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27 March 2021

Yupu Hu, Xingting Dong, Baocang Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Branching program is an important component of indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) schemes, its size greatly influences the efficiencies of corresponding IO schemes. There are two major candidates of branching programs, Bar86 branching program and IK00 branching program. Bar86 branching program was shown to efficiently recognize NC$^1$ circuits. In specific, a Boolean circuit of depth $d$ can be recognized by a Bar86 branching program of length not larger than $4^d$ (Therefore of size not larger than $5^2 \times 4^d$). In this short paper we present similar result about IK00 branching program. We show that IK00 branching program efficiently recognizes NC$^1$ circuits, that is, a Boolean circuit of depth $d$ can be recognized by an IK00 branching program of size not larger than $(n+1) \times 4^d$, where $n$ is input length. Our result may be a negative evidence for IK00 branching program to efficiently recognize polynomial-time computable functions.
Alberto Garoffolo, Dmytro Kaidalov, Roman Oliynykov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In our previous paper we introduced a novel SNARK-based construction, called Zendoo, that allows Bitcoin-like blockchains to create and communicate with sidechains of different types without knowing their internal structure. We also introduced a specific construction, called Latus, allowing creation of fully verifiable sidechains. But in there we omitted a detailed description of an incentive scheme for Latus that is an essential element of a real decentralized system. This paper fills the gap by introducing details of the incentive scheme for the Latus sidechain. Represented ideas can also be adopted by other SNARK-based blockchains to incentivize decentralized proofs creation.
Thales Bandiera Paiva, Routo Terada
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 1989, Shamir presented an efficient identification scheme (IDS) based on the permuted kernel problem (PKP). After 21 years, PKP was generalized by Lampe and Patarin, who were able to build an IDS similar to Shamir's one, but using the binary field. This binary variant presented some interesting advantages over Shamir's original IDS, such as reduced number of operations and inherently resistance against side-channel attacks. In the security analysis, considering the best attacks against the original PKP, the authors concluded that none of these existing attacks appeared to have a significant advantage when attacking the binary variant. In this paper, we propose the first attack that targets the binary PKP. The attack is analyzed in detail, and its practical performance is compared with our theoretical models. For the proposed parameters originally targeting 79 and 98 bits of security, our attack can recover about 100% of all keys using less than $2^{63}$ and $2^{77}$ operations, respectively.
Carmine Abate, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Exequiel Rivas, Antoine Van Muylder, Théo Winterhalter, Catalin Hritcu, Kenji Maillard, Bas Spitters
ePrint Report ePrint Report
State-separating proofs (SSP) is a recent methodology for structuring game-based cryptographic proofs in a modular way. While very promising, this methodology was previously not fully formalized and came with little tool support. We address this by introducing SSProve, the first general verification framework for machine-checked state-separating proofs. SSProve combines high-level modular proofs about composed protocols, as proposed in SSP, with a probabilistic relational program logic for formalizing the lower-level details, which together enable constructing fully machine-checked crypto proofs in the Coq proof assistant. Moreover, SSProve is itself formalized in Coq, including the algebraic laws of SSP, the soundness of the program logic, and the connection between these two verification styles.
Alessandro Barenghi, Jean-Francois Biasse, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Code-based cryptographic schemes are highly regarded among the quantum-safe alternatives to current standards. Yet, designing code-based signatures using traditional methods has always been a challenging task, and current proposals are still far from the target set by other post-quantum primitives (e.g. lattice-based). In this paper, we revisit a recent work using an innovative approach for signing, based on the hardness of the code equivalence problem. We introduce some optimizations and provide a security analysis for all variants considered. We then show that the new parameters produce instances of practical interest.
Harishma Boyapally, Urbi Chatterjee, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently, a light-weight authenticated key-exchange (AKE) scheme has been proposed. The scheme provides mutual authentication. It is asymmetric in nature by delegating complex cryptographic operations to resource-equipped servers, and carefully managing the workload on resource-constrained Smart meter nodes by using Physically Unclonable Functions. The prototype Smart meter built using commercial-off-the-shelf products is enabled with a low-cost countermeasure against load-modification attacks, which goes side-by-side with the proposed protocol. An attack against this AKE scheme has been recently proposed claiming that the server can be breached to mount spoofing attacks. It relies on the assumption that the result of an attack against authenticated key-exchange protocol is determined before the attacker learns the session key. In this short paper, we discuss the attack’s validity and describe the misinterpretation of the AKE protocol’s security definition.
Ryo Nishimaki, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Broadbent and Islam (TCC '20) proposed a quantum cryptographic primitive called quantum encryption with certified deletion. In this primitive, a receiver in possession of a quantum ciphertext can generate a classical certificate that the encrypted message is deleted. Though they proved that their construction is information theoretically secure, a drawback is that the construction is limited to the setting of one-time symmetric key encryption (SKE) where a sender and receiver have to share a common key in advance and the key can be used only once. In this paper, we construct a (reusable-key) public key encryption (PKE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE) with certified deletion. Our PKE with certified deletion is constructed assuming the existence of IND-CPA secure PKE, and our ABE with certified deletion is constructed assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and one-way function.
Onur Gunlu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We extend a basic key agreement model with a hidden identifier source to a multi-user model with joint secrecy and privacy constraints over all entities that do not trust each other. Different entities that use different measurements of the same remote source through broadcast channels (BCs) to agree on mutually-independent local secret keys are considered. This model is the proper multi-user extension of the basic model since the encoder and decoder pairs are not assumed to trust other pairs, unlike assumed in the literature. Strong secrecy constraints imposed jointly on all secret keys, which is more stringent than separate secrecy leakage constraints for each secret key considered in the literature, are satisfied. Inner bounds for maximum key rate, and minimum privacy-leakage and storage rates are proposed for any finite number of entities. Inner and outer bounds for degraded and less-noisy BCs are given to illustrate cases with strong privacy. A multi-enrollment model that is used for common physical unclonable functions (PUFs) is also considered to establish inner and outer bounds for key-leakage-storage regions that differ only in the Markov chains imposed. For this special case, the encoder and decoder measurement channels have the same channel transition matrix and secrecy leakage is measured for each secret key separately. We illustrate cases for which it is useful to have multiple enrollments as compared to a single enrollment and vice versa.
Ao Liu, Yun Lu, Lirong Xia, Vassilis Zikas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Differential privacy has been widely applied to provide privacy guarantees by adding random noise to the function output. However, it inevitably fails in many high-stakes voting scenarios, where voting rules are required to be deterministic. In this work, we present the first framework for answering the question: ``How private are commonly-used voting rules?" Our answers are two-fold. First, we show that deterministic voting rules provide sufficient privacy in the sense of distributional differential privacy (DDP). We show that assuming the adversarial observer has uncertainty about individual votes, even publishing the histogram of votes achieves good DDP. Second, we introduce the notion of exact privacy to compare the privacy preserved in various commonly-studied voting rules, and obtain dichotomy theorems of exact DDP within a large subset of voting rules called generalized scoring rules.
Thomas Haines, Peter Roenne
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There is a difference between a system having no known attacks and the system being secure---as cryptographers know all too well. Once we begin talking about the implementations of systems this issue becomes even more prominent since the amount of material which needs to be scrutinised skyrockets. Historically, lack of transparency and low standards for e-voting system implementations have resulted in a culture where open source code is seen as a gold standard; however, this ignores the issue of the comprehensibility of that code.

