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08 January 2022

Xiuju Huang, Jiashuo Song , Zichen Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The verifier-local revocation mechanism (VLR) is an ideal function of group signature. As long as the verifier knows the revocation list, he/she can verify the legitimacy of the signer, prevent the revoked user from impersonating a legitimate user for signature, ensure the timeliness of signature information and save resources. Group signature is often required to realize users' dynamic addition and revocation. Therefore, an efficient lattice signature scheme with a local revocation mechanism and alter the number of users has become an important topic. In this paper, a zero-knowledge proof scheme on the lattice has been proposed. Based on it, a group signature scheme with VLR has been constructed. This scheme can effectively join and revocation without generating the key pair again. The tracking mechanism uses an encryption scheme. As long as given a correct tracking key, the signer index can be opened quickly. And this algorithm has short public key, logarithmic signature length, and efficient implementation of the VLR function.
Sisi Duan, Haibin Zhang, Boxin Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper refutes the conventional wisdom that information-theoretic BFT is impractical. We design and implement WaterBear, the first practical information-theoretic asynchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocol. We also present a more efficient, quantum-secure asynchronous BFT protocol, WaterBear-QS, which, compared to WaterBear, additionally uses a collision-resistant hash function.

We show that WaterBear and WaterBear-QS are efficient under both failure-free and failure scenarios, achieving comparable performance to the state-of-the-art asynchronous BFT protocols. In particular, our failure case evaluation is thus far the most comprehensive evaluation for asynchronous BFT settings.
Sisi Duan, Haibin Zhang
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Reaching consensus is the single most crucial problem in fault-tolerant distributed computing. This paper studies asynchronous consensus with Byzantine failures commonly known as asynchronous binary Byzantine agreement (ABA). ABA is a key component as well as a bottleneck for (almost) all known asynchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols and asynchronous multi-party computation (MPC) with guaranteed output. This paper addresses two significant problems in ABA: we propose the first common-coin based ABA with 2 steps only in a round and the first practical solution on running ABA in a fully parallelizable manner. We first present Pillar, a new round-based ABA protocol using common coins, having 2 steps in a round. Pillar can be directly used to improve all practical asynchronous BFT protocols implemented and MPC protocols achieving guaranteed output. To demonstrate the performance of Pillar, we use it in the BEAT protocol based on the classic framework of Ben-Or, Kemler, and Rabin and HoneyBadgerBFT, and implement a new BFT protocol, called ACE, providing up to 2x the throughput of BEAT. We go on to suggest reproposable ABA (RABA), a generalized ABA primitive that allows a replica to change its mind and vote twice. In contrast to conventional ABA, RABA requires the protocol to be biased towards 1, but does not require external validity (via, e.g., expensive threshold signatures). We use Pillar to build Pisa, a signature-free RABA protocol that is as efficient as Pillar. We also show how to turn some other ABA protocols (including the one by Cachin, Kursawe, and Shoup) to RABA. We then propose a novel asynchronous BFT framework built on reliable broadcast (RBC) and RABA. This leads to the first fully parallelizable asynchronous BFT protocol, allowing all ABA instances to run in a strictly concurrent manner. Our concrete instantiation, called PACE, consistently and significantly outperforms existing asynchronous BFT protocols in terms of all metrics, having much fewer steps than all asynchronous BFT implemented for all practically large systems. PACE provides 6x the throughput of BEAT when there are 91 replicas. Such a solution can be directly used as a solution to run ABA in parallel, a procedure needed not just in BFT but in interactive consistency and MPC with guaranteed output. Our result, therefore, identifies RABA as a first-class primitive in distributed computing. Also, the PACE framework lays the foundation on information-theoretic asynchronous BFT and asynchronous BFT without public-key cryptography.
Fukang Liu, Gaoli Wang, Willi Meier, Santanu Sarkar, Takanori Isobe
