International Association for Cryptologic Research

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10 October 2022

Trey Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give a new post-quantum public key cryptosystem from the multiple modular subset product with errors problem.
Divesh Aggarwal, Marshall Ball, Maciej Obremski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Non-malleable codes are a natural relaxation of error correction and error detection codes applicable in scenarios where error-correction or error-detection is impossible.

Over the last decade, non-malleable codes have been studied for a wide variety of tampering families. Among the most well studied of these is the split-state family of tampering channels, where the codeword is split into two or more parts and each part is tampered independently.

We survey various constructions and applications of non-malleable codes in the split-state model.

07 October 2022

Job Posting Job Posting

We have a senior/staff cryptography researcher position available in the Blockchain Security team at Coinbase.

Full description available here:

  • Senior role:
  • Staff role:

Please reach out to me at [s] [last name] if you have any questions.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Shashank Agrawal

More information:

Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science, Denmark
Job Posting Job Posting
Aarhus University, Denmark - an international top-100 University - has made an ambitious strategic investment in a recruitment plan to radically expand the Department of Computer Science. For this call, we encourage applicants that can contribute to our basic and strategic research in Cryptography and Security. Therefore, the department invites applications from candidates that are driven by excellence in research and teaching as well as external collaboration on societal challenges. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to contribute to and shape the research and teaching as well as the industrial and societal collaboration associated with the department expansion. The position is open from February 1st, 2023. The department has research groups within "Algorithms, Data Structures and Foundations for Machine Learning", Data- Intensive Systems", “Computational Complexity and Game Theory”, "Cryptography and Security", "Logic and Semantics", "Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction", “Human Computer Interaction” and "Programming Languages”. This call is aimed at strengthening and expanding our strategic development of excellent research in Cryptography and Security including, for instance, public-key cryptography, cryptographic protocols, secure computation, post-quantum cryptography and quantum cryptography. Applicants for Full professor positions are expected to meet the criteria for full professors. All applicants are requested to include a link to their Google Scholar profile in their application. Your application must be uploaded together with letters of recommendation. As department we wish to build a computer science research and study environment with equality and diversity as a core value for recruitment as well as for daily study and work life. If you have visions for or experience with activities or initiatives to support such a core value in a computer science context, we encourage you to describe them in your application.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Head of Department, Professor Kaj Grønbæk

More information:

The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Alabama in Huntsville invites applications for a tenure-track/tenure position at the Assistant/Associate Professor level in Applied Algebra (Cryptography/Number Theory) to begin in August 2023. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in mathematics completed by the appointment date. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate excellence in teaching and research.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers academic programs that lead to Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Mathematics and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Applied Mathematics. It has over 18 full-time faculty members whose expertise covers the essential topics in applied mathematics. The successful applicant will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, advise undergraduate and graduate students, and engage in funded research.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY: UAH is a Very High Research Activity (R1) university that provides academic and research programs in the Colleges of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering, Nursing, Professional Studies, and Science. Huntsville has one of the greatest per capita incomes and living standards in the Southeast. It houses NASA's Marshall Space Flight Hub and is a national aerospace and high technology research center.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND DEADLINE: To apply for the position, please submit the following required application materials electronically no later than January 28, 2023: 1) Cover letter 2) Curriculum vitae 3) Research statement 4) Teaching statement 5) Transcripts 6) Three reference letters to the Search Committee through Dr. Toka Diagana, Please refer to the log number: 23-24-583.

A formal review of the applications will begin on January 17, 2023, and continue until the position is filled.

UAH mandates that all employees maintain compliance with current federal regulations.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer of minorities/ females/veterans/disabled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Toka Diagana, e-mail: Please refer to the log number: 23-24-583.

More information:

PACY Lab, RI CODE, Universität der Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the Privacy and Applied Cryptography (PACY) research lab. Our activities focus on privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocols and their applications.

We are looking for a bright postdoc (or a PhD student nearing completion) with expertise in any of the following areas:
  • Confidential computing (ZKP, FHE, MPC, ABC techniques)
  • Distributed cryptography (key generation, signatures, encryption)
  • Secure and private messaging (authentication, key exchange)
  • Design of post-quantum secure cryptographic protocols
There is an opportunity to engage in current projects, collaborate with international partners, and work closely with PhD students of the PACY lab. The candidate will benefit from our modern infrastructure and availability of funds to support own research. Munich is amongst best places to live in Germany.

