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09 August 2022

Luciano Maino, Chloe Martindale
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an attack on SIDH which does not require any endomorphism information on the starting curve. Our attack is not polynomial-time, but significantly reduces the security of SIDH and SIKE; our analysis and preliminary implementation suggests that our algorithm will be feasible for the Microsoft challenge parameters $p = 2^{110}3^{67}-1$ on a regular computer. Our attack applies to any isogeny-based cryptosystem that publishes the images of points under the secret isogeny, for example Séta [26] and B-SIDH [9]. It does not apply to CSIDH [8], CSI-FiSh [3], or SQISign [11].
Cody Freitag, Rafael Pass, Naomi Sirkin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first non-interactive delegation scheme for P with time-tight parallel prover efficiency based on standard hardness assumptions. More precisely, in a time-tight delegation scheme–which we refer to as a SPARG (succinct parallelizable argument)–the prover's parallel running time is t + polylog(t), while using only polylog(t) processors and where t is the length of the computation. (In other words, the proof is computed essentially in parallel with the computation, with only some minimal additive overhead in terms of time).

Our main results show the existence of a publicly-verifiable, non-interactive, SPARG for P assuming polynomial hardness of LWE. Our SPARG construction relies on the elegant recent delegation construction of Choudhuri, Jain, and Jin (FOCS'21) and combines it with techniques from Ephraim et al (EuroCrypt'20).

We next demonstrate how to make our SPARG time-independent–where the prover and verifier do not need to known the running-time t in advance; as far as we know, this yields the first construction of a time-tight delegation scheme with time-independence based on any hardness assumption.

We finally present applications of SPARGs to the constructions of VDFs (Boneh et al, Crypto'18), resulting in the first VDF construction from standard polynomial hardness assumptions (namely LWE and the minimal assumption of a sequentially hard function).
Shweta Agrawal, Anshu Yadav, Shota Yamada
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Motivated by several new and natural applications, we initiate the study of multi-input predicate encryption (${\sf miPE}$) and further develop multi-input attribute based encryption (${\sf miABE}$). Our contributions are:

1. Formalizing Security: We provide definitions for ${\sf miABE}$ and ${\sf miPE}$ in the {symmetric} key setting and formalize security in the standard indistinguishability (IND) paradigm, against unbounded collusions.

2. Two-input ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$ from ${\sf LWE}$ and Pairings: We provide the first constructions for two-input key-policy ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$ from ${\sf LWE}$ and pairings. Our construction leverages a surprising connection between techniques recently developed by Agrawal and Yamada (Eurocrypt, 2020) in the context of succinct single-input ciphertext-policy ${\sf ABE}$, to the seemingly unrelated problem of two-input key-policy ${\sf ABE}$. Similarly to Agrawal-Yamada, our construction is proven secure in the bilinear generic group model. By leveraging inner product functional encryption and using (a variant of) the KOALA knowledge assumption, we obtain a construction in the standard model analogously to Agrawal, Wichs and Yamada (TCC, 2020).

3. Heuristic two-input ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf P}$ from Lattices: We show that techniques developed for succinct single-input ciphertext-policy ${\sf ABE}$ by Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan (ITCS 2022) can also be seen from the lens of ${\sf miABE}$ and obtain the first two-input key-policy ${\sf ABE}$ from lattices for ${\sf P}$.

4. Heuristic three-input ${\sf ABE}$ and ${\sf PE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$ from Pairings and Lattices: We obtain the first three-input ${\sf ABE}$ for ${\sf NC}_1$ by harnessing the powers of both the Agrawal-Yamada and the Brakerski-Vaikuntanathan constructions.

5. Multi-input ${\sf ABE}$ to multi-input ${\sf PE}$ via Lockable Obfuscation: We provide a generic compiler that lifts multi-input ${\sf ABE}$ to multi-input ${\sf PE}$ by relying on the hiding properties of Lockable Obfuscation (${\sf LO}$) by Wichs-Zirdelis and Goyal-Koppula-Waters (FOCS 2018), which can be based on ${\sf LWE}$. Our compiler generalizes such a compiler for single-input setting to the much more challenging setting of multiple inputs. By instantiating our compiler with our new two and three-input ${\sf ABE}$ schemes, we obtain the first constructions of two and three-input ${\sf PE}$ schemes.

