International Association for Cryptologic Research

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20 February 2023

Johanna Loyer, André Chailloux
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is at the foundation of lattice-based cryptography. The fastest known method to solve SVP in dimension $d$ is by lattice sieving, which runs in time $2^{td+o(d)}$ with $2^{md+o(d)}$ memory for constants $t,m \in \Theta(1)$. Searching reduced vectors in the sieve is a problem reduced to the configuration problem, \ie searching $k$ vectors satisfying given constraints over their scalar products.

In this work, we present a framework for $k$-sieve algorithms: we filter the input list of lattice vectors using a code structure modified from [BDGL16] to get lists centred around $k$ codewords summing to the null-vector. Then, we solve a simpler instance of the configuration problem in the $k$ filtered lists. Based on this framework, we describe classical sieves for $k=3$ and $4$ that introduce new time-memory trade-offs. We also use the $k$-Lists algorithm [KMPM19] inside our framework, and this improves the time for $k=3$ and gives new trade-offs for $k=4$.
Reyhane Attarian, Esfandiar Mohammadi, Tao Wang, Emad Heydari Beni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose the MixFlow model, an approach for analyzing the unobservability and unlinkability of instant messaging in Loopix Mix networks. The MixFlow model utilizes contrastive architectures and loss functions inspired by DNA sequence analysis in bioinformatics to identify semantic relationships between entry and exit flows, even after applying significant transformations such as poisson mixing delay and cover traffic. We use the MixFlow model to evaluate the resistance of Loopix Mix networks against a global passive adversary with the ability to control both ends of the network and infer real messages from cover messages. Our experimental results demonstrate that the MixFlow model is highly effective in linking end-to-end flows with a detection rate of over 90\%, challenging the common belief that adding poisson mixing delay and cover traffic can obscure the metadata patterns and relationships between communicating parties. Our findings have important implications for existing Poisson-mixing techniques and open up new opportunities for analyzing the anonymity and unlinkability of communication protocols.
FSE 2023 will take place in Beijing, China and Kobe, Japan simultaneously, on March 20-24 2023.

The registration site is now open:

17 February 2023

Canterbury, United Kingdom, 14 August - 16 August 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 14 August to 16 August 2023
Submission deadline: 20 March 2023
Notification: 5 May 2023

15 February 2023

Announcement Announcement
During CRYPTO’22 in Santa Barbara, a Women in Cryptography Networking Reception was successfully held. The attendees discussed several gender-related points they would like to be addressed by the IACR community. A resume (in bullet form) can be found here (

As a result of this, a discord “Women in Cryptography” and a website ( have been created.

We invite all people who identify as women to join the discord and the ongoing discussions there. To join, please send email with the subject line “Request to join WIC discord” to
Jiaxin Pan, Benedikt Wagner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years, due to their applications in cryptocurrencies. Most early constructions require three-round signing, and recent constructions have managed to reduce the round complexity to two. However, their security proofs are mostly based on non-standard, interactive assumptions (e.g. one-more assumptions) and come with a huge security loss, due to multiple uses of rewinding (aka the Forking Lemma). This renders the quantitative guarantees given by the security proof useless.

In this work, we improve the state of the art by proposing two efficient two-round multi-signature schemes from the (standard, non-interactive) Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. Both schemes are proven secure in the random oracle model without rewinding. We do not require any pairing either. Our first scheme supports key aggregation but has a security loss linear in the number of signing queries, and our second scheme is the first tightly secure construction.

