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27 March 2023

Boris Ryabko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of constructing an unconditionally secure cipher with a short key for the case where the probability distribution of encrypted messages is unknown. Note that unconditional security means that an adversary with no computational constraints can obtain only a negligible amount of information ("leakage") about an encrypted message (without knowing the key). Here we consider the case of a priori (partially) unknown message source statistics. More specifically, the message source probability distribution belongs to a given family of distributions. We propose an unconditionally secure cipher for this case. As an example, one can consider constructing a single cipher for texts written in any of the languages of the European Union. That is, the message to be encrypted could be written in any of these languages.
Hannah Davis, Matthew Green, Nadia Heninger, Keegan Ryan, Adam Suhl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we study both the implications and potential impact of backdoored parameters for two RSA-based pseudorandom number generators: the ISO-standardized Micali-Schnorr generator and a closely related design, the RSA PRG. We observe, contrary to common understanding, that the security of the Micali-Schnorr PRG is not tightly bound to the difficulty of inverting RSA. We show that the Micali-Schnorr construction remains secure even if one replaces RSA with a publicly evaluatable PRG, or a function modeled as an efficiently invertible random permutation. This implies that any cryptographic backdoor must somehow exploit the algebraic structure of RSA, rather than an attacker's ability to invert RSA or the presence of secret keys. We exhibit two such backdoors in related constructions: a family of exploitable parameters for the RSA PRG, and a second vulnerable construction for a finite-field variant of Micali-Schnorr. We also observe that the parameters allowed by the ISO standard are incompletely specified, and allow insecure choices of exponent. Several of our backdoor constructions make use of lattice techniques, in particular multivariate versions of Coppersmith's method for finding small solutions to polynomials modulo integers.
Karim Eldefrawy, Sashidhar Jakkamsetti, Ben Terner, Moti Yung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The introduction of time-lock puzzles initiated the study of publicly “sending information into the future.” For time-lock puzzles, the underlying security-enabling mechanism is the computational complexity of the operations needed to solve the puzzle, which must be tunable to reveal the solution after a predetermined time, and not before that time. Time-lock puzzles are typically constructed via a commitment to a secret, paired with a reveal algorithm that sequentially iterates a basic function over such commitment. One then shows that short-cutting the iterative process violates cryptographic hardness of an underlying problem.

To date, and for more than twenty-five years, research on time-lock puzzles relied heavily on iteratively applying well-structured algebraic functions. However, despite the tradition of cryptography to reason about primitives in a realistic model with standard hardness assumptions (often after initial idealized assumptions), most analysis of time-lock puzzles to date still relies on cryptography modeled (in an ideal manner) as a random oracle function or a generic group function. Moreover, Mahmoody et al. showed that time-lock puzzles with superpolynomial gap cannot be constructed from random-oracles; yet still, current treatments generally use an algebraic trapdoor to efficiently construct a puzzle with a large time gap, and then apply the inconsistent (with respect to Mahmoody et al.) random-oracle idealizations to analyze the solving process. Finally, little attention has been paid to the nuances of composing multi-party computation with timed puzzles that are solved as part of the protocol.

