International Association for Cryptologic Research

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10 August 2023

Rei Ueno, Naofumi Homma, Akiko Inoue, Kazuhiko Minematsu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents a provably secure, higher-order, and leakage-resilient (LR) rekeying scheme named LR Rekeying with Random oracle Repetition (LR4), along with a quantitative security evaluation methodology. Many existing LR cryptographies are based on a concept of leveled implementation, which still essentially require a leak-free sanctuary (i.e., differential power analysis (DPA)-resistant component(s)) for some parts. In addition, although several LR pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on only bounded DPA-resistant components have been developed, their validity and effectiveness for rekeying usage still need to be determined. In contrast, LR4 is formally proven under a leakage model that captures the practical goal of side-channel attack (SCA) protection (e.g., masking with a practical order) and assumes no unbounded DPA-resistant sanctuary. This proof suggests that LR4 resists exponential invocations (up to the birthday bound of key size) without using any unbounded leak-free component, which is the first of its kind. Moreover, we present a quantitative SCA success rate evaluation methodology for LR4 that combines the bounded leakage models for LR cryptography and a state-of-the-art information-theoretical SCA evaluation method. We validate its soundness and effectiveness as a DPA countermeasure through a numerical evaluation; that is, the number of secure calls of a symmetric primitive increases exponentially by increasing a security parameter under practical conditions.
Mustafa Khairallah
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present a new distinguisher for the Tweak-aNd-Tweak (TNT) tweakable block cipher with $O(2^{n/2})$ complexity. The distinguisher is an adaptive chosen ciphertext distinguisher, unlike previous attacks that are only non-adaptive chosen plaintext attacks. However, the attack contradicts the security claims made by the designers. Given TNT can be seen as the three-round CLRW1 tweakable block cipher, our attack matches its more conservative bound. We provide the distinguisher description, a probabilistic analysis of its behaviour, experimental verification and an analysis of why the proof fails to capture the security of TNT. In summary, the distinguisher is based on collision counting and exploits non-uniformity in the statistical behaviour of random permutations. It reduces the goal of finding the collision to solving a difference equation defined over a random permutation. Due to this relation, the number of collisions observed by the distinguisher is twice as expected from an ideal tweakable block cipher.
Joachim Neu, Srivatsan Sridhar, Lei Yang, David Tse
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Classic BFT consensus protocols guarantee safety and liveness for all clients if fewer than one-third of replicas are faulty. However, in applications such as high-value payments, some clients may want to prioritize safety over liveness. Flexible consensus allows each client to opt for a higher safety resilience, albeit at the expense of reduced liveness resilience. We present the first construction that allows optimal safety--liveness tradeoff for every client simultaneously. This construction is modular and is realized as an add-on applied on top of an existing consensus protocol. The add-on consists of an additional round of voting and permanent locking done by the replicas, to sidestep a sub-optimal quorum-intersection-based constraint present in previous solutions. We adapt our construction to the existing Ethereum protocol to derive optimal flexible confirmation rules that clients can adopt unilaterally without requiring system-wide changes. This is possible because existing Ethereum protocol features can double as the extra voting and locking. We demonstrate an implementation using Ethereum's consensus API.
Erya Jiang, Bo Qin, Qin Wang, Zhipeng Wang, Qianhong Wu, Jian Weng, Xinyu Li, Chenyang Wang, Yuhang Ding, Yanran Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a new paradigm in the creation, distribution, and utilization of financial services via the integration of blockchain technology. Our research conducts a comprehensive introduction and meticulous classification of various DeFi applications. Beyond that, we thoroughly analyze these risks from both technical and economic perspectives, spanning multiple layers. Lastly, we point out research directions in DeFi, encompassing areas of technological advancements, innovative economics, and privacy optimization.
Xiaoni Du, René Rodríguez, Hao Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Linear codes play a crucial role in various fields of engineering and mathematics, including data storage, communication, cryptography, and combinatorics. Minimal linear codes, a subset of linear codes, are particularly essential for designing effective secret sharing schemes. In this paper, we introduce several classes of minimal binary linear codes by carefully selecting appropriate Boolean functions. These functions belong to a renowned class of Boolean functions, the general Maiorana-McFarland class. We employ a method first proposed by Ding et al. [7] to construct minimal codes violating the Ashikhmin-Barg bound (wide minimal codes) by using Krawtchouk polynomials. The lengths, dimensions, and weight distributions of the obtained codes are determined using the Walsh spectrum distribution of the chosen Boolean functions. Our findings demonstrate that a vast majority of the newly constructed codes are wide minimal codes. Furthermore, our proposed codes exhibit a significantly larger minimum distance, in some cases, compared to some existing similar constructions. Finally, we address this method, based on Krawtchouk polynomials, more generally, and highlight certain generic properties related to it. This study provides insights into the scope of this method.
Alan Szepieniec, Thorkil Værge
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A mutator set is a cryptographic data structure for authenticating operations on a changing set of data elements called items. Informally:

- There is a short commitment to the set. - There are succinct membership proofs for elements of the set. - It is possible to update the commitment as well as the membership proofs with minimal effort as new items are added to the set or as existing items are removed from it. - Items cannot be removed before they were added. - It is difficult to link an item's addition to the set to its removal from the set, except when using information available only to the party that generated it.

This paper formally defines the notion, motivates its existence with an application to scalable privacy in the context of cryptocurrencies, and proposes an instantiation inspired by Merkle mountain ranges and Bloom filters.
Ding Feng, Rupert Hitsch, Kaihua Qin, Arthur Gervais, Roger Wattenhofer, Yaxing Yao, Ye Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a blockchain-based financial ecosystem, suffers from smart contract vulnerabilities that led to a loss exceeding 3.24 billion USD by April 2022. To address this, blockchain firms audit DeFi applications, a process known as DeFi auditing. Our research aims to comprehend the mechanism and efficacy of DeFi auditing. We discovered its ability to detect vulnerabilities in smart contract logic and interactivity with other DeFi entities, but also noted its limitations in communication, transparency, remedial action implementation, and in preventing certain DeFi attacks. Moreover, our interview study delved into user perceptions of DeFi auditing, unmasking gaps in awareness, usage, and trust, and offering insights to address these issues.
Kwangsu Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Threshold signatures are digital signatures that support the multi-party signature generation such that a number of parties initially share a signing key and more than a threshold number of parties gather to generate a signature. In this paper, we propose a non-interactive decentralized threshold signature (NIDTS) scheme that supports the non-interactive and transparent key setup based on BLS signatures. Our NIDTS scheme has the following properties. 1) The key setup process is completely non-interactive and does not require message exchange between parties since the transfer of the register keys of parties is enough for a combiner to generate a compact verification key. 2) The register key of a party is compact since the size is independent of the number of group parties. 3) The signing process of parties is non-interactive. 4) The final threshold signature as well as partial signatures are succinct. We prove the security of our NIDTS scheme under computational assumptions in the random oracle model. Furthermore, we implement our NIDTS scheme in Rust and compare its performance with other scheme to show that the key setup of our scheme is more efficient. For example, in the unweighted setting of 1000 parties, the key setup process of the NIDTS scheme takes 164 seconds, which is 5.9 times faster than the key setup process of the multiverse threshold signature (MTS) scheme.
Tanja Lange, Alex Pellegrini, Alberto Ravagnani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We analyze REDOG, a public-key encryption system submitted to the Korean competition on post-quantum cryptography. REDOG is based on rank-metric codes. We prove its incorrectness and attack its implementation providing an efficient message recovery attack. Furthermore, we show that the security of REDOG is much lower than claimed. We then proceed to mitigate these issues and provide two approaches to fix the decryption issue, one of which also leads to better security.
Daniel Escudero, Serge Fehr
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully secure multiparty computation (or guaranteed output delivery) among $n$ parties can be achieved with perfect security if the number of corruptions $t$ is less than $n/3$, or with statistical security with the help of a broadcast channel if $t
In this work we make progress in this direction by taking the second route above: we present a fully secure protocol for $t
Ravit Geva, Alexander Gusev, Yuriy Polyakov, Lior Liram, Oded Rosolio, Andreea Alexandru, Nicholas Genise, Marcelo Blatt, Zohar Duchin, Barliz Waissengrin, Dan Mirelman, Felix Bukstein, Deborah T ...
