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16 September 2022

UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Job Posting Job Posting
We have two PhD positions in Post Quantum Cryptography at UNSW, Sydney funded by the Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA).

  1. Post Quantum Cryptography for Blockchains
  2. Towards a Quantum-Safe Internet
The scholarships are for a maximum period of 4 years.

Prospective students are expected to have strong mathematical inclination and strong background in data structures, discrete mathematics and algorithms. Candidates with knowledge of cryptography (such as completion of undergraduate/graduate course or research project) will be preferred.

Open to students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline. Candidates in their final year of study are welcome to apply.

SQA Deadline: September 26, 2022.
UNSW Deadline: September 30, 2022.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Please contact Dr. Sushmita Ruj (Email: with your CV and transcripts if you are interested.

More information:

Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
Job Posting Job Posting
Topic: Remote attack on a quantum key distribution system. Modern-era cryptography is threatened by recent developments in quantum computing. One way of mitigating this threat is quantum cryptography, or more specifically quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol. A QKD system consists in hardware to create and transport quantum states, as well as software to interface quantum hardware with classical communication infrastructure. Literature on attacks is still limited in this field. Examples are Makarov et al., Nature Photon. 2010 and Alléaume et al., Phys. Rev. A 2016. These works mainly concern physical vulnerabilities on the hardware hence they require to gain physical access to the network in order to perform the attack. In an objective of certification and standardisation of future QKD systems, the whole spectrum of vulnerabilities must be studied, including remote attacks. The subject of this post-doc offer aims at finding attacks on a QKD system without physical access to the hardware, as well as suggesting countermeasures. In the target attack scenario, the attacker has no physical access to hardware, but he can leave a third-party software on one of the machines of the QKD system. How the attacker gains access to the machine to drop the software file is out of scope. The objective of this work is to make the third-party software modify the behaviour of physical systems in order to cause a leak of sensitive information or a denial of service. Fully software oriented attacks, such as memory scrapping or random generation weakening, are thus excluded from this work. An example of acceptable attack would be a modification of the clock by the third-party, see Jouguet et al., Phys. Rev. A 2020 (the difference being that clock modification is caused by software instead of hardware). Another possibility would be to change the physical parameters of the QKD system, e.g. by using the API of the pilot component of the system. the post-doc will focus on a specific operational QKD system. Ideal profile: PhD in quantum physics with interest for computer security or the opposite. Useful skills: cryptography; reverse engineering; software development.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Eleni Diamanti, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Sorbonne Université (LIP6)

Inria of the University of Rennes
Job Posting Job Posting
Private and Secure Computation on Personal Data The recruited postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on the design of a distributed data vault that can (i) store personal data while keeping it safe from third parties, (ii) support computation on encrypted or otherwise protected personal data to obtain aggregate statistics while respecting the privacy of the individual data items, (iii) provide means to remunerate users that enable computation on their personal data. In particular, we aim to address this challenge by relying on a byzantine-fault tolerant [1,2] decentralized storage platform that can store data reliably in encrypted form. We plan to combine techniques like multiparty computation [3] and homomorphic encryption [4] with technologies like trusted execution environments [5] to enable computation on such encrypted data. This will allow us to address a variety of use cases, such as decentralized [6] and federated machine learning algorithms [7]. The system should also keep track of the usage of personal data to support remuneration schemes. To this end, we plan to leverage our recent theoretical work on lightweight distributed ledgers [8, 9]. The postdoctoral researcher will contribute by performing original research on these topics, and will also participate in the supervision of Masters and PhD students. In doing so, he or she will collaborate with Davide Frey and other members of the WIDE team, as well as with international partners within the SOTERIA project and other related projects. Although teaching is not a requirement, the candidate can also choose to teach relevant courses at the University of Rennes 1 and affiliated institutions.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Davide Frey

More information:

QuSoft / University of Amsterdam
Job Posting Job Posting

The Theory of Computer Science (TCS) group at the Informatics Institute (IvI) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is looking for an excellent candidate for a fully funded PhD position as part of QSI (Quantum-Safe Internet), a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN). The QSI network involves top-ranking partner universities from France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, the UK, and Switzerland, as well as industrial partners.

