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15 September 2023

Joël Felderhoff, Alice Pellet-Mary, Damien Stehlé, Benjamin Wesolowski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The presumed hardness of the Shortest Vector Problem for ideal lattices (Ideal-SVP) has been a fruitful assumption to understand other assumptions on algebraic lattices and as a security foundation of cryptosystems. Gentry [CRYPTO'10] proved that Ideal-SVP enjoys a worst-case to average-case reduction, where the average-case distribution is the uniform distribution over the set of inverses of prime ideals of small algebraic norm (below $d^{O(d)}$ for cyclotomic fields, here $d$ refers to the field degree). De Boer et al. [CRYPTO'20] obtained another random self-reducibility result for an average-case distribution involving integral ideals of norm $2^{O(d^2)}$.

In this work, we show that Ideal-SVP for the uniform distribution over inverses of small-norm prime ideals reduces to Ideal-SVP for the uniform distribution over small-norm prime ideals. Combined with Gentry's reduction, this leads to a worst-case to average-case reduction for the uniform distribution over the set of \emph{small-norm prime ideals}. Using the reduction from Pellet-Mary and Stehl\'e [ASIACRYPT'21], this notably leads to the first distribution over NTRU instances with a polynomial modulus whose hardness is supported by a worst-case lattice problem.
Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Yanjiang Yang, Chen Yuan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Beerliová-Trubíniová and Hirt introduced hyper-invertible matrix technique to construct the first perfectly secure MPC protocol in the presence of maximal malicious corruptions $\lfloor \frac{n-1}{3} \rfloor$ with linear communication complexity per multiplication gate [5]. This matrix allows MPC protocol to generate correct shares of uniformly random secrets in the presence of malicious adversary. Moreover, the amortized communication complexity of generating each sharing is linear. Due to this prominent feature, the hyper-invertible matrix plays an important role in the construction of MPC protocol and zero-knowledge proof protocol where the randomness needs to be jointly generated. However, the downside of this matrix is that the size of its base field is linear in the size of its matrix. This means if we construct an $n$-party MPC protocol over $\mathbb{F}_q$ via hyper-invertible matrix, $q$ is at least $2n$.

In this paper, we propose the ramp hyper-invertible matrix which can be seen as the generalization of hyper-invertible matrix. Our ramp hyper-invertible matrix can be defined over constant-size field regardless of the size of this matrix. Similar to the arithmetic secret sharing scheme, to apply our ramp hyper-invertible matrix to perfectly secure MPC protocol, the maximum number of corruptions has to be compromised to $\frac{(1-\epsilon)n}{3}$. As a consequence, we present the first perfectly secure MPC protocol in the presence of $\frac{(1-\epsilon)n}{3}$ malicious corruptions with constant communication complexity. Besides presenting the variant of hyper-invertible matrix, we overcome several obstacles in the construction of this MPC protocol. Our arithmetic secret sharing scheme over constant-size field is compatible with the player elimination technique, i.e., it supports the dynamic changes of party number and corrupted party number. Moreover, we rewrite the public reconstruction protocol to support the sharings over constant-size field. Putting these together leads to the constant-size field variant of celebrated MPC protocol in [5].

We note that although it was widely acknowledged that there exists an MPC protocol with constant communication complexity by replacing Shamir secret sharing scheme with arithmetic secret sharing scheme, there is no reference seriously describing such protocol in detail. Our work fills the missing detail by providing MPC primitive for any applications relying on MPC protocol of constant communication complexity. As an application of our perfectly secure MPC protocol which implies perfect robustness in the MPC-in-the-Head framework, we present the constant-rate zero-knowledge proof with $3$ communication rounds. The previous work achieves constant-rate with $5$ communication rounds [32] due to the statistical robustness of their MPC protocol. Another application of our ramp hyper-invertible matrix is the information-theoretic multi-verifier zero-knowledge for circuit satisfiability[43]. We manage to remove the dependence of the size of circuit and security parameter from the share size.
University of Surrey
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking to recruit a full-time Research Fellow in Data Resilience, Security and Privacy. This is an excellent opportunity for a researcher to develop their own research agenda within the area of data resilience, security and privacy, and to work collaboratively with a team of colleagues working on related projects around privacy and security.

The role will be based in the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) within the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Surrey and we offer the opportunity for hybrid working – some time on campus and some from home. We welcome applicants who wish to pursue the role through flexible working patterns.