In this work, we initiate a study of time-lock puzzles in a model built upon a realistic (and falsifiable) computational framework. We present a new formal definition of residual complexity to characterize a realistic, gradual time-release for time-lock puzzles. We also present a general definition of timed multi-party computation (MPC) and both sequential and concurrent composition theorems for MPC in our model.
René Rodríguez, Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang, Yongzhuang Wei
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this article, we propose generalizations to the non-binary scenario of the methods employed in [44] for constructing minimal linear codes. Specifically, we provide three constructions of minimal codes over $\mathbb{F}_p$. The first construction uses the method of direct sum of an arbitrary function $f:\mathbb{F}_{p^r}\to \mathbb{F}_{p}$ and a bent function $g:\mathbb{F}_{p^s}\to \mathbb{F}_p$ to induce minimal codes with parameters $[p^{r+s}-1,r+s+1]$ and minimum distance larger than $p^r(p-1)(p^{s-1}-p^{s/2-1})$. For the first time, we provide a general construction of linear codes from a subclass of non-weakly regular plateaued functions. The second construction deals with a bent function $g:\mathbb{F}_{p^m}\to \mathbb{F}_p$ and a subspace of suitable derivatives $U$ of $g$, i.e., functions of the form $g(y+a)-g(y)$ for some $a\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}^*.$ We also provide a generalization of the recently introduced concept of non-covering permutations [44] and prove important properties of this class of permutations. The most notable observation is that the class of non-covering permutations contains the class of APN power permutations (characterized by having two-to-one derivatives). Finally, the last construction combines the previous two methods (direct sum, non-covering permutations and subspaces of derivatives) to construct minimal codes with a larger dimension. This method proves to be quite flexible since it can lead to several non-equivalent codes, depending exclusively on the choice of the underlying non-covering permutation.
Benjamin Case, Richa Jain, Alex Koshelev, Andy Leiserson, Daniel Masny, Ben Savage, Erik Taubeneck, Martin Thomson, Taiki Yamaguchi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Measuring people’s interactions that span multiple websites can provide unique insight that enables better products and improves people’s experiences, but directly observing people’s individual journeys creates privacy risks that conflict with the newly emerging privacy model for the web. We propose a protocol that uses the combination of multi-party computation and differential privacy that enables the processing of peoples’ data such that only aggregate measurements are revealed, strictly limiting the information leakage about individual people. Our primary application of this protocol is measuring, in aggregate, the effectiveness of digital advertising without enabling cross-site tracking of individuals. In this paper we formalize our protocol, Interoperable Private Attribution (IPA), and analyze its security. IPA is proposed in the W3C’s Private Advertising Technology Community Group (PATCG) [8]. We have implemented our protocol in the malicious honest majority MPC setting for three parties where network costs dominate compute costs. For processing a query with 1M records it uses around 18GiB of network which at \$0.08 per GiB leads to a network cost of \$1.44.
Pierrick Dartois, Antonin Leroux, Damien Robert, Benjamin Wesolowski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce SQISignHD, a new post-quantum digital signature scheme inspired by SQISign. SQISignHD exploits the recent algorithmic breakthrough underlying the attack on SIDH, which allows to efficiently represent isogenies of arbitrary degrees as components of a higher dimensional isogeny. SQISignHD overcomes the main drawbacks of SQISign. First, it scales well to high security levels, since the public parameters for SQISignHD are easy to generate: the characteristic of the underlying field needs only be of the form $2^{f}3^{f'}-1$. Second, the signing procedure is simpler and more efficient. Third, the scheme is easier to analyse, allowing for a much more compelling security reduction. Finally, the signature sizes are even more compact than (the already record-breaking) SQISign, with compressed signatures as small as 105 bytes for the post-quantum NIST-1 level of security. These advantages may come at the expense of the verification, which now requires the computation of an isogeny in dimension $4$, a task whose optimised cost is still uncertain, as it has been the focus of very little attention.
Ky Nguyen, Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Research on (Decentralized) Multi-Client Functional Encryption (or (D)MCFE) is very active, with interesting constructions, especially for the class of inner products. However, the security notions have been evolving over the time. While the target of the adversary in distinguishing ciphertexts is clear, legitimate scenarios that do not consist of trivial attacks on the functionality are less obvious. In this paper, we wonder whether only trivial attacks are excluded from previous security games. And, unfortunately, this was not the case. We then propose a stronger security notion, with a large definition of admissible attacks, and prove it is optimal: any extension of the set of admissible attacks is actually a trivial attack on the functionality, and not against the specific scheme. In addition, we show that all the previous constructions are insecure w.r.t. this new security notion. Eventually, we propose new DMCFE schemes for the class of inner products that provide the new features and achieve this stronger security notion.
Mirek Kutylowski, Giuseppe Persiano, Duong Hieu Phan, Moti Yung, Marcin Zawada
ePrint Report ePrint Report
s part of the responses to the ongoing ``crypto wars,'' the notion of {\em Anamorphic Encryption} was put forth [Persiano-Phan-Yung Eurocrypt '22]. The notion allows private communication in spite of a dictator who (in violation of the usual normative conditions under which Cryptography is developed) is engaged in an extreme form of surveillance and/or censorship, where it asks for all private keys and knows and may even dictate all messages. The original work pointed out efficient ways to use two known schemes in the anamorphic mode, bypassing the draconian censorship and hiding information from the all-powerful dictator. A question left open was whether these examples are outlier results or whether anamorphic mode is pervasive in existing systems.

