International Association for Cryptologic Research

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25 May 2021

Lei Fan, Jonathan Katz, Phuc Thai, Hong-Sheng Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
To eliminate the unnecessary waste of energy and computing power in Bitcoin, in this paper, we develop a novel proof-of-stake consensus in the permissionless setting. Among other features, our design achieves the ``best possible'' unpredictability for permissionless proof-of-stake protocols. As shown by Brown-Cohen et al~(EC 2019), unpredictability property is critical for proof-of-stake consensus in the rational setting; the flip side of unpredictability property, i.e., predictability can be abused by the attackers for launching strengthened version of multiple attacks such as selfish-mining and bribing, against proof-of-stake systems.

We are inspired by Bitcoin's ``block-by-block'' design, and we show that a direct and natural mimic of Bitcoin's design via proof-of-stake is secure if the majority 73\% of stake is honest. Our result relies on an interesting upper bound of extending proof-of-stake blockchain we establish: players (who may extend all chains) can generate blockchain at most $2.72\times$ faster than playing the basic strategy of extending the longest chain.

We introduce a novel strategy called ``D-distance-greedy'' strategy, which enables us to construct a class of secure proof-of-stake blockchain protocols, against an \textbf{arbitrary} adversary, even assuming much smaller (than 73\% of) stake is honest. To enable a thorough security analysis in the cryptographic setting, we develop several new techniques: for example, to show the chain growth property, we represent the chain extension process via a Markov chain, and then develop a random walk on the Markov chain; to prove the common prefix property, we introduce a new concept called ``virtual chains'', and then present a reduction from the regular version of common prefix to ``common prefix w.r.t. virtual chains''.

Finally, we note that, ours is the first ``block-by-block'' style of proof-of-stake in the permissionless setting, naturally mimicking Bitcoin's design; it turns out that this feature, again allows us to achieve the ``best possible'' unpredictability property. Other existing provably secure permissionless proof-of-stake solutions are all in an ``epoch-by-epoch'' style, and thus cannot achieve the best possible unpredictability.

21 May 2021

Announcement Announcement
The Covid Pandemic has taken a toll on one of our young cryptographers and cybersecurity specialist Dr Nishant Sinha on 9th May, 2021. He was a thorough gentleman for whom no challenge was difficult.

Nishant was born on 22 Feb 1985. He completed his Bachelor's in 2009 from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, in Computer Science and Engineering. He next post-graduated from the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in 2012. He had a brief stint as an Assistant professor from April 2012 to Dec 2014. In the year 2015, he joined Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for Ph. D., which he completed by the year 2018. During this time he was collaborating with Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata too. His area of research was Cryptanalysis on Symmetric Ciphers. After the PhD he joined Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions at Bangalore, where he surprised everybody by a remarkable transformation from a Cryptology Researcher to a Security Practitioner. We remember working with Nishant both in Academia and Industry. A link to his publication is at .

Nishant is missed by each of his colleagues. During the cryptology conferences and workshops in India, participants from all over the world were greeted by Nishant with his big and bright smile. That is why we think Nishant should be remembered at the IACR webpage. Our heart reaches out to his family - his mother, sister, wife and little baby daughter. We pray God almighty gives them the strength to overcome these difficult times. In the short span Nishant made his brilliance known to all of us. No doubt he leaves a void that we will never be able to fill. Yet we shall be guided and inspired by him especially his simplicity and ability to handle complicated things. May our friend find peace.

Sugata (IIT Roorkee), Shashwat (Bosch), Subhamoy (ISI Kolkata)

Aalborg University, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg, Denmark
Job Posting Job Posting

At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences one or more positions as Assistant Professor in Discrete Mathematics is open for appointment from 1st September 2021 or soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of three years. The Department of Mathematical Sciences houses three education programs, Mathematics, Mathematics-Economics, and Mathematics- Technology. Furthermore, several courses for programs in Engineering and Social Sciences are taught by the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Aalborg University is comprised of three campuses, Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen. Teaching responsibilities may include courses at any of the three campuses. For more information about the department, please see:


Research areas will be within Coding Theory and Cryptography. A selected candidate will have a proven track record of promising research within Coding Theory, Cryptography, or related subjects in Discrete Mathematics.

