24 September 2021
Nathan Geier
Nathan Geier
We formulate and prove the computational analog of this tight bound. Our proof is entirely different from the proof in the statistical case, which is non-constructive. As a corollary, we show that if $X$ and $Y$ are $d$ indistinguishable, then $k$ independent copies of $X$ and $k$ independent copies of $Y$ are almost $1-(1-d)^k$ indistinguishable for smaller circuits, as against $d\cdot k$ using the looser bound. Our bounds are useful in settings where only weak (i.e. non-negligible) indistinguishability is guaranteed. We demonstrate this in the context of cryptography, showing that our bounds yield simple analysis for amplification of weak oblivious transfer protocols.
Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan, Tiantian Gong, Adithya Bhat, Aniket Kate, Dominique Schröder
We present Opensquare, a decentralized repeated modular squaring service, that overcomes the above concerns. Opensquare lets clients outsource their repeated modular squaring computation via smart contracts to any computationally powerful servers that offer computational services for rewards in an unlinkable manner. Opensquare naturally gives us publicly computable heuristics about a pre-specified number ($T$) and the corresponding reward amounts of repeated squarings necessary for a time period. Moreover, Opensquare rewards multiple servers for a single request, in a sybil resistant manner to incentivise maximum server participation and is therefore resistant to censorship and single-points-of failures. We give game-theoretic analysis to support the mechanism design of Opensquare: (1) incentivises servers to stay available with their services, (2) minimizes the cost of outsourcing for the client, and (3) ensures the client receives the valid computational result with high probability. To demonstrate practicality, we also implement Opensquare's smart contract in Solidity and report the gas costs for all of its functions. Our results show that the on-chain computational costs for both the clients and the servers are quite low, and therefore feasible for practical deployments and usage.
23 September 2021
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
The chair for Security Engineering at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, is seeking for PhD students and Post-Docs in the areas of cryptographic hardware/software, side-channel analysis, FPGA security, etc.
For PhD positions, candidates must hold an MSc (or equivalent) in computer engineering, electrical engineering or computer science. The candidates are required to have outstanding grades.
For Post-Doc positions, candidates must hold a PhD in computer engineering, electrical engineering or computer science. Furthermore, they must have a demonstrated record of top-quality research in foundations of cryptographic hardware and embedded systems. This is usually proved by publications in IACR conferences, particularly CHES.
Please send your application per email (as a single PDF) to Amir Moradi (amir.moradi at rub.de). The application should include a full CV, a cover letter motivating you application, a short description of your two best research articles (for Post-Doc positions). Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled, the starting date is flexible.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Amir Moradi
More information: https://www.seceng.rub.de/moradi
Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan, Guilhem Castagnos, Fabien Laguillaumie, Giulio Malavolta
In this work, we set out to resolve these two issues and propose an efficient timed commitment scheme that also satisfies the strong notion of CCA-security. Specifically, our scheme has a transparent (i.e. public-coin) one-time setup and the amount of sequential computation is essentially independent of the number of participants. As a key technical ingredient, we propose the first (linearly) homomorphic time-lock puzzle with a transparent setup, from class groups of imaginary quadratic order. To demonstrate the applicability of our scheme, we use it to construct a new distributed randomness generation protocol, where $n$ parties jointly sample a random string. Our protocol is the first to simultaneously achieve (1) high scalability in the number of participants, (2) transparent one-time setup, (3) lightning speed in the optimistic case where all parties are honest, and (4) ensure that the output random string is unpredictable and unbiased, even when the adversary corrupts $n-1$ parties. To substantiate the practicality of our approach, we implemented our protocol and our experimental evaluation shows that it is fast enough to be used in practice. We also evaluated a heuristic version of the protocol that is at least 3 orders of magnitude more efficient both in terms of communication size and computation time. This makes the protocol suitable for supporting hundreds of participants.
Mike Hamburg
The Bernstein-Yang right-to-left modular inversion algorithm is notable for taking constant, asymptotically subquadratic time. Right-to-left algorithms are tricky to adapt for the Jacobi symbol, because they do not consider the signs of the values being operated on. But the Jacobi symbol is defined only on positive integers, and the rules for computing it need corrections if negative integers are introduced.
In this short paper, we show how to overcome this difficulty and produce a right-to-left Jacobi symbol algorithm based on Bernstein-Yang.
22 September 2021
Yevgeniy Dodis, Willy Quach, Daniel Wichs
In this work, we observe that the DM lower bound only applies to a significantly more restricted version of the BSM, and does not apply to the streaming variant. Surprisingly, we show that it is possible to construct key agreement and oblivious transfer protocols in the streaming BSM, where the adversary's storage can be significantly larger, and even exponential $m = 2^{O(n)}$. The only price of accommodating larger values of $m$ is that the round and communication complexities of our protocols grow accordingly, and we provide lower bounds to show that an increase in rounds and communication is necessary.
