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06 September 2021

Michael Scott
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Here we consider a method for quickly testing for group membership in the groups $\G_1$, $\G_2$ and $\G_T$ (all of prime order $r$) as they arise on a type-3 pairing-friendly curve. As is well known endomorphisms exist for each of these groups which allows for faster point multiplication for elements of order $r$. The endomorphism applies if an element is of order $r$. Here we show that, under relatively mild conditions, the endomorphism applies {\bf if and only if} an element is of order $r$. This results in a faster method of confirming group membership. In particular we show that the conditions are met for the popular BLS family of curves.
Shenghui Su, Jianhua Zheng, Shuwang Lv
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, the authors construct a new type of cryptographic sequence which is named an extra-super increasing sequence, and give the definitions of the minimal super increasing sequence {a[1], a[2], ..., a[n]} and minimal extra-super increasing sequence {z[1], z[2], ..., z[n]}. Prove that the minimal extra-super increasing sequence is the odd-positioned subsequence of the Fibonacci sequence, namely {z[1], z[2], ..., z[n], ...} = {F[1], F[3], ..., F[2n-1], ...}, which indicates that the approach to the golden ratio phi through the difference (z[n+1] / z[n] - 1]) is more smooth and expeditious than through the ratio (F[n+1] / F[n]). Further prove that the limit of the term ratio difference between the two cryptographic sequences equals the golden ratio conjugate PHI, namely lim (n to infinity) (z[n+1] / z[n] - a[n+1] / a[n]) = PHI, which reveals the beauty of cryptography.
Gianluca Brian, Antonio Faonio, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study non-malleable secret sharing against joint leakage and joint tampering attacks. Our main result is the first threshold secret sharing scheme in the plain model achieving resilience to noisy-leakage and continuous tampering. The above holds under (necessary) minimal computational assumptions (i.e., the existence of one-to-one one-way functions), and in a model where the adversary commits to a fixed partition of all the shares into non-overlapping subsets of at most $t-1$ shares (where $t$ is the reconstruction threshold), and subsequently jointly leaks from and tampers with the shares within each partition.

We also study the capacity (i.e., the maximum achievable asymptotic information rate) of continuously non-malleable secret sharing against joint continuous tampering attacks. In particular, we prove that whenever the attacker can tamper jointly with $k > t/2$ shares, the capacity is at most $t - k$. The rate of our construction matches this upper bound.