Here we answer the above question: we develop new techniques, expand the notion, and show that the notion of Anamorphic Cryptography is, in fact, very much prevalent.

We first refine the notion of Anamorphic Encryption with respect to the nature of covert communication. Specifically, we distinguish {\em Single-Receiver Encryption} for many to one communication, and {\em Multiple-Receiver Encryption} for many to many communication within the group of conspiring (against the dictator) users. We then show that Anamorphic Encryption can be embedded in the randomness used in the encryption, and give families of constructions that can be applied to numerous ciphers. In total the families cover classical encryption schemes, some of which in actual use (RSA-OAEP, Pailler, Goldwasser-Micali, ElGamal schemes, Cramer-Shoup, and Smooth Projective Hash based systems). Among our examples is an anamorphic channel with much higher capacity than the regular channel. In sum, the work shows the very large extent of the potential futility of control and censorship over the use of strong encryption by the dictator (typical for and even stronger than governments engaging in the ongoing ``crypto-wars''): While such limitations obviously hurt utility which encryption typically brings to safety in computing systems, they essentially, are not helping the dictator. The actual implications of what we show here and what does it mean in practice require further policy and legal analyses and perspectives.
Wissam Ghantous, Federico Pintore, Mattia Veroni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this note we assess the efficiency of a SIDH-based digital signature built on a diminished variant of a recent identification protocol proposed by Basso et al. Despite the devastating attacks against the mathematical problem underlying SIDH, this identification protocol remains secure, as its security is backed by a different (and more standard) isogeny-finding problem. We conduct our analysis by applying some known cryptographic techniques to decrease the signature size by about 70% for all parameter sets (obtaining signatures of approximately 21 KB for SIKEp434). Moreover, we propose a minor optimisation to compute many isogenies in parallel from the same starting curve. Our assessment confirms that the problem of designing a practical isogeny-based signature scheme remains largely open. However, concretely determine the current state of the art which future optimisations can compare to appears to be of relevance for a problem which has witnessed only small steps towards a solution.
Thomas Aulbach, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This note describes a polynomial-time key-recovery attack on the UOV-based signature scheme called MQ-Sign. The scheme is a first-round candidate in the Korean Post-Quantum Cryptography Competition. Our attack exploits the sparsity of the secret central polynomials in combination with the specific structure of the secret linear map $S$. We provide a verification script that recovers the secret key in less than seven seconds for security level 5.
Pranav Shriram A, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, Bhavish Raj Gopal, Somya Sangal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure shuffle is an important primitive that finds use in several applications such as secure electronic voting, oblivious RAMs, secure sorting, to name a few. For time-sensitive shuffle-based applications that demand a fast response time, it is essential to design a fast and efficient shuffle protocol. In this work, we design secure and fast shuffle protocols relying on the techniques of secure multiparty computation. We make several design choices that aid in achieving highly efficient protocols. Specifically, we consider malicious 3-party computation setting with an honest majority and design robust ring-based protocols. Our shuffle protocols provide a fast online (i.e., input-dependent) phase compared to the state-of-the-art for the considered setting.

To showcase the efficiency improvements brought in by our shuffle protocols, we consider two distinct applications of anonymous broadcast and secure graph computation via the GraphSC paradigm. In both cases, multiple shuffle invocations are required. Hence, going beyond standalone shuffle invocation, we identify two distinct scenarios of multiple invocations and provide customised protocols for the same. Further, we showcase that our customized protocols not only provide a fast response time, but also provide improved overall run time for multiple shuffle invocations. With respect to the applications, we not only improve in terms of efficiency, but also work towards providing improved security guarantees, thereby outperforming the respective state-of-the-art works. We benchmark our shuffle protocols and the considered applications to analyze the efficiency improvements with respect to various parameters.
Dustin Kern, Christoph Krauß, Timm Lauser, Nouri Alnahawi, Alexander Wiesmaier, Ruben Niederhagen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
ISO 15118 enables charging and billing of Electric Vehicles (EVs) without user interaction by using locally installed cryptographic credentials that must be secure over the long lifetime of vehicles. In the dawn of quantum computers, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) needs to be integrated into the EV charging infrastructure. In this paper, we propose QuantumCharge, a PQC extension for ISO 15118, which includes concepts for migration, crypto-agility, verifiable security, and the use of PQC-enabled hardware security modules. Our prototypical implementation and the practical evaluation demonstrate the feasibility, and our formal analysis shows the security of QuantumCharge, which thus paves the way for secure EV charging infrastructures of the future.