Our constructions of multi-input ${\sf ABE}$ provide the first improvement to the compression factor of non-trivially exponentially efficient Witness Encryption defined by Brakerski et al. (SCN 2018) without relying on compact functional encryption or indistinguishability obfuscation. We believe that the unexpected connection between succinct single-input ciphertext-policy ${\sf ABE}$ and multi-input key-policy ${\sf ABE}$ may lead to a new pathway for witness encryption.
Albert Yu, Donghang Lu, Aniket Kate, Hemanta K. Maji
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The offline-online model is a leading paradigm for practical secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol design that has successfully reduced the overhead for several prevalent privacy-preserving computation functionalities common to diverse application domains. However, the prohibitive overheads associated with secure comparison -- one of these vital functionalities -- often bottlenecks current and envisioned MPC solutions. Indeed, an efficient secure comparison solution has the potential for significant real-world impact through its broad applications.

This work identifies and presents SIM, a secure protocol for the functionality of interval membership testing. This security functionality, in particular, facilitates secure less-than-zero testing and, in turn, secure comparison. A key technical challenge is to support a fast online protocol for testing in large rings while keeping the precomputation tractable. Motivated by the map-reduce paradigm, this work introduces the innovation of (1) computing a sequence of intermediate functionalities on a partition of the input into input blocks and (2) securely aggregating the output from these intermediate outputs. This innovation allows controlling the size of the precomputation through a granularity parameter representing these input blocks' size -- enabling application-specific automated compiler optimizations.

To demonstrate our protocols' efficiency, we implement and test their performance in a high-demand application: privacy-preserving machine learning. The benchmark results show that switching to our protocols yields significant performance improvement, which indicates that using our protocol in a plug-and-play fashion can improve the performance of various security applications. Our new paradigm of protocol design may be of independent interest because of its potential for extensions to other functionalities of practical interest.
Fukang Liu, Willi Meier, Santanu Sarkar, Takanori Isobe
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The security of the post-quantum signature scheme Picnic is highly related to the difficulty of recovering the secret key of LowMC from a single plaintext-ciphertext pair. Since Picnic is one of the alternate third-round candidates in NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process, it has become urgent and important to evaluate the security of LowMC in the Picnic setting. The best attacks on LowMC with full S-box layers used in Picnic3 were achieved with Dinur's algorithm. For LowMC with partial nonlinear layers, e.g. 10 S-boxes per round adopted in Picnic2, the best attacks on LowMC were published by Banik et al. with the meet-in-the-middle (MITM) method.

In this paper, we improve the attacks on LowMC in a model where memory consumption is costly. First, a new attack on 3-round LowMC with full S-box layers with negligible memory complexity is found, which can outperform Bouillaguet et al.'s fast exhaustive search attack and can achieve better time-memory tradeoffs than Dinur's algorithm. Second, we extend the 3-round attack to 4 rounds to significantly reduce the memory complexity of Dinur's algorithm at the sacrifice of a small factor of time complexity. For LowMC instances with 1 S-box per round, our attacks are shown to be much faster than the MITM attacks. For LowMC instances with 10 S-boxes per round, we can reduce the memory complexity from 32GB ($2^{38}$ bits) to only 256KB ($2^{21}$ bits) using our new algebraic attacks rather than the MITM attacks, while the time complexity of our attacks is about $2^{3.2}\sim 2^{5}$ times higher than that of the MITM attacks. A notable feature of our new attacks (apart from the 4-round attack) is their simplicity. Specifically, only some basic linear algebra is required to understand them and they can be easily implemented.
Charlotte Hoffmann, Pavel Hubáček, Chethan Kamath, Karen Klein, Krzysztof Pietrzak
ePrint Report ePrint Report
For a group $\mathbb{G}$ of unknown order, a *Proof of Exponentiation* (PoE) allows a prover to convince a verifier that a tuple $(y,x,q,T)\in \mathbb{G}^2\times\mathbb{N}^2$ satisfies $y=x^{q^T}$. PoEs have recently found exciting applications in constructions of verifiable delay functions and succinct arguments of knowledge. The current PoEs that are practical in terms of proof-size only provide restricted soundness guarantees: Wesolowski's protocol (Journal of Cryptology 2020) is only computationally-sound (i.e., it is an argument), whereas Pietrzak's protocol (ITCS 2019) is statistically-sound only in groups that come with the promise of not having any small subgroups. On the other hand, the only statistically-sound PoE in *arbitrary* groups of unknown order is due to Block et al. (CRYPTO 2021), and it can be seen as an elaborate parallel repetition of Pietrzak's PoE. Therefore, to achieve $\lambda$ bits of security, say $\lambda=80$, the number of repetitions required -- and hence the (multiplicative) overhead incurred in proof-size -- is as large as $\lambda$.