An important corollary of our results is the first non-malleable secret sharing scheme against independent tampering attacks breaking the rate-one barrier (under the same computational assumptions as above).
Bowen Liu, Qiang Tang, Jianying Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols, by definition, guarantee both session key secrecy and entity authentication. Informally, session key secrecy means that only the legitimate parties learn the established key and mutual authentication means that one party can assure itself the session key is actually established with the other party. Today, an important application area for AKE is Internet of Things (IoT) systems, where an IoT device runs the protocol to establish a session key with a remote server. In this paper, we identify two additional security requirements for IoT-oriented AKE, namely Key Compromise Impersonation (KCI) resilience and Server Compromise Impersonation (SCI) resilience. These properties provide an additional layer of security when the IoT device and the server get compromised respectively. Inspired by Chan et al.'s bigdata-based unilateral authentication protocol, we propose a novel AKE protocol which achieves mutual authentication, session key secrecy (including perfect forward secrecy), and the above two resilience properties. To demonstrate its practicality, we implement our protocol and show that one execution costs about 15.19 ms (or, 84.73 ms) for the IoT device and 2.44 ms (or, 12.51 ms) for the server for security parameter λ =128 (or, λ =256). We finally propose an enhanced protocol to reduce the computational complexity on the end of IoT by outsourcing an exponentiation computation to the server. By instantiating the signature scheme with NIST's round three alternate candidate Picnic, we show that one protocol execution costs about 14.44 ms (or, 58.45 ms) for the IoT device and 12.78 ms (or, 46.34 ms) for the server for security parameter λ =128 (or, λ =256).
Carlo Brunetta, Mario Larangeira, Bei Liang, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Keisuke Tanaka
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce the concept of turn-based communication channel between two mutually distrustful parties with communication consistency, i.e. both parties have the same message history, and happens in sets of exchanged messages across a limited number of turns. Our construction leverages on timed primitives. Namely, we introduce a novel Delta-delay hash function definition in order to establish turns in the channel. Concretely, we introduce the one-way turn-based communication scheme and the two-way turn-based communication protocol and provide a concrete instantiation that achieves communication consistency.
Luise Mehner, Saskia Nuñez von Voigt, Florian Tschorsch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Differential privacy is a concept to quantify the disclosure of private information that is controlled by the privacy parameter~$\varepsilon$. However, an intuitive interpretation of $\varepsilon$ is needed to explain the privacy loss to data engineers and data subjects. In this paper, we conduct a worst-case study of differential privacy risks. We generalize an existing model and reduce complexity to provide more understandable statements on the privacy loss. To this end, we analyze the impact of parameters and introduce the notion of a global privacy risk and global privacy leak.
Priyanka Joshi, Bodhisatwa Mazumdar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fault attacks have gained particular attention in recent years as they present a severe threat to security in rapidly rising Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. IoT devices are generally security-critical and resource-constrained. Therefore, any security protocol deployed in these devices has to satisfy several constraints such as small area footprint, low power, and memory consumption. Combinational circuit implementation of S-box is preferable over look-up table (LUT) in terms of memory consumption as the memory operations are usually the costliest part of lightweight cipher implementations. In this work, we analyze the S-box of AES against a novel fault analysis technique, Semi-Permanent Stuck-At (SPSA) fault analysis. We pinpoint hotspots in an optimized implementation of AES S-box that weaken the cryptographic properties of the S-box, leading to key recovery attacks. Our work investigates new vulnerabilities towards fault analysis in combinational circuit implementation.
Gilad Asharov, Ilan Komargodski, Wei-Kai Lin, Elaine Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first Oblivious RAM (ORAM) construction that for $N$ memory blocks supports accesses with worst-case $O(\log N)$ overhead for any block size $\Omega(\log N)$ while requiring a client memory of only a constant number of memory blocks. We rely on the existence of one-way functions and guarantee computational security. Our result closes a long line of research on fundamental feasibility results for ORAM constructions as logarithmic overhead is necessary.

The previous best logarithmic overhead construction only guarantees it in an amortized sense, i.e., logarithmic overhead is achieved only for long enough access sequences, where some of the individual accesses incur $\Theta(N)$ overhead. The previously best ORAM in terms of worst-case overhead achieves $O(\log ^2 N/\log\log N)$ overhead.

Technically, we design a novel de-amortization framework for modern ORAM constructions that use the ``shuffled inputs'' assumption. Our framework significantly departs from all previous de-amortization frameworks, originating from Ostrovsky and Shoup (STOC '97), that seem to be fundamentally too weak to be applied on modern ORAM constructions.