You will conduct research at the intersection of quantum and post-quantum cryptography and publish/ present the results at top venues for research in crypto/ IT Security. You will be supervised by Prof. Christian Schaffner and Dr. Florian Speelman.

We are looking for a candidate with:
  • a MSc in computer science, mathematics, or a related field;
  • strong academic performance in university-level courses related to cryptography, IT security, theoretical CS, or mathematics;
  • professional command of English and good presentation skills;
  • compliance with the MSCA-ITN mobility rule: you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before your recruitment date.
Familiarity with provable security and/ or a strong mathematical background are a plus.

We offer:
  • Full-time employment for the duration of the PhD
  • A well-rounded training offered by the QSI network, covering a range of topics related to secure communications in the quantum era, as well as complementary training intended to enhance your personal development.
  • Generous travel budget that allows for, e.g., exposure to different sectors via planned placements and attendance to summer schools.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Christian Schaffner

More information:

George Mason University
Job Posting Job Posting
Associate/Full Professor of Cybersecurity and Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Fellow

The George Mason University and Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), within the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), invites applications for an Associate/Full Professor of Cybersecurity and Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Fellow position. GMU has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff, and strongly encourages candidates to apply who will enrich Mason’s academic and culturally inclusive environment.

About the Position:

The incumbent will conduct research at GMU and as part of the Northern Virginia Node of the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, and in partnership with researchers from the Coastal Node of the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and Old Dominion University. Successful candidates will have access to the faculty and facilities of both GMU and Old Dominion University to enable their success.


Serve as the director of the interdisciplinary research effort between GMU, Old Dominion University and the Northern Virginia and Coastal Nodes of the CCI;

Leverage university-level strategic priorities in cybersecurity research to lead transformative growth and impact the research portfolio, and to further encourage and foster new and existing collaborations with academic, industrial, and governmental institutions in Northern Virginia, Coastal Virginia and the greater Washington, D.C., area;

Accelerate the growth of high-quality academic programs, facilitate interdisciplinary research initiatives, and broaden the scope and focus areas of research in Mason with significant potential for commercialization.

Required Qualifications:

Doctorate in CS, ECE, IT, or a related field;

Eligible for a tenured appointment as associate or full professor;

Outstanding cybersecurity research and publication record;

Commitment to excellence in both graduate and undergraduate education

significant leadership experience

US citizen

Closing date for applications:

Contact: More information:

More information:


15 September 2022

Diana Ghinea, Fabian Kaczmarczyck, Jennifer Pullman, Julien Cretin, Stefan Kölbl, Rafael Misoczki, Jean-Michel Picod, Luca Invernizzi, Elie Bursztein
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent advances in quantum computing are increasingly jeopardizing the security of cryptosystems currently in widespread use, such as RSA or elliptic-curve signatures. To address this threat, researchers and standardization institutes have accelerated the transition to quantum-resistant cryptosystems, collectively known as Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). These PQC schemes present new challenges due to their larger memory and computational footprints and their higher chance of latent vulnerabilities.

In this work, we address these challenges by introducing a scheme to upgrade the digital signatures used by security keys to PQC, focusing on both its theoretical and practical aspects. Specifically, we introduce a hybrid digital signature scheme based on two building blocks: a classically-secure scheme, ECDSA, and a post-quantum secure one, Dilithium. Our hybrid scheme maintains the guarantees of each underlying building block even if the other one is broken, thus being resistant to classical and quantum attacks. Additionally, our hybrid scheme ensures that an adversary cannot derive ECDSA or Dilithium signatures that this authentication protocol considers valid. On the practical aspect, we experimentally show that our hybrid signature scheme can successfully execute on current security keys, even though secure PQC schemes are known to require substantial resources.

