International Association for Cryptologic Research

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15 June 2022

Danyang Zhu, Jing Tian, Minghao Li, Zhongfeng Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The verifiable delay function (VDF), as a kind of cryptographic primitives, has recently been adopted quite often in decentralized systems. Highly correlated to the security of VDFs, the fastest implementation for VDF evaluation is generally desired to be publicly known. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a low-latency hardware implementation for the complete VDF evaluation in the class group by joint exploiting optimizations. On one side, we reduce the required computational cycles by decreasing the hardware-unfriendly divisions and increase the parallelism of computations by reducing the data dependency. On the other side, well-optimized low-latency architectures for large-number divisions, multiplications, and additions are developed, respectively, while those operations are generally very hard to be accelerated. Based on these basic operators, we devise the architecture for the complete VDF evaluation with possibly minimal pipeline stalls. Finally, the proposed design is coded and synthesized under the TSMC 28-nm CMOS technology. The experimental results show that our design can achieve a speedup of 3.6x compared to the optimal C++ implementation for the VDF evaluation over an advanced CPU. Moreover, compared to the state-of-the-art hardware implementation for the squaring, a key step of VDF, we achieve about 2x speedup.
Nicolas David, María Naya-Plasencia, André Schrottenloher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we propose the first efficient quantum version of key-recovery attacks on block ciphers based on impossible differentials, which was left as an open problem in previous work. These attacks work in two phases. First, a large number of differential pairs are collected, by solving a limited birthday problem with the attacked block cipher considered as a black box. Second, these pairs are filtered with respect to partial key candidates. We show how to translate the pair filtering step into a quantum procedure, and provide a complete analysis of its complexity. If the path of the attack can be properly reoptimized, this procedure can reach a significant speedup with respect to classical attacks. We provide two applications on SKINNY-128-256 and AES-192/256. These results do not threaten the security of these ciphers but allow us to better understand their (post-quantum) security margin.
Patrick Derbez, Baptiste Lambin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Nowadays, MILP is a very popular tool to help cryptographers search for various distinguishers, in particular for integral distinguishers based on the division property. However, cryptographers tend to use MILP in a rather naive way, modeling problems in an exact manner and feeding them to a MILP solver. In this paper, we show that a proper use of some features of MILP solvers such as lazy constraints, along with using simpler but less accurate base models, can achieve much better solving times, while maintaining the precision of exact models. In particular, we describe several new modelization techniques for division property related models as well as a new variant of the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for this specific setting. Moreover, we positively answer a problem raised in [DF20] about handling the large sets of constraints describing valid transitions through Super S-boxes into a MILP model. As a result, we greatly improve the solving times to recover the distinguishers from several previous works ([DF20], [HWW20], [SWW17], [Udo21], [EY21]) and we were able to search for integral distinguishers on 5-round ARIA which was out of reach of previous modeling techniques.
Akram Khalesi, Zahra Ahmadian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Division property is an effective method for finding integral distinguishers for block ciphers, performing cube attacks on stream ciphers, and studying the algebraic degree of boolean functions. One of the main problems in this field is how to provably find the smallest input multiset leading to a balanced output. In this paper, we propose a new method based on division property for finding integral distinguishers with a provably minimum data complexity on permutation functions and block ciphers, in the conventional division property model. The new method is based on efficiently analyzing the algebraic normal form of the target output boolean function. We examine the proposed method on LBlock, TWINE, SIMON, Present, Gift, and Clyde-128 block ciphers. Although in most cases, the results are compliant with the distinguishers reported in the previous work, the proposed method proves the optimality of these results, in the conventional division property model. However, the proposed method can find distinguishers for 8-round Clyde-128 with a data complexity less than the previously reported one, based on conventional division property. The new method is also capable of determining the maximum number of balanced output bits in an integral distinguisher with a specified number of active bits. We propose an algorithm to exploit this capability and apply it to the studied ciphers. As a result, we determine the maximum number of balanced bits on integral distinguishers with minimum and non-minimum data complexities on the studied ciphers and report improved results on Gift-64, Present and SIMON64 in the conventional model.

14 June 2022

Carmit Hazay, Anasuya Acharya, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Manoj Prabhakaran
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The recently proposed YOSO model is a groundbreaking approach to MPC, executable on a public blockchain, circumventing adaptive player corruption by hiding the corruption targets until they are worthless. Players are selected unpredictably from a large pool to perform MPC subtasks, in which each selected player sends a single message (and reveals their identity). While YOSO MPC has attractive asymptotic complexity, unfortunately, it is concretely prohibitively expensive due to the cost of its building blocks.

