International Association for Cryptologic Research

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18 March 2022

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
Job Posting Job Posting

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a publicly funded research institute, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is home to a diverse community of leading scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and researchers from across the globe, transforming problems and roadblocks into pioneering research and technology prototypes that help move society ahead.

Cryptography Research Center

In our connected digital world, secure and reliable cryptography is the foundation of digital information security and data integrity. We address the world’s most pressing cryptographic questions. Our work covers post-quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, cloud encryption schemes, secure protocols, quantum cryptographic technologies and cryptanalysis.

Position: Senior MPC Researcher

  • Conduct research on state-of-the-art MPC protocols
  • Analyze project requirements and provide technical and functional recommendations
  • Design and implementation of building blocks to utilize privacy-preserving cryptographic techniques to cloud computing and machine learning applications
  • Propose new projects and research directions

    Skills required for the job

  • 2+ years of work experience in the field
  • Knowledge of MPC protocols
  • Experience in C desired, C++, Rust and Python relevant as well. Solid engineering practices and processes, such as development and testing methodology and documentation
  • Quick learner, geared towards implementation. Eager to develop new skills and willing to take ownership of projects
  • Knowledge on machine learning would be valuable
  • Knowledge on Zero-Knowledge proofs would be valuable


  • MSc or PhD degree in Cryptography, Applied Cryptography, Information Theory, Mathematics or Computer Science

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Mehdi Messaoudi - Talent Acquisition Manager

    More information:

  • Expand
    Universität der Bundeswehr München, Research Institute CODE
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Research Institute CODE at Universität der Bundeswehr München seeks an internationally recognised person with an excellent research and teaching track in cryptology. CODE hosts 13 professorships in the scope of cyber security ranging from software security, privacy, digital forensics to data science and open source intelligence.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Further information is available via Prof. Harald Baier,

    More information:

    Meta Financial Technologies
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Meta Financial Technologies (MFT) research group is hiring! If you are looking for a full-time cryptography research position at Meta, and have a PhD background in cryptography, please reach out to Kevin Lewi ( and Arnab Roy ( and we will be happy to elaborate more on the process. Below is a short blurb about what we do: The MFT crypto research team works on several exciting projects ranging from highly practical real-world problems addressing the security of Facebook products to foundational problems in cryptography. The ideal candidates will have a keen interest in producing new science to advance this interdisciplinary field, as well as supporting the productization of their results. We strongly believe in providing our researchers with the environment to explore the best problems to work on, while building up the skills to thrive in both industry and academia. As a researcher at MFT, you will have an opportunity to learn about the myriad research problems that arise in developing what we believe will be the most important platform for financial services for years to come. You will be working with leading researchers as well as engineers and product managers. Since most of the work is open-source, many research projects can be discussed relatively freely. Research publication is strongly encouraged and rewarded.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Please contact klewi [at] fb [dot] com and arnabr [at] fb [dot] com

    Aymeric Genêt, Novak Kaluđerović
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In this paper, the recommended implementation of the post-quantum key exchange SIKE for Cortex-M4 is attacked through power analysis with a single trace by clustering with the $k$-means algorithm the power samples of all the invocations of the elliptic curve point swapping function in the constant-time coordinate-randomized three point ladder. Because each sample depends on whether two consecutive bits of the private key are the same or not, a successful clustering (with $k=2$) leads to the recovery of the entire private key. The attack is naturally improved with better strategies, such as clustering the samples in the frequency domain or processing the traces with a wavelet transform, using a simpler clustering algorithm based on thresholding, and using metrics to prioritize certain keys for key validation. The attack and the proposed improvements were experimentally verified using the ChipWhisperer framework. Splitting the swapping mask into multiple shares is suggested as an effective countermeasure.
    Damiano Abram, Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi, Peter Scholl
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Recently, number-theoretic assumptions including DDH, DCR and QR have been used to build powerful tools for secure computation, in the form of homomorphic secret-sharing (HSS), which leads to secure two-party computation protocols with succinct communication, and pseudorandom correlation functions (PCFs), which allow non-interactive generation of a large quantity of correlated randomness. In this work, we present a group-theoretic framework for these classes of constructions, which unifies their approach to computing distributed discrete logarithms in various groups. We cast existing constructions in our framework, and also present new constructions, including one based on class groups of imaginary quadratic fields. This leads to the first construction of two-party homomorphic secret sharing for branching programs from class group assumptions. Using our framework, we also obtain pseudorandom correlation functions for generating oblivious transfer and vector-OLE correlations from number-theoretic assumptions. These have a trustless, public-key setup when instantiating our framework using class groups. Previously, such constructions either needed a trusted setup in the form of an RSA modulus with unknown factorisation, or relied on multi-key fully homomorphic encryption from the learning with errors assumption. We also show how to upgrade our constructions to achieve active security using appropriate zero-knowledge proofs. In the random oracle model, this leads to a one-round, actively secure protocol for setting up the PCF, as well as a 3-round, actively secure HSS-based protocol for secure two-party computation of branching programs with succinct communication.
    Alexander May, Carl Richard Theodor Schneider
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We show how to backdoor the McEliece cryptosystem, such that a backdoored public key is indistinguishable from a usual public key, but allows to efficiently retrieve the underlying secret key. For good cryptographic reasons, McEliece uses a small random seed $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ that generates via some pseudo random number generator (PRNG) the randomness that determines the secret key.