We publish an open-source implementation of our scheme at so that other researchers can reproduce our results on a nRF52840 development kit.
Ehsan Ebrahimi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We say a public-key encryption is plaintext-extractable in the random oracle model if there exists an algorithm that given access to all inputs/outputs queries to the random oracles can simulate the decryption oracle. We argue that plaintext-extractability is enough to show the indistinguishably under chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA) of OAEP+ transform (Shoup, Crypto 2001) when the underlying trapdoor permutation is one-way.

We extend the result to the quantum random oracle model (QROM) and show that OAEP+ is IND-CCA secure in QROM if the underlying trapdoor permutation is quantum one-way.
Matthew Green, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Eric Hennenfent, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Benjamin Perez, Gijs Van Laer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of proving in zero-knowledge the existence of vulnerabilities in executables compiled to run on real-world processors. We demonstrate that it is practical to prove knowledge of real exploits for real-world processor architectures without the need for source code and without limiting our consideration to narrow vulnerability classes. To achieve this, we devise a novel circuit compiler and a toolchain that produces highly optimized, non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for programs executed on the MSP430, an ISA commonly used in embedded hardware. Our toolchain employs a highly optimized circuit compiler and a number of novel optimizations to construct efficient proofs for program binaries. To demonstrate the capability of our system, we test our toolchain by constructing proofs for challenges in the Microcorruption capture the flag exercises.
Ali Şah Özcan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a cryptosystem that allows secure processing of encrypted data. One of the most popular HE schemes is the Brakerski-Fan-Vercauteren (BFV), which supports somewhat (SWHE) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Since overly involved arithmetic operations of HE schemes are amenable to concurrent computation, GPU devices can be instrumental in facilitating the practical use of HE in real world applications thanks to their superior parallel processing capacity.

This paper presents an optimized and highly parallelized GPU library to accelerate the BFV scheme. This library includes state-of-the-art implementations of Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) and inverse NTT that minimize the GPU kernel function calls. It makes an efficient use of the GPU memory hierarchy and computes 128 NTT operations for ring dimension of $2^{14}$ only in $176.1~\mu s$ on RTX~3060Ti GPU. To the best of our knowlede, this is the fastest implementation in the literature. The library also improves the performance of the homomorphic operations of the BFV scheme. Although the library can be independently used, it is also fully integrated with the Microsoft SEAL library, which is a well-known HE library that also implements the BFV scheme. For one ciphertext multiplication, for the ring dimension $2^{14}$ and the modulus bit size of $438$, our GPU implementation offers $\mathbf{63.4}$ times speedup over the SEAL library running on a high-end CPU. The library compares favorably with other state-of-the-art GPU implementations of NTT and the BFV operations. Finally, we implement a privacy-preserving application that classifies encrpyted genome data for tumor types and achieve speedups of $42.98$ and $5.7$ over a CPU implementations using single and 16 threads, respectively. Our results indicate that GPU implementations can facilitate the deployment of homomorphic cryptographic libraries in real world privacy preserving applications.
Wonseok Choi, Hwigyeom Kim, Jooyoung Lee, Yeongmin Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
For several decades, constructing pseudorandom functions from pseudorandom permutations, so-called Luby-Rackoff backward construction, has been a popular cryptographic problem. Two methods are well-known and comprehensively studied for this problem: summing two random permutations and truncating partial bits of the output from a random permutation. In this paper, by combining both summation and truncation, we propose new Luby-Rackoff backward constructions, dubbed SaT1 and SaT2, respectively. SaT2 is obtained by partially truncating output bits from the sum of two independent random permutations, and SaT1 is its single permutation-based variant using domain separation. The distinguishing advantage against SaT1 and SaT2 is upper bounded by O(\sqrt{\mu q_max}/2^{n-0.5m}) and O({\sqrt{\mu}q_max^1.5}/2^{2n-0.5m}), respectively, in the multi-user setting, where n is the size of the underlying permutation, m is the output size of the construction, \mu is the number of users, and q_max is the maximum number of queries per user. We also prove the distinguishing advantage against a variant of XORP[3]~(studied by Bhattacharya and Nandi at Asiacrypt 2021) using independent permutations, dubbed SoP3-2, is upper bounded by O(\sqrt{\mu} q_max^2}/2^{2.5n})$. In the multi-user setting with \mu = O(2^{n-m}), a truncated random permutation provides only the birthday bound security, while SaT1 and SaT2 are fully secure, i.e., allowing O(2^n) queries for each user. It is the same security level as XORP[3] using three permutation calls, while SaT1 and SaT2 need only two permutation calls.
Juan Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Yu Shen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The permissionless clock synchronization problem asks how it is possible for a population of parties to maintain a system-wide synchronized clock, while their participation rate fluctuates --- possibly very widely --- over time. The underlying assumption is that parties experience the passage of time with roughly the same speed, but however they may disengage and engage with the protocol following arbitrary (and even chosen adversarially) participation patterns. This (classical) problem has received renewed attention due to the advent of blockchain protocols, and recently it has been solved in the setting of proof of stake, i.e., when parties are assumed to have access to a trusted PKI setup [Badertscher et al., Eurocrypt ’21].