We propose a modification to the YOSO model that preserves resilience to adaptive server corruption, but allows for much more efficient protocols. In SCALES (Small Clients And Larger Ephemeral Servers) only the servers facilitating the MPC computation are ephemeral (unpredictably selected and ``speak once''). Input providers (clients) publish problem instances and collect the output, but do not otherwise participate in computation. SCALES offers attractive features, and improves over YOSO protocols in outsourcing MPC to a large pool of servers under adaptive corruption.

We build SCALES from rerandomizable garbling schemes, which is a contribution of independent interest, with additional applications.
Yanxue Jia, Shi-Feng Sun, Hong-Sheng Zhou, Dawu Gu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A Private Set Union (PSU) protocol allows parties, each holding an input set, to jointly compute the union of the sets without revealing anything else. In the literature, when we design scalable two-party PSU protocols, we follow the so-called ``split-execute-assemble'' paradigm, and also use Oblivious Transfer as a building block. Recently, Kolesnikov et al. (ASIACRYPT 2019) pointed out that security issues could be introduced when we design PSU protocols following the ``split-execute-assemble'' paradigm. Surprisingly, we observe that the typical way of invoking Oblivious Transfer also causes unnecessary leakage.

In this work, to enable a better understanding of the security for PSU, we provide a systematic treatment of the typical PSU protocols, which may shed light on the design of practical and secure PSU protocols in the future. More specifically, we define different versions of PSU functionalities to properly capture the subtle security issues arising from protocols following the ``split-execute-assemble'' paradigm and using Oblivious Transfer as subroutines. Then, we survey the typical PSU protocols, and categorize these protocols into three design frameworks, and prove what PSU functionality the protocols under each framework can achieve at best, in the semi-honest setting.
Subhadeep Banik
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Draco is a lightweight stream cipher designed by Hamann et al. in IACR ToSC 2022. It has a Grain-like structure with two state registers of size 95 and 33 bits. In addition, the cipher uses a 128-bit secret key and a 96-bit IV. The first 32 bits of the key and the IV forms a non-volatile internal state that does not change during the time that the cipher produces keystream bits. The authors claim that the cipher is provably secure against Time Memory Data (TMD) Tradeoff attacks. However in this paper, we first present two TMD tradeoff attacks against Draco. Both attacks leverage the fact that for certain judiciously chosen IVs, the state update function of the cipher depend on only a small fraction of the non-volatile internal state. This makes the state update function in Draco essentially a one way function over a much smaller domain and range. The first attack requires around $2^{114.2}$ Draco iterations and requires that the adversary has access to $2^{32}$ chosen IVs. The second attack is such that the attack parameters can be tuned as per the requirements of the attacker. If the attacker prioritizes that the number of different chosen IVs is limited to $2^{20}$ say, then the attack can be done in around time proportional to $2^{126}$ Draco rounds. However if the total attack complexity is to be optimized, then the attack can be performed in $2^{107}$ time using around $2^{40}$ chosen IVs.
Marius A. Aardal, Diego F. Aranha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit and improve performance of arithmetic in the binary GLS254 curve by introducing the 2D-GLS scalar multiplication algorithm. The algorithm includes theoretical and practice-oriented contributions of potential independent interest: (i) for the first time, a proof that the GLS scalar multiplication algorithm does not incur exceptions, such that faster incomplete formulas can be used; (ii) faster dedicated atomic formulas that alleviate the cost of precomputation; (iii) a table compression technique that reduces the storage needed for precomputed points; (iv) a refined constant-time scalar decomposition algorithm that is more robust to rounding. We also present the first GLS254 implementation for Armv8. With our contributions, we set new speed records for constant-time scalar multiplication by $6\%$ and $34.5\%$ on respectively 64-bit Intel and Arm platforms.
Qun Liu, Weijia Wang, Ling Sun, Yanhong Fan, Lixuan Wu, Meiqin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lightweight cryptography ensures cryptography applications to devices with limited resources. Low-area implementations of linear layers usually play an essential role in lightweight cryptography. The previous works have provided plenty of methods to generate low-area implementations using 2-input xor gates for various linear layers. However, it is still challenging to search for smaller implementations using two or more inputs xor gates. This paper, inspired by Banik et al., proposes a novel approach to construct a quantity of lower area implementations with (n+1)-input gates based on the given implementations with n-input gates. Based on the novel algorithm, we present the corresponding search algorithms for n=2 and n=3, which means that we can efficiently convert an implementation with 2-input xor gates and 3-input xor gates to lower-area implementations with 3-input xor gates and 4-input xor gates, respectively.