A key ingredient in our constructions is a new homomorphic dual-mode commitment scheme for group elements, that allows to equivocate for messages of a certain structure. The definition and efficient construction of this commitment scheme is of independent interest.
Mihir Bellare, Laura Shea
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce flexible password-based encryption (FPBE), an extension of traditional password-based encryption designed to meet the operational and security needs of contemporary applications like end-to-end secure cloud storage. Operationally, FPBE supports nonces, associated data and salt reuse. Security-wise, it strengthens the usual privacy requirement, and, most importantly, adds an authenticity requirement, crucial because end-to-end security must protect against a malicious server. We give an FPBE scheme called DtE that is not only proven secure, but with good bounds. The challenge, with regard to the latter, is in circumventing partitioning-oracle attacks, which is done by leveraging key-robust (also called key-committing) encryption and a notion of authenticity with corruptions. DtE can be instantiated to yield an efficient and practical FPBE scheme for the target applications.
Shengyuan Xu, Xiutao Feng, Yongxing Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, mixed integer linear programming (MILP, in short) gradually becomes a popular tool of automated cryptanalyses in symmetric ciphers, which can be used to search differential characteristics and linear approximations with high probability/correlation. A key problem in the MILP method is how to build a proper model that can be solved efficiently in the MILP solvers like Gurobi or Cplex. It is known that a MILP problem is NP-hard, and the numbers of variables and inequalities are two important measures of its scale and time complexity. Whilst the solution space and the variables in many MILP models built for symmetric cryptanalyses are fixed without introducing dummy variables, the cardinality, i.e., the number of inequalities, is a main factor that might affect the runtime of MILP models. We notice that the norm of a MILP model, i.e., the maximal absolute value of all coefficients in its inequalities, is also an important factor affecting its runtime. In this work we will illustrate the effects of two parameters cardinality and norm of inequalities on the runtime of Gurobi by a large number of cryptanalysis experiments. Here we choose the popular MILP solver Gurobi and view it a black box, construct a large number of MILP models with different cardinalities or norms by means of differential analyses and impossible differential analyses for some classic block ciphers with SPN structure, and observe their runtimes in Gurobi. As a result, our experiments show that although minimizing the number of inequalities and the norm of coefficients might not always minimize the runtime, it is still a better choice in most situations.
Pavel Atnashev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper investigates application of Morrison primality test to numbers of $k \cdot 2^n-1$ form and finds a simple general formula, which is equivalent to Lucas–Lehmer and Lucas–Lehmer–Riesel primality tests.
Léo Ducas, Shane Gibbons
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The lattice isomorphism problem (LIP) asks one to find an isometry between two lattices. It has recently been proposed as a foundation for cryptography in two independent works [Ducas & van Woerden, EUROCRYPT 2022, Bennett et al. preprint 2021]. This problem is the lattice variant of the code equivalence problem, on which the notion of the hull of a code can lead to devastating attacks. In this work we study the cryptanalytic role of an adaptation of the hull to the lattice setting, namely, the $s$-hull. We first show that the $s$-hull is not helpful for creating an arithmetic distinguisher. More specifically, the genus of the $s$-hull can be efficiently predicted from $s$ and the original genus and therefore carries no extra information. However, we also show that the hull can be helpful for geometric attacks: for certain lattices the minimal distance of the hull is relatively smaller than that of the original lattice, and this can be exploited. The attack cost remains exponential, but the constant in the exponent is halved. This second result gives a counterexample to the general hardness conjecture of LIP proposed by Ducas & van Woerden. Our results suggests that one should be very considerate about the geometry of hulls when instantiating LIP for cryptography. They also point to unimodular lattices as attractive options, as they are equal to their dual and their hulls, leaving only the original lattice to an attacker. Remarkably, this is already the case in proposed instantiations, namely the trivial lattice $\mathbb{Z}^n$ and the Barnes-Wall lattices.
Ismail Afia, Riham AlTawy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In PKC 2014, a policy-based signature (PBS) scheme was proposed by Bellare and Fuchsbauer in which a signer can only sign messages conforming to some policy specified by an issuing authority. PBS construction supports the delegation of signing policy keys with possible restrictions to the original policy. Although the PBS scheme is meant to restrict the signing privileges of the scheme’s users, singers could easily share their signing keys with others without being held accountable since PBS does not have a tracing capability, and a signing policy key defines a policy that should be satisfied by the message only. In this work, we build on PBS and propose a traceable policy-based signature scheme (TPBS) where we employ a rerandomizable signature scheme, a digital signature scheme, and a zero-knowledge proof system as its building blocks. TPBS introduces the notion of anonymized identity keys that are used with the policy keys for signing. Thus it achieves traceability without compromising the delegatability feature of the PBS scheme. Additionally, TPBS ensures non-frameability under the assumption of a corrupted tracing authority. We define and formally prove the security notions of the generic TPBS scheme. Finally, we propose an instantiation of TPBS utilizing the Pointcheval Sanders rerandomizable signature scheme, Abe et al.’s structure-preserving signature scheme, and Groth-Sahai NIZK system, and analyze its efficiency.