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a conceptually intuitive technique called algebraic meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack in this paper. Different from the common MITM attacks where some intermediate state values are stored, several sets of linear equations will be stored in the algebraic MITM attack. Moreover, at the matching phase, it is necessary to first perform some linear transformations on the to-be-matched intermediate state value and only partial state bit information is used for the match. Once a match is found, retrieve the corresponding linear equation system and solve it to recover the full necessary information. This new technique fits very well with LowMC, a popular and important design using partial nonlinear layers. Based on it, we can reduce the memory complexity of the simple difference enumeration attack over state-of-the-art. Moreover, while an efficient algebraic technique to retrieve the full key from a differential trail of LowMC has been proposed at CRYPTO 2021, its time complexity is still exponential in the key size. In this work, we show how to reduce it to constant time when there are a sufficiently large number of active S-boxes in the trail. Specifically, the guess-and-determine strategy is no more adopted at the key-recovery phase, instead, we recover the full key by directly solving an overdefined system of quadratic equations. With the above new techniques, the attacks on LowMC and \mbox{LowMC-M} published at CRYPTO 2021 are further improved and some LowMC instances could be broken for the first time. Our results seem to indicate that partial nonlinear layers are still not well-understood.
Ahmet Ramazan Ağırtaş, Oğuz Yayla
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An accountable subgroup multi-signature is a kind of multi-signature scheme in which any subgroup S of the group G of potential signers jointly sign a message $m$, ensuring that each member of S is accountable for the resulting signature. In this paper we propose three novel pairing-based accountable subgroup multi-signature (ASM) schemes. In the first one, we use Feldman's verifiable secret sharing scheme as an implicit authentication and proof-of-possession for setting up the group G. In the second one, the members participating in authentication is decided by the subgroup itself. In the third one, we consider a designated combiner managing the authentication process. All schemes that we propose here require fewer computations in signature generation, signature aggregation and verification phases than the pairing-based ASM scheme proposed by Boneh, Drijvers and Neven. Moreover, our first and the third ones solve the open problem of constructing an ASM scheme in which the subgroup S of signers is not known before the signature generation. Besides, we give a method of eliminating the combiner in case of knowing the subgroup of signers S in advance. Further we extend our proposed schemes to aggregated versions. For $n$ accountable subgroup multi-signatures, aggregated versions of our proposed schemes output an aggregated signature with size of a single group element and require $n+1$ pairings in aggregated signature verification, whereas the partial aggregated ASM scheme of Boneh, Drijvers and Neven gives an aggregated signature with size of $n+1$ group elements and requires $2n+1$ pairings in aggregated signature verification.
Shingo Sato, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
(Fully) homomorphic encryption ((F)HE) allows users to publicly evaluate circuits on encrypted data. Although public homomorphic evaluation property has various applications, (F)HE cannot achieve security against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA2) due to its nature. To achieve both the CCA2 security and homomorphic evaluation property, Emura et al. (PKC 2013) introduced keyed-homomorphic public key encryption (KH-PKE) and formalized its security denoted by KH-CCA security. KH-PKE has a homomorphic evaluation key that enables users to perform homomorphic operations. Intuitively, KH-PKE achieves the CCA2 security unless adversaries have a homomorphic evaluation key. Although Lai et al. (PKC 2016) proposed the first keyed-fully homomorphic encryption (keyed-FHE) scheme, its security relies on the indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), and this scheme satisfies a weak variant of KH-CCA security. Here, we propose a generic construction of a KH-CCA secure keyed-FHE scheme from an FHE scheme secure against non-adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA1) and a strong dual-system simulation-sound non-interactive zero-knowledge (strong DSS-NIZK) argument system by using the Naor-Yung paradigm. We show that there are a strong DSS-NIZK and an IND-CCA1 secure FHE scheme that are suitable for our generic construction. This shows that there exists a keyed-FHE scheme from simpler primitives than iO.