We improve the previous implementations of linear layers for many block ciphers according to the area with these search algorithms. For example, we achieve a better implementation with 4-input xor gates for AES MixColumns, which only requires 243 GE in the STM 130 nm library, while the previous public result is 258.9 GE. Besides, we obtain better implementations for all 5500 lightweight matrices proposed by Li et al. at FSE 2019, and the area for them is decreased by about 21% on average.
Gennaro Avitabile, Vincenzo Botta, Daniele Friolo, Ivan Visconti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently, there has been great interest towards constructing efficient zero-knowledge proofs for practical languages. In this work, we focus on proofs for threshold relations, in which the prover is required to prove knowledge of witnesses for $k$ out of $\ell$ statements.

The main contribution of our work is an efficient and modular transformation that starting from a large class of $\Sigma$-protocols and a corresponding threshold relation $\mathcal{R}_\mathsf{k,\ell}$, provides an efficient $\Sigma$-protocol for $\mathcal{R}_\mathsf{k,\ell}$ with improved communication complexity w.r.t. prior results. Moreover, our transformation preserves statistical/perfect honest-verifier zero knowledge.
Hosein Hadipour, Marcel Nageler, Maria Eichlseder
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Automatic tools to search for boomerang distinguishers have seen significant advances over the past few years. However, most of the previous works in this context focus on ciphers based on a Substitution Permutation Network (SPN), while analyzing the Feistel structure is of great significance. Although Boukerrou et al. provided a theoretical framework to formulate the boomerang switch over multiple Feistel rounds very recently, they did not provide an automatic tool to search for boomerang distinguishers of Feistel structures taking the switching effect into account. In this paper, by enhancing the recently proposed method to search for boomerang distinguishers by Hadipour et al., we provide an automatic tool to search for boomerang distinguishers and apply it to block ciphers following the Generalized Feistel Structure (GFS). Applying our tool to a wide range of GFS ciphers, we show that it yields a significant improvement compared to the best previous results concerning boomerang analysis. In particular, we improve the best previous boomerang distinguishers for 20 and 21 rounds of WARP by a factor of $2^{38.28$ and $2^{36.56$, respectively. Thanks to the effectiveness of our method, we even improve the boomerang distinguishers of WARP by two rounds and distinguish 23 rounds of this cipher from a random permutation. Applying our method to the internationally-standardized cipher CLEFIA, we achieve a 9-round boomerang distinguisher which improves the best previous boomerang distinguisher by one round. Furthermore, based on this distinguisher, we build a key-recovery attack on 11 rounds of CLEFIA, which improves the best previous sandwich attack on this cipher by one round. We also apply our method to LBlock, LBlock-s, and TWINE and improve the best previous boomerang distinguisher of these ciphers.
Zhimei Sui, Joseph K. Liu, Jiangshan Yu, Xianrui Qin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose MoNet, the first bi-directional payment channel network with unlimited lifetime for Monero. It is fully compatible with Monero without requiring any modification of the current Monero blockchain. MoNet preserves transaction fungibility, i.e., transactions over MoNet and Monero are indistinguishable, and guarantees anonymity of Monero and MoNet users by avoiding any potential privacy leakage introduced by the new payment channel network. We also propose a new crypto primitive, named Verifiable Consecutive One-way Function (VCOF). It allows one to generate a sequence of statement-witness pairs in a consecutive and verifiable way, and these statement-witness pairs are one-way, namely it is easy to compute a statement-witness pair by knowing any of the pre-generated pairs, but hard in an opposite flow. By using VCOF, a signer can produce a series of consecutive adaptor signatures CAS. We further propose the generic construction of consecutive adaptor signature as an important building block of MoNet. We develop a proof-of-concept implementation for MoNet, and our evaluation shows that MoNet can reach the same transaction throughput as Lightning Network, the payment channel network for Bitcoin. Moreover, we provide a security analysis of MoNet under the Universal Composable (UC) security framework.
David Mestel, Johannes Mueller, Pascal Reisert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Replay attacks are among the most well-known attacks against vote privacy. Many e-voting systems have been proven vulnerable to replay attacks, including systems like Helios that are used in real practical elections.