The ability to contribute to the development of external collaboration and to secure external funding will be taken into account and the applicant is expected to have very good interpersonal skills. Special contributions to the development of educational and teaching related activities will be considered in the overall assessment. The selected candidate is expected to engage in acquiring external funding for research. This will involve collaboration with colleagues from the mathematics department and from other departments at Aalborg University. This includes funding for both theoretical research and for more applied and strategic research activities. Teaching will primarily be in the three mathematical programmes, but also in other study programmes at the university.

Please visit to see the full call text and to apply

Closing date for applications:

Contact: You may obtain further professional information from Professor Horia Cornean, phone: +45 9940 8879, e-mail: or Head of Department Søren Højsgaard, phone: +45 9940 8801, e-mail:

More information:

Subspace Labs | Remote (based in SFBA)
Job Posting Job Posting
We are seeking an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) execution engineer to help implement Subspace, a radically decentralized, next-generation blockchain written in Rust, using the Substrate framework. Subspace employs a novel proof-of-storage consensus algorithm and a decoupled execution framework, which allows it to scale far beyond existing blockchains, without sacrificing security or decentralization. Subspace Labs is an early-stage, venture-backed startup with a globally distributed team. To learn more visit our website or read the technical whitepaper.

Your Responsibilities
  • Implement a decoupling of consensus and computation for an EVM style blockchain as described in our technical white paper.
  • Develop a system of non-interactive fraud proofs based on an execution trace of incremental commitments to the global state root.
  • Develop a VRF-based stake-weighted election mechanism for executors, distinct from the PoR-based space-weighted farmer election.

Basic Requirements
  • Experience working with the internals of the EVM, ideally with Geth, Parity/OpenEthereum, or a Substrate based derivative.
  • Theoretical background in distributed systems, such as consensus mechanisms, as well as cryptographic fundamentals.
  • Strong knowledge of a modern systems programming language, such as Rust, C++, or Go and willing to learn Rust.

Nice to Have
  • Familiarity with proof-of-stake consensus, finality gadgets, stateless blockchains, super light clients, and leading blockchain scalability proposals.
  • Familiarity with the Rust language and its ecosystem
  • Familiarity with Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem
  • A passion for decentralized, peer-to-peer systems and Web3 technologies

  • A remote work environment with a high degree of autonomy and agency
  • You will play a critical role in implementing a new layer one blockchain
  • A competitive salary with generous token and equity grants.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jeremiah Wagstaff

More information:

Subspace Labs | Remote (based in SFBA)
Job Posting Job Posting
We are seeking a peer-to-peer network engineer to help implement the Subspace Network, a radically decentralized, next-generation blockchain written in Rust, using the Substrate framework. Subspace employs a novel proof-of-storage consensus algorithm and a decoupled execution framework, which allows it to scale far beyond existing blockchains, without sacrificing security or decentralization. Subspace Labs is an early-stage, venture-backed startup with a globally distributed team. To learn more visit our website and read the technical whitepaper.

Your Responsibilities
  • Implement a fault-tolerant, load-balanced, and efficiently-retrievable distributed file-system based on the specifications in our white paper.
  • Implement a simplified and streamlined Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (K-DHT) to serve as an indexing layer for the Subspace Network.
  • Develop a torrent-style synchronization service for new farmers and a tit-for-tat bandwidth sharing mechanism for existing farmers.

Basic Requirements
  • Experience employing or implementing peer-to-peer protocols including gossip networks, distributed hash tables, or distributed file systems.
  • Theoretical background in distributed systems, such as peer-to-peer networking, as well as cryptographic fundamentals.
  • Strong knowledge of a modern systems programming language, such as Rust, C++, or Go and willing to learn Rust.

