27 October 2021
ZhaoCun Zhou, DengGuo Feng, Bin Zhang
Daniel Matyas Perendi , Prosanta Gope
Arka Rai Choudhuri, Michele Ciampi, Vipul Goyal, Abhishek Jain, Rafail Ostrovsky
In this work, we study the problem of constructing round optimal oblivious transfer from trapdoor permutations. In particular, we obtain the following new results (in the plain model) relying on TDPs in a black-box manner:
1) Three-round oblivious transfer protocol that guarantees indistinguishability-security against malicious senders (and semi-honest receivers). 2) Four-round oblivious transfer protocol secure against malicious adversaries with black-box simulation-based security. By combining our second result with an already known compiler we obtain the first round-optimal 2-party computation protocol that relies in a black-box way on TDPs. A key technical tool underlying our results is a new primitive we call dual witness encryption (DWE) that may be of independent interest.
Gustavo Banegas, Thomas Debris-Alazard, Milena Nedeljković, Benjamin Smith
Chinmoy Biswas, Ratna Dutta
Keywords: lattice based cryptosystem, multi-key fully homomorphic encryption, learning with errors, multi-bit messages
Yi Liu, Qi Wang, Siu-Ming Yiu
For an actively secure PFE protocol, it is crucial to guarantee that the private circuit provider cannot deviate from the protocol to learn more information. Hence, we need to ensure that the private circuit provider correctly performs an EP. This seeks the help of the so-called \emph{zero-knowledge argument of encrypted extended permutation} protocol. In this paper, we provide an improvement of this protocol. Our new protocol can be instantiated to be non-interactive while the previous protocol should be interactive. Meanwhile, compared with the previous protocol, our protocol is significantly (\eg more than $3.4\times$) faster, and the communication cost is only around $24\%$ of that of the previous one.
Long Meng, Liqun Chen
24 October 2021
New jersey Institute of Technology
The successful candidate will hold a faculty appointment in the department of Computer Science and is expected to lead the creation of the Institute for Cybersecurity, which builds on top of existing research and educational strengths in the area of cybersecurity and will span multiple departments across NJIT. As the Director of the Institute for Cybersecurity, the successful candidate must attract funding and develop collaborative relationships with industry.
NJIT is designated a Carnegie R1 Research University, with $161M research expenditures in FY20. The Computer Science Department is ranked 77 nationally by csrankings.org, and has 29 tenured/tenure track faculty, with eight NSF CAREER awardees and one DARPA Young Investigator recipient, and a research expenditure of 12 Million dollars in FY20. The department has strong connections with local industry and works closely with many companies through student Capstone projects, internships, co-ops and joint R&D projects.
To formally apply for the position, please submit your application (including CV and Cover letter) to NJIT’s career site: https://njit.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/3409?c=njit
You must also submit additional candidate materials online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/19436
the additional candidate materials include a cover letter, CV, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, and the contact information for at least three references. Applications received by December 31, 2021 will receive full consideration. However, applications are reviewed until all the positions are filled. Contact address for inquiries: cs-faculty-search@njit.edu.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: cs-faculty-search@njit.edu
More information: https://njit.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/3409?c=njit
New Jersey Institute of Technology
NJIT is designated a Carnegie R1 Research University, with $161M research expenditures in FY20. The Computer Science Department is ranked 77 nationally by csrankings.org, and has 29 tenured/tenure track faculty, with eight NSF CAREER awardees and one DARPA Young Investigator award, and a research expenditure of 12 Million dollars in FY20. The Computer Science Department enrolls approximately 1,900 students at all levels across eleven programs of study and takes part, alongside the Department of Informatics and the Department of Data Science, in the Ying Wu College of Computing. The College has an enrollment of more than 3,300 students in computing disciplines, and graduates more than 900 computing professionals every year; as such, it is the largest purveyor of computing talent in the tristate (NY, NJ, CT) area.
To formally apply for the position, please submit your application (including CV and Cover letter) to NJIT’s career site: https://njit.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/3343?c=njit
You must also submit additional candidate materials online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/19180
The additional candidate materials include a cover letter, CV, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, and the contact information for at least three references.
Applications received by December 31, 2021 will receive full consideration. However, applications are reviewed until all the positions are filled. Contact address for inquiries: cs-faculty-search@njit.edu.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: cs-faculty-search@njit.edu
More information: https://njit.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/3343?c=njit
5ireChain is a fifth-generation blockchain that aims to bring a paradigm shift from a for-profit to a for-benefit economy. 5ire's mission is to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
“We’re building 5ireChain to eliminate intermediaries and bring all the impact makers onto a level playing field where they can use the shared language of the UN SDGs. We want businesses to act as a force for good and help move the world from a for-profit paradigm to a for-benefit paradigm, facilitating the transition from the fourth industrial revolution to the fifth industrial revolution and building for-benefit incentive and reward distribution mechanisms.
We are currently in a research phase, working with models and simulations. In the near future, we will start implementing the research. You will have the opportunity to participate in developing -and improving- the state of the art of blockchain technologies, as well as turning them into a reality. You’ll be working directly with the existing research and development team.