In this work, we present the first proof-of-work (PoW)-based permissionless clock synchronization protocol. Our construction assumes a public setup (e.g., a CRS) and relies on an honest majority of computational power that, for the first time, is described in a fine-grain timing model that does not utilize a global clock that exports the current time to all parties. As a secondary result of independent interest, our protocol gives rise to the first PoW-based ledger consensus protocol that does not rely on an external clock for the time-stamping of transactions and adjustment of the PoW difficulty.
Azam Soleimanian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Random Allocation -the random assignment of the data to the parties- is a well-studied topic in the analysis of medical or judicial data, and the context of resource distribution. Random allocation reduces the chance of bias or corruption in the relevant applications, which makes the results more reliable. This is done by preventing a special or pre-planned assignment of the data to accommodate the assessment toward the desired results. This paper provides the first formal syntax and security notion of a random allocation scheme. Based on our new security notions of anonymity, confidentiality, and data-integrity, random allocation can cover more applications such as the distributed audit system where the confidentiality of data and the anonymity of auditors are of paramount importance. Our protocol allows the parties to stay anonymous during the concurrent executions of the protocol even if they have revealed themselves at a certain execution. The revelation property gives the possibility to the parties to claim certain advantages/faults at the end of a protocol-execution (without breaking the data-privacy or anonymity in other protocol-executions). We instantiate our syntax and prove the security based on simple cryptographic components and assumptions such as the Diffie-Hellman assumption, in the random oracle model.
Jiahui He, Kai Hu, Bart Preneel, Meiqin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cube attacks exploit the algebraic properties of symmetric ciphers by recovering a special polynomial, the superpoly, and subsequently the secret key. When the algebraic normal forms of the corresponding Boolean functions are not available, the division property based approach allows to recover the exact superpoly in a clever way. However, the computational cost to recover the superpoly becomes prohibitive as the number of rounds of the cipher increases. For example, the nested monomial predictions (NMP) proposed at ASIACRYPT 2021 stuck at round 845 for Trivium. To alleviate the bottleneck of the NMP technique, i.e., the unsolvable model due to the excessive number of monomial trails, we shift our focus to the so-called valuable terms of a specific middle round that contribute to the superpoly. Two new techniques are introduced, namely, Non-zero Bit-based Division Property (NBDP) and Core Monomial Prediction (CMP), both of which result in a simpler MILP model compared to the MILP model of MP. It can be shown that the CMP technique offers a substantial improvement over the monomial prediction technique in terms of computational complexity of recovering valuable terms. Combining the divide-and-conquer strategy with these two new techniques, we catch the valuable terms more effectively and thus avoid wasting computational resources on intermediate terms contributing nothing to the superpoly. As an illustration of the power of our techniques, we apply our framework to Trivium, Grain, Kreyvium and Acorn. As a result, the computational cost of earlier attacks can be significantly reduced and the exact ANFs of the superpolies for 846-, 847- and 848-round Trivium, 192-round Grain, 895-round Kreyvium and 776-round Acorn can be recovered in practical time, even though the superpoly of 848-round Trivium contains over 500 million terms; this corresponds to respectively 3, 1, 1 and 1 rounds more than the previous best results. Moreover, by investigating the internal properties of Möbius transformation, we show how to perform key recovery using superpolies involving full key bits, which leads to the best key recovery attacks on the targeted ciphers.
You Lyu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han, Dawu Gu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange (PPAKE) provides protection both for the session keys and the identity information of the involved parties. In this paper, we introduce the concept of robustness into PPAKE. Robustness enables each user to confirm whether itself is the target recipient of the first round message in the protocol. With the help of robustness, a PPAKE protocol can successfully avoid the heavy redundant communications and computations caused by the ambiguity of communicants in the existing PPAKE, especially in broadcast channels.