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Real-world healthcare data sharing is instrumental in constructing broader-based and larger clinical data sets that may improve clinical decision-making research and outcomes. Stakeholders are frequently reluctant to share their data without guaranteed patient privacy, proper protection of their data sets, and control over the usage of their data. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic capability that can address these issues by enabling computation on encrypted data without intermediate decryptions, so the analytics results are obtained without revealing the raw data. This work presents a toolset for collaborative privacy-preserving analysis of oncological data using multiparty FHE. Our toolset supports survival analysis, logistic regression training, and several common descriptive statistics. We demonstrate using oncological data sets that the toolset achieves high accuracy and practical performance, which scales well to larger data sets. As part of this work, we propose a novel cryptographic protocol for interactive bootstrapping in multiparty FHE, which is of independent interest. The toolset we develop is general-purpose and can be applied to other collaborative medical and healthcare application domains.
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The paper extends Shannon's classical theory of ciphers. Here ciphers are modeled by Latin rectangles and their resistance to brute force attack is assessed through the valence of cryptograms. The valence of a cryptogram is defined as the number of all meaningful messages produced by decrypting the cryptogram with all possible keys. In this paper, the mean cryptogram valence of an arbitrary modern cipher with K keys, N outputs and N inputs, of which M inputs are messages, is derived. Furthermore, the lower bound on the valence of the cryptograms of entire ciphers is derived in this paper. The obtained parameters allow to assess the resistance of cryptograms, resp. ciphers against brute force attack. The model is general, illustrative and uses a simpler mathematical apparatus than existing theory. Therefore, it can also be used as an introduction to the theory of resistance of ciphers to brute force attack.
Hernán Darío Vanegas Madrigal, Daniel Cabarcas Jaramillo, Diego F. Aranha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The edit distance is a metric widely used in genomics to measure the similarity of two DNA chains. Motivated by privacy concerns, we propose a 2PC protocol to compute the edit distance while preserving the privacy of the inputs. Since the edit distance algorithm can be expressed as a mixed-circuit computation, our approach uses protocols based on secret-sharing schemes like Tinier and SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$; and also daBits to perform domain conversion and edaBits to perform arithmetic comparisons. We modify the Wagner-Fischer edit distance algorithm, aiming at reducing the number of rounds of the protocol, and achieve a flexible protocol with a trade-off between rounds and multiplications. We implement our proposal in the MP-SPDZ framework, and our experiments show that it reduces the execution time respectively by 81\% and 54\% for passive and active security with respect to a baseline implementation in a LAN. The experiments also show that our protocol reduces traffic by two orders of magnitude compared to a BMR-MASCOT implementation.
Sunyeop Kim, Myoungsu Shin, Seonkyu Kim, Hanbeom Shin, Insung Kim, Donggeun Kwon, Dongjae Lee, Seonggyeom Kim, Deukjo Hong, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Shadow is a lightweight block cipher proposed at IEEE IoT journal 2021. Shadow’s main design principle is adopting a variant 4- branch Feistel structure in order to provide a fast diffusion rate. We define such a structure as Shadow structure and prove that it is al- most identical to the Generalized Feistel Network, which invalidates the design principle. Moreover, we give a structural distinguisher that can distinguish Shadow structure from random permutation with only two plaintext/ciphertext pairs. By exploiting the key schedule, the distin- guisher can be extended to key recovery attack with only one plain- text/ciphertext pair. Furthermore, by considering Shadow’s round func- tion, only certain forms of monomials can appear in the ciphertext, re- sulting in an integral distinguisher of four plaintext/ciphertext pairs. Even more, the algebraic degree does not increase more than 12 for Shadow-32 and 20 for Shadow-64 regardless of rounds used. Our results show that Shadow is highly vulnerable to algebraic attacks, and that algebraic attacks should be carefully considered when designing ciphers with AND, rotation, and XOR operations.
Ghous Amjad, Kevin Yeo, Moti Yung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Anonymous tokens are digital signature schemes that enable an issuer to provider users with signatures without learning the input message or the resulting signature received by the user. These primitives allow applications to propagate trust while simultaneously protecting the identity of the user. Anonymous tokens have become a core component for improving the privacy of several real-world applications including ad measurements, authorization protocols, spam detection and VPNs.