Hagit Attiya, Constantin Enea, Shafik Nassar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) protocols that are based on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are attractive due to their many advantages in asynchronous blockchain systems. Many DAG-based BFT protocols rely on randomization, since they are used for agreement and ordering of transaction, which cannot be achieved deterministically in asynchronous systems. Randomization is achieved either through local sources of randomness, or by employing shared objects that provide a common source of randomness, e.g., common coins. This paper shows how to simulate DAG-based BFT protocols that use public coins and shared objects, like common coins. Our simulation is faithful in the sense that it precisely preserves the safety and liveness properties of the original BFT protocol, and in particular, their probability distributions.
Sanghyeon Park, Jeong Hyuk Lee, Seunghwa Lee, Jung Hyun Chun, Hyeonmyeong Cho, MinGi Kim, Hyun Ki Cho, Soo-Mook Moon
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The integration of web2 identities into the web3 blockchain has been a challenging area of research. Existing methods use a mapping approach, linking web2 identities to blockchain addresses, resulting in limitations such as identifier fragmentation across different blockchains. In this paper, we propose a novel solution, zero-knowledge Address Abstraction (zkAA), which eliminates the need for mapping and enables the direct use of web2 identity in the blockchain. Our solution leverages zero-knowledge proofs verified by smart contracts, allowing users to operate in the blockchain using their web2 identity without any address-related restrictions. The identity used in zkAA is based on the certificate issued by a trusted institution and registered as a hidden form in the blockchain. Our zkAA solution is implemented as a smart contract on top of the Ethereum blockchain, providing easy integration with existing systems without the need for a hardfork. We conducted an implementation and evaluation of zkAA on Ethereum, where we found that the cost of registering an abstract identity is \$7.66 and the cost of publishing an abstracted transaction is \$4.75. On Polygon, the cost is much more favorable, with a cost of \$0.02 for registering and \$0.01 for publishing, as of January 13, 2023. In addition, we found that the time taken for generating proofs for registering is approximately 9.57 seconds and the time cost for publishing is approximately 3.49 seconds on an average local machine. This suggests that the client has adequate time to generate proofs within a single block.
Hongbo Wen, Jon Stephens, Yanju Chen, Kostas Ferles, Shankara Pailoor, Kyle Charbonnet, Isil Dillig, Yu Feng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As privacy-sensitive applications based on zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) gain increasing traction, there is a pressing need to detect vulnerabilities in ZKP circuits. This paper studies common vulnerabilities in Circom (the most popular domain-specific language for ZKP circuits) and describes a static analysis framework for detecting these vulnerabilities. Our technique operates over an abstraction called the circuit dependence graph (CDG) that captures key properties of the circuit and allows expressing semantic vulnerability patterns as queries over the CDG abstraction. We have implemented 9 different detectors using this framework and perform an experimental evaluation on over 258 circuits from popular Circom projects on Github. According to our evaluation, these detectors can identify vulnerabilities, including previously unknown ones, with high precision and recall.
Nicolas Gailly, Kelsey Melissaris, Yolan Romailler
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a practical construction and implementation of timelock encryption, in which a ciphertext is guaranteed to be decryptable only after some specified time has passed. We employ an existing threshold network, the League of Entropy, implementing threshold BLS [BLS01, B03] in the context of Boneh and Franklin's identity-based encryption (IBE) [BF01]. At present this threshold network broadcasts BLS signatures over each round number, equivalent to the current time interval, and as such can be considered a decentralised key holder periodically publishing private keys for the IBE where identities are the round numbers. A noticeable advantage of this scheme is that only the encryptors and decryptors are required to perform any additional cryptographic operations; the threshold network can remain unaware of the TLE and does not have to change to support the scheme. We also release an open-source implementation of our scheme and a live web page that can be used in production now relying on the existing League of Entropy network acting as a distributed public randomness beacon service using threshold BLS signatures.
Daniel R. L. Brown
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Hecht and Scolnik proposed key agreement using rectangular matrices and determinants. This report describes an attack.
Lúcás Críostóir Meier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Universally composable (UC) security is the most widely used framework for analyzing the security of cryptographic protocols. Many variants and simplifications of the framework have been proposed and developed, nonetheless, many practitioners find UC proofs to be both difficult to construct and understand.