As an added benefit of our work, we also show that our oblivious transfer (OT) protocol in the BSM satisfies a simulation-based notion of security. In contrast, even for the restricted case of $m = O(n^2)$, prior solutions only satisfied a weaker indistinguishability based definition. As an application of our OT protocol, we get general multiparty computation (MPC) in the BSM that allows for up to exponentially large gaps between $m$ and $n$, while also achieving simulation-based security.
Antonio Faonio
Junzuo Lai, Rupeng Yang, Zhengan Huang, Jian Weng
In this paper, we consider a more natural and general setting for selective opening security. In the setting, the adversary may adaptively corrupt part of senders and receivers \emph{simultaneously}, and get the plaintext messages together with internal randomness for encryption and secret keys for decryption, while it is hoped that messages of uncorrupted parties remain protected. We denote it as Bi-SO security since it is reminiscent of Bi-Deniability for PKE.
We first formalize the requirement of Bi-SO security by the simulation-based (SIM) style, and prove that some practical PKE schemes achieve SIM-Bi-$\text{SO}$-CCA security in the random oracle model. Then, we suggest a weak model of Bi-SO security, denoted as SIM-wBi-$\text{SO}$-CCA security, and argue that it is still meaningful and useful. We propose a generic construction of PKE schemes that achieve SIM-wBi-$\text{SO}$-CCA security in the standard model and instantiate them from various standard assumptions. Our generic construction is built on a newly presented primitive, namely, universal$_{\kappa}$ hash proof system with key equivocability, which may be of independent interest.
Jan Czajkowski
To arrive at these results, we generalize the results of Czajkowski, Majenz, Schaffner, and Zur (arXiv '19). Our generalization allows to analyze quantum security of constructions based on multiple independent random functions, something not possible before.
Zhiqiang Wu, Jin Wang, Keqin Li
Douglas Wikström
Relative the interactive case the extraction error is increased by a factor $\ell$ and the running time is increased by a factor $O(\ell)$, where $\ell$ is the number of oracle queries made by the prover.
Through carefully chosen notation and concepts, and a technical lemma, we effectively recast the extraction problem of the notoriously complex non-interactive case to the interactive case. Thus, our approach may be of independent interest.
Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Michal Zajac, Arne Tobias Odegaard
Ioanna Tzialla, Abhiram Kothapalli, Bryan Parno, Srinath Setty
Suvradip Chakraborty, Chaya Ganesh, Mahak Pancholi, Pratik Sarkar
21 September 2021
Yi Wang, Rongmao Chen, Xinyi Huang, Jianting Ning, Baosheng Wang, Moti Yung
Jelle Vos, Zekeriya Erkin, Christian Doerr
However, generating such cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is resource-intensive, so organizations often turn to CTI providers that commercially sell feeds with such indicators. As providers have different sources and methods to obtain their data, the coverage and relevance of feeds will vary for each of them. To cover the multitude of threats one organization faces, they are best served by obtaining feeds from multiple providers. However, these feeds may overlap, causing an organization to pay for indicators they already obtained through another provider.
This paper presents a privacy-preserving protocol that allows an organization to query the databases of multiple data providers to obtain an estimate of their total coverage without revealing the data they store. In this way, a customer can make a more informed decision on their choice of CTI providers. We implement this protocol in Rust to validate its performance experimentally: When performed between three CTI providers who collectively have 20,000 unique indicators, our protocol takes less than 6 seconds to execute. The code for our experiments is freely available.
Thomas Attema, Serge Fehr
In this work we show that indeed the $t$-fold parallel repetition of any $(k_1,\dots,k_{\mu})$-special-sound multi-round public-coin interactive proof optimally reduces the knowledge error from $\kappa$ down to $\kappa^t$. At the core of our results is an alternative, in some sense more fine-grained, measure of quality of a dishonest prover than its success probability, for which we show that it characterizes when knowledge extraction is possible. This new measure then turns out to be very convenient when it comes to analyzing the parallel repetition of such interactive proofs.
While parallel repetition reduces the knowledge error, it is easily seen to increase the completeness error. For this reason, we generalize our result to the case of $s$-out-of-$t$ threshold parallel repetition, where the verifier accepts a claim if $s$-out-of-$t$ of the parallel instances are accepting. An appropriately chosen threshold $s$ allows both the knowledge error and completeness error to be reduced simultaneously.
Shun Watanabe, Kenji Yasunaga
S. Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, Mingyu Liang, Jiayu Xu
A downside of the shuffle model is its reliance on a trusted shuffling mechanism, and it is natural to try to replace this with a distributed shuffling protocol run by the users themselves. Unfortunately, with only one exception, existing fully secure shuffling protocols require $\Omega(n^2)$ communication. In this work, we put forth a notion of differential obliviousness for shuffling protocols, and prove that this notion provides the necessary guarantees for the privacy blanket, without requiring a trusted shuffler. We also show a differentially oblivious shuffling protocol based on onion routing that can tolerate any constant fraction of corrupted users and requires only $O(n \log n)$ communication.