Areas of interest:
Complexity theory, approximation algorithms, algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, computational social choice, crypto-economics, and governance. Consensus protocols, finality gadgets, inter-operability across blockchains, zero-knowledge proofs.
Key Responsibilities:
Designing and analyzing incentive mechanisms (rewards, slashings, handling of reports) of decentralized protocols.
Primarily, ensuring that solutions are sound and diving deeper into their formal definition.
What will help you get there:
Familiarity with the application of formal method techniques. (Provable security, Security proofs … would be a plus.)
Publications in Consensus engines, system security, applied cryptography, distributed systems, or privacy are highly desirable.
Experience in multi-agent decision-making mechanisms such as committee elections, referenda, auctions, and general on-chain governance is not required but would be a significant advantage.
Closing date for applications:
Zakaria Salek
More information: https://dotjobs.net/jobs/716f807d-ffdf-4558-996e-21fbd50f6b5d_consensus-distributed-systems-researcher-architect
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange
$S$-unit attacks are a rapidly developing line of attacks against structured lattice problems. These include the quantum polynomial-time attacks that broke the cyclotomic case of Gentry's original STOC 2009 FHE system under minor assumptions, and newer attacks that have broken through various barriers previously claimed for this line of work.
$S$-unit attacks take advantage of auxiliary lattices, standard number-theoretic lattices called $S$-unit lattices. Spherical models have recently been applied to these auxiliary lattices to deduce core limits on the power of $S$-unit attacks.
This paper shows that these models underestimate the power of $S$-unit attacks: $S$-unit lattices, like the lattice $Z^d$, have much shorter vectors and reduce much more effectively than predicted by these models. The attacker can freely choose $S$ to make the gap as large as desired, breaking through the core limits previously asserted for $S$-unit attacks.
Omri Shmueli
Public-key semi-quantum money (Radian and Sattath, AFT 2019) is a quantum money scheme where the algorithm of the bank is completely classical, and quantum banknotes are publicly verifiable on any quantum computer. In particular, such scheme relies on local quantum computation and only classical communication. The only known construction of public-key semi-quantum is based on quantum lightning (Zhandry, EUROCRYPT 2019), which is based on a computational assumption that is now known to be broken.
In this work, we construct public-key semi-quantum money, based on quantum-secure indistinguishability obfuscation and the sub-exponential hardness of the Learning With Errors problem. The technical centerpiece of our construction is a new 3-message protocol, where a classical computer can delegate to a quantum computer the generation of a quantum state that is both, unclonable and publicly verifiable.
Théodore Conrad-Frenkiel, Rémi Géraud-Stewart, David Naccache
A common practice thwarting such attacks consists in applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO, \cite{DBLP:conf/pkc/FujisakiO99}) transformation before encrypting. However, not all NTRU protocols enforce this protection. In particular the DPKE version of NTRU \cite{DBLP:conf/eurocrypt/SaitoXY18} is susceptible to such an attack.
Andrea Caforio, Daniel Collins, Ognjen Glamocanin, Subhadeep Banik
Yang Wang, Yanmin Zhao, Mingqiang Wang
Matteo Campanelli, Bernardo David, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Anders Konring, Jesper Buus Nielsen
Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Daniel Heinz, Peter Pessl, Michiel van Beirendonck, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Aleksei Udovenko, Giuseppe Vitto
Fabian Hertel, Nicolas Huber, Jonas Kittelberger, Ralf Kuesters, Julian Liedtke, Daniel Rausch
In this paper, we propose and implement several new Ordinos instantiations in order to support Borda voting, the Hare-Niemeyer method for proportional representation, multiple Condorcet methods, and Instant-Runoff Voting. Our instantiations, which are based on suitable secure multi-party computation (MPC) components, offer the first tally-hiding implementations for these voting methods. To evaluate the practicality of our MPC components and the resulting e-voting systems, we provide extensive benchmarks for all our implementations.
Lucjan Hanzlik, Daniel Slamanig
In this paper we address this problem by introducing and formalizing the notion of core/helper anonymous credentials (CHAC). The model considers a constrained core device (e.g., a SIM card) and a powerful helper device (e.g., a smartphone). The key idea is that the core device performs operations that do not depend on the size of the credential or the number of attributes, but at the same time the helper device is unable to use the credential without its help. We present a provably secure generic construction of CHACs using a combination of signatures with flexible public keys (SFPK) and the novel notion of aggregatable attribute-based equivalence class signatures (AAEQ) along with a concrete instantiation. The key characteristics of our scheme are that the size of showing tokens is independent of the number of attributes in the credential(s) and that the core device only needs to compute a single elliptic curve scalar multiplication, regardless of the number of attributes. We confirm the practical efficiency of our CHACs with an implementation of our scheme on a Multos smart card as the core and an Android smartphone as the helper device. A credential showing requires less than 500 ms on the smart card and around 200 ms on the smartphone (even for a credential with 1000 attributes).