In this work we make concrete empirical recommendations based on our, and others, experiences and findings from examining the source code of e-voting systems. We highlight that any solution used for significant elections should be well designed, carefully analysed, deftly built, accurately documented and expertly maintained. Until e-voting system implementations are clear, comprehensible, and open to public scrutiny security standards are unlikely to improve.
Subhadeep Banik, Takanori Isobe, Fukang Liu, Kazuhiko Minematsu, Kosei Sakamoto
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present Orthros, a 128-bit block pseudorandom function. It is designed with primary focus on latency of fully unrolled circuits. For this purpose, we adopt a parallel structure comprising two keyed permutations. The round function of each permutation is similar to Midori, a low-energy block cipher, however we thoroughly revise it to reduce latency, and introduce different rounds to significantly improve cryptographic strength in a small number of rounds. We provide a comprehensive, dedicated security analysis. For hardware implementation, Orthros achieves the lowest latency among the state-of-the-art low-latency primitives. For example, using the STM 90nm library, Orthros achieves a minimum latency of around 2.4 ns, while other constructions like PRINCE, Midori-128 and QARMA_{9}-128-\sigma_{0} achieve 2.56 ns, 4.10 ns, 4.38 ns respectively.
Durba Chatterjee, Harishma Boyapally, Sikhar Patranabis, Urbi Chatterjee, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Aritra Hazra
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a novel primitive named Physically Related Function (PReF) which are devices with hardware roots of trust. It enables secure key-exchange with no pre-established/embedded secret keys. This work is motivated by the need to perform key-exchange between lightweight resource-constrained devices. We present a proof-of-concept realization of our contributions in hardware using FPGAs.
Marshall Ball, Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen, Lisa Kohl, Tal Malkin, Pierre Meyer, Tal Moran
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Topology-hiding broadcast (THB) enables parties communicating over an incomplete network to broadcast messages while hiding the topology from within a given class of graphs. THB is a central tool underlying general topology-hiding secure computation (THC) (Moran et al. TCC’15). Although broadcast is a privacy-free task, it was recently shown that THB for certain graph classes necessitates computational assumptions, even in the semi-honest setting, and even given a single corrupted party.