In this work, we propose a statistically-sound PoE for arbitrary groups for the case where the exponent $q$ is the product of all primes up to some bound $B$. For such a structured exponent, we show that it suffices to run only $\lambda/\log(B)$ parallel instances of Pietrzak's PoE. This reduces the concrete proof-size compared to Block et al. by an order of magnitude. Furthermore, we show that in the known applications where PoEs are used as a building block such structured exponents are viable. Finally, we also discuss batching of our PoE, showing that many proofs (for the same $\mathbb{G}$ and $q$ but different $x$ and $T$) can be batched by adding only a single element to the proof per additional statement.

08 August 2022

Taipei, Taiwan, 4 December -
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 4 December to
Submission deadline: 31 August 2022
Notification: 7 October 2022
Monash University
Job Posting Job Posting
A PhD position to work on privacy-preserving machine learning is available at Monash University, Australia. Interested candidates please send your CV/information to Rafael Dowsley

More information about Monash's cybersecurity group can be found at, and about our PPML work on

Monash is one of the leading universities in Australia and is located in Melbourne (which is consistently ranked as one of the top cities in the world to live in).

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Rafael Dowsley


07 August 2022

Aviv Yaish, Gilad Stern, Aviv Zohar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an attack on Ethereum's consensus mechanism which can be used by miners to obtain consistently higher mining rewards compared to the honest protocol. This attack is novel in that it does not entail withholding blocks or any behavior which has a non-zero probability of earning less than mining honestly, in contrast with the existing literature. This risk-less attack relies instead on manipulating block timestamps, and carefully choosing whether and when to do so. We present this attack as an algorithm, which we then analyze to evaluate the revenue a miner obtains from it, and its effect on a miner's absolute and relative share of the main-chain blocks. The attack allows an attacker to replace competitors' main-chain blocks after the fact with a block of its own, thus causing the replaced block's miner to lose all transactions fees for the transactions contained within the block, which will be demoted from the main-chain. This block, although ``kicked-out'' of the main-chain, will still be eligible to be referred to by other main-chain blocks, thus becoming what is commonly called in Ethereum an uncle. We proceed by defining multiple variants of this attack, and assessing whether any of these attacks has been performed in the wild. Surprisingly, we find that this is indeed true, making this the first case of a confirmed consensus-level manipulation performed on a major cryptocurrency. Additionally, we implement a variant of this attack as a patch for geth, Ethereum's most popular client, making it the first consensus-level attack on Ethereum which is implemented as a patch. Finally, we suggest concrete fixes for Ethereum's protocol and implemented them as a patch for geth which can be adopted quickly and mitigate the attack and its variants.
Tomoki Moriya
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. SIDH is a compact and efficient isogeny-based key exchange, and SIKE, which is the SIDH-based key encapsulation mechanism, remains the NIST PQC Round 4. However, by the brilliant attack provided by Castryck and Decru, the original SIDH is broken in polynomial time (with heuristics). To break the original SIDH, there are three important pieces of information in the public key: information about the endomorphism ring of a starting curve, some image points under a cyclic hidden isogeny, and the degree of the isogeny.

In this paper, we proposed the new isogeny-based scheme named \textit{masked-degree SIDH}. This scheme is the variant of SIDH that masks most information about degrees of hidden isogenies, and the first trial against Castryck--Decru attack. The main idea to cover degrees is to use many primes to compute isogenies that allow the degree to be more flexible. Though the size of the prime $p$ for this scheme is slightly larger than that of SIDH, this scheme resists current attacks using degrees of isogenies like the attack of Castryck and Decru. The most effective attack for masked-degree SIDH has $\tilde{O}(p^{1/(8\log_2{(\log_2{p})})})$ time complexity with classical computers and $\tilde{O}(p^{1/(16\log_2{(\log_2{p})})})$ time complexity with quantum computers in our analysis.
Gabrielle Beck, Arka Rai Choudhuri, Matthew Green, Abhishek Jain, Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we propose time-deniable signatures (TDS), a new primitive that facilitates deniable authentication in protocols such as DKIM-signed email. As with traditional signatures, TDS provide strong authenticity for message content, at least for a sender-chosen period of time. Once this time period has elapsed, however, time-deniable signatures can be forged by any party who obtains a signature. This forgery property ensures that signatures serve a useful authentication purpose for a bounded time period, while also allowing signers to plausibly disavow the creation of older signed content. Most critically, and unlike many past proposals for deniable authentication, TDS do not require interaction with the receiver or the deployment of any persistent cryptographic infrastructure or services beyond the signing process (e.g., APIs to publish secrets or author timestamp certificates.)