In certain applications, it is natural to associate signatures with specific public metadata ensuring that signatures only propagate trust with respect to only a certain set of scenarios. To solve this, we study the notion of anonymous tokens with public metadata in this work. We present a variant of RSA blind signatures with public metadata such that issuers may only generate signatures that verify for a certain choice of public metadata. We prove the security of our protocol under one-more RSA assumptions with multiple exponents that we introduce. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the concrete security bounds should be nearly identical to standard RSA blind signatures. The protocols in this paper have been proposed as a technical specification in an IRTF internet draft.

09 August 2023

Award Award
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2023 IACR Test-of-Time Award for Crypto. The IACR Test-of-Time Award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field. This year, we are announcing the winners for each conference separately.

The Test-of-Time award for Crypto 2008 is awarded to:

A Framework for Efficient and Composable Oblivious Transfer, by Chris Peikert, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Brent Waters, for the creation of a simple framework for achieving efficient UC composable protocols that can be realized under a variety of concrete assumptions, introducing a powerful notion of dual-mode encryption and allowing for the first time to create bandwidth efficient Regev encryption.

For more information, see

Congratulations to the winners!

08 August 2023

Roorkee, India, 14 December - 17 December 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 14 December to 17 December 2023
Submission deadline: 1 September 2023
Notification: 15 October 2023
Sydney, Australia, 15 April - 17 April 2024
Event date: 15 April to 17 April 2024
Submission deadline: 1 October 2023
Notification: 15 December 2023

07 August 2023

Sonia Belaïd, Gaëtan Cassiers, Camille Mutschler, Matthieu Rivain, Thomas Roche, François-Xavier Standaert, Abdul Rahman Taleb
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Physical side-channel attacks are powerful attacks that exploit a device's physical emanations to break the security of cryptographic implementations. Many countermeasures have been proposed against these attacks, especially the widely-used and efficient masking countermeasure. Nevertheless, proving the security of masked implementations is challenging. Current techniques rely on empirical approaches to validate the security of such implementations. On the other hand, the theoretical community introduced leakage models to provide formal proofs of the security of masked implementations. Meanwhile, these leakage models rely on physical assumptions that are difficult to satisfy in practice, and the literature lacks a clear framework to implement proven secure constructions on a physical device while preserving the proven security.

In this paper, we present a complete methodology describing the steps to turn an abstract masking scheme proven secure in a theoretical leakage model into a physical implementation satisfying provable security against side-channel attacks in practice. We propose new tools to enforce or relax the physical assumptions the indeal noisy leakage model rely on and provide novel ways of including them in a physical implementation. We also highlight the design goals for an embedded device to reach high levels of proven security, discussing the limitations and open problems of the practical usability of the leakage models. Our goal is to show that it is possible to bridge theory and practice and to motivate further research to fully close the gap and get practical implementations proven secure against side-channel attacks on a physical device without any ideal assumption about the leakage.
Thomas Decru, Luciano Maino, Antonio Sanso
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present a new quantum-resistant weak Verifiable Delay Function based on a purely algebraic construction. Its delay depends on computing a large-degree isogeny between elliptic curves, whereas its verification relies on the computation of isogenies between products of two elliptic curves. One of its major advantages is its expected fast verification time. However, it is important to note that the practical implementation of our theoretical framework poses significant challenges. We examine the strengths and weaknesses of our construction, analyze its security and provide a proof-of-concept implementation.
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