Nice to Have
  • Familiarity with the LibP2P networking stack.
  • Familiarity with the Rust language and its ecosystem
  • Familiarity with Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem
  • A passion for decentralized, peer-to-peer systems and Web3 technologies

  • A remote work environment with a high degree of autonomy and agency
  • You will play a critical role in implementing a new layer one blockchain
  • A competitive salary with generous token and equity grants.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jeremiah Wagstaff

More information:

Subspace Labs | Remote (based in SFBA)
Job Posting Job Posting
We are seeking a consensus protocol engineer to help implement the Subspace Network, a radically decentralized, next-generation blockchain written in Rust, using the Substrate framework. Subspace employs a novel proof-of-storage consensus algorithm and a decoupled execution framework, which allows it to scale far beyond existing blockchains, without sacrificing security or decentralization. Subspace Labs is an early-stage, venture-backed startup with a globally distributed team. To learn more visit our website ( and read the technical whitepaper.

Your Responsibilities
  • Implement a new Nakamoto style consensus algorithm based on a proof-of-useful-storage of the history of the blockchain itself.
  • Decouple consensus and computation between two distinct classes of nodes, storage farmers and staked executors, through a system of fraud proofs.
  • Implement a series of novel scalability proposals to increase throughput, decrease latency, and achieve fast finality in a permissionless setting.

Basic Requirements
  • Experience implementing blockchain consensus protocols, especially Nakamoto style protocols based on proofs of work, stake, or space.
  • Theoretical background in distributed systems, consensus algorithms, and cryptographic fundamentals with a focus on Nakamoto style consensus.
  • Strong knowledge of a modern systems programming language, such as Rust, C++, or Go and willing to learn Rust.

Nice to Have
  • Familiarity with the Rust language and its ecosystem
  • Familiarity with Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem
  • Familiarity with proofs of space, storage, replication or space-time.
  • A passion for decentralized, peer-to-peer systems and Web3 technologies

  • A remote work environment with a high degree of autonomy and agency
  • You will play a critical role in implementing a new layer one blockchain
  • A competitive salary with generous token and equity grants.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jeremiah Wagstaff

More information:


20 May 2021

Mohammed Nabeel, Mohammed Ashraf, Eduardo Chielle, Nektarios G.Tsoutsos, Michail Maniatakos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This technical report provides extensive information for designing, implementing, fabricating, and validating CoPHEE: A Co-Processor for Partially Homomorphic Encrypted Execution, complementing the publication appearing in the 2019 IEEE Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust symposium.
Prastudy Fauzi, Martha Norberg Hovd, Håvard Raddum
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an adaptive key recovery attack on the leveled homomorphic encryption scheme suggested by Li, Galbraith and Ma (Provsec 2016), which itself is a modification of the GSW cryptosystem designed to resist key recovery attacks by using a different linear combination of secret keys for each decryption. We were able to efficiently recover the secret key for a realistic choice of parameters using a statistical attack. In particular, this means that the Li, Galbraith and Ma strategy does not prevent adaptive key recovery attacks.
Bhavana Kanukurthi, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu, Sruthi Sekar, Jenit Tomy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Non-malleable secret sharing (NMSS) schemes, introduced by Goyal and Kumar (STOC 2018), ensure that a secret $m$ can be distributed into shares $m_1,...,m_n$ (for some $n$), such that any $t$ (a parameter $<=n$) shares can be reconstructed to recover the secret $m$, any $t-1$ shares doesn't leak information about $m$ and even if the shares that are used for reconstruction are tampered, it is guaranteed that the reconstruction of these tampered shares will either result in the original $m$ or something independent of $m$. Since their introduction, non-malleable secret sharing schemes sparked a very impressive line of research.

In this work, we introduce a feature of local reconstructability in NMSS, which allows reconstruction of any portion of a secret by reading just a few locations of the shares. This is a useful feature, especially when the secret is long or when the shares are stored in a distributed manner on a communication network. In this work, we give a compiler that takes in any non-malleable secret sharing scheme and compiles it into a locally reconstructable non-malleable secret sharing scheme. To secret share a message consisting of $k$ blocks of length $l$ each, our scheme would only require reading $l + log k$ bits (in addition to a few more bits, whose quantity is independent of $l$ and $k$) from each party's share (of a reconstruction set) to locally reconstruct a single block of the message.

