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03 March 2023

Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, Sebastian Faust, Julian Loss, Siavash Riahi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic wallets have become an essential tool to secure users' secret keys and consequently their funds in Blockchain networks. The most prominent wallet standard that is widely adopted in practice is the BIP32 specification. This standard specifies so-called hierarchical deterministic wallets, which are organized in a tree-like structure such that each node in the tree represents a wallet instance and such that a parent node can derive a new child node in a deterministic fashion. BIP32 considers two types of child nodes, namely non-hardened and hardened nodes, which differ in the security guarantees they provide. While the corruption of a hardened wallet does not affect the security of any other wallet instance in the tree, the corruption of a non-hardened node leads to a breach of the entire scheme.

In this work, we address this significant drawback of non-hardened nodes by laying out the design for the first hierarchical deterministic wallet scheme with thresholdized non-hardened nodes. We first provide a game-based notion of threshold signatures with rerandomizable keys and show an instantiation via the Gennaro and Goldfeder threshold ECDSA scheme (CCS'18). We further observe that the derivation of hardened child wallets according to the BIP32 specification does not translate easily to the threshold setting. Therefore, we devise a new and efficient derivation mechanism for hardened wallets in the threshold setting that satisfies the same properties as the original BIP32 derivation mechanism and therefore allows for efficient constructions of BIP32-compatible threshold wallets.
Léo Colisson, Garazi Muguruza, Florian Speelman
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We provide a generic construction to turn any classical Zero-Knowledge (ZK) protocol into a composable (quantum) oblivious transfer (OT) protocol, mostly lifting the round-complexity properties and security guarantees (plain-model/statistical security/unstructured functions…) of the ZK protocol to the resulting OT protocol. Such a construction is unlikely to exist classically as Cryptomania is believed to be different from Minicrypt.

In particular, by instantiating our construction using Non-Interactive ZK (NIZK), we provide the first round-optimal (2-message) quantum OT protocol secure in the random oracle model, and round-optimal extensions to string and $k$-out-of-$n$ OT. At the heart of our construction lies a new method that allows us to prove properties on a received quantum state without revealing (too much) information on it, even in a non-interactive way and/or with statistical guarantees when using an appropriate classical ZK protocol. We can notably prove that a state has been partially measured (with arbitrary constraints on the set of measured qubits), without revealing any additional information on this set. This notion can be seen as an analog of ZK to quantum states, and we expect it to be of independent interest as it extends complexity theory to quantum languages, as illustrated by the two new complexity classes we introduce, ZKstateQIP and ZKstateQMA.
Lennart Braun, Mahak Pancholi, Rahul Rachuri, Mark Simkin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure RAM computation allows a number of parties to evaluate a function represented as a RAM program in a way that reveals nothing about the private inputs of the parties except from what is already revealed by the function output itself. In this work we present Ramen, which is a new protocol for computing RAM programs securely among three parties, tolerating up to one passive corruption. Ramen provides reasonable asymptotic guarantees and is concretely efficient at the same time. We have implemented our protocol and provide extensive benchmarks for various settings.

Asymptotically, our protocol requires a constant number of rounds and a amortized sublinear amount of communication and computation per memory access. In terms of concrete efficiency, our protocol outperforms previous solutions. For a memory of size $2^{26}$ our memory accesses are \(30\times\) faster in the LAN and \(8.7\times\) faster in the WAN setting, when compared to the previously fastest solution by Vadapalli, Henry, and Goldberg (ePrint 2022). Due to our superior asymptotic guarantees, the efficiency gap is only widening as the memory gets larger and for this reason Ramen provides the currently most scalable concretely efficient solution for securely computing RAM programs.
Rohann Bella, Xavier Bultel, Céline Chevalier, Pascal Lafourcade, Charles Olivier-Anclin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Trick-taking games are traditional card games played all over the world. There are many such games, and most of them can be played online through dedicated applications, either for fun or for betting money. However, these games have an intrinsic drawback: each player plays its cards according to several secret constraints (unknown to the other players), and if a player does not respect these constraints, the other players will not realize it until much later in the game.