We first investigate the security definitions for time-deniability, demonstrating that past definitional attempts are insufficient (and indeed, allow for broken signature schemes.) We then propose an efficient construction of TDS based on well-studied assumptions.
Gareth T. Davies, Jeroen Pijnenburg
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We investigate how users of instant messaging (IM) services can acquire strong encryption keys to back up their messages and media with strong cryptographic guarantees. Many IM users regularly change their devices and use multiple devices simultaneously, ruling out any long-term secret storage. Extending the end-to-end encryption guarantees from just message communication to also incorporate backups has so far required either some trust in an IM or outsourced storage provider, or use of costly third-party encryption tools with unclear security guarantees. Recent works have proposed solutions for password-protected key material, however all require one or more servers to generate and/or store per-user information, inevitably invoking a cost to the users.

We define distributed key acquisition (DKA) as the primitive for the task at hand, where a user interacts with one or more servers to acquire a strong cryptographic key, and both user and server are required to store as little as possible. We present a construction framework that we call PERKS---Password-based Establishment of Random Keys for Storage---providing efficient, modular and simple protocols that utilize Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) in a distributed manner with minimal storage by the user (just the password) and servers (a single global key for all users). Along the way we introduce a formal treatment of DKA, and provide proofs of security for our constructions in their various flavours. Our approach enables key rotation by the OPRF servers, and for this we incorporate updatable encryption. Finally, we show how our constructions fit neatly with recent research on encrypted outsourced storage to provide strong security guarantees for the outsourced ciphertexts.
Leixiao Cheng, Fei Meng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) inherently suffers from the inside keyword guessing attack. To resist against this attack, Huang et al. proposed the public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), where the sender not only encrypts a keyword, but also authenticates it. To further resist against quantum attacks, Liu et al. proposed a generic construction of PAEKS and the first quantum-resistant PAEKS instantiation based on lattices. Later, Emura pointed out some issues in Liu et al.'s construction and proposed a new generic construction of PAEKS. The basic construction methodology of Liu et al. and Emura is the same, i.e., each keyword is converted into an extended keyword using the shared key calculated by a word-independent smooth projective hash functions (SPHF), and PEKS is used for the extended keyword.

In this paper, we first analyze the schemes of Liu et al. and Emura, and point out some issues regarding their construction and security model. In short, in their lattice-based instantiations, the sender and receiver use a lattice-based word independent SPHF to compute the same shared key to authenticate keywords, leading to a super-polynomial modulus $q$; their generic constructions need a trusted setup assumption or the designated-receiver setting; Liu et al. failed to provide convincing evidence that their scheme satisfies their claimed security.

Then, we propose two new lattice-based PAEKS schemes with totally different construction methodology from Liu et al. and Emura. Specifically, in our PAEKS schemes, instead of using the shared key calculated by SPHF, the sender and receiver achieve keyword authentication by using their own secret key to sample a set of short vectors related to the keyword. In this way, the modulus $q$ in our schemes could be of polynomial size, which results in much smaller size of the public key, ciphertext and trapdoor. In addition, our schemes need neither a trusted setup assumption nor the designated-receiver setting. Finally, our schemes can be proven secure in stronger security model, and thus provide stronger security guarantee for both ciphertext privacy and trapdoor privacy.
Maya Chartouny, Jacques Patarin, Ambre Toulemonde
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we provide new quantum cryptanalysis results on $5$ rounds (balanced) Feistel schemes and on Benes schemes. More precisely, we give an attack on $5$ rounds Feistel schemes in $\Theta(2^{2n/3})$ quantum complexity and an attack on Benes schemes in $\Theta(2^{2n/3})$ quantum complexity, where $n$ is the number of bits of the internel random functions.
Elette Boyle, Geoffroy Couteau, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Lisa Kohl, Nicolas Resch, Peter Scholl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A pseudorandom correlation generator (PCG) is a recent tool for securely generating useful sources of correlated randomness, such as random oblivious transfers (OT) and vector oblivious linear evaluations (VOLE), with low communication cost.