The position is available for immediate start, funded at federal salary levels TV-ÖD E13/14 (~50k to 65k EUR p.a. depending on qualifications and experience). Initial contract for 2 years with a possibility of extension. (Due to the nature of funding restrictions on the eligibility of some candidates may apply.)

  • Completed PhD in cryptography, information security, computer science or mathematics.
  • Alternatively, PhD students with a relevant Master degree nearing PhD completion.
  • Strong background knowledge / experience in privacy-enhancing cryptography (research and development)
  • Relevant publications in top cryptography / security / privacy venues
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
Applications (cover letter, CV, transcripts, contacts for references) can be emailed to the head of PACY lab, Prof. Mark Manulis, by the nominal deadline of Nov 4th, 2022. Applications will be processed as they arrive. The search will continue until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Mark Manulis, mark.manulis AT

More information:

KU Leuven
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for an internationally orientated candidate with excellent research experience and educational competence in computer science, and with extensive expertise in the dimension of research valorization. The candidate, while being strong in some subdomains of security and privacy, must at the same time be capable in building bridges between multiple disciplines and between academic research and industry adoption.

The area is interpreted broadly, and covers for example security and privacy, reliability and resilience of digital services, of software products and of internet-based systems.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Wouter Joosen chair of DistriNet +32 16 32 76 53

Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Vandewalle chair of Computer Science +32 16 32 76 54

More information:


05 October 2022

Thomas Pornin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Binary elliptic curves are elliptic curves defined over finite fields of characteristic 2. On software platforms that offer carryless multiplication opcodes (e.g. pclmul on x86), they have very good performance. However, they suffer from some drawbacks, in particular that non-supersingular binary curves have an even order, and that most known formulas for point operations have exceptional cases that are detrimental to safe implementation.

In this paper, we show how to make a prime order group abstraction out of standard binary curves. We describe a new canonical compression scheme that yields a canonical and compact encoding. We also describe complete formulas for operations on the group. The formulas have no exceptional case, and are furthermore faster than previously known complete and incomplete formulas (general point addition in cost 8M+2S+2mb on all curves, 7M+2S+2mb on half of the curves). We also show how the same formulas can be applied to computations on the entire original curve, if full backward compatibility with standard curves is needed. Finally, we implemented our method over the standard NIST curves B-233 and K-233. Our strictly constant-time code achieves generic point multiplication by a scalar on curve K-233 in as little as 29600 clock cycles on an Intel x86 CPU (Coffee Lake core).
Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct adaptively secure multiparty non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) from polynomially hard indistinguishability obfuscation and other standard assumptions. This improves on all prior such protocols, which required sub-exponential hardness. Along the way, we establish several compilers which simplify the task of constructing new multiparty NIKE protocols, and also establish a close connection with a particular type of constrained PRF.
Shujiao Cao, Rui Xue
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As a quantum analogue of one-way function, the notion of one-way quantum state generator is recently proposed by Morimae and Yamakawa (CRYPTO'22), which is proved to be implied by the pseudorandom state, and can be used to devise a construction of one-time secure digital signature. Due to Kretschmer's result (TQC'20), it's believed that pseudorandom state generator requires less than post-quantum secure one-way function. Unfortunately, it remains to be unknown how to achieve the one-way quantum state generator without the existence of post-quantum secure one-way function. In this paper, we mainly study that problem and obtain the following results:

We propose two variants of one-way quantum state generator, which we call them the weak one-way quantum state generator and distributionally one-way quantum state generator, and show the equivalence among these three primitives.

The distributionally one-way quantum state generator from average-case hardness assumption of a promise problem belongs to \textsf{QSZK} is obtained, and hence a construction of one-way quantum state generator.

A direct construction of quantum bit commitment with statistical binding (sum-binding) and computational hiding from the average-case hardness of a complete problem of $\textsf{QSZK}$.

To show the non-triviality of the constructions above, a quantum oracle $\mathcal{U}$ is devised relative to which such promise problem in $\textsf{QSZK}$ doesn't belong to $\mathsf{QMA}^{\mathcal{U}}$.