26 March 2023

University of Surrey
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a research/senior research fellow for 2 years in the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security. The post is to conduct research in secure systems. The area of focus will be systems architectures and formal verification and the application area of interest is primarily systems that require the provision of authentication and attestation. The centre is renowned for its security, distributed systems and verification research with leading publications, excellent links with industry and international standard bodies. It is an exiting time to join the centre as we are already working on research in the areas of passwordless authentication, swarm attestation and much more.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Helen Treharne (

More information:


24 March 2023

Mathieu Gross, Robert Kunzelmann, Georg Sigl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
FPGA-SoCs are a popular platform for accelerating a wide range of applications due to their performance and flexibility. From a security point of view, these systems have been shown to be vulnerable to various attacks, especially side-channel attacks where an attacker can obtain the secret key of a cryptographic algorithm via laboratory mea- surement equipment or even remotely with sensors implemented inside the FPGA logic itself. Fortunately, a variety of countermeasures on the algorithmic level have been proposed to mitigate this threat. Beyond side- channel attacks, covert channels constitute another threat which enables communication through a hidden channel. In this work, we demonstrate the possibility of implementing a covert channel between the CPU and an FPGA by modulating the usage of the Power Distribution Network. We show that this resource is especially vulnerable since it can be easily controlled and observed, resulting in a stealthy communication and a high transmission data rate. The power usage is modulated using simple and inconspicuous instructions executed on the CPU. Additionally, we use Time-to-Digital Converter sensors to observe these power variations. The sensor circuits are programmed into the FPGA fabric using only standard logic components. Our covert channel achieves a transmission rate of up to 16.7 kbit/s combined with an error rate of 2.3%. Besides a good transmission quality, our covert channel is also stealthy and can be used as an activation function for a hardware trojan.
Yu Li, Li-Ping Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With the advancement of NIST PQC standardization, three of the four candidates in Round 4 are code-based schemes, namely Classic McEliece, HQC and BIKE. Currently, one of the most important tasks is to further analyze their security levels for the suggested parameter sets. At PKC 2022 Esser and Bellini restated the major information set decoding (ISD) algorithms by using nearest neighbor search and then applied these ISD algorithms to estimate the bit security of Classic McEliece, HQC and BIKE under the suggested parameter sets. However, all major ISD algorithms consume a large amount of memory, which in turn affects their time complexities. In this paper, we reestimate the bit-security levels of the parameter sets suggested by these three schemes in low memory by applying $K$-list sum algorithms to ISD algorithms. Compared with Esser-Bellini's results, our results achieve the best gains for Classic McEliece, HQC, and BIKE, with reductions in bit-security levels of $11.09$, $12.64$, and $12.19$ bits, respectively.
Fabrice Benhamouda, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin, Yiping Ma
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe high-throughput threshold protocols with guaranteed output delivery for generating Schnorr-type signatures. The protocols run a single message-independent interactive ephemeral randomness generation procedure (e.g., DKG) followed by a \emph{non-interactive} multi-message signature generation procedure. The protocols offer significant increase in throughput already for as few as ten parties while remaining highly-efficient for many hundreds of parties with thousands of signatures generated per minute (and over 10,000 in normal optimistic case).

These protocols extend seamlessly to the dynamic/proactive setting, where each run of the protocol uses a new committee, and they support sub-sampling the committees from among an effectively unbounded number of nodes. The protocols work over a broadcast channel in both synchronous and asynchronous networks.

The combination of these features makes our protocols a good match for implementing a signature service over an (asynchronous) public blockchain with many validators, where guaranteed output delivery is an absolute must. In that setting, there is a system-wide public key, where the corresponding secret signature key is distributed among the validators. Clients can submit messages (under suitable controls, e.g. smart contracts), and authorized messages are signed relative to the global public key.