    Our backdoor mechanism works by encoding the encryption of $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ into the public key. Retrieving $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ then allows to efficiently recover the (backdoored) secret key. Interestingly, McEliece can be used itself to encrypt $\boldsymbol{\delta}$, thereby protecting our backdoor mechanism with strong post-quantum security guarantees.

    Our backdoor mechanism also works for the current Classic McEliece NIST standard proposal, and therefore opens the door for widespread maliciously backdoored implementations.

    Fortunately, there is a simple fix to guard (Classic) McEliece against backdoors. While it is not strictly necessary to store $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ after key generation, we show that $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ allows identifying maliciously backdoored keys. Thus, our results provide strong advice to implementers to store $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ inside the secret key (as the proposal recommends), and use $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ to guard against backdoor mechanisms.
    Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Konstantinos Chalkias
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Base64 encoding has been a popular method to encode binary data into printable ASCII characters. It is commonly used in several serialization protocols, web, and logging applications, while it is oftentimes the preferred method for human-readable database fields. However, while convenient and with a better compression rate than hex-encoding, the large number of base64 variants in related standards and proposed padding-mode optionality have been proven problematic in terms of security and cross-platform compatibility. This paper addresses a potential attack vector in the base64 decoding phase, where multiple different encodings can successfully decode into the same data, effectively breaking string uniqueness guarantees. The latter might result to log mismatches, denial of service attacks and duplicated database entries, among the others. Apart from documenting why canonicity can be broken by a malleable encoder, we also present an unexpected result, where most of today's base64 decoder libraries are not 100% compatible in their default settings. Some surprising results include the non-compatible behavior of major Rust base64 crates and between popular Javascript and NodeJS base64 implementations. Finally, we propose ways and test vectors for mitigating these issues until a more permanent solution is widely adopted.
    Thijs Veugen, Bart Kamphorst, Michiel Marcus
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We present the first algorithm that combines privacy-preserving technologies and state-of-the-art explainable AI to enable privacy-friendly explanations of black-box AI models. We provide a secure algorithm for contrastive explanations of black-box machine learning models that securely trains and uses local foil trees. Our work shows that the quality of these explanations can be upheld whilst ensuring the privacy of both the training data, and the model itself.
    Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Philipp Schindler, Edgar Weippel
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Estimating the probability, as well as the profitability, of different attacks is of utmost importance when assessing the security and stability of prevalent cryptocurrencies. Previous modeling attempts of classic chain-racing attacks have different drawbacks: they either focus on theoretical scenarios such as infinite attack durations, do not account for already contributed blocks, assume honest victims which immediately stop extending their chain as soon as it falls behind, or rely on computationally heavy approaches which render them ill-suited when fast decisions are required. In this paper, we present a simple yet practical model to calculate the success probability of finite attacks, while considering already contributed blocks and victims that do not give up easily. Hereby, we introduce a more fine grained distinction between different actor types and the sides they take during an attack. The presented model simplifies assessing the profitability of forks in practical settings, while also enabling fast and more accurate estimations of the economic security grantees in certain scenarios. By applying and testing our model in the context of bribing attacks, we further emphasize that approaches where the attacker compensates already contributed attack-chain blocks are particularly cheap. Better and more realistic attack models also help to spot and explain certain events observed in the empirical analysis of cryptocurrencies, or provide valuable directions for future studies. For better reproducibility and to foster further research in this area, all source code, artifacts and calculations are made available on GitHub.
    Cong Zhang, Yu Chen, Weiran Liu, Min Zhang, Dongdai Lin
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Private set union (PSU) protocol enables two parties, each holding a set, to compute the union of their sets without revealing anything else to either party. So far, there are two known approaches for constructing PSU protocols. The first mainly depends on additively homomorphic encryption (AHE), which is generally inefficient since it needs to perform a non-constant number of homomorphic computations on each item. The second is mainly based on oblivious transfer and symmetric-key operations, which is recently proposed by Kolesnikov et al. (KRTW, ASIACRYPT 2019). It features good practical performance, which is several orders of magnitude faster than the first one. However, neither of these two approaches is optimal in the sense that their computation and communication complexity are not both $O(n)$, where $n$ is the size of the set. Therefore, the problem of constructing the optimal PSU protocol remains open. In this work, we resolve this open problem by proposing a generic framework of PSU from oblivious transfer and a newly introduced protocol called multi-query reverse private membership test (mq-RPMT). We present two generic constructions of mq-RPMT. The first is based on symmetric-key encryption and general 2PC techniques. The second is based on re-randomizable public-key encryption. Both constructions lead to PSU with linear computation and communication complexity.