07 January 2022

Roberto La Scala, Sergio Polese, Sharwan K. Tiwari, Andrea Visconti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we study the security of the Bluetooth stream cipher E0 from the viewpoint it is a "difference stream cipher", that is, it is defined by a system of explicit difference equations over the finite field GF(2). This approach highlights some issues of the Bluetooth encryption such as the invertibility of its state transition map, a special set of 14 bits of its 132-bit state which when guessed imply linear equations among the other bits and finally a very small number of spurious keys compatible with a keystream of about 60 bits. Exploiting these issues, we implement an algebraic attack using Grobner bases, SAT solvers and Binary Decision Diagrams. Testing activities suggest that the version based on Grobner bases is the best one and it is able to attack E0 in about 2^79 seconds on an Intel i9 CPU. To the best of our knowledge, this work improves any previous attack based on a short keystream, hence fitting with Bluetooth specifications.
Jiaxin Pan, Benedikt Wagner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct the first tightly secure signature schemes in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions from lattices. In stark contrast to the previous tight constructions whose security is solely based on number-theoretic assumptions, our schemes are based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption which is supposed to be post-quantum secure. The security of our scheme is independent of the numbers of users and signing queries, and it is in the non-programmable random oracle model. Our LWE-based scheme is compact namely, its signatures contain only a constant number of lattice vectors.

At the core of our construction are a new abstraction of the existing lossy identification (ID) schemes using dual-mode commitment schemes and a refinement of the framework by Diemert et al. (PKC 2021) which transforms a lossy ID scheme to a signature using sequential OR proofs. In combination, we obtain a tight generic construction of signatures from dual-mode commitments in the multi-user setting. Improving the work of Diemert et al., our new approach can be instantiated using not only the LWE assumption, but also an isogeny-based assumption. We stress that our LWE-based lossy ID scheme in the intermediate step uses a conceptually different idea than the previous lattice-based ones.

