International Association for Cryptologic Research

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01 April 2023

Joshua Gancher, Sydney Gibson, Pratap Singh, Samvid Dharanikota, Bryan Parno
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Computationally sound protocol verification tools promise to deliver full-strength cryptographic proofs for security protocols. Unfortunately, current tools lack either modularity or automation.

We propose a new approach based on a novel use of information flow and refinement types for sound cryptographic proofs. Our framework, Owl, allows type-based modular descriptions of security protocols, wherein disjoint subprotocols can be programmed and automatically proved secure separately.

We give a formal security proof for Owl via a core language which supports standard symmetric and asymmetric primitives, Diffie-Hellman operations, and hashing via random oracles. We also implement a type checker for Owl along with a prototype extraction mechanism to Rust, and evaluate it on 14 case studies, including (simplified forms of) SSH key exchange and Kerberos.
Roi Bar-Zur, Danielle Dori, Sharon Vardi, Ittay Eyal, Aviv Tamar
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Blockchain security relies on incentives to ensure participants, called miners, cooperate and behave as the protocol dictates. Such protocols have a security threshold – a miner whose relative computational power is larger than the threshold can deviate to improve her revenue. Moreover, blockchain participants can behave in a petty compliant manner: usually follow the protocol, but deviate to increase revenue when deviation cannot be distinguished externally from the prescribed behavior. The effect of petty compliant miners on the security threshold of blockchains is not well understood. Due to the complexity of the analysis, it remained an open question since Carlsten et al. identified it in 2016. In this work, we use deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) to analyze how a rational miner performs selfish mining by deviating from the protocol to maximize revenue when petty compliant miners are present. We find that a selfish miner can exploit petty compliant miners to increase her revenue by bribing them. Our method reveals that the security threshold is lower when petty compliant miners are present. In particular, with parameters estimated from the Bitcoin blockchain, we find the threshold drops from the known value of 25% to only 21% (or 19%) when 50% (or 75%) of the other miners are petty compliant. Hence, our deep RL analysis puts the open question to rest; the presence of petty compliant miners exacerbates a blockchain’s vulnerability to selfish mining and is a major security threat.
Toi Tomita, Junji Shikata
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An aggregate signature scheme allows multiple signatures generated by different people for different messages to be aggregated into a compact aggregate signature. We propose the first signature aggregation scheme that (1) grows the size of the aggregate signature only logarithmically in the number of signatures to be aggregated, (2) is many-time, (3) supports non-interactive aggregation, (4) its security is based on the standard lattice assumption in the random oracle model. To obtain the result, we construct a new compact non-interactive batch argument (BARG) for NP. Our BARG has a very compact proof and its security is based on the standard modulo lattice assumptions in the random oracle model.
Hugo Beguinet, Céline Chevalier, David Pointcheval, Thomas Ricosset, Mélissa Rossi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) have become a key building block in many security products as they provide interesting efficiency/security trade-offs. Indeed, a PAKE allows to dispense with the heavy public key infrastructures and its efficiency and portability make it well suited for applications such as Internet of Things or e-passports. With the emerging quantum threat and the effervescent development of post-quantum public key algorithms in the last five years, one would wonder how to modify existing password authenticated key exchange protocols that currently rely on Diffie-Hellman problems in order to include newly introduced and soon-to-be-standardized post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM). A generic solution is desirable for maintaining modularity and adaptability with the many post-quantum KEM that have been introduced.

In this paper, we propose two new generic and natural constructions proven in the Universal Composability (UC) model to transform, in a black-box manner, a KEM into a PAKE with very limited performance overhead: one or two extra symmetric encryptions. Behind the simplicity of the designs, establishing security proofs in the UC model is actually non-trivial and requires some additional properties on the underlying KEM like fuzziness and anonymity. Luckily, post-quantum KEM protocols often enjoy these two extra properties. As a demonstration, we prove that it is possible to apply our transformations to Crystals-Kyber, a lattice-based post-quantum KEM that will soon be standardized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