We propose a generic construction of robust PPAKE from key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), digital signature (SIG), message authentication code (MAC), pseudo-random generator (PRG) and symmetric encryption (SE). By instantiating KEM, MAC, PRG from the DDH assumption and SIG from the CDH assumption, we obtain a specific robust PPAKE scheme in the standard model, which enjoys forward security for session keys, explicit authentication and forward privacy for user identities. Thanks to the robustness of our PPAKE, the number of broadcast messages per run and the computational complexity per user are constant, and in particular, independent of the number of users in the system.

14 September 2022

Eurocrypt Eurocrypt
The Eurocrypt 2023 organizing committee is soliciting for affiliated events to be held in conjunction with Eurocrypt 2023, on Saturday, April 22 and/or Sunday, April 23, in Lyon, France.

Each such event is expected to provide a forum discussing a specific topic of the broad cryptographic world (theory, practice, implementation, standardizations, etc.). The format of the event (e.g. workshop, tutorial, etc.) is up to the organizers.

Proposals for events should be submitted by email to the Eurocrypt 2023 workshop chair at by September 30, 2022.

For more information, please visit:
Ulrich Haböck
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This document is an informal summary on the FRI low degree test [BSBHR18a], [BSCI+20], and DEEP algebraic linking from [BSGKS20]. Based on its most recent soundness analysis [BSCI+20], we discuss parameter settings for practical security levels, how FRI is turned into a polynomial commitment scheme, and the soundness of DEEP sampling in the list decoding regime. In particular, we illustrate the DEEP method applied to proving satisfiability of algebraic intermediate representations and prove a soundness error bound which slightly improves the one in [Sta21].
Benjamin Dowling, Felix Günther, Alexandre Poirrier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure messaging schemes such as the Signal protocol rely on out-of-band channels to verify the authenticity of long-running communication. Such out-of-band checks however are only rarely actually performed by users in practice.

In this paper, we propose a new method for performing continuous authentication during a secure messaging session, without the need for an out-of-band channel. Leveraging the users' long-term secrets, our Authentication Steps extension guarantees authenticity as long as long-term secrets are not compromised, strengthening Signal's post-compromise security. Our mechanism further allows to detect a potential compromise of long-term secrets after the fact via an out-of-band channel.