Asymptotically, when running with committees of $n$ parties, our protocols can generate $\Omega(n^2)$ signatures per run, while providing resilience against $\Omega(n)$ corrupted nodes, and using broadcast bandwidth of only $O(n^2)$ group elements and scalars. For example, we can sign about $n^2/16$ messages using just under $2n^2$ total bandwidth while supporting resilience against $n/4$ corrupted parties, or sign $n^2/8$ messages using just over $2n^2$ total bandwidth with resilience against $n/5$ corrupted parties.

We prove security of our protocols by reduction to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the random-oracle model.
Hyungrok Jo, Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a tightly secure identity-based signature (IBS) scheme based on the supersingular isogeny problems. Although Shaw and Dutta proposed an isogeny-based IBS scheme with provable security, the security reduction is non-tight. For an IBS scheme with concrete security, the tightness of its security reduction affects the key size and signature size. Hence, it is reasonable to focus on a tight security proof for an isogeny-based IBS scheme. In this paper, we propose an isogeny-based IBS scheme based on the lossy CSI-FiSh signature scheme and give a tight security reduction for this scheme. While the existing isogeny-based IBS has the square-root advantage loss in the security proof, the security proof for our IBS scheme avoids such advantage loss, due to the properties of lossy CSI-FiSh.
Keita Emura
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Chen et al. (IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2022) introduced dual-server public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (DS-PAEKS), and proposed a DS-PAEKS scheme under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of DS-PAEKS from PAEKS, public key encryption, and signatures. By providing a concrete attack, we show that the DS-PAEKS scheme of Chen et al. is vulnerable. That is, the proposed generic construction yields the first DS-PAEKS schemes. Our attack with a slight modification works against the Chen et al. dual-server public key encryption with keyword search (DS-PEKS) scheme (IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2016). Moreover, we demonstrate that the Tso et al. generic construction of DS-PEKS from public key encryption (IEEE Access 2020) is also vulnerable. We also analyze other pairing-free PAEKS schemes (Du et al., Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 and Lu and Li, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2022). Though we did not find any attack against these schemes, we show that at least their security proofs are wrong.
Shuichi Hirahara, Rahul Ilango, Zhenjian Lu, Mikito Nanashima, Igor C. Oliveira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Symmetry of Information (SoI) is a fundamental property of Kolmogorov complexity that relates the complexity of a pair of strings and their conditional complexities. Understanding if this property holds in the time-bounded setting is a longstanding open problem. In the nineties, Longpré and Mocas (1993) and Longpré and Watanabe (1995) established that if SoI holds for time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity then cryptographic one-way functions do not exist, and asked if a converse holds.

We show that one-way functions exist if and only if (probabilistic) time-bounded SoI fails on average, i.e., if there is a samplable distribution of pairs (x,y) of strings such that SoI for pK$^t$ complexity fails for many of these pairs. Our techniques rely on recent perspectives offered by probabilistic Kolmogorov complexity and meta-complexity, and reveal further equivalences between inverting one-way functions and the validity of key properties of Kolmogorov complexity in the time-bounded setting: (average-case) language compression and (average-case) conditional coding.

Motivated by these results, we investigate correspondences of this form for the worst-case hardness of NP (i.e., NP ⊄ BPP) and for the average-case hardness of NP (i.e., DistNP ⊄ HeurBPP), respectively. Our results establish the existence of similar dualities between these computational assumptions and the failure of results from Kolmogorov complexity in the time-bounded setting. In particular, these characterizations offer a novel way to investigate the main hardness conjectures of complexity theory (and the relationships among them) through the lens of Kolmogorov complexity and its properties.
Nina Bindel, Britta Hale
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This draft presents work-in-progress concerning hybrid/composite signature schemes. More concretely, we give several tailored combinations of Fiat-Shamir based signature schemes (such as Dilithium) or Falcon with RSA or DSA. We observe that there are a number of signature hybridization goals, few of which are not achieved through parallel signing or concatenation approaches. These include proof composability (that the post-quantum hybrid signature security can easily be linked to the component algorithms), weak separability, strong separability, backwards compatibility, hybrid generality (i.e., hybrid compositions that can be instantiated with different algorithms once proven to be secure), and simultaneous verification. We do not consider backwards compatibility in this work, but aim in our constructions to show the feasibility of achieving all other properties. As a work-in-progress, the constructions are presented without the accompanying formal security analysis, to be included in an update.
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