We introduce a simple new design for PCGs based on so-called expand-accumulate codes, which first apply a sparse random expander graph to replicate each message entry, and then accumulate the entries by computing the sum of each prefix. Our design offers the following advantages compared to state-of-the-art PCG constructions:

- Competitive concrete efficiency backed by provable security against relevant classes of attacks; - An offline-online mode that combines near-optimal cache-friendliness with simple parallelization; - Concretely efficient extensions to pseudorandom correlation functions, which enable incremental generation of new correlation instances on demand, and to new kinds of correlated randomness that include circuit-dependent correlations.

To further improve the concrete computational cost, we propose a method for speeding up a full-domain evaluation of a puncturable pseudorandom function (PPRF). This is independently motivated by other cryptographic applications of PPRFs.
Brice Minaud, Michael Reichle
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this article, we tackle for the first time the problem of dynamic memory-efficient Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE). In the term "memory-efficient" SSE, we encompass both the goals of local SSE, and page-efficient SSE. The centerpiece of our approach is a new connection between those two goals. We introduce a map, called the Generic Local Transform, which takes as input a page-efficient SSE scheme with certain special features, and outputs an SSE scheme with strong locality properties. We obtain several results.

1. First, we build a dynamic SSE scheme with storage efficiency $O(1)$ and page efficiency only $\tilde{O}(\log \log (N/p))$, where $p$ is the page size, called LayeredSSE. The main technique behind LayeredSSE is a new weighted extension of the two-choice allocation process, of independent interest.

2. Second, we introduce the Generic Local Transform, and combine it with LayeredSSE to build a dynamic SSE scheme with storage efficiency $O(1)$, locality $O(1)$, and read efficiency $\tilde{O}(\log\log N)$, under the condition that the longest list is of size $O(N^{1-1/\log \log \lambda})$. This matches, in every respect, the purely static construction of Asharov et al. from STOC 2016: dynamism comes at no extra cost.

3. Finally, by applying the Generic Local Transform to a variant of the Tethys scheme by Bossuat et al. from Crypto 2021, we build an unconditional static SSE with storage efficiency $O(1)$, locality $O(1)$, and read efficiency $O(\log^\varepsilon N)$, for an arbitrarily small constant $\varepsilon > 0$. To our knowledge, this is the construction that comes closest to the lower bound presented by Cash and Tessaro at Eurocrypt 2014.
Akiko Inoue, Chun Guo, Kazuhiko Minematsu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We analyze nonce-misuse resilience (NMRL) security of Romulus-N and GIFT-COFB, the two finalists of NIST Lightweight Cryptography project for standardizing lightweight authenticated encryption. NMRL, introduced by Ashur et al. at CRYPTO 2017, is a relaxed security notion from a stronger, nonce-misuse resistance notion. We proved that Romulus-N and GIFT-COFB have nonce-misuse resilience. For Romulus-N, we showed the perfect privacy (NMRL-PRIV) and n/2-bit authenticity (NMRL-AUTH) with graceful degradation with respect to nonce repetition. For GIFT-COFB, we showed n/4-bit security for both NMRL-PRIV and NMRL-AUTH notions.
Gayathri Garimella, Mike Rosulek, Jaspal Singh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In two-party private set intersection (PSI), Alice holds a set $X$, Bob holds a set $Y$, and they learn (only) the contents of $X \cap Y$. We introduce structure-aware PSI protocols, which take advantage of situations where Alice's set $X$ is publicly known to have a certain structure. The goal of structure-aware PSI is to have communication that scales with the description size of Alice's set, rather its cardinality.

We introduce a new generic paradigm for structure-aware PSI based on function secret-sharing (FSS). In short, if there exists compact FSS for a class of structured sets, then there exists a semi-honest PSI protocol that supports this class of input sets, with communication cost proportional only to the FSS share size. Several prior protocols for efficient (plain) PSI can be viewed as special cases of our new paradigm, with an implicit FSS for unstructured sets.

Our PSI protocol can be instantiated from a significantly weaker flavor of FSS, which has not been previously studied. We develop several improved FSS techniques that take advantage of these relaxed requirements, and which are in some cases exponentially better than existing FSS.