Of independent interest, we formally rule out the possibility that the aforementioned ``ID-to-Signature'' methodology can work tightly using parallel OR proofs. In addition to the results of Fischlin et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), our impossibility result shows a qualitative difference between both forms of OR proofs in terms of tightness.
Hyunji Kim, Sejin Lim, Yeajun Kang, Wonwoong Kim, Hwajeong Seo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Crypto-ransomware has a process to encrypt the victim's files, and crypto-ransomware requests the victim for money for a key to decrypt the encrypted file. In this paper, we present new approaches to prevent crypto-ransomware by detecting block cipher algorithms for Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. The generic software of the AVR package and the lightweight block cipher library (FELICS) written in C language was trained through the neural network, and then we evaluated the result. Unlike the previous technique, the proposed method does not extract sequence and frequency characteristics, but considers opcodes and opcode sequences as words and sentences, performs word embedding, and then inputs them to the neural network based on the encoder structure of the transformer model. Through this approach, the file size was reduced by 0.5 times while maintaining a similar level of classification performance compared to the previous method. The detection success rate for the proposed method was evaluated with the F-measured value, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. In addition to achieving 98% crypto-ransomware detection success rates, classification by benign firmware and lightweight cryptography algorithm, Substitution-Permutation-Network (SPN) structure, Addition-Rotation-eXclusive-or structure (ARX) and normal firmware classification are also possible.
Runsong Wang, Xuelian Li, Juntao Gao, Hui Li, Baocang Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper considers the capability of 4-round Keccak-224/256/384/512 against the cryptanlysis involved by the quantum algorithm. In order to effectively find the corresponding rotational number for the rotational counterpart of preimage, we first establish a probabilistic algorithm based on the Grover search to guess a possible rotational number by using the fixed relations of bits pairs in some coordinates. This is committed to achieving that each iteration of searching the rotational counterparts contains only one run of 4-round Keccak variant applied for the verification, which can reduce the attack complexity in the quantum setting. Based on finding the rotational number under an acceptable randomness, we construct two attack models to focus on the recovery of preimage. In the first model, the Grover’s algorithm serves as finding out a rotational counterpart of the preimage. Through 64 attempts of checking the correct rotational number, the desired preimage can be obtained. In the second model, we abstract the finding of rotational counterparts into searching vertexes on a hypercube, and then, the SKW quantum algorithm is used to deal with the finding of the vertexes acted as rotational counterparts. Compared to the recent works in classical setting, we greatly reduce the attack complexity of preimage recovery. Furthermore, the first attack model is superior to the generic quantum preimage attack for 4-round Keccak-224/256/384/512, and the second model has slightly lower attack effect but more practicality on the 4-round Keccak-512/384, that is, the model is exponentially easier to implement in quantum circuit than both our first attack model and the generic quantum preimage attack.
Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea, Sorin Iftene, George Teseleanu, Anca-Maria Nica
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the newest results regarding the security of identity-based encryption schemes from quadratic residuosity. It is shown that the only secure schemes are the Cocks and Boneh-Gentry-Hamburg schemes (except of anonymous variations of them).
Alfredo Rial, Ania M. Piotrowska
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Coconut [NDSS 2019] is an attribute-based credential scheme with threshold issuance. We analyze its security properties. To this end, we define an ideal functionality for attribute-based access control with threshold issuance. We describe a construction that realizes our functionality. Our construction follows Coconut with a few changes. In particular, it modifies the protocols for blind issuance of credentials and for credential show so that user privacy holds against computationally unbounded adversaries. The modified protocols are slightly more efficient than those of Coconut. Our construction also extends the public key, which seems necessary to prove unforgeability.
Christian Matt, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Søren Eller Thomsen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many decentralized systems rely on flooding protocols for message dissemination. In such a protocol, the sender of a message sends it to a randomly selected set of peers. These peers again send the message to their randomly selected peers, until every network participant has received the message. This type of protocols clearly fail in face of an adaptive adversary who can simply corrupt all peers of the sender and thereby prevent the message from being delivered. Nevertheless, flooding protocols are commonly used within protocols that aim to be cryptographically secure, most notably in blockchain protocols. While it is possible to revert to static corruptions, this gives unsatisfactory security guarantees, especially in the setting of a blockchain that is supposed to run for an extended period of time. To be able to provide meaningful security guarantees in such settings, we give precise semantics to what we call $\delta$-delayed adversaries in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Such adversaries can adaptively corrupt parties, but there is a delay of time $\delta$ from when an adversary decides to corrupt a party until they succeed in overtaking control of the party. Within this model, we formally prove the intuitive result that flooding protocols are secure against $\delta$-delayed adversaries when $\delta$ is at least the time it takes to send a message from one peer to another plus the time it takes the recipient to resend the message. To this end, we show how to reduce the adaptive setting with a $\delta$-delayed adversary to a static experiment with an Erdős–Rényi graph. Using the established theory of Erdős–Rényi graphs, we provide upper bounds on the propagation time of the flooding functionality for different neighborhood sizes of the gossip network. More concretely, we show the following for security parameter $\kappa$, point-to-point channels with delay at most $\Delta$, and $n$ parties in total, with a sufficiently delayed adversary that can corrupt any constant fraction of the parties: If all parties send to $\Omega(\kappa)$ parties on average, then we can realize a flooding functionality with maximal delay $\mathcal{O}\bigl(\Delta \cdot \log (n) \bigr)$; and if all parties send to $\Omega\bigl( \sqrt{\kappa n \log (n)} \bigr)$ parties on average, we can realize a flooding functionality with maximal delay $\mathcal{O}(\Delta)$.
Abhiram Kothapalli, Bryan Parno
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Arguments of knowledge are powerful cryptographic primitives that allow a prover to demonstrate that it knows a satisfying witness to a prescribed statement. Tremendous progress has been made in developing efficient argument systems by leveraging homomorphic structure in an increasingly composable and recursive manner. However, the extent to which homomorphisms can be composed and manipulated in the service of efficient argument systems is still not well understood. To this end, we introduce reductions of knowledge, a generalization of arguments of knowledge, which reduce checking a statement in one relation to checking a derived statement in another, and better capture the composable and recursive nature of arguments over homomorphisms. We construct and study the tensor reduction, which is capable of reducing any homomorphic statement composed via the tensor product, and provides knowledge soundness unconditionally when working over vector spaces. We show that tensor reductions generalize a large class of prior recursive techniques including the ubiquitous sumcheck protocol. We additionally show that tensor reductions can be employed to construct reductions of knowledge with logarithmic communication for familiar linear algebraic statements, and in turn, these can be composed to recover a reduction of knowledge for NP with logarithmic communication.
Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Luowen Qian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Chandran et al. (SIAM J. Comput.'14) formally introduced the cryptographic task of position verification, where they also showed that it cannot be achieved by classical protocols. In this work, we initiate the study of position verification protocols with classical verifiers. We identify that proofs of quantumness (and thus computational assumptions) are necessary for such position verification protocols. For the other direction, we adapt the proof of quantumness protocol by Brakerski et al. (FOCS'18) to instantiate such a position verification protocol. As a result, we achieve classically verifiable position verification assuming the quantum hardness of Learning with Errors.