In 2019, X. Bultel and P. Lafourcade proposed a cryptographic protocol for Spades in the random oracle model allowing peer-to-peer trick-taking games to be played securely without the possibility of cheating, even by playing a card that does not respect the secret constraints. However, to simulate card shuffling, this protocol requires a custom proof of shuffle with quadratic complexity in the number of cards, which makes the protocol inefficient in practice. In this paper, we improve their work in several ways. First, we extend their model to cover a broader range of games, such as those implying a set of cards set aside during the deal (for instance Triomphe or French Tarot). Then, we propose a new efficient construction for Spades in the standard model (without random oracles), where cards are represented by partially homomorphic ciphertexts. It can be instantiated by any standard generic proof of shuffle, which significantly improves the efficiency. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by giving an implementation of our protocol, and we compare the performances of the new shuffle protocol with the previous one. Finally, we give a similar protocol for French Tarot, with comparable efficiency.
Vincent Grosso, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Brice Colombier, Vlad-Florin Dragoi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Among the fourth round finalists of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process for public-key encryption algorithms and key encapsulation mechanisms, three rely on hard problems from coding theory. Key encapsulation mechanisms are frequently used in hybrid cryptographic systems: a public-key algorithm for key exchange and a secret key algorithm for communication. A major point is thus the initial key exchange that is performed thanks to a key encapsulation mechanism. In this paper, we analyze side-channel vulnerabilities of the key encapsulation mechanism implemented by the Classic McEliece cryptosystem, whose security is based on the syndrome decoding problem. We use side-channel leakages to reduce the complexity of the syndrome decoding problem by reducing the length of the code considered. The columns punctured from the original code reduce the complexity of a hard problem from coding theory. This approach leads to efficient profiled side-channel attacks that recover the session key with high success rates, even in noisy scenarios.
Daniel Escudero, Vipul Goyal, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song, Chenkai Weng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we present a novel actively secure dishonest majority MPC protocol, \textsc{SuperPack}, whose efficiency improves as the number of \emph{honest} parties increases. Concretely, let $0<\epsilon<1/2$ and consider an adversary that corrupts $t
Practically, we also compare our work with the best concretely efficient online protocol Turbospeedz (Ben-Efraim \emph{et al}, ACNS 2019), which achieves $2(1-\epsilon)n$ field elements per multiplication gate among all parties. Our online protocol improves over Turbospeedz as $n$ grows, and as $\epsilon$ approaches $1/2$. For example, if there are $90\%$ corruptions ($\epsilon=0.1$), with $n=50$ our online protocol is $1.5\times$ better than Turbospeedz and with $n=100$ this factor is $3\times$, but for $70\%$ corruptions ($\epsilon=0.3$) with $n=50$ our online protocol is $3.5\times$ better, and for $n=100$ this factor is $7\times$.

Our circuit-dependent preprocessing can be instantiated from OLE/VOLE. The amount of OLE/VOLE correlations required in our work is a factor of $\approx \epsilon n/2$ smaller than these required by Le Mans (Rachuri and Scholl, CRYPTO 2022) leveraged to instantiate the preprocessing of Turbospeedz. Our dishonest majority protocol relies on packed secret-sharing and leverages ideas from the honest majority \textsc{TurboPack} (Escudero \emph{et al}, CCS 2022) protocol to achieve concrete efficiency for any circuit topology, not only SIMD. We implement both \textsc{SuperPack} and Turbospeedz and verify with experimental results that our approach indeed leads to more competitive runtimes in distributed environments with a moderately large number of parties.
Khashayar Barooti, Giulio Malavolta, Michael Walter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum public-key encryption [Gottesman; Kawachi et al., Eurocrypt’05] generalizes public-key encryption (PKE) by allowing the public keys to be quantum states. Prior work indicated that quantum PKE can be constructed from assumptions that are potentially weaker than those needed to realize its classical counterpart. In this work, we show that quantum PKE can be constructed from any quantum-secure one-way function. In contrast, classical PKE is believed to require more structured assumptions. Our construction is simple, uses only classical ciphertexts, and satisfies the strong notion of CCA security.
Marco Macchetti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe a new related nonce attack able to extract the original signing key from a small collection of ECDSA signatures generated with weak PRNGs. Under suitable conditions on the modulo order of the PRNG, we are able to attack linear, quadratic, cubic as well as arbitrary degree recurrence relations (with unknown coefficients) with few signatures and in negligible time. We also show that for any collection of randomly generated ECDSA nonces, there is one more nonce that can be added following the implicit recurrence relation, and that would allow retrieval of the private key; we exploit this fact to present a novel rogue nonce attack against ECDSA. Up to our knowledge, this is the first known attack exploiting generic and unknown high-degree algebraic relations between nonces that do not require assumptions on the value of single bits or bit sequences (e.g. prefixes and suffixes).
Ecublens, Switzerland, 1 May - 3 May 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 1 May to 3 May 2023
Simula UiB, Bergen, Norway
Job Posting Job Posting

Project/Job description: The Ph.D. candidate will be supervised by Helger Lipmaa ( on topics related to zk-SNARKs and zero-knowledge and their various applications (cryptocurrencies, verifiable computation, e-voting, to name a few). Zk-SNARKs have become excessively popular during the last few years due to their application in privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies. We expect the focus to be at least partially on post-quantum secure zk-SNARKs.