03 September 2021

Marc Nemes, Rebecca Schwerdt, Dirk Achenbach, Bernhard Löwe, Jörn Müller-Quade
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In today's real-world elections the choice of the voting scheme is often more subject to dogma and tradition than the result of an objective and scientific selection process. As a consequence, it is left to intuition whether the chosen scheme satisfies desired security properties, while objectively more suitable schemes might be rejected without due cause. Employing a scientific selection process to decide on a specific voting scheme is currently infeasibly cumbersome. Even those few schemes which have been thouroughly analyzed do not provide easily comparable analysis results or fail to provide the information desired for real-world application. Hence there is a strong need to increase meaningful comparability, allowing democracies to choose the voting scheme that is best suited for their setting. In this paper we analyze which factors currently impede the comparability of both classic and cryptographic voting schemes and which information is needed to facilitate meaningful comparisons. As a first result we find that there is a severe lack of general understanding of the workings and properties of the classic paper-based systems which are in use around the world today. In this we highlight that commonly voiced intuitive comparisons especially to classic paper-based voting lack the necessary scientific basis and are therefore no sufficient foundation. We then develop an analysis framework to concisely showcase the most important characteristics of a voting scheme as well as to enable comparisons to other schemes. The utility of our analysis framework is demonstrated by analyzing and comparing two examples. Our work underlines the need for more academic work towards the comparability of voting schemes and lays a foundation for addressing this issue.
Lúcás Críostóir Meier, Simone Colombo, Marin Thiercelin, Bryan Ford
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The humble integers, $\mathbb{Z}$, are the backbone of many cryptosystems. When bridging the gap from theoretical systems to real-world implementations, programmers often look towards general purpose libraries to implement the arbitrary-precision arithmetic required. Alas, these libraries are often conceived without cryptography in mind, leaving applications potentially vulnerable to timing attacks. To address this, we present saferith, a library providing safer arbitrary-precision arithmetic for cryptography, through constant-time operations. The main challenge was in designing an API to provide this functionality alongside these stronger constant-time guarantees. We benchmarked the performance of our library against Go's big.Int library, and found an acceptable slowdown of only 2.56x for modular exponentiation, the most expensive operation. Our library was also used to implement a variety cryptosystems and applications, in collaboration with industrial partners ProtonMail and Taurus. Porting implementations to use our library is relatively easy: it took the first author under 8 hours to port Go's implementation of P-384.
Minjoo Sim, Siwoo Eum, Hyeokdong Kwon, Kyungbae Jang, Hyunjun Kim, Hyunji Kim, Gyeongju Song, Wai-Kong Lee, Hwajeong Seo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Simpira Permutation is a Permutation design using the AES algorithm. The AES algorithm is the most widely used in the world, and Intel has developed a hardware accelerated AES instruction set (AES-NI) to improve the performance of encryption. By using AES-NI, Simpira can be improved further. However, low-end processors that do not support AES-NI require efficient implementation of Simpira optimization. In this paper, we introduce a optimized implementation of a Simpira Permutation in 8-bit AVR microcontrollers and 32-bit RISC-V processors, that do not support the AES instruction set. We firstly pre-computed round keys and omitted the Addroundkey. Afterward, the MixColumn and InvMixColumn of the final round (i.e. 12-th), which were added unnecessarily due to characteristics of Simpira using AES-NI, were omitted. In the AVR microcontroller, the Addroundkey consists of 16 operations, but it has been optimized by eliminating operations where the value of roundkeys is \texttt{0x00}, omitting Addroundkey to 4 operations. In the RISC-V processor, it is implemented using a same optimization technique of AVR implementation. We have carried out experiments 8-bit ATmega128 microcontroller and 32-bit RISC-V processor, which shows up-to \texttt{5.76$\times$ and 37.01$\times$} better performance enhancement than reference codes for the Simpira Permutation, respectively.