Along the way, we develop the notion of 1-of-2 non-local soundness for a natural non-local game for 1-of-2 puzzles, first introduced by Radian and Sattath (AFT'19), which can be viewed as a computational unclonability property. We show that 1-of-2 non-local soundness follows from the standard 2-of-2 soundness (and therefore the adaptive hardcore bit property), which could be of independent interest.
Benedikt Wagner, Lucjan Hanzlik, Julian Loss
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Known constructions of (efficient) blind signatures either rely on non-standard hardness assumptions or require parameters that grow linearly with the number of concurrently issued signatures. This holds true even in the random oracle model.

Katz, Loss and Rosenberg (ASIACRYPT 2021) presented a generic construction that boosts a scheme supporting logarithmically many concurrent signing sessions to a scheme that supports polynomially many. Unfortunately, this construction has two drawbacks: 1) the communication between the signer and the user still grows linearly with the number of issued signatures 2) their schemes inherit a very loose security bound from the underlying scheme and, as a result, require impractical parameter sizes.

In this paper, we eliminate these two drawbacks by proposing two highly practical blind signature schemes from the CDH and RSA assumptions. Our resulting schemes have communication which grows only logarithmically in the number of issued signatures. In addition, we introduce new techniques to mitigate the large security loss in the construction of Katz et al. Overall, we obtain the following parameter sizes (providing 128 bits of security):

- Our main scheme PIKA is based on the BLS blind signature scheme (Boldyreva, PKC 2003) and is secure under the \cdh assumption over a standard-sized group. Signatures are of size roughly 3KB and communication per signature is roughly 150KB. - Our RSA-based scheme is based on the Okamoto-Guillou-Quisquater blind signature scheme (Okamoto, CRYPTO 1992). It has signatures and communication of roughly 9KB and 8KB, respectively.
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Maxime Plancon
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lattice-based blind signature schemes have been receiving some recent attention lately. Earlier efficient 3-round schemes (Asiacrypt 2010, Financial Cryptography 2020) were recently shown to have mistakes in their proofs, and fixing them turned out to be extremely inefficient and limited the number of signatures that a signer could send to less than a dozen (Crypto 2020). In this work we propose a round-optimal, 2-round lattice-based blind signature scheme which produces signatures of length 150KB. The running time of the signing protocol is linear in the maximum number signatures that can be given out, and this limits the number of signatures that can be signed per public key. Nevertheless, the scheme is still quite efficient when the number of signatures is limited to a few dozen thousand, and appears to currently be the most efficient lattice-based candidate.
Josef Pieprzyk, Marcin Pawlowski, Pawel Morawiecki, Arash Mahboubi, Jarek Duda, Seyit Camtepe
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The generation of pseudorandom binary sequences is of a great importance in numerous applications stretching from simulation and gambling to cryptography. Pseudorandom bit generators (PRBGs) can be split into two classes depending on their claimed security. The first includes PRBGs that are provably secure (such as the Blum-Blum-Shub one). Security of the second class rests on heuristic arguments. Sadly, PRBG from the first class are inherently inefficient and some PRBG are insecure against quantum attacks. While, their siblings from the second class are very efficient, but security relies on their resistance against known cryptographic attacks.

This work presents a construction of PRBG from the asymmetric numeral system (ANS) compression algorithm. We define a family of PRBGs for $2^R$ ANS states and prove that it is indistinguishable from a truly random one for a big enough $R$. To make our construction efficient, we investigate PRBG built for smaller $R=7,8,9$ and show how to remove local correlations from output stream. We permute output bits using rotation and Keccak transformations and show that permuted bits pass all NIST tests. Our PRBG design is provably secure (for a large enough $R$) and heuristically secure (for a smaller $R$). Besides, we claim that our PRBG is secure against quantum adversaries.
Amalfi, Italy, 12 September - 14 September 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 12 September to 14 September 2022
Submission deadline: 24 April 2022
Notification: 12 June 2022
Casablanca, Maroc, 14 July - 16 July 2022
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Event date: 14 July to 16 July 2022
Submission deadline: 16 February 2022
Notification: 15 April 2022
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