You will have the opportunity to conduct research within the context of the Defence Data Research Centre, funded by DSTL, in which SCCS is a partner, alongside the Universities of Exeter and Liverpool, and the Digital Catapult. The Centre is focusing on problems related to the use of data for Artificial Intelligence applications, particularly around the challenges of bringing raw data to the state where it can be used. We consider these problems within a defence context, such as logistics support, object tracking and data wrangling. SCCS is focused on the area of data resilience, security and privacy, considering problems such as the trustworthiness of data and issues around anonymisation. The successful candidate will work under the direction of Professor Steve Schneider together with the support of other colleagues at Surrey and DDRC. The post holder will have exposure to the Centre’s broader research agenda in the areas of trusted computing, data privacy, privacy preserving security, applied cryptography, and a range of cyber security topics and as such provides an excellent opportunity to influence research directions during the course of the appointment.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Steve Schneider

More information:

Paderborn University, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
With the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), Paderborn University wants to establish an international research centre in the field of photonic quantum technologies. The aim is to develop new technologies for photon-based quantum applications as well as new theoretical and experimental concepts and research approaches. Ultimately, the focus is on understanding and controlling photonic quantum simulators and quantum computers.

Postdoc (f/m/d)
(salary is according to E13 TV-L)

A position with 100 % of the regular working hours is available as of the next possible date. The employment is initially limited to three years and is based on the legal regulations of the Wissen-schaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG).

Your duties and responsibilities:
• Support in the construction and operation of a (photonic) quantum communication network and its combination with classical communication networks.
• Support for users of a quantum network
• Development and optimisation of quantum communication protocols, e.g. for key exchange protocols
• Organising and running courses on the basics and use of quantum networks and quantum communication protocols (basic to advanced)
• Leading a team for the operation of a quantum network and its integration into classical net-works

Hiring requirements:
• Completed PhD in computer science, mathematics or physics or comparable qualification
• Experience in the operation of communication networks and the design of network protocols (classical and/or quantum)
• High motivation and willingness for interdisciplinary cooperation between computer science and physics
• Good knowledge of German and English, both written and spoken
• Friendliness, flexibility, ability to work in a team, initiative and willingness to work independently

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Please send your application including a CV (preferably in a single pdf file) using the Ref. No. 6106 by 30th September, 2023 to:

More information:

San Francisco, USA, 6 May - 9 May 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 6 May to 9 May 2024
Submission deadline: 2 October 2023
Notification: 18 December 2023

13 September 2023

Nouri Alnahawi, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, Silvia Ritsch, Alexander Wiesmaier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit OCAKE (ACNS 23), a generic recipe that constructs password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) from key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) in a black-box way. This allows to potentially achieve post-quantum security by instantiating the KEM with a post-quantum KEM like KYBER. It was left as an open problem to further adapt the proof such that it also holds against quantum attackers. The security proof is given in the universal composability (UC) framework, which is commonly used to model and prove security of PAKE. So far, however, it is not known how to model or prove computational UC security against quantum adversaries. Even more so, if the proof makes use of idealized primitives like random oracles or ideal ciphers.

To pave the way towards reasoning post-quantum security, we therefore resort to a (still classical) game-based security proof in the BPR model (EUROCRYPT 2000). We consider this a crucial stepping stone towards a full proof of post-quantum security. We prove security of (a minor variation of) OCAKE generically, assuming the underlying KEM satisfies common notions of ciphertext indistinguishability, anonymity, and (computational) public key uniformity. To achieve tight security bounds, we relate security of OCAKE to multi-user variants of the aforementioned properties.

We provide a full detailed proof, something often omitted in publications concerned with game-based security of PAKE. As a side-contribution, we demonstrate how to handle password guesses in a game-based proof in detail. Something we were unable to find in the existing literature.
Zhelei Zhou, Bingsheng Zhang, Hong-Sheng Zhou, Kui Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Single Input Functionality (SIF) is a special case of MPC, where only one distinguished party called dealer holds the secret input. SIF allows the dealer to complete a computation task and send to other parties their respective outputs without revealing any additional information about its secret input. SIF has many applications, including multiple-verifier zero-knowledge and verifiable relation sharing, etc. Recently, several works devote to round-efficient realization of SIF, and achieve 2-round communication in the honest majority setting (Applebaum et al., Crypto 2022; Baum et al., CCS 2022; Yang and Wang, Asiacrypt 2022).