Our results present the first non-trivial construction of one-way quantum state generator from the hardness assumption of complexity class, and give another evidence that one-way quantum state generator probably requires less than post-quantum secure one-way function.
Anton A. Sokolov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we continue our work started in the article ‘Lin2-Xor lemma and Log-size Linkable Threshold Ring Signature’ by introducing another lemma called Lin2-Choice, which extends the Lin2-Xor lemma, and creating a general-purpose log-size linkable threshold ring signature scheme of size 2 log 2 (n) + 3l + 3, where n is the ring size and l is the threshold. The scheme is composed of several public coin honest verifier zero-knowledge arguments that have computational witness-extended emulation. We use an arbitrary vector commitment argument as the base building block, providing the possibility to use any concrete scheme for it, as long as the scheme is honest verifier zero-knowledge and has computational witness-extended emulation. Also, we present an extended version of our signature of size 2 log 2 (n + l) + 6l + 6, which simultaneously proves the sum of hidden amounts attached to the signing keys. All this in a prime order group without bilinear parings in which the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption holds.
Tao Lu, Chengkun Wei, Ruijing Yu, Yi Chen, Li Wang, Chaochao Chen, Zeke Wang, Wenzhi Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a critical cryptographic protocol, and it has been deployed in various privacy-preserving applications such as cryptocurrencies and verifiable machine learning. Unfortunately, ZKP has a high overhead on its proof generation step, which consists of several time-consuming operations, including large-scale matrix-vector multiplication (MUL), number-theoretic transform (NTT), and multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) on elliptic curves. Currently, several GPU-accelerated implementations of ZKP have been developed to improve its performance. However, these existing GPU designs do not fully unleash the potential of GPUs. Therefore, this paper presents cuZK, an efficient GPU implementation of ZKP with the following three optimizations to achieve higher performance. First, we propose a new parallel MSM algorithm and deploy it in cuZK. This MSM algorithm is well adapted to the high parallelism provided by GPUs, and it achieves nearly perfect linear speedup over the Pippenger algorithm, a well-known serial MSM algorithm. Second, we parallelize the MUL operation, which is lightly disregarded by other existing GPU designs. Indeed, along with our self-designed MSM parallel scheme and well-studied NTT parallel scheme, cuZK achieves the parallelization of all operations in the proof generation step. Third, cuZK reduces the latency overhead caused by CPU-GPU data transfer (DT) by 1) reducing redundant data transfer and 2) overlapping data transfer and device computation with the multi-streaming technique. We design a series of evaluation schemes for cuZK. The evaluation results show that our MSM module provides over 2.08× (up to 2.63×) speedup versus the state-of-the-art GPU implementation. cuZK achieves over 2.65× (up to 4.47×) speedup on standard benchmarks and 2.18× speedup on a GPU-accelerated cryptocurrency application, Filecoin.
Yael Tauman Kalai, Alex Lombardi, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Daniel Wichs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show how to generically improve the succinctness of non-interactive publicly verifiable batch argument ($\mathsf{BARG}$) systems. In particular, we show (under a mild additional assumption) how to convert a $\mathsf{BARG}$ that generates proofs of length $\mathsf{poly} (m)\cdot k^{1-\epsilon}$, where $m$ is the length of a single instance and $k$ is the number of instances being batched, into one that generates proofs of length $\mathsf{poly} (m)\cdot \mathsf{poly} \log k$, which is the gold standard for succinctness of $\mathsf{BARG}$s. By prior work, such $\mathsf{BARG}$s imply the existence of $\mathsf{SNARG}$s for deterministic time $T$ computation with optimal succinctness $\mathsf{poly}\log T$. Our result reduces the long-standing challenge of building publicly-verifiable delegation schemes to a much easier problem: building a batch argument system that beats the trivial construction. It also immediately implies new constructions of $\mathsf{BARG}$s and $\mathsf{SNARG}$s with polylogarithmic succinctness based on either bilinear maps or a combination of the $\mathsf{DDH}$ and $\mathsf{QR}$ assumptions. Along the way, we prove an equivalence between $\mathsf{BARG}$s and a new notion of $\mathsf{SNARG}$s for (deterministic) $\mathsf{RAM}$ computations that we call ``flexible $\mathsf{RAM}$ $\mathsf{SNARG}$s with partial input soundness." This is the first demonstration that $\mathsf{SNARG}$s for deterministic computation (of any kind) imply $\mathsf{BARG}$s. Our $\mathsf{RAM}$ $\mathsf{SNARG}$ notion is of independent interest and has already been used in a recent work on constructing rate-1 $\mathsf{BARG}$s (Devadas et. al. FOCS 2022).
Trey Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a new direction for post-quantum key exchange based on the multiple modular subset product with errors problem.
Bolton Bailey, Andrew Miller
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Gordon and Katz, in "Partial Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation", present a protocol for two-party computation with partial fairness which depends on presumptions on the size of the input or output of the functionality. They also show that for some other functionalities, this notion of partial fairness is impossible to achieve. In this work, we get around this impossibility result using verifiable delay functions, a primitive which brings in an assumption on the inability of an adversary to compute a certain function in a specified time. We present a gadget using VDFs which allows for any MPC to be carried out with ≈ 1/R partial fairness, where R is the number of communication rounds.
Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Ji Luo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we investigate the asymptotically best-possible succinctness and efficiency of functional encryption (FE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE), focusing on simultaneously minimizing the sizes of secret keys and ciphertexts and the decryption time. To this end, we consider the notion of partially hiding functional encryption (PHFE) that captures both FE and ABE, and the most efficient computation model of random access machine (RAM). A PHFE secret key $\mathsf{sk}_f$ is tied to a function $f$, whereas a ciphertext $\mathsf{ct}_x(y)$ is tied to a public input $x$ (e.g., ABE attribute) and encrypts a private input $y$. Decryption reveals $f(x,y)$ and nothing else about $y$.