Finally, we explore in depth a natural application of structure-aware PSI. If Alice's set $X$ is the union of many radius-$\delta$ balls in some metric space, then an intersection between $X$ and $Y$ corresponds to fuzzy PSI, in which the parties learn which of their points are within distance $\delta$. In structure-aware PSI, the communication cost scales with the number of balls in Alice's set, rather than their total volume. Our techniques lead to efficient fuzzy PSI for $\ell_\infty$ and $\ell_1$ metrics (and approximations of $\ell_2$ metric) in high dimensions. We implemented this fuzzy PSI protocol for 2-dimensional $\ell_\infty$ metrics. For reasonable input sizes, our protocol requires 45--60% less time and 85% less communication than competing approaches that simply reduce the problem to plain PSI.
Tiancheng Xie, Yupeng Zhang, Dawn Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge proof is a powerful cryptographic primitive that has found various applications in the real world. However, existing schemes with succinct proof size suffer from a high overhead on the proof generation time that is super-linear in the size of the statement represented as an arithmetic circuit, limiting their efficiency and scalability in practice. In this paper, we present Orion, a new zero-knowledge argument system that achieves $O(N)$ prover time of field operations and hash functions and $O(\log^2 N)$ proof size. Orion is concretely efficient and our implementation shows that the prover time is 3.09s and the proof size is 1.5MB for a circuit with $2^{20}$ multiplication gates. The prover time is the fastest among all existing succinct proof systems, and the proof size is an order of magnitude smaller than a recent scheme proposed in Golovnev et al. 2021.

In particular, we develop two new techniques leading to the efficiency improvement. (1) We propose a new algorithm to test whether a random bipartite graph is a lossless expander graph or not based on the densest subgraph algorithm. It allows us to sample lossless expanders with an overwhelming probability. The technique improves the efficiency and/or security of all existing zero-knowledge argument schemes with a linear prover time. The testing algorithm based on densest subgraph may be of independent interest for other applications of expander graphs. (2) We develop an efficient proof composition scheme, code switching, to reduce the proof size from square root to polylogarithmic in the size of the computation. The scheme is built on the encoding circuit of a linear code and shows that the witness of a second zero-knowledge argument is the same as the message in the linear code. The proof composition only introduces a small overhead on the prover time.
Cody Freitag, Ashrujit Ghoshal, Ilan Komargodski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Sponge hashing is a novel alternative to the popular Merkle-Damgård hashing design. The sponge construction has become increasingly popular in various applications, perhaps most notably, it underlies the SHA-3 hashing standard. Sponge hashing is parametrized by two numbers, $r$ and $c$ (bitrate and capacity, respectively), and by a fixed-size permutation on $r+c$ bits. In this work, we study the collision resistance of sponge hashing instantiated with a random permutation by adversaries with arbitrary $S$-bit auxiliary advice input about the random permutation that make $T$ online queries. Recent work by Coretti et al. (CRYPTO '18) showed that such adversaries can find collisions (with respect to a random $c$-bit initialization vector) with advantage $\Theta(ST^2/2^c + T^2/ 2^{r})$.

Although the above attack formally breaks collision resistance in some range of parameters, its practical relevance is limited since the resulting collision is very long (on the order of $T$ blocks). Focusing on the task of finding short collisions, we study the complexity of finding a $B$-block collision for a given parameter $B\ge 1$. We give several new attacks and limitations. Most notably, we give a new attack that results in a single-block collision and has advantage $$ \Omega \left(\left(\frac{S^{2}T}{2^{2c}}\right)^{2/3} + \frac{T^2}{2^r}\right). $$ In certain range of parameters (e.g., $ST^2>2^c$), our attack outperforms the previously-known best attack. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first natural application for which sponge hashing is provably less secure than the corresponding instance of Merkle-Damgård hashing. Our attack relies on a novel connection between single-block collision finding in sponge hashing and the well-studied function inversion problem. We also give a general attack that works for any $B\ge 2$ and has advantage $\Omega({STB}/{2^{c}} + {T^2}/{2^{\min\{r,c\}}})$, adapting an idea of Akshima et al. (CRYPTO '20). We complement the above attacks with bounds on the best possible attacks. Specifically, we prove that there is a qualitative jump in the advantage of best possible attacks for finding unbounded-length collisions and those for finding very short collisions. Most notably, we prove (via a highly non-trivial compression argument) that the above attack is optimal for $B=2$ in some range of parameters.
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