Candidate Profile: a completed MSc degree in cryptography or related areas (in particular, theoretical computer science, including algorithms and/or complexity theory, and mathematics). We will also consider applicants who are in the final phase of their MSc studies. We expect an excellent academic track record, including top grades. The student should be at home both in theory and practice: a good background in mathematics and TCS is particularly expected but having both this and an ability to read and write code is also useful. We value strong motivation with a combination of teamwork and the ability to work alone.

About Simula UiB ( Simula UiB is a research center owned by the Simula Research Laboratory AS and the University of Bergen (UiB). Simula UiB has a large research group in cryptography and information theory, with eight faculty members who regularly publish at IACR conferences. The student will officially defend at UiB.

Simula UiB offers: modern office facilities located in downtown Bergen (“the gateway to the fjords”). A competitive salary starting from 501200 NOK (approx 45000-50000 euros, depending on the exchange rate). Emphasis on work-life balance. Numerous additional benefits.

Closing date for applications: 31.03.2023 but earlier application is encouraged

Research group homepage:

Apply at: (early application Is encouraged)

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Helger Lipmaa

More information:

Cryptology Group, CWI Amsterdam and Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Job Posting Job Posting

Descryption. The CWI Cryptology group in Amsterdam and the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University offer a joint PhD position on the topic of Post-Quantum Cryptanalysis. The goal is to advance the state of the art in post-quantum cryptanalysis for the schemes that are currently being standardized. This ranges from improving our understanding in the fundamental computational problems underlying these important quantum-safe schemes, to improving the state of the art in cryptanalytic attacks, e.g., in more refined memory models.

Requirements. Candidates are required to have a master’s degree in mathematics or in computer science. Experience in one or more of these relevant background areas is an advantage: cryptography, algorithms, number theory, coding theory, and quantum algorithms. Some programming skills are expected. Candidates are expected to have an excellent command of English.

Information and application. All applications should include a detailed resume and motivation letter. The application deadline is 31 March 2023. Please visit the vacancy page (click the title) for more information about our terms of employment.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Marc Stevens (, Peter Bruin (

More information:


01 March 2023

Eleni Agathocleous, Vishnupriya Anupindi, Annette Bachmayr, Chloe Martindale, Rahinatou Yuh Njah Nchiwo, Mima Stanojkovski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In [15], Leonardi and Ruiz-Lopez propose an additively homomorphic public key encryption scheme whose security is expected to depend on the hardness of the $\textit{learning homomorphism with noise problem}$ (LHN). Choosing parameters for their primitive requires choosing three groups $G$, $H$, and $K$. In their paper, Leonardi and Ruiz-Lopez claim that, when $G$, $H$, and $K$ are abelian, then their public-key cryptosystem is not quantum secure. In this paper, we study security for finite abelian groups $G$, $H$, and $K$ in the classical case. Moreover, we study quantum attacks on instantiations with solvable groups.
Brandon Goodell, Aaron Feickert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present Fusion, a post-quantum one-time digital signature scheme with non-interactive aggregation with security resting on the short integer solution problem over ideal lattices. Fusion is structurally similar to CRYSTALS-Dilithium, but Fusion is based upon the aggregatable one-time lattice-based scheme by Boneh and Kim. Fusion parameters conservatively target at least 128 bits of security against forgery, taking tightness gaps into account, and with tighter bounds than the BK scheme. Aggregate Fusion signatures are logarithmically sized in the number of keys, so aggregating enough signatures can be more efficient than stacking Dilithium or Falcon signatures.
Léo Ducas, Ludo Pulles
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Guo and Johansson (ASIACRYPT 2021), and MATZOV (tech.~report 2022) have independently claimed improved attacks against various NIST lattice candidate by adding a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) trick on top of the so-called Dual-Sieve attack. Recently, there was more follow up work in this line adding new practical improvements.