We remedy this situation by proposing a new framework for protocol security. We believe that our framework provides proofs that are both easier to write, but also more rigorous, and easier to understand. Our work is based on state-separable proofs allowing for modular proofs, by decomposing complicated protocols into simple components.
Julien Duman, Dominik Hartmann, Eike Kiltz, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Jonas Lehmann, Doreen Riepel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We define the Generic Group Action Model (GGAM), an adaptation of the Generic Group Model to the setting of group actions (such as CSIDH). Compared to a previously proposed definition by Montgomery and Zhandry (ASIACRYPT'22), our GGAM more accurately abstracts the security properties of group actions.

We are able to prove information-theoretic lower bounds in the GGAM for the discrete logarithm assumption, as well as for non-standard assumptions recently introduced in the setting of threshold and identification schemes on group actions. Unfortunately, in a natural quantum version of the GGAM, the discrete logarithm assumption does not hold.

To this end we also introduce the weaker Quantum Algebraic Group Action Model (QAGAM), where every set element (in superposition) output by an adversary is required to have an explicit representation relative to known elements. In contrast to the Quantum Generic Group Action Model, in the QAGAM we are able to analyze the hardness of group action assumptions: We prove (among other things) the equivalence between the discrete logarithm assumption and non-standard assumptions recently introduced in the setting of QROM security for Password-Authenticated Key Exchange, Non-Interactive Key Exchange, and Public-Key Encryption.
Philipp G. Haselwarter, Benjamin Salling Hvass, Lasse Letager Hansen, Théo Winterhalter, Catalin Hritcu, Bas Spitters
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The field of high-assurance cryptography is quickly maturing, yet a unified foundational framework for end-to-end formal verification of efficient cryptographic implementations is still missing. To address this gap, we use the Coq proof assistant to formally connect three existing tools: (1) the Hacspec emergent cryptographic specification language; (2) the Jasmin language for efficient, high-assurance cryptographic implementations; and (3) the SSProve foundational verification framework for modular cryptographic proofs. We first connect Hacspec with SSProve by devising a new translation from Hacspec specifications to imperative SSProve code. We validate this translation by considering a second, more standard translation from Hacspec to purely functional Coq code and automatically proving the equivalence of the code produced by the two translations. We further define a translation from Jasmin to SSProve, which allows us to formally reason in SSProve about efficient cryptographic implementations in Jasmin. We prove this translation correct in Coq with respect to Jasmin's operational semantics. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by giving a foundational end-to-end Coq proof of an efficient AES implementation. For this case study we start from an existing Jasmin implementation of AES that makes use of hardware acceleration, prove its security using SSProve, and also that it conforms to a specification of the AES standard written in Hacspec.
André Schrottenloher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Quantum Fourier Transform is a fundamental tool in quantum cryptanalysis. In symmetric cryptanalysis, hidden shift algorithms such as Simon's (FOCS 1994), which rely on the QFT, have been used to obtain structural attacks on some very specific block ciphers. The Fourier Transform is also used in classical cryptanalysis, for example in FFT-based linear key-recovery attacks introduced by Collard et al. (ICISC 2007). Whether such techniques can be adapted to the quantum setting has remained so far an open question.

In this paper, we introduce a new framework for quantum linear key-recovery attacks using the QFT. These attacks loosely follow the classical method of Collard et al., in that they rely on the fast computation of a ``correlation state'' in which experimental correlations, rather than being directly accessible, are encoded in the amplitudes of a quantum state. The experimental correlation is a statistic that is expected to be higher for the good key, and on some conditions, the increased amplitude creates a speedup with respect to an exhaustive search of the key. The same method also yields a new family of structural attacks, and new examples of quantum speedups beyond quadratic using classical known-plaintext queries.
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