    By instantiating the generic constructions of mq-RPMT, we obtain two concrete PSU protocols based on SKE and PKE techniques respectively. We implement our two PSU protocols and compare them with the state-of-the-art PSU. Experiments show that our PKE-based protocol has the lowest communication of all schemes, which is $4.1-14.8\times$ lower depending on set size. The running time of our PSU scheme is $1.2-12\times$ faster than that of state-of-the-art depending on network environments.
    Antonin Leroux
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In this article, we prove a generic lower bound on the number of $\mathfrak{O}$-\textit{orientable} supersingular curves over $\FF_{p^2}$, i.e curves that admit an embedding of the quadratic order $\mathfrak{O}$ inside their endomorphism ring. Prior to this work, the only known effective lower-bound is restricted to small discriminants. Our main result targets the case of fundamental discriminants and we derive a generic bound using the expansion properties of the supersingular isogeny graphs. Our work is motivated by isogeny-based cryptography and the increasing number of protocols based on $\mathfrak{O}$-oriented curves. In particular, our lower bound provides a complexity estimate for the brute-force attack against the new $\mathfrak{O}$-uber isogeny problem introduced by De Feo, Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Fouotsa, Kutas, Leroux, Petit, Silva and Wesolowski in their recent article on the SETA encryption scheme.
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    While the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques with improved information technology systems ensured enormous benefits to the Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) systems, it also introduced an increased amount of security and privacy threats. To ensure the security of IoVs data, privacy preservation methodologies have gained significant attention in the literature. However, these strategies also need specific adjustments and modifications to cope with the advances in IoVs design. In the interim, Federated Learning (FL) has been proven as an emerging idea to protect IoVs data privacy and security. On the other hand, Blockchain technology is showing prominent possibilities with secured, dispersed, and auditable data recording and sharing schemes. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on the application and implementation of Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning frameworks for IoVs. Besides, probable issues, challenges, solutions, and future research directions for BC-Enabled FL frameworks for IoVs are also presented. This survey can further be used as the basis for developing modern BC-Enabled FL solutions to resolve different data privacy issues and scenarios of IoVs.
    Alexander Bienstock, Jaiden Fairoze, Sanjam Garg, Pratyay Mukherjee, Srinivasan Raghuraman
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Seminal works by Cohn-Gordon, Cremers, Dowling, Garratt, and Stebila [Journal of Cryptology 2020] and Alwen, Coretti and Dodis [EUROCRYPT 2019] provided the first formal frameworks for studying the widely-used Signal Double Ratchet (DR for short) algorithm.