However, from a theoretical perspective, all of these works are painfully specific to Learning with Errors, while the principle of the Dual-Sieve attack is more general (Laarhoven & Walter, CT-RSA 2021). More critically, all of these works are based on heuristics that have received very little theoretical and experimental attention.

This work attempts to rectify the above deficiencies of the literature. We first propose a generalization of the FFT trick by Guo and Johansson to arbitrary Bounded Distance Decoding instances. This generalization offers a new improvement to the attack.

We then theoretically explore the underlying heuristics and show that these are in contradiction with formal, unconditional theorems in some regimes, and with well-tested heuristics in other regimes. The specific instantiations of the recent literature fall into this second regime.

We confirm these contradictions with experiments, documenting several phenomena that are not predicted by the analysis, including a ``waterfall-floor'' phenomenon, reminiscent of Low-Density Parity-Check decoding failures.

We conclude that the success probability of the recent Dual-Sieve-FFT attacks are presumably significantly overestimated. We further discuss the adequate way forward towards fixing the attack and its analysis.
Kamil Kluczniak, Giacomo Santato
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic allows one to encrypt discretized real/complex numbers and evaluate arithmetic circuits over them. The first scheme, called CKKS, was introduced by Cheon et al. (Asiacrypt 2017) and gained tremendous attention. The hype for CKKS-type encryption stems from its potential to be used in inference or multiparty computation tasks that do not require the exact output, for example, inference and training of machine learning models.

A desirable property for homomorphic encryption is circuit privacy, which requires that a ciphertext leaks no information on the computation performed to obtain it. Despite numerous improvements, directed toward improving efficiency, the question of circuit privacy for approximate homomorphic encryption remains open.

In this paper, we give the first formal study of circuit privacy for homomorphic encryption over approximate arithmetic. We introduce formal models that allow us to reason about circuit privacy. Then, we show that approximate homomorphic encryption can be made circuit private using tools from differential privacy with appropriately chosen parameters. In particular, we show that by applying an exponential (in the security parameter) Gaussian noise on the evaluated ciphertext, we remove useful information on the circuit from the ciphertext. Crucially, we show that the noise parameter is tight, and taking a lower one leads to an efficient adversary against such a system.

We expand our definitions and analysis to the case of multikey and threshold homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic. Such schemes allow users to evaluate a function on their combined inputs and learn the output without leaking anything on the inputs. A special case of multikey and threshold encryption schemes defines a so-called partial decryption algorithm where each user publishes a ``masked'' version of its secret key, allowing all users to decrypt a ciphertext. Similarly, in this case, we show that applying a proper differentially private mechanism gives us IND-CPA-style security where the adversary additionally gets as input the partial decryptions. This is the first security analysis of approximate homomorphic encryption schemes that consider the knowledge of partial decryptions. We show lower bounds on the differential privacy noise that needs to be applied to retain security. Analogously, in the case of circuit privacy, the noise must be exponential in the security parameter. We conclude by showing the impact of the noise on the precision of CKKS-type schemes.
Hu Xiaobo, Xu Shengyuan, Tu Yinzi, Feng Xiutao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, the automatic search has been widely used to search differential characteristics and linear approximations with high probability/correlation. Among these methods, the automatic search with the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT, in short) gradually becomes a powerful cryptanalysis tool in symmetric ciphers. A key problem in the automatic search method is how to fully characterize a set $S \subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ with as few Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF, in short) clauses as possible, which is called a full CNF characterization (FCC, in short) problem. In this work, we establish a complete theory to solve a best solution of a FCC problem. Specifically, we start from plain sets, which can be characterized by exactly one clause. By exploring mergeable sets, we find a sufficient and necessary condition for characterizing a plain set. Based on the properties of plain sets, we further provide an algorithm for solving a FCC problem with $S$, which can generate all the minimal plain closures of $S$ and produce a best FCC theoretically. We also apply our algorithm to S-boxes used in block ciphers to characterize their differential distribution tables and linear approximation tables. All of our FCCs are the best-known results at present.