Xiaoyang Dong, Zhiyu Zhang, Siwei Sun, Congming Wei, Xiaoyun Wang, Lei Hu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Collision attacks on AES-like hashing (hash functions constructed by plugging AES-like ciphers or permutations into the famous PGV modes or their variants) can be reduced to the problem of finding a pair of inputs respecting a differential of the underlying AES-like primitive whose input and output differences are the same. The rebound attack due to Mendel et al. is a powerful tool for achieving this goal, whose quantum version was first considered by Hosoyamada and Sasaki at EUROCRYPT 2020. In this work, we automate the process of searching for the configurations of rebound attacks by taking related-key differentials of the underlying block cipher into account with the MILP-based approach. In the quantum setting, our model guide the search towards characteristics that minimize the resources (e.g., QRAM) and complexities of the resulting rebound attacks. We apply our method to Saturnin-hash, SKINNY, and Whirlpool and improved results are obtained.
Pablo Rauzy, Ali Nehme
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic cryptography is used when computations are delegated to an untrusted third-party. However, there is a discrepancy between the untrustworthiness of the third-party and the silent assumption that it will perform the expected computations on the encrypted data. This may raise serious privacy concerns, for example when homomorphic cryptography is used to outsource resource-greedy computations on personal data (e.g., from an IoT device to the cloud). In this paper we show how to cost-effectively verify that the delegated computation corresponds to the expected sequence of operations, thus drastically reducing the necessary level of trust in the third-party. Our approach is based on the well-known modular extension scheme: it is transparent for the third-party and it is not tied to a particular homomorphic cryptosystem nor depends on newly introduced (and thus less-studied) cryptographic constructions. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation, THC (for "trustable homomorphic computation"), which we use to perform security and performance analyses. We then demonstrate its practical usability, in the case of a toy electronic voting system.
Hwajeong Seo, Hyeokdong Kwon, Siwoo Eum, Kyungbae Jang, Hyunjun Kim, Hyunji Kim, Minjoo Sim, Gyeongju Song, Wai-Kong Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Polynomial multiplication is a core operation for public key cryptography, such as pre-quantum cryptography (e.g. elliptic curve cryptography) and post-quantum cryptography (e.g. code-based cryptography and multivariate-based cryptography). For this reason, the efficient and secure implementation of polynomial multiplication has been actively conducted for high availability and security level in application services. In this paper, we present all polynomial multiplication methods on modern 32-bit RISC-V processors. We re-designed expensive implementations of polynomial multiplication on legacy microcontrollers (e.g. 8-bit AVR, 16-bit MSP, and 32-bit ARM) for new instruction sets of 32-bit RISC-V processors. Secondly, we suggest the optimal operand length for each polynomial multiplication on 32-bit RISC-V processors. With this implementation technique and Karatsuba algorithm, we achieved scalable features, which ensures the polynomial multiplication in any operand lengths with reasonably fast performance. Third, we propose instruction set extensions for the optimal implementation of polynomial multiplication on 32-bit RISC-V processors. This new feature introduces significant performance enhancements. Lastly, the proposed implementation is a public domain and following researchers can easily re-produce the result.
Kelong Cong, Radames Cruz Moreno, Mariana Botelho da Gama, Wei Dai, Ilia Iliashenko, Kim Laine, Michael Rosenberg
ePrint Report ePrint Report
It is known that fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can be used to build efficient (labeled) Private Set Intersection protocols in the unbalanced setting, where one of the sets is much larger than the other (Chen et al. (CCS'17, CCS'18)). In this paper we demonstrate multiple algorithmic improvements upon these works. In particular, our protocol has an asymptotically better computation cost, requiring only $\bigO(\sqrt{\| X \|})$ homomorphic multiplications, and communication complexity sublinear in the larger set size $\| X \|$.

