optimal blind signatures has remained open.

In this work, we provide an affirmative answer to this problem and construct the first round-optimal blind signature scheme in the plain model from standard polynomial-time assumptions. Our construction is based on various standard cryptographic primitives and also on new primitives that we introduce in this work, all of which are instantiable from classical and post-quantum standard polynomial-time assumptions. The main building block of our scheme is a new primitive called a blind-signature-conforming zero-knowledge (ZK) argument system. The distinguishing feature is that the ZK property holds by using a quantum polynomial-time simulator against non-uniform classical polynomial-time adversaries. Syntactically one can view this as a delayed-input three-move ZK argument with a reusable first message, and we believe it would be of independent interest.
Bertram Poettering, Paul Rösler, Jörg Schwenk, Douglas Stebila
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Group key exchange (GKE) protocols let a group of users jointly establish fresh and secure key material. Many flavors of GKE have been proposed, differentiated by, among others, whether group membership is static or dynamic, whether a single key or a continuous stream of keys is established, and whether security is provided in the presence of state corruptions (post-compromise security). In all cases, an indispensable ingredient to the rigorous analysis of a candidate solution is a corresponding formal security model. We observe, however, that most GKE-related publications are more focused on building new constructions that have more functionality or are more efficient than prior proposals, while leaving the job of identifying and working out the details of adequate security models a subordinate task.

In this systematization of knowledge we bring the formal modeling of GKE security to the fore by revisiting the intuitive goals of GKE, critically evaluating how these goals are reflected (or not) in the established models, and how they would be best considered in new models. We classify and compare characteristics of a large selection of game-based GKE models that appear in the academic literature, including those proposed for GKE with post-compromise security. We observe a range of shortcomings in some of the studied models, such as dependencies on overly restrictive syntactical constrains, unrealistic adversarial capabilities, or simply incomplete definitions. Our systematization enables us to identify a coherent suite of desirable characteristics that we believe should be represented in all general purpose GKE models. To demonstrate the feasibility of covering all these desirable characteristics simultaneously in one concise definition, we conclude with proposing a new generic reference model for GKE.
Xavier Boyen, Thomas Haines, Johannes Mueller
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The ultimate goal in modern secure e-voting is to enable everyone to verify whether the final election result correctly reflects the votes chosen by the (human) voters, without exposing how each individual voted. These fundamental security properties are called end-to-end verifiability and voter privacy.

Unfortunately, it turns out to be very challenging to pursue these properties simultaneously, especially when the latter must be future-proofed against the rise of quantum computers. In this work, we show, for the first time, a practical approach to do this.

We present Epoque, the first end-to-end verifiable, voter-private, post-quantum-secure homomorphic e-voting protocol. It achieves its properties through the combination of practical lattice-based cryptographic primitives only, in a novel way. We formally prove all our security claims under common trust and hardness assumptions.

At the core of Epoque lies an efficient identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme with blazingly fast master-key decryption. It is the component that makes the efficient tallying of thousands or millions of ballots a practical possibility. In order to demonstrate its practicality, we fully implemented it and provide detailed benchmarks; we believe this latter contribution is of independent interest beyond the specific e-voting application.
S. Dov Gordon, Daniel Starin, Arkady Yerukhimovich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows multiple parties to perform secure joint computations on their private inputs. Today, applications for MPC are growing with thousands of parties wishing to build federated machine learning models or trusted setups for blockchains. To address such scenarios we propose a suite of novel MPC protocols that maximize throughput when run with large numbers of parties. In particular, our protocols have both communication and computation complexity that decrease with the number of parties. Our protocols build on prior protocols based on packed secret-sharing, introducing new techniques to build more efficient computation for general circuits. Specifically, we introduce a new approach for handling linear attacks that arise in protocols using packed secret-sharing and we propose a method for unpacking shared multiplication triples without increasing the asymptotic costs. Compared with prior work, we avoid the $\log |C|$ overhead required when generically compiling circuits of size $|C|$ for use in a SIMD computation, and we improve over folklore ``committee-based'' solutions by a factor of $O(s)$, the statistical security parameter. In practice, our protocol is up to $10X$ faster than any known construction, under a reasonable set of parameters.
Maxime Buser, Rafael Dowsley, Muhammed F. Esgin, Shabnam Kasra Kermanshahi, Veronika Kuchta, Joseph K. Liu, Raphael Phan, Zhenfei Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we study verifiable random functions (VRF) that may resist quantum threats. VRFs have a wide range of applications and play a key role in Proof-of-Stake blockchains, such as Algorand. Our main proposal is a VRF construction X-VRF based on XMSS signature scheme. Our construction is the first quantum-safe VRF proposal based on symmetric primitives. Being based on symmetric-key primitives that have long been studied, X-VRF provides strong confidence that it can withstand quantum attacks in the long run. Despite its stateful nature, we empower XMSS with blockchain so that the users do not need to maintain individual states. While increasing the usability of XMSS, our technique also enforces honest behaviour when creating an X-VRF output so as to satisfy the fundamental uniqueness property of VRFs. We show how X-VRF can be used in the Algorand setting to extend it to a quantum-safe blockchain, and provide various instances of X-VRF, each may suit a different setting. Our X-VRF instances are the most efficient quantum-safe VRF proposals in the literature.Our extensive performance evaluation, analysis, and implementation indicates the effectiveness of our pro-posed constructions in practice. In particular, we show that X-VRF can maintain a very competitive throughput close to the existing Algorand protocol and can produce substantially more transactions per second than Bitcoin.
Dmitrii Koshelev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ be a finite field and $E_b\!: y^2 = x^3 + b$ be an ordinary (i.e., non-supersingular) elliptic curve (of $j$-invariant $0$) such that $\sqrt{b} \in \mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ and $q \not\equiv 1 \: (\mathrm{mod} \ 27)$. For example, these conditions are fulfilled for the group $\mathbb{G}_1$ of the curves BLS12-381 ($b=4$) and BLS12-377 ($b=1$) and for the group $\mathbb{G}_2$ of the curve BW6-761 ($b=4$). The curves mentioned are a de facto standard in the real world pairing-based cryptography at the moment. This article provides a new constant-time hash function $H\!: \{0,1\}^* \to E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ indifferentiable from a random oracle. Its main advantage is the fact that $H$ computes only one exponentiation in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. In comparison, the previous fastest constant-time indifferentiable hash functions to $E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ compute two exponentiations in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. In particular, applying $H$ to the widely used BLS multi-signature with $m$ different messages, the verifier should perform only $m$ exponentiations rather than $2m$ ones during the hashing phase.
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