International Association for Cryptologic Research

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31 December 2022

Wyatt Howe, Andrei Lapets, Frederick Jansen, Tanner Braun, Ben Getchell
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Integrating private set intersection (PSI) protocols within real-world data workflows, software applications, or web services can be challenging. This can occur because data contributors and result recipients do not have the technical expertise, information technology infrastructure, or other resources to participate throughout the execution of a protocol and/or to incur all the communication costs associated with participation. Furthermore, contemporary workflows, applications, and services are often designed around RESTful APIs that might not require contributors or recipients to remain online or to maintain state. Asynchronous delegated PSI protocol variants can better match the expectations of software engineers by (1) allowing data contributors to contribute their inputs and then to depart permanently, and (2) allowing result recipients to request their result only once they are ready to do so. However, such protocols usually accomplish this by introducing an additional party that learns some information about the size of the intersection. This work presents an asynchronous delegated PSI protocol variant that does not reveal the intersection size to the additional party. It is shown that such a protocol can have, on average, linear time and space complexity.
Agnese Gini, Pierrick Méaux
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In this article we realize a general study on the nonlinearity of weightwise perfectly balanced (WPB) functions. First, we derive upper and lower bounds on the nonlinearity from this class of functions for all $n$. Then, we give a general construction that allows us to provably provide WPB functions with nonlinearity as low as $2^{n/2-1}$ and WPB functions with high nonlinearity, at least $2^{n-1}-2^{n/2}$. We provide concrete examples in $8$ and $16$ variables with high nonlinearity given by this construction. In $8$ variables we experimentally obtain functions reaching a nonlinearity of $116$ which corresponds to the upper bound of Dobbertin's conjecture, and it improves upon the maximal nonlinearity of WPB functions recently obtained with genetic algorithms. Finally, we study the distribution of nonlinearity over the set of WPB functions. We examine the exact distribution for $n=4$ and provide an algorithm to estimate the distributions for $n=8$ and $16$, together with the results of our experimental studies for $n=8$ and $16$.
Arghya Bhattacharjee, Ritam Bhaumik, Mridul Nandi
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A nonce-respecting tweakable blockcipher is the building-block for the OCB authenticated encryption mode. An XEX-based TBC is used to process each block in OCB. However, XEX can provide at most birthday bound privacy security, whereas in Asiacrypt 2017, beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) forging security of OCB3 was shown by Bhaumik and Nandi. In this paper we study how at a small cost we can construct a nonce-respecting BBB-secure tweakable blockcipher. We propose the OTBC-3 construction, which maintains a cache that can be easily updated when used in an OCB-like mode. We show how this can be used in a BBB-secure variant of OCB with some additional keys and a few extra blockcipher calls but roughly the same amortised rate.
Navid Alamati, Giulio Malavolta, Ahmadreza Rahimi
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Trapdoor Claw-free Functions (TCFs) are two-to-one trapdoor functions where it is computationally hard to find a claw, i.e., a colliding pair of inputs. TCFs have recently seen a surge of renewed interest due to new applications to quantum cryptography: as an example, TCFs enable a classical machine to verify that some quantum computation has been performed correctly. In this work, we propose a new family of (almost two-to-one) TCFs based on conjectured hard problems on isogeny-based group actions. This is the first candidate construction that is not based on lattice-related problems and the first scheme (from any plausible post-quantum assumption) with a deterministic evaluation algorithm. To demonstrate the usefulness of our construction, we show that our TCF family can be used to devise a computational test of qubit, which is the basic building block used in the general verification of quantum computations.
Manuel B. Santos
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The DECentralized Oracle (DECO) protocol enables the verifiable provenance of data from Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections through secure two-party computation and zero-knowledge proofs. In this paper, we present PECO, an extension of DECO that enhances privacy features through the integration of two new private three-party handshake protocols (P3P-HS). PECO allows any web user to prove to a verifier the properties of data from TLS connections without disclosing the identity of the servers. Like DECO's three-party handshake protocol, PECO's P3P-HS methods do not require any changes on the server side. PECO offers two options: one that provides $k-$anonymity for the server's identity, and another that completely masks the server's identity from the verifier. PECO is based on three main protocols: (a) commit-and-proof zero-knowledge proofs (CP-ZKP) that enable the proof of relations under committed values in zero-knowledge, (b) verification of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signatures under a committed public key without revealing the key (zkAttest), and (c) a proof of membership to verify that a committed key belongs to a set of keys. We estimate the performance of both P3P-HS protocols and compare it to TLS timeout using state-of-the-art implementations.