In this work, we propose the first practical 2-round protocol for SIF against \emph{a dishonest majority} in the preprocessing model; moreover, the online phase is highly efficient as it requires no cryptographic operations and achieves information theoretical security. For SIF among 5 parties, our construction takes 152.34ms (total) to evaluate an AES-128 circuit with 7.36ms online time. Compared to the state-of-the-art (honest majority) solution (Baum et al., CCS 2022), our construction is roughly 2$\times$ faster in the online phase, although more preprocessing time is needed. Compared to the state-of-the-art generic MPC against a dishonest majority (Wang et al., CCS 2017; Cramer et al., Crypto 2018), our construction outperforms them w.r.t. both total running time and online running time.
Sam A. Markelon, Mia Filić, Thomas Shrimpton
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Count-Min Sketch (CMS) and HeavyKeeper (HK) are two realizations of a compact frequency estimator (CFE). These are a class of probabilistic data structures that maintain a compact summary of (typically) high-volume streaming data, and provides approximately correct estimates of the number of times any particular element has appeared. CFEs are often the base structure in systems looking for the highest-frequency elements (i.e., top-$K$ elements, heavy hitters, elephant flows). Traditionally, probabilistic guarantees on the accuracy of frequency estimates are proved under the implicit assumption that stream elements do not depend upon the internal randomness of the structure. Said another way, they are proved in the presence of data streams that are created by non-adaptive adversaries. Yet in many practical use-cases, this assumption is not well-matched with reality; especially, in applications where malicious actors are incentivized to manipulate the data stream. We show that the CMS and HK structures can be forced to make significant estimation errors, by concrete attacks that exploit adaptivity. We analyze these attacks analytically and experimentally, with tight agreement between the two. Sadly, these negative results seem unavoidable for (at least) sketch-based CFEs with parameters that are reasonable in practice. On the positive side, we give a new CFE (Count-Keeper) that can be seen as a composition of the CMS and HK structures. Count-Keeper estimates are typically more accurate (by at least a factor of two) than CMS for ``honest" streams; our attacks against CMS and HK are less effective (and more resource intensive) when used against Count-Keeper; and Count-Keeper has a native ability to flag estimates that are suspicious, which neither CMS or HK (or any other CFE, to our knowledge) admits.
Nico Döttling, Tamer Mour
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Correlation intractability is an emerging cryptographic paradigm that enabled several recent breakthroughs in establishing soundness of the Fiat-Shamir transform and, consequently, basing non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and succinct arguments on standard cryptographic assumptions. In a nutshell, a hash family is said to be \emph{correlation intractable} for a class of relations $\mathcal{R}$ if, for any relation $R\in\mathcal{R}$, it is hard given a random hash function $h\gets H$ to find an input $z$ s.t. $(z,h(z))\in R$, namely a correlation.

Despite substantial progress in constructing correlation intractable hash functions, all constructions known to date are based on highly-structured hardness assumptions and, further, are of complexity scaling with the circuit complexity of the target relation class.

In this work, we initiate the study of the barriers for building correlation intractability. Our main result is a lower bound on the complexity of any black-box construction of CIH from collision resistant hash (CRH), or one-way permutations (OWP), for any sufficiently expressive relation class. In particular, any such construction for a class of relations with circuit complexity $t$ must make at least $\Omega(t)$ invocations of the underlying building block.

We see this as a first step in developing a methodology towards broader lower bounds.
Andrei Constantinescu, Diana Ghinea, Roger Wattenhofer, Floris Westermann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Convex Consensus (CC) allows a set of parties to agree on a value $v$ inside the convex hull of their inputs with respect to a predefined convexity notion, even in the presence of byzantine parties. In this work, we focus on achieving CC in the best-of-both-worlds paradigm, i.e., simultaneously tolerating at most $t_s$ corruptions if communication is synchronous, and at most $t_a \leq t_s$ corruptions if it is asynchronous. Our protocol is randomized, which is a requirement under asynchrony, and we prove that it achieves optimal resilience. In the process, we introduce communication primitives tailored to the best-of-both-worlds model, which we believe to be of independent interest. These are a deterministic primitive, which allows honest parties to obtain intersecting views, and a randomized primitive, leading to identical views (which is impossible to achieve deterministically).