We show an application of our locally reconstructable non-malleable secret sharing scheme to a computational non-malleable secure message transmission scheme in the pre-processing model, with an improved communication complexity, when transmitting multiple messages.
Lingyue Qin, Xiaoyang Dong, Xiaoyun Wang, Keting Jia, Yunwen Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Automatic modelling to search distinguishers with high probability covering as many rounds as possible, such as MILP, SAT/SMT, CP models, has become a very popular cryptanalysis topic today. In those models, the optimizing objective is usually the probability or the number of rounds of the distinguishers. If we want to recover the secret key for a round-reduced block cipher, there are usually two phases, i.e., finding an efficient distinguisher and performing key-recovery attack by extending several rounds before and after the distinguisher. The totally attacked number of rounds is not only related to the chosen distinguisher, but also to the extended rounds before and after the distinguisher. In this paper, we try to combine the two phases in a uniform automatic model.

Concretely, we apply this idea to automate the related-key rectangle attacks on SKINNY and ForkSkinny. We propose some new distinguishers with advantage to perform key-recovery attacks. Our key-recovery attacks on a few versions of round-reduced SKINNY and ForkSkinny cover 1 to 2 more rounds than the best previous attacks.
Morten Øygarden, Daniel Smith-Tone, Javier Verbel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The multivariate scheme HFEv- used to be considered a promising candidate for a post-quantum signature system. First suggested in the early 2000s, a version of the scheme made it to the third round of the ongoing NIST post-quantum standardization process. In late 2020, the system suffered from an efficient rank attack due to Tao, Petzoldt, and Ding. In this paper, we inspect how this recent rank attack is affected by the projection modification. This modification was introduced to secure the signature scheme PFLASH against its predecessor's attacks. We prove upper bounds for the rank of projected HFEv- (pHFEv-) and PFLASH under the new attack, which are tight for the experiments we have performed. We conclude that projection could be a useful tool in protecting against this recent cryptanalysis.
Carlo Brunetta, Georgia Tsaloli, Bei Liang, Gustavo Banegas, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a novel primitive called NIVA that allows the distributed aggregation of multiple users' secret inputs by multiple untrusted servers. The returned aggregation result can be publicly verified in a non-interactive way, i.e. the users are not required to participate in the aggregation except for providing their secret inputs. NIVA allows the secure computation of the sum of a large amount of users' data and can be employed, for example, in the federated learning setting in order to aggregate the model updates for a deep neural network.

We implement NIVA and evaluate its communication and execution performance and compare it with the current state-of-the-art, i.e. Segal et al. protocol (CCS 2017) and Xu et al. VerifyNet protocol (IEEE TIFS 2020), resulting in better user's communicated data and
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Helger Lipmaa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We define smooth zero-knowledge hash functions (SZKHFs) as smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) for which the completeness holds even when the language parameter lpar and the projection key HP were maliciously generated. We prove that blackbox SZKHF in the plain model is impossible even if lpar was honestly generated. We then define SZKHF in the registered public key (RPK) model, where both lpar and HP are possibly maliciously generated but accepted by an RPK server, and show that the CRS-model trapdoor SPHFs of Benhamouda et al. are also secure in the weaker RPK model. Then, we define and instantiate subversion-zero knowledge SZKHF in the plain model. In this case, both lpar and HP are completely untrusted, but one uses non-blackbox techniques in the security proof.
Arsalan Javeed, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present a novel approach, called Detector+ , to detect, isolate, and prevent timing-based side channel attacks (i.e., timing attacks) at runtime. The proposed approach is based on a simple observation that the time measurements required by the timing attacks differ from those required by the benign applications as these attacks need to measure the execution times of typically quite short-running operations. Detector+ , therefore, monitors the time readings made by processes and mark consecutive pairs of readings that are close to each other in time as suspicious. In the presence of suspicious time measurements, Detector+ introduces noise into the measurements to prevent the attacker from extracting information by using these measurements. The sequence of suspicious time measurements are then analyzed by using a sliding window based approach to pinpoint the malicious processes at runtime. We have empirically evaluated the proposed approach by using five well known timing attacks, including Meltdown, together with their variations, representing some of the mechanisms that an attacker can employ to become stealthier. In one evaluation setup, each type of attack was carried out concurrently by multiple processes. In the other setup, multiple types of attacks were carried out concurrently. In all the experiments, Detector+ detected all the malicious time measurements with almost a perfect accuracy, prevented all the attacks, and correctly pinpointed all the malicious processes involved in the attacks without any false positives after they have made a few time measurements with an average runtime overhead of 1.56%.
Collin Chin, Howard Wu, Raymond Chu, Alessandro Coglio, Eric McCarthy, Eric Smith
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Decentralized ledgers that support rich applications suffer from three limitations. First, applications are provisioned tiny execution environments with limited running time, minimal stack size, and restrictive instruction sets. Second, applications must reveal their state transition, enabling miner frontrunning attacks and consensus instability. Third, applications offer weak guarantees of correctness and safety.