28 December 2022

Liyi Zhou, Xihan Xiong, Jens Ernstberger, Stefanos Chaliasos, Zhipeng Wang, Ye Wang, Kaihua Qin, Roger Wattenhofer, Dawn Song, Arthur Gervais
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Within just four years, the blockchain-based Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem has accumulated a peak total value locked (TVL) of more than 253 billion USD. This surge in DeFi’s popularity has, unfortunately, been accompanied by many impactful incidents. According to our data, users, liquidity providers, speculators, and protocol operators suffered a total loss of at least 3.24 billion USD from Apr 30, 2018 to Apr 30, 2022. Given the blockchain’s transparency and increasing incident frequency, two questions arise: How can we systematically measure, evaluate, and compare DeFi incidents? How can we learn from past attacks to strengthen DeFi security?

In this paper, we introduce a common reference frame to systematically evaluate and compare DeFi incidents, including both attacks and accidents. We investigate 77 academic papers, 30 audit reports, and 181 real-world incidents. Our open data reveals several gaps between academia and the practitioners’ community. For example, few academic papers address “price oracle attacks” and “permissonless interactions”, while our data suggests that they are the two most frequent incident types (15% and 10.5% correspondingly). We also investigate potential defenses, and find that: (i) 103 (56%) of the attacks are not executed atomically, granting a rescue time frame for defenders; (ii) SoTA bytecode similarity analysis can at least detect 31 vulnerable/23 adversarial contracts; and (iii) 33 (15.3%) of the adversaries leak potentially identifiable information by interacting with centralized exchanges.
Min Zhang, Binbin Tu, Yu Chen
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Recently, Chen et al. (ASIACRYPT 2021) introduced a notion called hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE), which provides a new principle for combining public key schemes. It uses a single public key for both signature and encryption schemes, and one can derive a decryption key from the signing key but not vice versa. Whereas, they left the dual notion where the signing key can be derived from the decryption key as an open problem.

In this paper, we resolve the problem by formalizing the notion called hierarchical integrated encryption and signature (HIES). Similar to HISE, it features a unique public key for both encryption and signature components and has a two-level key derivation mechanism, but reverses the hierarchy between signing key and decryption key, i.e. one can derive a signing key from the decryption key but not vice versa. This property enables secure delegation of signing capacity in the public key reuse setting. We present a generic construction of HIES from constrained identity-based encryption. Furthermore, we instantiate our generic HIES construction and implement it. The experimental result demonstrates that our HIES scheme is comparable to the best Cartesian product combined public-key scheme in terms of efficiency, and is superior in having richer functionality as well as retaining merits of key reuse.
Asuka Wakasugi, Mitsuru Tada
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Since 2016, NIST has been standardrizing Post-Quantum Cryptosystems, PQCs. Code-Based Cryptosystem, CBC, which is considered to be one of PQCs, uses the Syndrome Decoding Problem as the basis for its security. NIST's PQC standardization project is currently in its 4th round and some CBC encryption schemes remain there. In this paper, we consider the quantum security for these cryptosystems.

27 December 2022

Navid Alamati, Sikhar Patranabis
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A hinting pseudorandom generator (PRG) is a potentially stronger variant of PRG with a ``deterministic'' form of circular security with respect to the seed of the PRG (Koppula and Waters, CRYPTO 2019). Hinting PRGs enable many cryptographic applications, most notably CCA-secure public-key encryption and trapdoor functions. In this paper, we study cryptographic primitives with the hinting property, yielding the following results:

We present a novel and conceptually simpler approach for designing hinting PRGs from certain decisional assumptions over cyclic groups or isogeny-based group actions, which enables simpler security proofs as compared to the existing approaches for designing such primitives.

We introduce hinting weak pseudorandom functions (wPRFs), a natural extension of the hinting property to wPRFs, and show how to realize circular/KDM-secure symmetric-key encryption from any hinting wPRF. We demonstrate that our simple approach for building hinting PRGs can be extended to realize hinting wPRFs from the same set of decisional assumptions.

We propose a stronger version of the hinting property, which we call the functional hinting property, that guarantees security even in the presence of hints about functions of the secret seed/key. We show how to instantiate functional hinting PRGs/wPRFs for certain (families of) functions by building upon our simple techniques for realizing plain hinting PRGs/wPRFs. We also demonstrate the applicability of a functional hinting wPRF with certain algebraic properties in realizing KDM-secure public-key encryption in a black-box manner.