    In this work, we develop a new Universally Composable (UC) definition F_DR that we show is provably achieved by the DR protocol. Our definition captures not only the security and correctness guarantees of the DR already identified in the prior state-of-the-art analyses of Cohn-Gordon et al. and Alwen et al., but also more guarantees that are absent from one or both of these works. In particular, we construct six different modified versions of the DR protocol, all of which are insecure according to our definition F_DR, but remain secure according to one (or both) of their definitions. For example, our definition is the first to capture CCA-style attacks possible immediately after a compromise — attacks that, as we show, the DR protocol provably resists, but were not captured by prior definitions.

    We additionally show that multiple compromises of a party in a short time interval, which the DR should be able to withstand, as we understand from its whitepaper, nonetheless introduce a new non-trivial (albeit minor) weakness of the DR. Since the definitions in the literature (including our F_DR above) do not capture security against this more nuanced scenario, we define a new stronger definition F_TR that does.

    Finally, we provide a minimalistic modification to the DR (that we call the Triple Ratchet, or TR for short) and show that the resulting protocol securely realizes the stronger functionality F_TR. Remarkably, the modification incurs no additional communication cost and virtually no additional computational cost. We also show that these techniques can be used to improve communication costs in other scenarios, e.g. practical Updatable Public Key Encryption schemes and the re-randomized TreeKEM protocol of Alwen et al. [CRYPTO 2020] for Secure Group Messaging.
    Diana Ghinea, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Roger Wattenhofer
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Approximate Agreement (AA) allows a set of $n$ parties that start with real-valued inputs to obtain values that are at most within a parameter $\epsilon > 0$ from each other and within the range of their inputs. Existing AA protocols, both for the synchronous network model (where any message is delivered within a known delay $\Delta$ time) and the asynchronous network model, are secure when up to $t < n/3$ of the parties are corrupted and require no initial setup (such as a public-key infrastructure (PKI) for signatures).