We present the first PHFE scheme for RAMs based on the necessary assumption of FE for circuits. It achieves nearly optimal succinctness and efficiency:

* The secret keys $\mathsf{sk}_f$ are of (optimal) *constant size*, independent of the description size $|f|$ of the function tied to it.

* The ciphertexts $\mathsf{ct}_x(y)$ have (nearly optimal) *rate-2* dependency on the private input length $|y|$ and (optimal) independency of the public input length $|x|$.

* Decryption is efficient, running in time linear in the instance running time $T$ of the RAM computation, in addition to the input and function sizes, i.e., ${T_{\mathsf{Dec}}=(T+|f|+|x|+|y|)\operatorname{poly}(\lambda)}$.

Our construction significantly improves upon the asymptotic efficiency of prior schemes. As a corollary, we obtain the first ABE scheme with both constant-size keys and constant-size ciphertexts, and the best-possible decryption time matching an existing lower bound.

We show barriers to further improvement on the asymptotic efficiency of (PH-)FE. We prove the first unconditional space-time trade-off for (PH-)FE. *No* secure (PH-)FE scheme can have both key size and decryption time sublinear in the function size $|f|$, and *no* secure PHFE scheme can have both ciphertext size and decryption time sublinear in the public input length $|x|$. These space-time trade-offs apply even in the simplest selective 1-key 1-ciphertext secret-key setting. Furthermore, we show a conditional barrier towards achieving the optimal decryption time ${T_{\mathsf{Dec}}=T\operatorname{poly}(\lambda)}$ — any such (PH-)FE scheme implies a primitive called secret-key doubly efficient private information retrieval (SK-DE-PIR), for which so far the only known candidates rely on new and non-standard hardness conjectures.
Daniel Escudero, Vipul Goyal, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a novel approach to honest majority secure multiparty computation in the preprocessing model with information theoretic security that achieves the best online communication complexity. The online phase of our protocol requires $12$ elements in total per multiplication gate with circuit-dependent preprocessing, or $20$ elements in total with circuit-independent preprocessing. Prior works achieved linear online communication complexity in $n$, the number of parties, with the best prior existing solution involving $1.5n$ elements per multiplication gate. Only one recent work (Goyal et al, CRYPTO'22) achieves constant online communication complexity, but the constants are large ($108$ elements for passive security, and twice that for active security). That said, our protocol offers a very efficient information theoretic online phase for any number of parties. The total end-to-end communication cost with the preprocessing phase is linear in $n$, i.e., $10n + 44$, which is larger than the $4n$ complexity of the state-of-the-art protocols. The gap is not significant when the online phase must be optimized as a priority and a reasonably large number of parties is involved. Unlike previous works based on packed secret-sharing to reduce communication complexity, we further reduce the communication by avoiding the use of complex and expensive network routing or permutations tools. Furthermore, we also allow for a maximal honest majority adversary, while most previous works require the set of honest parties to be strictly larger than a majority. Our protocol is simple and offers concrete efficiency. To illustrate this we present a full-fledged implementation together with experimental results that show improvements in online phase runtimes that go up to $5\times$ in certain settings (e.g. $45$ parties, LAN network, circuit of depth $10$ with $1$M gates).
Jakub Klemsa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Also referred to as the Holy Grail of Cryptography, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows for arbitrary calculations over encrypted data. As a basic use-case, FHE enables a User to delegate a computation over her sensitive data to a semi-trusted Cloud: in such a setup, the User provides her data $x$ encrypted to the Cloud, the Cloud evaluates a function $f$ over the encrypted data without ever decrypting it, and sends the (encrypted) result back to the User, who finally decrypts it and obtains the desired value $f(x)$. However, even after more than twelve years of advances in this field, FHE schemes are still fairly slow in evaluation, therefore any optimization is welcome.