We demonstrate that our protocol is significantly better than that of Chen et al. (CCS'18) for many practical parameters, especially in terms of online communication cost. For example, when intersecting $2^{28}$ and 2048 item sets, our protocol reduces the online computation time by more than 71% and communication by more than 63%. When intersecting $2^{24}$ and 4096 item sets, our protocol reduces the online computation time by 27% and communication by 63%. Our comparison to other state-of-the-art unbalanced PSI protocols shows that our protocol has the best total communication complexity when $\| X \| \geq 2^{24}$. For labeled PSI our protocol also outperforms Chen et al. (CCS'18). When intersecting $2^{20}$ and $256$ item sets, with the larger set having associated 288-byte labels, our protocol reduces the online computation time by more than 67% and communication by 34%.

Finally, we demonstrate a modification that results in nearly constant communication cost in the larger set size $\| X \|$, but impractically high computation complexity on today's CPUs. For example, to intersect a $210$-item set with sets of size $2^{22}$, $2^{24}$, or $2^{26}$, our proof-of-concept implementation requires only 0.76 MB of online communication, which is more than a 24-fold improvement over Chen et al. (CCS'18).
Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A secret sharing scheme enables the dealer to share a secret among $n$ parties. A classic secret sharing scheme takes the number $n$ of parties and the secret as the input. If $n$ is not known in advance, the classic secret sharing scheme may fail. Komargodski, Naor, and Yogev \cite[TCC 2016]{KNY16} first proposed the evolving secret sharing scheme that only takes the secret as the input. In the work \cite[TCC 2016]{KNY16}, \cite[TCC 2017]{KC17} and \cite[Eurocrypt 2020]{BO20}, evolving threshold and ramp secret sharing schemes were extensively investigated. However, all of their constructions except for the first construction in \cite{BO20} are inspired by the scheme given in \cite{KNY16}, namely, these schemes rely on the scheme for st-connectivity which allows to generate infinite number of shares.

In this work, we revisit evolving secret sharing schemes and present three constructions that take completely different approach. Most of the previous schemes mentioned above have more combinatorial flavor, while our schemes are more algebraic in nature. More precisely speaking, our evolving secret sharing schemes are obtained via either the Shamir secret sharing or arithmetic secret sharing from algebraic geometry codes alone. Our first scheme is an evolving $k$-threshold secret sharing scheme with share size $k^{1+\epsilon}\log t$ for any constant $\epsilon>0$. Thus, our scheme achieves almost the same share size as in \cite[TCC 2016]{KNY16}. Moreover, our scheme is obtained by a direct construction while the scheme in \cite[TCC 2016]{KNY16} that achieves the $(k-1)\log t$ share size is obtained by a recursive construction which makes their structure complicated. Our second scheme is an evolving $k_t$-threshold secret sharing scheme with any sequence $\{k_t\}_{t=1}^\infty$ of threshold values that has share size $t^4$. This scheme improves the share size by $\log t$ given in \cite{KC17} where a dynamic evolving $k_t$-threshold secret sharing scheme with the share size $O(t^4\log t)$ was proposed. In addition, we also show that if the threshold values $k_t$ grow in rate $\lfloor \beta t\rfloor$ for a real $\beta\in(0,1)$, then we have a dynamic evolving threshold secret sharing scheme with the share size $O(t^{4\beta})$. For $\beta<0.25$, this scheme has sub-linear share size which was not known before. Our last scheme is an evolving $(\Ga t,\Gb t)$-ramp secret sharing scheme with constant share size. One major feature of this ramp scheme is that it is multiplicative as the scheme is also an arithmetic secret sharing scheme. We note that the same technique in \cite{KC17} can also transform all of our schemes to a robust scheme as our scheme is linear.\footnote{We note that by replacing the building block scheme with an arithmetic secret sharing scheme, the evolving $(\Ga t,\Gb t)$-ramp secret sharing scheme in \cite{BO20} can also be multiplicative. However, their share size is much bigger than ours as each party hold multiple shares. }
Chris Monico
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently, several cryptosystems have been proposed based semidirect products of various algebraic structures. Efficient attacks against several of them have already been given, including one very general attack which, unfortunately, does not apply to the MOBS system. The purpose of this note is to provide an observation that can be used as a point-of-attack for similar systems, and show how it can be used to efficiently cryptanalyze the MOBS system.
Elette Boyle, Justin Holmgren, Fermi Ma, Mor Weiss
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Doubly Efficient Private Information Retrieval (DEPIR) enables queries to an externally held database while hiding the identity of the queried indices, strengthening standard Private Information Retrieval (Chor, Goldreich, Kushilevitz, Sudan FOCS'95) with an efficiency requirement that the computational demands of both client and server are sublinear in the database size. The first DEPIR candidate constructions were recently put forth, based on a new type of assumption relating to indistinguishability of moderate-degree polynomials from random functions when given permuted versions of their evaluation graphs (Boyle, Ishai, Pass, Wootters TCC'17 and Canetti, Holmgren, Richelson TCC'17). To aid in the cryptanalytic study of this new assumption, the work of (BIPW TCC'17) put forth a simpler ``toy conjecture'' variant.