We show the first black-box separation between hinting wPRFs (and hinting PRGs) from public-key encryption using simple realizations of these primitives given only a random oracle.
Reyhaneh Rabaninejad, Bin Liu, Antonis Michalas
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Secure cryptographic storage is one of the most important issues that both businesses and end-users take into account before moving their data to either centralized clouds or blockchain-based decen- tralized storage marketplace. Recent work [4 ] formalizes the notion of Proof of Storage-Time (PoSt) which enables storage servers to demonstrate non-interactive continuous availability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. The work also proposes a stateful compact PoSt construction, while leaving the stateless and transpar- ent PoSt with support for proof of replication as an open problem. In this paper, we consider this problem by constructing a proof system that enables a server to simultaneously demonstrate con- tinuous availability and dedication of unique storage resources for encoded replicas of a data file in a stateless and publicly verifi- able way. We first formalize Proof of Replication-Time (PoRt) by extending PoSt formal definition and security model to provide support for replications. Then, we provide a concrete instantia- tion of PoRt by designing a lightweight replica encoding algorithm where replicas’ failures are efficiently located through an efficient comparison-based verification process, after the data deposit period ends. PoRt’s proofs are aggregatable: the prover can take several sequentially generated proofs and efficiently aggregate them into a single, succinct proof. The protocol is also stateless in the sense that the client can efficiently extend the deposit period by incre- mentally updating the tags and without requiring to download the outsourced file replicas. We also demonstrate feasible extensions of PoRt to support dynamic data updates, and be transparent to enable its direct use in decentralized storage networks, a property not supported in previous proposals. Finally, PoRt’s verification cost is independent of both outsourced file size and deposit length.
Kaisei Kajita, Keita Emura, Kazuto Ogawa, Ryo Nojima, Go Ohtake
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Secure messaging (SM) protocols allow users to communicate securely over an untrusted infrastructure. The IETF currently works on the standardization of secure group messaging (SGM), which is SM done by a group of two or more people. Alwen et al. formally defined the key agreement protocol used in SGM as continuous group key agreement (CGKA) at CRYPTO 2020. In their CGKA protocol, all of the group members have the same rights and a trusted third party is needed. On the contrary, some SGM applications may have a user in the group who has the role of an administrator. When the administrator as the group manager (GM) is distinguished from other group members, i.e., in a one-to-many setting, it would be better for the GM and the other group members to have different authorities. We achieve this flexible autho-rization by incorporating a ratcheting digital signature scheme (Cremers et al. at USENIX Security 2021) into the existing CGKA protocol and demonstrate that such a simple modification allows us to provide flexible authorization. This one-to-many setting may be reminiscent of a multi-cast key agreement protocol proposed by Bienstock et al. at CT-RSA 2022, where GM has the role of adding and removing group members. Although the role of the GM is fixed in advance in the Bienstock et al. protocol, the GM can flexibly set the role depending on the application in our protocol. On the other hand, in Alwen et al.’s CGKA protocol, an external public key infrastructure (PKI) functionality as a trusted third party manages the confidential information of users, and the PKI can read all messages until all users update their own keys. In contrast, the GM in our protocol has the same role as the PKI functionality in the group, so no third party outside the group handles confidential informa-tion of users and thus no one except group members can read messages regardless of key updates. Our proposed protocol is useful in the creation of new applications such as broadcasting services.
Orestis Alpos, Christian Cachin
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In distributed cryptography independent parties jointly perform some cryptographic task. In the last decade distributed cryptography has been receiving more attention than ever. Distributed systems power almost all applications, blockchains are becoming prominent, and, consequently, numerous practical and efficient distributed cryptographic primitives are being deployed. The failure models of current distributed cryptographic systems, however, lack expressibility. Assumptions are only stated through numbers of parties, thus reducing this to threshold cryptography, where all parties are treated as identical and correlations cannot be described. Distributed cryptography does not have to be threshold-based. With general distributed cryptography the authorized sets, the sets of parties that are sufficient to perform some task, can be arbitrary, and are usually modeled by the abstract notion of a general access structure. Although the necessity for general cryptography has been recognized long ago and many schemes have been explored in theory, relevant practical aspects remain opaque. It is unclear how the user specifies a trust structure efficiently or how this is encoded within a scheme, for example. More importantly, implementations and benchmarks do not exist, hence the efficiency of the schemes is not known. Our work fills this gap. We show how an administrator can intuitively describe the access structure as a Boolean formula. This is then converted into encodings suitable for cryptographic primitives, specifically, into a tree data structure and a monotone span program. We focus on three general distributed cryptographic schemes: verifiable secret sharing, common coin, and distributed signatures. For each one we give the appropriate formalization and security definition in the general-trust setting. We implement the schemes and assess their efficiency against their threshold counterparts. Our results suggest that the general distributed schemes offer richer expressibility at no or insignificant extra cost. Thus, they are appropriate and ready for practical deployment.
Durba Chatterjee, Kuheli Pratihar, Aritra Hazra, Ulrich Rührmair, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
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Physically Unclonable Functions~(PUFs) with large challenge space~(also called Strong PUFs) are promoted for usage in authentications and various other cryptographic and security applications. In order to qualify for these cryptographic applications, the Boolean functions realized by PUFs need to possess a high non-linearity~(NL). However, with a large challenge space~(usually $\geq 64$ bits), measuring NL by classical techniques like Walsh transformation is computationally infeasible. In this paper, we propose the usage of a heuristic-based measure called non-homomorphicity test which estimates the NL of Boolean functions with high accuracy in spite of not needing access to the entire challenge-response set. We also combine our analysis with a technique used in linear cryptanalysis, called Piling-up lemma, to measure the NL of popular PUF compositions. As a demonstration to justify the soundness of the metric, we perform extensive experimentation by first estimating the NL of constituent Arbiter/Bistable Ring PUFs using the non-homomorphicity test, and then applying them to quantify the same for their XOR compositions namely XOR Arbiter PUFs and XOR Bistable Ring PUF. Our findings show that the metric explains the impact of various parameter choices of these PUF compositions on the NL obtained and thus promises to be used as an important objective criterion for future efforts to evaluate PUF designs. While the framework is not representative of the machine learning robustness of PUFs, it can be a useful complementary tool to analyze the cryptanalytic strengths of PUF primitives.
Jiashuo Liu, Jiongjiong Ren, Shaozhen Chen
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In CRYPTO 2019, Gohr opens up a new direction for cryptanalysis. He successfully applied deep learning to differential cryptanalysis against the NSA block cipher SPECK32/64, achieving higher accuracy than traditional differential distinguishers. Until now, one of the mainstream research directions is increasing the training sample size and utilizing different neural networks to improve the accuracy of neural distinguishers. This conversion mindset may lead to a huge number of parameters, heavy computing load, and a large number of memory in the distinguishers training process. However, in the practical application of cryptanalysis, the applicability of the attacks method in a resource-constrained environment is very important. Therefore, we focus on the cost optimization and aim to reduce network parameters for differential neural cryptanalysis.