We design, implement, and evaluate Leo, a new programming language designed for formally verified, zero-knowledge applications. Leo provisions a powerful execution environment that is not restricted in running time, stack size, or instruction sets. Besides offering application privacy and mitigating miner-extractable value (MEV), Leo achieves two fundamental properties. First, applications are formally verified with respect to their high-level specification. Second, applications can be succinctly verified by anyone, regardless of the size of application.

Leo is the first known programming language to introduce a testing framework, package registry, import resolver, remote compiler, formally defined language, and theorem prover for general-purpose, zero-knowledge applications.
Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Gregoire, Vincent Laporte, Swarn Priya
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many security properties of interest are captured by instrumented semantics that model the functional behavior and the leakage of programs. For several important properties, including cryptographic constant-time (CCT), leakage models are sufficiently abstract that one can define instrumented semantics for high-level and low-level programs. One important goal is then to relate leakage of source programs and leakage of their compilation---this can be used, e.g.\, to prove preservation of CCT. To simplify this task, we put forward the idea of structured leakage. In contrast to the usual modeling of leakage as a sequence of observations, structured leakage is tightly coupled with the operational semantics of programs. This coupling greatly simplifies the definition of leakage transformers that map the leakage of source programs to leakage of their compilation and yields more precise statements about the preservation of security properties. We illustrate our methods on the Jasmin compiler and prove preservation results for two policies of interest: CCT and cost.
Aurélien Dupin, Pierrick Méaux, Mélissa Rossi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Goldreich's pseudorandom generator is a well-known building block for many theoretical cryptographic constructions from multi-party computation to indistinguishability obfuscation. Its unique efficiency comes from the use of random local functions: each bit of the output is computed by applying some fixed public n-variable Boolean function f to a random public size-n tuple of distinct input bits. The characteristics that a Boolean function f must have to ensure pseudorandomness is a puzzling issue. It has been studied in several works and particularly by Applebaum and Lovett (STOC 2016) who showed that resiliency and algebraic immunity are key parameters in this purpose. In this paper, we propose the first study on Boolean functions that reach together maximal algebraic immunity and high resiliency. 1) We assess the possible consequences of the asymptotic existence of such optimal functions. We show how they allow to build functions reaching all possible algebraic immunity-resiliency trade-offs (respecting the algebraic immunity and Siegenthaler bounds). We provide a new bound on the minimal number of variables n, and thus on the minimal locality, necessary to ensure a secure Goldreich pseudorandom generator. Our results come with a granularity level depending on the strength of our assumptions, from none to the conjectured asymptotic existence of optimal functions. 2) We extensively analyze the possible existence and the properties of such optimal functions. In a first step, we naturally focus on existing families of Boolean functions that are known optimal with respect to their algebraic immunity, starting by the promising XOR-MAJ functions. Interestingly, we were able to show that these families do not reach optimality with respect to their resiliency, and they could be beaten by optimal functions if our conjecture is verified. Thus, one needs to look in another direction for constructing optimal functions. We introduce necessary and sufficient conditions for the construction of optimal functions. Finally, we prove the existence of optimal functions in low number of variables by experimentally exhibiting some of them up to 12 variables. This directly provides better candidates for Goldreich's pseudorandom generator than the existing XOR-MAJ candidates for polynomial stretches from 2 to 6.
Mustafa Khairallah
ePrint Report ePrint Report