In this note, we present an attack that provably breaks the BIPW TCC'17 toy conjecture. The attack identifies a natural embedding of permuted samples into a higher-dimensional linear space for which permuted polynomial samples will be rank deficient. We note, however, that our attack does not apply to the real assumption underlying the constructions, and thus the candidates still stand. We discuss extensions of the attack and present an alternative ``new toy conjecture'' for future study.

Similar results were independently obtained by (Blackwell and Wootters, ArXiv'21).
Daniel R. L. Brown
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Some key agreement schemes, such as Diffie--Hellman key agreement, reduce to Rabi--Sherman key agreement, in which Alice sends $ab$ to Charlie, Charlie sends $bc$ to Alice, they agree on key $a(bc) = (ab)c$, where multiplicative notation here indicates some specialized associative binary operation.

All non-interactive key agreement schemes, where each peer independently determines a single delivery to the other, reduce to this case, because the ability to agree implies the existence of an associative operation. By extending the associative operation’s domain, the key agreement scheme can be enveloped into a mathematical ring, such that all cryptographic values are ring elements, and all key agreement computations are ring multiplications. (A smaller envelope, a semigroup instead of a ring, is also possible.)

Security relies on the difficulty of division: here, meaning an operator $/$ such that $((ab)/b)b = ab$. Security also relies on the difficulty of the less familiar wedge operation $[ab, b, bc] \mapsto abc$.

When Rabi--Sherman key agreement is instantiated as Diffie--Hellman key agreement: its multiplication amounts to modular exponentiation; its division amounts to the discrete logarithm problem; the wedge operation amounts to the computational Diffie--Hellman problem.

Ring theory is well-developed and implies efficient division algorithms in some specific rings, such as matrix rings over fields. Semigroup theory, though less widely-known, also implies efficient division in specific semigroups, such as group-like semigroups.

The rarity of key agreement schemes with well-established security suggests that easy multiplication with difficult division (and wedges) is elusive.

Reduction of key agreement to ring or semigroup multiplication is not a panacea for cryptanalysis. Nonetheless, novel proposals for key agreement perhaps ought to run the gauntlet of a checklist for vulnerability to well-known division strategies that generalize across several forms of multiplication. Ambitiously applying this process of elimination to a plethora of diverse rings or semigroups might also, if only by a fluke, leave standing a few promising schemes, which might then deserve a more focused cryptanalysis.

02 September 2021

PQShield SAS
Job Posting Job Posting
Who We Are

PQShield is a cybersecurity startup that specialises in post-quantum cryptography. Based in Paris, PQShield SAS concentrates the research activities of PQShield. Our mission is to come up with innovative algorithmic and/or protocol-level solutions to real-world cryptographic problems. Besides post-quantum cryptographic primitives, our research interests include advanced cryptosystems/protocols such as secure messaging, threshold schemes, and multiparty computation.

Who We Are Looking For

We are looking for cryptographers with expertise in fields pertaining, but not limited, to post-quantum cryptography. Recruits will work with the team and provide new insights on research topics such as advanced cryptographic primitives, improvements to state-of-the-art practical cryptographic schemes, or constructions and proofs of security in models such as the QROM.

Skills we are interested in:
  • Deep knowledge of a relevant cryptographic field. We want future recruits to impulse new directions for our research and expand the spectrum of expertise of PQShield.
  • Adaptability. You will be expected to work with a diverse team on projects that can cover various cryptographic fields.
  • Dissemination of results. Working at PQShield entails publishing new research in top cryptographic conferences, and advertising our team’s work through invited talks, workshops, or blog articles.
What We Offer
  • Competitive salaries. Yearly salaries start at 45,000 € for post-docs, and 65,000 € for full-fledged researchers.
  • Stimulating environment. You will work with some of the best researchers in theoretical and practical aspects of post-quantum cryptography.
  • Flexible work conditions. PQShield SAS has spacious and fully equipped offices in the heart of Paris. In addition, remote working and more specific arrangements (e.g. academic mobility programmes) are possible.
How To Apply
Please send your CV and cover letter to jobs (at)

Closing date for applications:

Contact: jobs(at)

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