09 July 2021
KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven)
Closing date for applications:
Contact: For inquiries send an email to jobs-cosic@esat.kuleuven.be
More information: https://www.esat.kuleuven.be/cosic/vacancies/
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Zero-knowledge proofs
- Polynomial/vector commitments
- Searchable/structured encryption
- Oblivious algorithms
- TEE-assisted cryptography
Interested applicants should submit their CV and a single-page research statement. The position is available immediately and on a rolling basis until filled. It will initially be for one year and can be extended given satisfactory performance.
Work environment: The HKUST CSE department was ranked 17th in the world in 2020 by THE World University Rankings. Our graduates typically produce research output of the highest quality and consistently staff world-class institutions. The lab offers a creative work environment that is ideal for excellent research.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Papadopoulos Dimitrios, dipapado at cse dot ust dot hk
08 July 2021
Orestis Chardouvelis, Giulio Malavolta
All of these protocols match the best round complexity known for the corresponding protocols for NP with security against classical adversaries. Along the way, we introduce and construct the notions of sometimes-extractable oblivious transfer and sometimes-simulatable zero-knowledge, which might be of independent interest.
Rogério Pontes, Bernardo Portela, Manuel Barbosa, Ricardo Vilaça
Pyrros Chaidos, Aggelos Kiayias
In this work we put forth a new stake-based primitive, stake-based threshold multisignatures (STM, or Mithril signatures), which allows the aggregation of individual signatures into a compact multisignature pro- vided the stake that supports a given message exceeds a stake threshold. This is achieved by having for each message a pseudorandomly sampled subset of participants eligible to issue an individual signature; this ensures the scalability of signing, aggregation and verification.
We formalize the primitive in the universal composition setting and propose efficient constructions for STMs. We also showcase that STMs are eminently useful in the cryptocurrency setting by providing two applications: (i) stakeholder decision-making for Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains, specifically, Bitcoin, and (ii) fast bootstrapping for Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains.
Gal Arnon, Alessandro Chiesa, Eylon Yogev
We present a generalization of the PCP theorem for interactive languages. We show that any language decidable by a $k(n)$-round IP has a $k(n)$-round public-coin IOP, where the verifier makes its decision by reading only $O(1)$ bits from each (polynomially long) prover message and $O(1)$ bits from each of its own (random) messages to the prover. Our proof relies on a new notion of PCPs that we construct called index-decodable PCPs, which may be of independent interest.
We are then able to bring transformations that previously applied only for IPs into the realm of IOPs. We show IOP-to-IOP transformations that preserve query complexity and achieve: (i) private-coins to public-coins; (ii) round reduction; and (iii) imperfect to perfect completeness.
Samanvaya Panda
Stefano Barbero, Emanuele Bellini, Carlo Sanna, Javier Verbel
We survey the theory behind these probabilistic algorithms, and we illustrate the results that we obtained by implementing them in C. In~particular, for random quadratic Boolean systems, we estimate the practical complexities of the algorithms and their probabilities of success as their parameters change.
06 July 2021
Submission deadline: 29 October 2021
Notification: 20 May 2022
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Mridul Nandi (pnc.asd.isi@gmail.com)
More information: https://www.isical.ac.in/sites/default/files/jobs/Advertisement%20-%20ASD.pdf
University of Klagenfurt, Cybersecurity Research Group
We offer a post-doctoral position until end of August 2023 in the area of side channels as part of the ERC funded project SEAL (Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software) .
Under the supervision of Prof. Elisabeth Oswald, you will strengthen the existing team of three post-docs and one PhD student working on the SEAL project.
We are looking, in particular, for post docs with an interest in provable leakage resilience, or language/compiler based security (in an embedded software context), but we will consider researchers with a different interest within the side channel area too. You must have prior expertise in side channel related research (or compiler/language based security) (evidenced via papers).
The post will be filled as soon as a viable candidate has been identified.
The Cybersecurity Research group is part of a newly established, vibrant research environment in the sunny south of Austria. We are a team of 10 researchers working across a range of topics in the area of applied cryptography/cybersecurity. You can find an overview of team members, and activities under www.cybersecurityresearch.at.
To apply, please email your CV, and a brief statement why you think you fit the description to the contact below.
For questions, please use the same contact, supplied below.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Elisabeth Oswald, elisabeth . oswald @ aau . at
Seoul, South Korea, 1 December - 3 December 2021
Submission deadline: 27 August 2021
Notification: 5 November 2021