In this paper, we propose two cost-optimized neural distinguisher improvement methods from the aspect of data format and network structure, respectively. Firstly, we obtain a partial output difference neural distinguisher using only 4-bits training data format which is constructed with a new advantage bits search algorithm based on two key improvement conditions. In addition, we perform an interpretability analysis of the new neural distinguishers whose results are mainly reflected in the relationship between the neural distinguishers, truncated differential, and advantage bits. Secondly, we replace the traditional convolution with the depthwise separable convolution to reduce the training cost without affecting the accuracy as much as possible. Overall, the number of training parameters can be reduced by less than 50\% by using our new network structure for training neural distinguishers. Finally, we apply the network structure to the partial output difference neural distinguishers. The combinatorial approach have led to a further reduction in the number of parameters (approximately 30\% of Gohr's distinguishers for SPECK).
Karim Lounis
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Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology that has been around since the late nineties. Nowadays, it is the most adopted wireless short-range communication technology in various IoT (Internet of Things) applications and on many wireless AI (Artificial Intelligent) systems. Although Wi-Fi security has significantly improved throughout the past years, it is still having some limitations. Some vulnerabilities still exist allowing attackers to generate different types of attacks. These attacks can breach the authentication, confidentiality, and data integrity of Wi-Fi systems. At the same time, many vulnerabilities have been fixed or patched, and the attacks that were relying on those vulnerabilities would fail on modern Wi-Fi systems. Therefore, it is important for security engineers, in general, and for wireless intelligent system designers, in particular, to be aware of the existing vulnerabilities and feasible attacks on modern Wi-Fi systems and their respective countermeasures. That would help them to not have to look back and care about attacks that can no longer be generated on today’s Wi-Fi systems. In this light, we devote this paper to extensively review the attacks on Wi-Fi. We group the attacks into feasible and unfeasible. Also, for each attack, we discuss the possible countermeasures to mitigate it.
Liam Eagen, Dario Fiore, Ariel Gabizon
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We present a protocol called $\mathsf{cq}$ for checking the values of a committed polynomial $f(X)\in \mathbb{F}_{
Johannes Blömer, Jan Bobolz, Henrik Bröcher
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Rational multiparty computation (rational MPC) provides a framework for analyzing MPC protocols through the lens of game theory. One way to judge whether an MPC protocol is rational is through weak domination: Rational players would not adhere to an MPC protocol if deviating never decreases their utility, but sometimes increases it. Secret reconstruction protocols are of particular importance in this setting because they represent the last phase of most (rational) MPC protocols. We show that most secret reconstruction protocols from the literature are not, in fact, rationally sound with respect to weak domination. Furthermore, we formally prove that (under certain assumptions) it is impossible to design a rationally sound secret reconstruction protocol if (1) shares are authenticated or (2) half of all players may form a coalition.
Umesh Kumar, V. Ch. Venkaiah
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A family of block ciphers parametrized by an optimal quasigroup is proposed in this paper. The proposed cipher uses sixteen $4\times 4$ bits S-boxes as an optimal quasigroup of order 16. Since a maximum of $16!$ optimal quasigroups of order 16 can be formed, the family consists of $C^{16!}_1$ cryptosystems. All the sixteen S-boxes have the highest algebraic degree and are optimal with the lowest linearity and differential characteristics. Therefore, these S-boxes are secure against linear and differential attacks. The proposed cipher is analyzed against various attacks, including linear and differential attacks, and we found it to be resistant to these attacks. The proposed cipher is implemented in C++, compared its performance with existing quasigroup based block ciphers, and we found that our proposal is more efficient than existing quasigroup based proposals. We also evaluated our cipher using various statistical tests of the NIST-STS test suite, and we found it to pass these tests. We also established in this study that the randomness of our cipher is almost the same as that of the AES-128.
Rachit Garg, Kristin Sheridan, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
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Non-interactive batch arguments for $\mathsf{NP}$ provide a way to amortize the cost of $\mathsf{NP}$ verification across multiple instances. In particular, they allow a prover to convince a verifier of multiple $\mathsf{NP}$ statements with communication that scales sublinearly in the number of instances.