COFB is a lightweight authenticated encryption (AE) mode based on block ciphers, proposed in CHES 2017 and is the basis for GIFT-COFB, a finalist in the NIST lightweight standardization project. It comes with provable security results that guarantee its security up to the birthday bound in the nonce-respecting model. However, the designers offer multiple versions of this analysis with different details and the implications of attacks against the scheme are not discussed deeply. In this article, we look at different possible attacks against COFB-like designs against both forgery and confidentiality. We show that the security for both forgery and confidentiality is bounded by the amount of forgery attempts. In particular, we show the existence of forgery and confidentiality attacks with success probability $q_f/2^{n/2}$, given $q_f$ forgery attempts. In particular, we show that both forgery and confidentiality can be broken with $2^{n/2}$ attempts using only a single known-plaintext encryption query. While these attacks do not contradict the claims made by the GIFT-COFB designers, it shows its limitations in terms of the number of forgery attempts. It also shows that while GIFT-COFB generates a 128-bit tag it behaves in a very similar manner to an AE scheme with 64-bit tag. As an independent result, our analysis provides a contradiction to main in theorem of Journal of Cryptology volume 33, pages 703–741 (2020), which is an includes an improved security proof of COFB compared to the CHES 2017 version. Finally, we discuss the term $nq_f/2^{n/2}$ that appears in the security proof of GIFT-COFB and CHES 2017, showing why this term is unlikely to be tight and it is likely that $q_f/2^{n/2}$ is sufficient. We emphasize that the results in this article do not threaten the security of GIFT-COFB in the scope of the NIST lightweight cryptography requirements or the claims made by the designers in the specification of the design.
Ripon Patgiri
ePrint Report ePrint Report
RSA cryptography is an asymmetric communication protocol, and it is facing diverse issues. Recent research works suggest that RSA security has already broken. On the contrary, AES is the most used symmetric-key cryptography protocol, and it is also facing issues. Literature search suggests that there is an issue of cryptanalysis attacks. A shared secret key requires for AES cryptography. The most famous key exchange protocol is Diffie-Hellman; however, it has an issue of the number field sieve discrete log algorithm attacks. Moreover, recent research suggested that Diffie-Hellman is less secure than widely perceived. Moreover, there is another issue of Logjam attack that allows man-in-middle attack in Diffie-Hellman. Thus, we combine RSA, AES, and Diffie-Hellman algorithm to provide security on the key exchange protocol, called privateDH. Our key objective is to provide security to the Diffie-Hellman Algorithm. Therefore, privateDH does not share the data publicly with the intended party. Instead, privateDH encrypts all shareable data in the time of key exchange by encrypting using the AES algorithm. privateDH uses the RSA algorithm and retrieves the public key to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack. Thus, we demonstrate how to provide security to the Diffie-Hellman algorithm to defeat various kinds of attacks.
Cihangir Tezcan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are specially designed for parallel applications and perform parallel operations much faster than central processing units (CPUs). In this work, we focus on the performance of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on GPUs. We present optimizations which remove bank conflicts in shared memory accesses and provide 878.6 Gbps throughput for AES-128 encryption on an RTX 2070 Super, which is equivalent to 4.1 Gbps per Watt. Our optimizations provide more than 2.56x speed-up against the best GPU results in the literature. Our optimized AES implementations on GPUs even outperform any CPU using the hardware level AES New Instructions (AES-NI) and legacy FPGA-based cluster architectures like COPACOBANA and RIVYERA. Even on a low-end GPU like MX 250, we obtained 60.0 Gbps throughput for AES-256 which is generally faster than the read/write speeds of solid disks. Thus, transition from AES-128 to AES-256 when using GPUs would provide military grade security with no visible performance loss. With these breakthrough performances, GPUs can be used as a cryptographic co-processor for file or full disk encryption to remove performance loss coming from CPU encryption. With a single GPU as a co-processor, busy SSL servers can be free from the burden of encryption and use their whole CPU power for other operations. Moreover, these optimizations can help GPUs to practically verify theoretically obtained cryptanalysis results or their reduced versions in reasonable time.
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