In a nutshell, this work opens up the possibility to securely include post-quantum cryptography in PAKE-based real-world protocols.
Martin R. Albrecht, Lenka Mareková, Kenneth G. Paterson, Igors Stepanovs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the use of symmetric cryptography in the MTProto 2.0 protocol, Telegram's equivalent of the TLS record protocol. We give positive and negative results. On the one hand, we formally and in detail model a slight variant of Telegram's "record protocol" and prove that it achieves security in a suitable bidirectional secure channel model, albeit under unstudied assumptions; this model itself advances the state-of-the-art for secure channels. On the other hand, we first motivate our modelling deviation from MTProto as deployed by giving two attacks – one of practical, one of theoretical interest – against MTProto without our modifications. We then also give a third attack exploiting timing side channels, of varying strength, in three official Telegram clients. On its own this attack is thwarted by the secrecy of salt and id fields that are established by Telegram's key exchange protocol. We chain the third attack with a fourth one against the implementation of the key exchange protocol on Telegram's servers. This fourth attack breaks the authentication properties of Telegram's key exchange, allowing a MitM attack. More mundanely, it also recovers the id field, reducing the cost of the plaintext recovery attack to guessing the 64-bit salt field. In totality, our results provide the first comprehensive study of MTProto's use of symmetric cryptography, as well as highlight weaknesses in its key exchange.
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Internet of Things (IoT) has become an established part of our daily lives by interconnecting billions of devices in diverse areas such as health care, smart home technologies, agriculture, etc. However, IoT devices are limited in memory, energy and computational capabilities. This creates a great potential for security issues, since being constrained prevents producers from implementing mostly complex cryptographic algorithms in IoT devices. In this study, we propose a novel method to provide a low-cost and secure communication for constrained IoT devices. The proposed method is based on an $n$-out-of-$n$ secret sharing scheme and mimicks the idea of visual cryptography in a digital setup. Whenever an IoT device communicates with an outer party, it establishes the communication by itself or through a mediary such as a central hub or gateway; in which the latter mostly leads to a single point of failure. Our proposed method aims for a distributed environment in which IoT devices within a secure network collaborate with each other in order to send a message to a master device over an insecure channel.
Deevashwer Rathee, Anwesh Bhattacharya, Divya Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Dawn Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure 2-party computation (2PC) of floating-point arithmetic is improving in performance and recent work runs deep learning algorithms with it, while being as numerically precise as commonly used machine learning (ML) frameworks like PyTorch. We find that the existing 2PC libraries for floating-point support generic computations and lack specialized support for ML training. Hence, their latency and communication costs for compound operations (e.g., dot products) are high. We provide novel specialized 2PC protocols for compound operations and prove their precision using numerical analysis. Our implementation BEACON outperforms state-of-the-art libraries for 2PC of floating-point by over $6\times$.

31 March 2023

Department of Information Security and Communication Technology at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway
Job Posting Job Posting
The position is funded by the Norwegian Research Council in the projects: “Lightweight Cryptography for Future Smart Networks” and “OffPAD - Optimizing balance between high security and usability. An innovative approach to endpoint security”.

The NIST Post Quantum Cryptography Standardization is expected to end in 2024, and post-quantum cryptography will be required to secure all sensitive information in the years to come shortly after, e.g., in protocols such as TLS, SSH, FIDO and other systems. Additionally, NIST has announced a new call for quantum secure digital signature algorithms.

This project aims to conduct research on lightweight post-quantum protocols and primitives, including symmetric key primitives, and improve upon the frameworks used today regarding communication size, computation complexity and secure and efficient implementation of long-term security cryptographic primitives.

The postdoc will be part of the NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab, a multidisciplinary research group consisting of members from the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at NTNU.

A list of possible, but not limited to, post-quantum cryptography research topics for the postdoctoral position are:

  • Usability of lightweight primitives and protocols
  • Low communication key exchange and encryption
  • Lightweight ZKP and digital signatures
  • Efficient implementations in HW and SW
  • Side-channel security analysis
As a Postdoctoral Fellow you are normally paid from NOK 563 500 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. The period of employment is 3 years.