In this work, we study fully succinct batch arguments for $\mathsf{NP}$ in the common reference string (CRS) model where the length of the proof scales not only sublinearly in the number of instances $T$, but also sublinearly with the size of the $\mathsf{NP}$ relation. Batch arguments with these properties are special cases of succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs); however, existing constructions of SNARGs either rely on idealized models or strong non-falsifiable assumptions. The one exception is the Sahai-Waters SNARG based on indistinguishability obfuscation. However, when applied to the setting of batch arguments, we must impose an a priori bound on the number of instances. Moreover, the size of the common reference string scales linearly with the number of instances.

In this work, we give a direct construction of a fully succinct batch argument for $\mathsf{NP}$ that supports an unbounded number of statements from indistinguishability obfuscation and one-way functions. Then, by additionally relying on a somewhere statistically binding (SSB) hash function, we show how to extend our construction to obtain a fully succinct and updatable batch argument. In the updatable setting, a prover can take a proof $\pi$ on $T$ statements $(x_1, \ldots, x_T)$ and "update" it to obtain a proof $\pi'$ on $(x_1, \ldots, x_T, x_{T + 1})$. Notably, the update procedure only requires knowledge of a (short) proof for $(x_1, \ldots, x_T)$ along with a single witness $w_{T + 1}$ for the new instance $x_{T + 1}$. Importantly, the update does not require knowledge of witnesses for $x_1, \ldots, x_T$.
Ittai Abraham, Philipp Jovanovic, Mary Maller, Sarah Meiklejohn, Gilad Stern
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In this work we present Bingo, an adaptively secure and optimally resilient packed asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (PAVSS) protocol that allows a dealer to share $f+1$ secrets or one high threshold secret with a total communication complexity of just $O(\lambda n^2)$ words. Bingo requires a public key infrastructure and a powers-of-tau setup. Using Bingo's packed secret sharing, we obtain an adaptively secure validated asynchronous Byzantine agreement (VABA) protocol that uses $O(\lambda n^3)$ expected words and constant expected time. Using this agreement protocol in combination with Bingo, we obtain an adaptively secure high threshold asynchronous distributed key generation (ADKG) of standard field element secrets that uses $O(\lambda n^3)$ expected words and constant expected time. To the best of our knowledge, Bingo is the first ADKG to have an adaptive security proof and have the same asymptotic complexity of the best known ADKG's that only have non-adaptive security proofs.
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