    We consider AA protocols where a PKI is available, and show the first AA protocol that achieves simultaneously security against $t_s$ corruptions when the network is synchronous and $t_a$ corruptions when the network is asynchronous, for any $0\le t_a < n/3 \le t_s < n/2$ such that $t_a + 2 \cdot t_s < n$. We further show that our protocol is optimal by proving that achieving AA for $t_a + 2 \cdot t_s \ge n$ is impossible (even with setup). Remarkably, this is also the first AA protocol that tolerates more than $n/3$ corruptions in the synchronous network model.
    James Hulett, Ruta Jawale, Dakshita Khurana, Akshayaram Srinivasan
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We obtain publicly verifiable Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments (SNARGs) for arbitrary deterministic computations and bounded space non-deterministic computation from standard group-based assumptions, without relying on pairings. In particular, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of both the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and Quadratic Residuosity (QR) assumptions, we obtain the following results, where $n$ denotes the length of the instance: 1. A SNARG for any language that can be decided in non-deterministic time $T$ and space $S$ with communication complexity and verifier runtime $(n + S) \cdot T^{o(1)}$. 2. A SNARG for any language that can be decided in deterministic time $T$ with communication complexity and verifier runtime $n \cdot T^{o(1)}$.
    Youssef El Housni, Aurore Guillevic, Thomas Piellard
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    An important cryptographic operation on elliptic curves is hashing to a point on the curve. When the curve is not of prime order, the point is multiplied by the cofactor so that the result has a prime order. This is important to avoid small subgroup attacks for example. A second important operation, in the composite-order case, is testing whether a point belongs to the subgroup of prime order. A pairing is a bilinear map e : G1 ×G2 → GT where G1 and G2 are distinct subgroups of primeorderrofanellipticcurve,andGT isamultiplicativesubgroupof the same prime order r of a finite field extension. Pairing-friendly curves are rarely of prime order. We investigate cofactor clearing and subgroup membership testing on these composite-order curves. First, we general- ize a result on faster cofactor clearing for BLS curves to other pairing- friendly families of a polynomial form from the taxonomy of Freeman, Scott and Teske. Second, we investigate subgroup membership testing for G1 and G2. We fix a proof argument for the G2 case that appeared in a preprint by Scott in late 2021 and has recently been implemented in different cryptographic libraries. We then generalize the result to both G1 and G2 and apply it to different pairing-friendly families of curves. This gives a simple and shared framework to prove membership tests for both cryptographic subgroups.
    Andreas Hülsing, Matthias Meijers, Pierre-Yves Strub
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In this work, we consider the formal verification of the public-key encryption scheme of Saber, one of the selected few post-quantum cipher suites currently considered for potential standardization. We formally verify this public-key encryption scheme's IND-CPA security and $\delta$-correctness properties, i.e., the properties required to transform the public-key encryption scheme into an IND-CCA2 secure and $\delta$-correct key encapsulation mechanism, in EasyCrypt. To this end, we initially devise hand-written proofs for these properties that are significantly more detailed and meticulous than the presently existing proofs. Subsequently, these hand-written proofs serve as a guideline for the formal verification. The results of this endeavor comprise hand-written and computer-verified proofs which demonstrate that Saber's public-key encryption scheme indeed satisfies the desired security and correctness properties.
    Bruno Mazorra, Victor Adan, Vanesa Daza
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Uniswap, like other DEXs, has gained much attention this year because it is a non-custodial and publicly verifiable exchange that allows users to trade digital assets without trusted third parties. However, its simplicity and lack of regulation also makes it easy to execute initial coin offering scams by listing non-valuable tokens. This method of performing scams is known as rug pull, a phenomenon that already existed in traditional finance but has become more relevant in DeFi. Various projects such as [34,37] have contributed to detecting rug pulls in EVM compatible chains. However, the first longitudinal and academic step to detecting and characterizing scam tokens on Uniswap was made in [44]. The authors collected all the transactions related to the Uniswap V2 exchange and proposed a machine learning algorithm to label tokens as scams. However, the algorithm is only valuable for detecting scams accurately after they have been executed. This paper increases their data set by 20K tokens and proposes a new methodology to label tokens as scams. After manually analyzing the data, we devised a theoretical classification of different malicious maneuvers in Uniswap protocol. We propose various machine-learning-based algorithms with new relevant features related to the token propagation and smart contract heuristics to detect potential rug pulls before they occur. In general, the models proposed achieved similar results. The best model obtained an accuracy of 0.9936, recall of 0.9540, and precision of 0.9838 in distinguishing non-malicious tokens from scams prior to the malicious maneuver.

    15 March 2022

    Beijing Institute of Technology
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The group has a number of post-doc and tenure-track professor openings in the prestigious Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences at Beijing Institute of Technology, China. We welcome candidates in security, cryptography, blockchains, and systems. The group regularly published papers in renowned venues such as CCS, S&P, DSN, OPODIS, ESORICS, FC, FSE, RSA, and SRDS and has designed and implemented many blockchain systems widely used in industry and academia.

    Postdoc: Competitive salary. Housing/renting covered. The postdoc position is for two years and has flexible starting time. After two years, the candidates may be offered a tenure-track position at Beijing Institute of Technology.

    Tenure-track professors: housing covered; salary is really competitive, can advise PhD students and postdocs; startup package included; etc.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Please apply with a CV. Person in contact: Prof. Haibin Zhang: haibin at bit dot edu dot cn

    More information:

    University of Birmingham, UK
    Job Posting Job Posting

    This is a time of significant opportunity for Computer Science at Birmingham, with a growing number of outstanding students, world- leading research, the establishment of new institutes, and a growing transnational education and industrial engagement. We are investing in the growth of the senior leadership of the school in a number of key research and education area, including but not limited to all areas of Cyber Security.

    The Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy has 14 permanent academics as well as 21 postdocs/PhD students. Our expertise is established on a historic strength in the analysis of security systems using formal methods, and we broadened our scope to cover all aspects of cyber security. We have built an international reputation for our expertise areas such as applied cryptography, automotive security and secure infrastructure, hardware security and the security of IoT devices (

    We have 3 distinct academic pathways, Research & Education, Education, and Enterprise, Engagement and Impact, and have opportunities in all of these pathways.

    Closing date for applications:


    For informal information about Cyber Security at Birmingham, please contact Prof David Oswald,

    For a confidential and informal discussion about details of the post, please contact Dr Mark Lee,

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