Your hosts will be Professor Danilo Gligoroski, Professor Stig Frode Mjølsnes and/or Associate Professor Tjerand Silde at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Tjerand Silde (email:

More information:

TU Darmstadt
Job Posting Job Posting
The Applied Cryptography Group at Technical University of Darmstadt offers a fully funded Ph.D. position as part of the ERC project CRYPTOLAYER. The goal of this project is to develop cryptographic tools to improve the privacy, scalability and security of next-generation blockchain protocols. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) threshold cryptography, second-layer protocols, cryptographic wallets, multiparty computation, zero-knowledge and more. You will conduct research and publish/present the results at top venues for research in cryptography and IT Security. The position is to be filled as soon as possible for initially 3 years with the possibility of an extension.

Your profile:
  • Completed Master's degree (or equivalent) with excellent grades in computer science, mathematics, or a similar area.
  • Strong mathematical and/or algorithmic/theoretical CS background
  • Good knowledge in one of the topics mentioned above is a plus.
  • Fluent in English
Your application should contain a CV, record of grades, a short motivation letter and at least one contact for a reference letter.

TU Darmstadt is a top research university for IT Security, Cryptography, and Computer Science in Europe. We offer an excellent working environment in the heart of the Frankfurt Metropolitan Area, which is internationally well-known for its high quality of life. The review of applications starts immediately until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Sebastian Faust (

Sarvar Patel, Joon Young Seo, Kevin Yeo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we introduce $\mathsf{SparsePIR}$, a single-server keyword private information retrieval (PIR) construction that enables querying over sparse databases. At its core, $\mathsf{SparsePIR}$ is based on a novel encoding algorithm that encodes sparse database entries as linear combinations while being compatible with important PIR optimizations including recursion. $\mathsf{SparsePIR}$ achieves response overhead that is half of state-of-the art keyword PIR schemes without requiring long term client storage of linear sized mappings. We also introduce two variants, $\mathsf{SparsePIR}^g$ and $\mathsf{SparsePIR}^c$, that further reduces the size of the serving database at the cost of increased encoding time and small additional client storage, respectively. Our frameworks enable performing keyword PIR with, essentially, the same costs as standard PIR. Finally, we also show that $\mathsf{SparsePIR}$ may be used to build batch keyword PIR with halved response overhead without any client mappings.
Deepraj Soni, Negar Neda, Naifeng Zhang, Benedict Reynwar, Homer Gamil, Benjamin Heyman, Mohammed Nabeel Thari Moopan, Ahmad Al Badawi, Yuriy Polyakov, Kellie Canida, Massoud Pedram, Michail Mani ...
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ring-Learning-with-Errors (RLWE) has emerged as the foundation of many important techniques for improving security and privacy, including homomorphic encryption and post-quantum cryptography. While promising, these techniques have received limited use due to their extreme overheads of running on general-purpose machines. In this paper, we present a novel vector Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and microarchitecture for accelerating the ring-based computations of RLWE. The ISA, named B512, is developed to meet the needs of ring processing workloads while balancing high-performance and general-purpose programming support. Having an ISA rather than fixed hardware facilitates continued software improvement post-fabrication and the ability to support the evolving workloads. We then propose the ring processing unit (RPU), a high-performance, modular implementation of B512. The RPU has native large word modular arithmetic support, capabilities for very wide parallel processing, and a large capacity high-bandwidth scratchpad to meet the needs of ring processing. We address the challenges of programming the RPU using a newly developed SPIRAL backend. A configurable simulator is built to characterize design tradeoffs and quantify performance. The best performing design was implemented in RTL and used to validate simulator performance. In addition to our characterization, we show that a RPU using 20.5mm2 of GF 12nm can provide a speedup of 1485x over a CPU running a 64k, 128-bit NTT, a core RLWE workload
Johannes Blömer, Jan Bobolz, Laurens Porzenheim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With an anonymous reputation system one can realize the process of rating sellers anonymously in an online shop. While raters can stay anonymous, sellers still have the guarantee that they can be only be reviewed by raters who bought their product.

We present the first generic construction of a reputation system from basic building blocks, namely digital signatures, encryption schemes, non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and linking indistinguishable tags. We then show the security of the reputation system in a strong security model. Among others, we instantiate the generic construction with building blocks based on lattice problems, leading to the first module lattice-based reputation system.
Benjamin Y Chan, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a theoretical framework for analyzing the efficiency of consensus protocols, and apply it to analyze the optimistic and pessimistic confirmation times of state-of-the-art partially-synchronous protocols in the so-called "rotating leader/random leader" model of consensus (recently popularized in the blockchain setting).