In this work we investigate the minimal assumptions required for topology-hiding communication: both Broadcast or Anonymous Broadcast (where the broadcaster’s identity is hidden). We develop new techniques that yield a variety of necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of THB/THAB in different cryptographic settings: information theoretic, given existence of key agreement, and given existence of oblivious transfer. Our results show that feasibility can depend on various properties of the graph class, such as connectivity, and highlight the role of different properties of topology when kept hidden, including direction, distance, and/or distance-of-neighbors to the broadcaster.

An interesting corollary of our results is a dichotomy for THC with a public number of at least three parties, secure against one corruption: information-theoretic feasibility if all graphs are 2-connected; necessity and sufficiency of key agreement otherwise.
Christian Majenz, Chanelle Matadah Manfouo, Maris Ozols
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum-access security, where an attacker is granted superposition access to secret-keyed functionalities, is a fundamental security model and its study has inspired results in post-quantum security. We revisit, and fill a gap in, the quantum-access security analysis of the Lamport one-time signature scheme (OTS) in the quantum random oracle model (QROM) by Alagic et al.~(Eurocrypt 2020). We then go on to generalize the technique to the Winternitz OTS. Along the way, we develop a tool for the analysis of hash chains in the QROM based on the superposition oracle technique by Zhandry (Crypto 2019) which might be of independent interest.
Hossein Fereidooni, Samuel Marchal, Markus Miettinen, Azalia Mirhoseini, Helen Möllering, Thien Duc Nguyen, Phillip Rieger, Ahmad Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Hossein Yalame, Shaza Zeitouni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Federated learning (FL) is an emerging distributed machine learning paradigm which addresses critical data privacy issues in machine learning by enabling clients, using an aggregation server (aggregator), to jointly train a global model without revealing their training data. Thereby, it improves not only privacy but is also efficient as it uses the computation power and data of potentially millions of clients for training in parallel.

However, FL is vulnerable to so-called inference attacks by malicious aggregators which can infer information about clients’ data from their model updates. Secure aggregation restricts the central aggregator to only learn the summation or average of the updates of clients. Unfortunately, existing protocols for secure aggregation for FL suffer from high communication, computation, and many communication rounds.