Despite their popularity, it is commonly believed that replay attacks are inefficient but the actual threat that they pose to vote privacy has never been studied formally. Therefore, in this paper, we precisely analyze for the first time how efficient replay attacks really are.

We study this question from commonly used and complementary perspectives on vote privacy, showing as an independent contribution that a simple extension of a popular game-based privacy definition corresponds to a strong entropy-based notion.

Our results demonstrate that replay attacks can be devastating for a voter's privacy even when an adversary's resources are very limited. We illustrate our formal findings by applying them to a number of real-world elections, showing that a modest number of replays can result in significant privacy loss. Overall, our work reveals that, contrary to a common belief, replay attacks can be very efficient and must therefore be considered a serious threat.
Samed Düzlü, Juliane Krämer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a new approach to the study of lattice problems used in cryptography. We specifically focus on module lattices of a fixed rank over some number field. An essential question is the hardness of certain computational problems on such module lattices, as the additional structure may allow exploitation. The fundamental insight is the fact that the collection of those lattices are quotients of algebraic manifolds by arithmetic subgroups. Functions on these spaces are studied in mathematics as part of number theory. In particular, those form a module over the Hecke algebra associated with the general linear group. We use results on these function spaces to define a class of distributions on the space of lattices. Using the Hecke algebra, we define Hecke operators associated with collections of prime ideals of the number field and show a criterion on distributions to converge to the uniform distribution, if the Hecke operators are applied to the chosen distribution. Our approach is motivated by the work of de Boer, Ducas, Pellet-Mary, and Wesolowski (CRYPTO'20) on self-reduction of ideal lattices via Arakelov divisors.
Vincent Cheval, Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer, Robert Künnemann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Symbolic security protocol verifiers have reached a high degree of automation and maturity. Today, experts can model real-world protocols, but this often requires model-specific encodings and deep insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each of those tools. With Sapic+ , we introduce a protocol verification platform that lifts this burden and permits choosing the right tool for the job, at any development stage. We build on the existing compiler from Sapic to Tamarin, and extend it with automated translations from Sapic+ to ProVerif and DeepSec, as well as powerful, protocol-independent optimizations of the existing translation. We prove each part of these translations sound. A user can thus, with a single Sapic+ file, verify reachability and equivalence properties on the specified protocol, either using ProVerif, Tamarin or DeepSec. Moreover, the soundness of the translation allows to directly assume results proven by another tool which allows to exploit the respective strengths of each tool. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing various existing models. This includes a large case study of the 5G authentication protocols, reviously analyzed in Tamarin. Encoding this model in Sapic+ we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Moreover, we study four new case studies: the LAKE and the Privacy-Pass [20] protocols, both under standardization, the SSH protocol with the agent-forwarding feature, and the recent KEMTLS [45] protocol, a post-quantum version of the main TLS key exchange.

13 June 2022

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
Job Posting Job Posting

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a publicly funded research institute, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is home to a diverse community of leading scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and researchers from across the globe, transforming problems and roadblocks into pioneering research and technology prototypes that help move society ahead.

Cryptography Research Centre

In our connected digital world, secure and reliable cryptography is the foundation of digital information security and data integrity. We address the world’s most pressing cryptographic questions. Our work covers post-quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, cloud encryption schemes, secure protocols, quantum cryptographic technologies and cryptanalysis.

Position: Cryptography / Cybersecurity Engineer

  • Analyze project requirements and provide technical and functional recommendations
  • Implement cryptographic libraries and security frameworks
  • Design and implement building blocks for cloud computing and machine learning applications

    Skills required for the job

  • Knowledge on cryptography and cybersecurity
  • 2+ years of work experience. (Senior Position also available for 5+ years experience)
  • Excellent with C, C++, Python, (JAVA and Rust will be valuable as well)
  • Solid engineering practices and processes, such as development and testing methodology and documentation (experience with tools Git, JIRA, SonarQube is valuable)
  • Excellent with multi-tasking
  • Knowledge in some of the following topics will be valuable: Edge / Cloud computing - Machine learning - Identity Management - Secure protocols
  • Quick learner, geared towards implementation. Eager to develop new skills and willing to take ownership of projects