Our protocol comes with a novel, formal security definition capturing continuous authentication, a general construction for Signal-like protocols, and a security proof for the proposed instantiation. We further provide a prototype implementation which seamlessly integrates on top of the official Signal Java library, together with bandwidth and storage overhead benchmarks.
Karim Baghery, Navid Ghaedi Bardeh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In ASIACRYPT 2016, Bellare, Fuchsbauer, and Scafuro studied the security of NIZK arguments under subverted Structured Reference String (SRS) and presented some positive and negative results. In their best positive result, they showed that by defining an SRS as a tuple of knowledge assumption in bilinear groups (e.g. $g^a, g^b, g^{ab}$), and then using a Non-Interactive (NI) zap to prove that either there is a witness for the statement $\mathsf{x}$ or one knows the trapdoor of SRS (e.g. $a$ or $b$), one can build NIZK arguments that can achieve soundness and $\textit{subversion zero-knowledge}$ (zero-knowledge without trusting a third party; Sub-ZK). In this paper, we expand their idea and use NI zaps (of knowledge) to build NIZK arguments (of knowledge) with $\textit{updatable}$, $\textit{universal}$, and $\textit{succinct}$ SRS. To this end, we first show that their proposed sound and Sub-ZK NIZK argument can also achieve $\textit{updatable}$ soundness, which is a more desired notion than the plain soundness. Updatable soundness allows the verifier to update the SRS one time and bypass the need for a trusted third party. Then, we show that using a similar OR language, given a NI zap (of knowledge) and a $\textit{key-updatable}$ signature scheme, one can build NIZK arguments that can achieve Sub-ZK and $\textit{updatable}$ simulation soundness (resp. $\textit{updatable}$ simulation extractability). The proposed constructions are the first NIZK arguments that have updatable and succinct SRS, and do not require a random oracle. Our instantiations show that in the resulting NIZK arguments the computational cost for the parties to verify/update the SRS is negligible, namely, a few exponentiations and pairing checks. The run times of the prover and verifier, as well as the size of the proof, are asymptotically the same as those of the underlying NI zap.
Barbara Jiabao Benedikt, Marc Fischlin, Moritz Huppert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the Nostradamus attack, introduced by Kelsey and Kohno (Eurocrypt 2006), the adversary has to commit to a hash value y of an iterated hash function H such that, when later given a message prefix P, the adversary is able to find a suitable "suffix explanation" S with H(P||S)=y. Kelsey and Kohno show a herding attack with $2^{2n/3}$ evaluations of the compression function of H (with n bits output and state), locating the attack between preimage attacks and collision search in terms of complexity. Here we investigate the security of Nostradamus attacks for quantum adversaries. We present a quantum herding algorithm for the Nostradamus problem making approximately $\sqrt[3]{n}\cdot 2^{3n/7}$ compression function evaluations, significantly improving over the classical bound. We also prove that quantum herding attacks cannot do better than $2^{3n/7}$ evaluations for random compression functions, showing that our algorithm is (essentially) optimal. We also discuss a slightly less tight bound of roughly $2^{3n/7-s}$ for general Nostradamus attacks against random compression functions, where s is the maximal block length of the adversarially chosen suffix S.
David Chaum, Richard T. Carback, Jeremy Clark, Chao Liu, Mahdi Nejadgholi, Bart Preneel, Alan T. Sherman, Mario Yaksetig, Zeyuan Yin, Filip Zagórski, Bingsheng Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We solve a long-standing challenge to the integrity of votes cast without the supervision of a voting booth: "it improper influence,'' which refers to any combination of vote buying and voter coercion. Our approach allows each voter, or their trusted agents, to cancel their vote in a way that is unstoppable, irrevocable, and forever unattributable to the voter. In particular, our approach enhances security of online, remote, public-sector elections, for which there is a growing need and the threat of improper influence is most acute. In this extended abstract, we introduce the new approach, compare it with previous methods, and concisely summarize the protocols. In our full paper, give detailed cryptographic protocols, show how they can be applied to several voting settings, describe our implementation in a full voting system called Votexx, and provide UC proofs of security. Our system protects against the strongest adversary considered in prior related work and is suitable for widespread use in public elections.
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