We next present a new and simple consensus protocol in the partially synchronous setting, tolerating $f \leq n/3$ byzantine faults; in our eyes, this protocol is essentially as simple to describe as the simplest known protocols, but it also enjoys an even simpler security proof, while matching and, even improving, the efficiency of the state-of-the-art (according to our theoretical framework).

As with the state-of-the-art protocols, our protocol assumes a (bare) PKI, a digital signature scheme, collision-resistant hash functions, and a random leader election oracle, which may be instantiated with a random oracle (or a CRS).
Sebastian Hasler, Toomas Krips, Ralf Küsters, Pascal Reisert, Marc Rivinius
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Some of the most efficient protocols for Multi-Party Computation (MPC) follow a two-phase approach where correlated randomness, in particular Beaver triples, is generated in the offline phase and then used to speed up the online phase. Recently, more complex correlations have been introduced to optimize certain operations even further, such as matrix triples for matrix multiplications. In this paper, our goal is to improve the efficiency of the triple generation in general and in particular for classical field values as well as matrix operations. To this end, we modify the Overdrive LowGear protocol to remove the costly sacrificing step and therewith reduce the round complexity and the bandwidth. We extend the state-of-the-art MP-SPDZ implementation with our new protocols and show that the new offline phase outperforms state-of-the-art protocols for the generation of Beaver triples and matrix triples. For example, we save 33 % in bandwidth compared to Overdrive LowGear.
Debranjan Pal, Upasana Mandal, Abhijit Das, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Deep learning-based cryptanalysis is one of the emerging trends in recent times. Differential cryptanalysis is one of the most po- tent approaches to classical cryptanalysis. Researchers are now modeling classical differential cryptanalysis by applying deep learning-based tech- niques. In this paper, we report deep learning-based differential distin- guishers for block cipher PRIDE and RC5, utilizing deep learning models: CNN, LGBM and LSTM. We found distinguishers up to 23 rounds for PRIDE and nine rounds for RC5. To the best of our knowledge this is the first deep learning based differential classifier for cipher PRIDE and RC5.
Qinglan Zhao, Mengran Li, Zhixiong Chen, Baodong Qin, Dong Zheng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At Eurocrypt 2016, Méaux et al. presented FLIP, a new family of stream ciphers {that aimed to enhance the efficiency of homomorphic encryption frameworks. Motivated by FLIP, recent research has focused on the study of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties when restricted to subsets of the space $\mathbb{F}_2^n$. If an $n$-variable Boolean function has the property of balancedness when restricted to each set of vectors with fixed Hamming weight between $1$ and $n-1$, it is a weightwise perfectly balanced (WPB) Boolean function. In the literature, a few algebraic constructions of WPB functions are known, in which there are some constructions that use iterative method based on functions with low degrees of 1, 2, or 4. In this paper, we generalize the iterative method and contribute a unified construction of WPB functions based on functions with algebraic degrees that can} be any power of 2. For any given positive integer $d$ not larger than $m$, we first provide a class of $2^m$-variable Boolean functions with a degree of $2^{d-1}$. Utilizing these functions, we then present a construction of $2^m$-variable WPB functions $g_{m;d}$. In particular, $g_{m;d}$ includes four former classes of WPB functions as special cases when $d=1,2,3,m$. When $d$ takes other integer values, $g_{m;d}$ has never appeared before. In addition, we prove the algebraic degree of the constructed WPB functions and compare the weightwise nonlinearity of WPB functions known so far in 8 and 16 variables.
Moshe Avital, Itamar Levi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks manifest a significant challenge to the security of cryptographic devices. In turn, it is generally quite expensive to protect from SCAs (energy, area, performance etc.). In this work we exhibit a significant change in paradigm for SCA attacks: our proposed attack is quite different from conventional SCA attacks and is able to filter out physical measurement noise, algorithmic noise, as well as thwart various countermeasures, and extract information from the entire leakage waveform as a whole and not only points-of-interest. We demonstrate on measured devices break of masking schemes of orders 2 and 3, supported by a model and also shuffling and dual-rail based countermeasures model; all performed efficiently with the same methodology, and with orders of magnitude less measurements and smaller computation time; underpinning the importance of this form of attack. In essence, in our attack we assume nothing different than a standard side-channel attack, i.e., a known plaintext scenario. However, we further group and classify leakages associated with