In this work, we present SAFELearn, a generic design for efficient private FL systems that protects against inference attacks that have to analyze individual clients' model updates using secure aggregation. It is flexibly adaptable to the efficiency and security requirements of various FL applications and can be instantiated with MPC or FHE. In contrast to previous works, we only need 2 rounds of communication in each training iteration, do not use any expensive cryptographic primitives on clients, tolerate dropouts, and do not rely on a trusted third party. We implement and benchmark an instantiation of our generic design with secure two-party computation. Our implementation aggregates 500~models with more than 300K parameters in less than 0.5 seconds.
Yasufumi Hashimoto
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The problem of Blockwise Isomorphism of Polynomials was introduced by Santoso at PQCrypto 2020 as a generalization of the problem of Isomorphism of Polynomials. In the present paper, we describe how to solve this problem with circulant matrices, used in Santoso's Diffie-Hellman type encryption scheme.
Alex Biryukov, Gleb Naumenko, Sergei Tikhomirov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Lightning Network (LN) is a prominent scalability solution for Bitcoin that allows for low-latency off-chain payments through a network of payment channels. LN users lock bitcoins into collaboratively owned addresses and redistribute the ownership of these funds without confirming each transfer on-chain. The LN introduces new privacy challenges.

In this paper, we focus on channel balance probing. We propose a new model of the LN that accounts for parallel and unidirectional channels, which has not been done in prior work. We describe a probing algorithm that accurately updates the attacker's balance estimates without the need to directly connect to victims. We introduce an uncertainty-based metric to measure the attacker's information gain.

We implement the first probing-focused LN simulator and suggest several countermeasures against general probing (implemented considering parallel channels). We evaluate these techniques using the simulator, as well as experiments on the real network.

According to our simulations, an attacker can infer up to $80\%$~information regarding channel balances spending $\approx 20$~seconds per channel. The suggested countermeasures limit the attacker's gain at $30\%$, while also increasing the attack time by 2-4x.

In addition, we describe sophisticated attack techniques that combine fee-probing and channel jamming to get precise access to individual channel balances inside a hop, and test them against the real network.

Finally, we discuss payment flows and their concealment.
Daniel R. L. Brown
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This report considers combining three well-known optimization methods for elliptic curve scalar multiplication: Gallant--Lambert--Vanstone (GLV) for complex multiplication endomorphisms $[i]$ and $[i+1]$; 3-bit fixed windows (signed base 8); and Hisil--Wong--Carter--Dawson (HWCD) curve arithmetic for twisted Edwards curves.

An $x$-only Diffie--Hellman scalar multiplication for curve $2y^2=x^3+x$ over field size $8^{91}+5$ has arithmetic cost $947\textbf{M} + 1086\textbf{S}$, where $\textbf{M}$ is a field multiplication and $\textbf{S}$ is a field squaring. This is approximately $(3.55\textbf{M} + 4.07\textbf{S})$/bit, with $1\textbf{S}$/bit for input decompression and $1\textbf{S}$/bit for output normalization. Optimizing speed by allowing uncompressed input points leads to an estimate $(3.38\textbf{M}+2.95\textbf{S})$/bit.

To mitigate some side-channel attacks, the secret scalar is only used to copy curve points from one array to another: the field operations used are fixed and independent of the secret scalar. The method is likely vulnerable to cache-timing attacks, nonetheless.

25 March 2021

Qingdao, China, 11 August - 14 August 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 11 August to 14 August 2021
Submission deadline: 20 May 2021
Notification: 30 July 2021
Award Award
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2021 IACR Test-of-Time Award. This award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field.

The Test-of-Time award for Eurocrypt 2006 is awarded to "A provable-security treatment of the key-wrap problem" (Phillip Rogaway and Thomas Shrimpton), for placing the important real world primitive of key-wrapping on a solid theoretic foundation.

The Test-of-Time award for Crypto 2006 is awarded to "New proofs for NMAC and HMAC: Security without collision-resistance" (Mihir Bellare), for proving that the security of the widely deployed HMAC construction does not depend on the collision resistance of the underlying hash function.

The Test-of-Time award for Asiacrypt 2006 is awarded to "Simulation-sound NIZK proofs for a practical language and constant size group signatures" (Jens Groth), for constructing asymptotically optimal NIZK proofs and group signatures without using random oracles, and paving the way to practical constructions.

For more information, see
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