  • MSc or PhD degree in Cryptography, Applied Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Mathematics or Computer Science

    Closing date for applications:


    Mehdi Messaoudi - Talent Acquisition Manager

    More information:

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    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Cryptanalysis Taskforce at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore led by Prof. Jian Guo is seeking for candidates to fill several post-doctoral research fellow positions on symmetric-key cryptography. Topics include but are not limited to the following sub-areas:
    • tool aided cryptanalysis, such as MILP, CP, STP, and SAT
    • machine learning aided cryptanalysis and designs
    • privacy-preserving friendly symmetric-key designs
    • quantum cryptanalysis
    • provable security
    • cryptanalysis against SHA-2, SHA-3, and AES
    • threshold cryptography
    Established in 2014, the Cryptanalysis Taskforce is a group comprising of about ten PostDoc and PhD student members currently dedicated for research in symmetric-key cryptography. Since establishment, the team has been active in both publications in and services for IACR. It has done quite some cryptanalysis work on various important targets such as SHA-3 and AES, and is expanding its interests to the areas mentioned above, with strong funding support from the university, industry partners, and government agencies in Singapore. We offer globally competitive salary package with extremely low tax (around 5%), as well as excellent environment dedicating for top-venues publication orientated research in Singapore. The contract will be initially for one year, and has the possibility to be extended. Candidates are expected to have proven record of publications in IACR conferences (Asiacrypt, Crypto, Eurocrypt). Interested candidates are to send their CV and 2 reference letters to Jian Guo. Review of applicants will start immediately until the positions are filled. More information about the Cryptanalysis Taskforce research group can be found via

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Jian Guo,, with subject [IACR-CATF]

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    University of Primorska
    Job Posting Job Posting
    University of Primorska (UP FAMNIT) is offering one fully-funded PhD scholarship at the Center of Cryptography under the supervision of Prof. Enes Pasalic, PhD. Research topics include Boolean functions with high nonlinearity (bent functions, AB functions, planar functions,…), linear codes, and cryptanalysis (classical and quantum).

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: and

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    Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Ruhr area, one of Europe‘s largest metropolitan regions, is home of the University Alliance Ruhr (UAR) with 120,000 students and 14,000 researchers. In 2021, the UAR established the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security (RC Trust) to enable research that connects psychology, computer science, statistics and cyber security at the intersection of technology, humans and society. The Research Center is seeking to fill the following position at the Faculty of Computer Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany: Associate or Full Professorship for Fairness and Transparency (Open Rank). We welcome applicants with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Candidates should have an excellent track record in at least one of the following areas:
    • Trustworthy Machine Learning for Privacy & Security
    • FAccT (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency)
    • Technology Policy, Privacy Law & Data Science
    • Ethics & AI
    • Human-AI Collaborative Decision Making.
    The professorship will be associated with the Cluster of Excellence „CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries“. In addition, we encourage collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy. Appointments will be made for full professorship, or as assistant/associate professorship with tenure track to full professorship. Salaries and working conditions are internationally competitive and come with a status as civil servant. Full professorships are chair positions with phd/postdoc positions, a secretary and start up package (all negotiable). The official job add can be found here: . Applications are requested by July 29, 2022 to: Questions will be answered by Prof. Christof Paar.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Christof Paar

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    Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Ruhr area, one of Europe‘s largest metropolitan regions, is home of the University Alliance Ruhr (UAR) with a community of 120,000 students and 14,000 researchers. In 2021, the UAR established the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security (RC Trust) to enable research that connects psychology, computer science, statistics and cyber security at the intersection of technology, humans and society. The Research Center is seeking to fill the following position at the Faculty of Computer Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany: Associate or Full Professorship for Computing and Society (Open Rank). We welcome applicants with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Candidates should have an excellent track record in at least one of the following areas:
    • Computational Social Science
    • Social Computing and Computing Mediated Collaborative Work
    • Economics & Incentives in Computing and Privacy
    • Usable Security.
    The professorship will be associated with the Faculty of Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence „CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries“. In addition, we encourage collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy. Appointments will be made for full professorship, or assistant/associate professorship with tenure track to full professorship. Salaries and working conditions are internationally very competitive and come with a status as civil servant. Full professorships are chair positions with phd/postdoc positions, a secretary and start up package (all negotiable). The official job add can be found here: . Applications are requested by July 29, 2022 to: Questions will be answered by Prof. Christof Paar.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Christof Paar

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