Among existing FHE schemes, in this contribution we focus on the TFHE Scheme by Chillotti et al., which currently achieves the best evaluation times for generic functions. To be instantiated, TFHE however requires an extensive set of parameters. These parameters affect several aspects, including but not limited to the cleartext size, the bit-security level, the probability of errors and also the evaluation time. We propose, implement and evaluate a (semi-)automated approach to generate a set of TFHE parameters with particular respect to the evaluation time, given just the desired security level, cleartext precision, and a parameter that relates to the properties of the evaluated function $f$. With our tool, we re-generate some of the existing TFHE parameters, while achieving up to 39% better execution times in an equivalent setup.
Vincent Cheval, Cas Cremers, Alexander Dax, Lucca Hirschi, Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most cryptographic protocols use cryptographic hash functions as a building block. The security analyses of these protocols typically assume that the hash functions are perfect (such as in the random oracle model). However, in practice, most widely deployed hash functions are far from perfect -- and as a result, the analysis may miss attacks that exploit the gap between the model and the actual hash function used.

We develop the first methodology to systematically discover attacks on security protocols that exploit weaknesses in widely deployed hash functions. We achieve this by revisiting the gap between theoretical properties of hash functions and the weaknesses of real-world hash functions, from which we develop a lattice of threat models. For all of these threat models, we develop fine-grained symbolic models.

Our methodology's fine-grained models cannot be directly encoded in existing state-of-the-art analysis tools by just using their equational reasoning. We therefore develop extensions for the two leading tools, Tamarin and Proverif. In extensive case studies using our methodology, the extended tools rediscover all attacks that were previously reported for these protocols and discover several new variants.
Lorenzo Grassi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Motivated by new applications such as secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Homomorphic Encryption (HE), and Zero-Knowledge proofs (ZK), many MPC-, HE- and ZK-friendly symmetric-key primitives that minimize the number of multiplications over $\mathbb F_p$ for a large prime $p$ have been recently proposed in the literature. These symmetric primitive are usually defined via invertible functions, including (i) Feistel and Lai--Massey schemes and (ii) SPN constructions instantiated with invertible non-linear S-Boxes (as invertible power maps $x\mapsto x^d$). However, the ``invertibility'' property is actually never required in any of the mentioned applications.

In this paper, we discuss the possibility to set up MPC-/HE-/ZK-friendly symmetric primitives instantiated with non-invertible weak bijective functions. With respect to one-to-one correspondence functions, any output of a weak bijective function admits at most two pre-images. The simplest example of such function is the square map over $\mathbb F_p$ for a prime $p\ge 3$, for which $x^2 = (-x)^2$. When working over $\mathbb F_p^n$ for $n\gg 1$, a weak bijective function can be set up by re-considering the recent results of Grassi, Onofri, Pedicini and Sozzi as starting point. Given a quadratic local map $F:\mathbb F_p^2 \rightarrow \mathbb F_p$, they proved that the non-linear function over $\mathbb F_p^n$ for $n\ge 3$ defined as $\mathcal S_F(x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1}) = y_0\| y_1\| \ldots \| y_{n-1}$ where $y_i := F(x_i, x_{i+1})$ is never invertible. Here, we prove that -- the quadratic function $F:\mathbb F_p^2 \rightarrow \mathbb F_p$ that minimizes the probability of having a collision for $\mathcal S_F$ over $\mathbb F_p^n$ is of the form $F(x_0, x_1) = x_0^2 + x_1$ (or equivalent); -- the function $\mathcal S_F$ over $\mathbb F_p^n$ defined as before via $F(x_0, x_1) = x_0^2 + x_1$ (or equivalent) is weak bijective.

As concrete applications, we propose modified versions of the MPC-friendly schemes MiMC, HadesMiMC, and (partially of) Hydra, and of the HE-friendly schemes Masta, Pasta, and Rubato. By instantiating them with the weak bijective quadratic functions proposed in this paper, we are able to improve the security and/or the performances in the target applications/protocols.
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