specific subsets of plaintexts bits. The fact that we group specific (sub-)plaintexts associated leakages, and than in the next stage group or concatenate the associated leakages of these large groups in a predefined ordered sequence (modulation), enables far stronger attacks against SCA protected and unprotected designs. The evaluation-domain or the modulation-domain is the frequency domain in which per frequency it is possible to build a two feature constellation diagrams (amplitude and phase) and construct distinguishers over these diagrams. On top of the methodological contribution of this new SCA, the main observation we push forward is that practically such an attack is devastating for many countermeasures we were used to consider as secure to some level, such as masking or shuffling with large permutation size. As an example, leakage from a third order masked design can be detected with merely 100 leakage traces from the first statistical moment of the leakage as compared to $15\cdot10^6$ traces with conventional SCA leakage detection test from the third statistical order.
Nir Bitansky, Omer Paneth, Dana Shamir, Tomer Solomon
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2002, Barak and Goldreich introduced the notion of a universal argument and constructed an interactive universal argument for non-deterministic computations based on polynomially hard collision-resistant hash functions. Since then, and especially in recent years, there have been tremendous developments in the construction of non-interactive succinct arguments for deterministic computations under standard hardness assumptions. However, the constructed succinct arguments can be proven universal only under sub-exponential assumptions. Assuming polynomially hard fully homomorphic encryption and a widely believed worst-case complexity assumption, we prove a general lifting theorem showing that all existing non-interactive succinct arguments can be made universal. The required complexity assumption is that non-uniformity does not allow arbitrary polynomial speedup. In the setting of uniform adversaries, this extra assumption is not needed.
Pratish Datta, Tapas Pal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces registered functional encryption (RFE) that eliminates trust on the central authority for handling secrets. Unlike standard functional encryption (FE), in an RFE scheme, users create their secret keys themselves and then register the associated public keys to a key curator along with the functions they wish to compute on the encrypted data. The key curator aggregates the public keys from the different users into a single compact master public key. To decrypt, users occasionally need to obtain helper decryption keys from the key curator which they combine with their own secret keys. We require that the size of the aggregated public key, the helper decryption keys, the ciphertexts, as well as the encryption/decryption time to be polylogarithmic in the number of registered users. Moreover, the key curator is entirely transparent and maintains no secrets. RFE generalizes the notions of registration-based encryption (RBE) introduced by Garg et al. (TCC 2018) and registered attribute-based encryption introduced by Hohenberger et al. (EUROCRYPT 2023) who dealt with the “all-or-nothing” variants of FE. We present an RFE scheme for general functions and an arbitrary number of users from indistinguishability obfuscation and somewhere statistically binding hash functions. Surprisingly, our construction is achieved via only a minor tweak applied to the registered ABE of Hohenberger et al.
Nick Frymann, Daniel Gardham, Mark Manulis, Hugo Nartz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG, introduced in ACM CCS 2020) allows for a party to create public keys for which corresponding private keys may be later computed by another intended party only. ARKG can be composed with standard public-key cryptosystems and has been used to construct a new class of privacy-preserving proxy signatures. The original construction of ARKG, however, generates discrete logarithm key pairs of the form $(x, g^x)$.

In this paper we define a generic approach for building ARKG schemes which can be applied to a wide range of pairing-based cryptosystems. This construction is based on a new building block which we introduce and call Asymmetric Key Generation (AKG) along with its extension $\phi$-AKG where $\phi$ is a suitable mapping for capturing different key structures and types of pairings. We show that appropriate choice of $\phi$ allows us to create a secure ARKG scheme compatible with any key pair that is secure under the Uber assumption (EUROCRYPT 2004).

To demonstrate the extensive range of our general approach, we construct ARKG schemes for a number of popular pairing-based primitives: Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (JoC 2004), Camenisch-Lysyanskaya (CRYPTO 2004), Pointcheval-Sanders (CT-RSA 2016), Waters (EUROCRYPT 2005) signatures and structure-preserving signatures on equivalence classes (ASIACRYPT 2014). For each scheme we give an implementation and provide benchmarks that show the feasibility of our techniques.
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