28 February 2023

Yonglin Hao, Qingju Wang, Lin Jiao, Xinxin Gong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The signed difference is a powerful tool for analyzing the Addition, XOR, Rotation (ARX) cryptographic primitives. Currently, solving the accurate model for the signed difference propagation is infeasible. We propose an approximate MILP modeling method capturing the propagation rules of signed differences. Unlike the accurate signed difference model, the approximate model only focuses on active bits and ignores the possible bit conditions on inactive bits. To overcome the negative effect of a lower accuracy arising from ignoring bit conditions on inactive bits, we propose an additional tool for deducing all bit conditions automatically. Such a tool is based on a directed-graph capturing the whole computation process of ARX primitives by drawing links among intermediate words and operations. The digraph is also applicable in the MILP model construction process: it enables us to identify the parameters upper bounding the number of bit conditions so as to define the objective function; it is further used to connect the boomerang top and bottom signed differential paths by introducing proper constraints to avoid incompatible intersections. Benefiting from the approximate model and the directed-graph based tool, the solving time of the new MILP model is significantly reduced, enabling us to deduce signed differential paths efficiently and accurately.

To show the utility of our method, we propose boomerang attacks on the keyed permutations of three ARX hash functions of BLAKE. For the first time we mount an attack on the full 7 rounds of BLAKE3, with the complexity as low as $2^{180}$. Our best attack on BLAKE2s can improve the previously best result by 0.5 rounds but with lower complexity. The attacks on BLAKE-256 cover the same 8 rounds with the previous best result but with complexity $2^{16}$ times lower. All our results are verified practically with round-reduced boomerang quartets.
Mihir Bellare, Hannah Davis, Zijing Di
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider a transform, called Derive-then-Derandomize, that hardens a given signature scheme against randomness failure and implementation error. We prove that it works. We then give a general lemma showing indifferentiability of Shrink-MD, a class of constructions that apply a shrinking output transform to an MD-style hash function. Armed with these tools, we give new proofs for the widely standardized and used EdDSA signature scheme, improving prior work in two ways: (1) we give proofs for the case that the hash function is an MD-style one, reflecting the use of SHA512 in the NIST standard, and (2) we improve the tightness of the reduction so that one has guarantees for group sizes in actual use.
Simone Colombo, Kirill Nikitin, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David J. Wu, Bryan Ford
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces protocols for authenticated private information retrieval. These schemes enable a client to fetch a record from a remote database server such that (a) the server does not learn which record the client reads, and (b) the client either obtains the "authentic" record or detects server misbehavior and safely aborts. Both properties are crucial for many applications. Standard private-information-retrieval schemes either do not ensure this form of output authenticity, or they require multiple database replicas with an honest majority. In contrast, we offer multi-server schemes that protect security as long as at least one server is honest. Moreover, if the client can obtain a short digest of the database out of band, then our schemes require only a single server. Performing an authenticated private PGP-public-key lookup on an OpenPGP key server's database of 3.5 million keys (3 GiB), using two non-colluding servers, takes under 1.2 core-seconds of computation, essentially matching the time taken by unauthenticated private information retrieval. Our authenticated single-server schemes are 30-100$\times$ more costly than state-of-the-art unauthenticated single-server schemes, though they achieve incomparably stronger integrity properties.
Ethan Heilman, Lucie Mugnier, Athanasios Filippidis, Sharon Goldberg, Sebastien Lipman, Yuval Marcus, Mike Milano, Sidhartha Premkumar, Chad Unrein
ePrint Report ePrint Report
OpenPubkey makes a client-side modification to OpenID Connect so that an ID Token issued by an OpenID Provider commits to a user held public key. This transforms an ID Token into a certificate that cryptographically binds an OpenID Connect identity to a public key. We call such an ID Token, a PK Token. The user can then sign messages with their signing key and these signatures can be authenticated and attributed to the user’s OpenID Connect identity. This allows OpenPubkey to upgrade OpenID Connect from Bearer Authentication to Proof-of-Possession, eliminating trust assumptions in OpenID Connect and defeating entire categories of attacks present in OpenID Connect. OpenPubkey was designed to satisfy a decade-long need for this functionality. Prior to OpenPubkey, OpenID Connect did not have a secure way for users to sign statements under their OpenID identities.

OpenPubkey is transparent to users and OpenID Providers. An OpenID Provider can not even determine that OpenPubkey is being used. This makes OpenPubkey fully compatible with existing OpenID Providers. In fact a variant of OpenPubkey is currently deployed and used to authenticate signed messages and identities for users with accounts on Google, Microsoft, Okta, and Onelogin. OpenPubkey does not add new trusted parties to OpenID Connect and reduces preexisting trust assumptions. If used in tandem with our MFA-cosigner, OpenPubkey can maintain security even against a malicious OpenID Provider (the most trusted party in OpenID Connect).
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