Afterwards, we consider achieving consensus using deterministic protocols, for which the agreement condition must be appropriately relaxed depending on the convexity space. For the relevant case of graph convexity spaces, we find that a previous asynchronous approximate agreement protocol for chordal graphs is incorrect, and hereby give a new protocol for the problem designed for the best-of-both-worlds model and achieving tight point-wise resilience bounds. Finally, we show that asynchronous graph approximate agreement remains unsolvable by deterministic protocols even when corruptions are restricted to at most two crashing nodes and the distance agreement threshold is linear in the size of the graph.
Fuchun Lin, Chaoping Xing, Yizhou Yao, Chen Yuan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Reversed multiplication friendly embedding (RMFE) amortization has been playing an active role in the state-of-the-art constructions of MPC protocols over rings (in particular, the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$). As far as we know, this powerful technique has NOT been able to find applications in the crown jewel of two-party computation, the non-interactive secure computation (NISC), where the requirement of the protocol being non-interactive constitutes a formidable technical bottle-neck. We initiate such a study focusing on statistical NISC protocols in the VOLE-hybrid model. Our study begins with making the {\em decomposable affine randomized encoding (DARE)} based semi-honest NISC protocol compatible with RMFE techniques, which together with known techniques for forcing a malicious sender Sam to honestly follow DARE already yield a secure amortized protocol, assuming both parties follow RMFE encoding. Achieving statistical security in the full malicious setting is much more challenging, as applying known techniques for enforcing compliance with RMFE incurs interaction. To solve this problem, we put forward a new notion dubbed non-malleable RMFE (NM-RMFE), which is a randomized RMFE such that, once one party deviates from the encoding specification, the randomness injected by the other party will randomize the output, preventing information from being leaked. NM-RMFE simultaneously forces both parties to follow RMFE encoding, offering a desired {\em non-interactive} solution to amortizing NISC. We believe that NM-RMFE is on its own an important primitive that has applications in secure computation and beyond, interactive and non-interactive alike. With an asymptotically good instantiation of our NM-RMFE, we obtain the first {\em statistical} reusable NISC protocols in the VOLE-hybrid model with {\em constant communication overhead} for arithmetic branching programs over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$. As side contributions, we consider computational security and present two concretely efficient NISC constructions in the random oracle model from conventional RMFEs.
David Fifield
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This article presents three retrospective case studies of cryptography-related flaws in censorship circumvention protocols: a decryption oracle in Shadowsocks “stream cipher” methods, non-uniform Elligator public key representatives in obfs4, and a replay-based active distinguishing attack exploiting malleability in VMess. These three protocols come from the family of “fully encrypted” circumvention protocols: their traffic in both directions is indistinguishable from a uniformly random stream of bytes (or at least, is supposed to be). Some of the flaws are fixable implementation errors; others are rooted in more fundamental design errors. Their consequences range from enabling passive probabilistic detection to complete loss of confidentiality. All have been fixed, mitigated, or superseded since their discovery.

My primary purpose is to provide an introduction of circumvention threat models to specialists in cryptography, and to make the point that while cryptography is a necessary tool in circumvention, it is not the sole or even most important consideration. Secondarily, I want to furnish a few instructive examples of cryptographic design and implementation errors in uncontrived, deployed protocols. While the flaws I discuss affected systems of significant social importance with millions of collective users, they are not well-known outside a small circle of specialists in circumvention.
Amit Singh Bhati, Erik Pohle, Aysajan Abidin, Elena Andreeva, Bart Preneel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
IoT devices collect privacy-sensitive data, e.g., in smart grids or in medical devices, and send this data to cloud servers for further processing. In order to ensure confidentiality as well as authenticity of the sensor data in the untrusted cloud environment, we consider a transciphering scenario between embedded IoT devices and multiple cloud servers that perform secure multi-party computation (MPC). Concretely, the IoT devices encrypt their data with a lightweight symmetric cipher and send the ciphertext to the cloud servers. To obtain the secret shares of the cleartext message for further processing, the cloud servers engage in an MPC protocol to decrypt the ciphertext in a distributed manner. This way, the plaintext is never exposed to the individual servers.

As an important building block in this scenario, we propose a new, provably secure family of lightweight modes for authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD), called Eevee. The Eevee family has fully parallel decryption, making it suitable for MPC protocols for which the round complexity depends on the complexity of the function they compute. Further, our modes use the lightweight forkcipher primitive that offers fixed-length output expansion and a compact yet parallelizable internal structure.

All Eevee members improve substantially over the few available state-of-the-art (SotA) MPC-friendly modes and other standard solutions. We benchmark the Eevee family on a microcontroller and in MPC. Our proposed mode Jolteon (when instantiated with ForkSkinny) provides 1.85x to 3.64x speedup in IoT-encryption time and 3x to 4.5x speedup in both MPC-decryption time and data for very short queries of 8 bytes and, 1.55x to 3.04x and 1.23x to 2.43x speedup, respectively, in MPC-decryption time and data for queries up to 500 bytes when compared against SotA MPC-friendly modes instantiated with SKINNY. We also provide two advanced modes, Umbreon and Espeon, that show a favorable performance-security trade-off with stronger security guarantees such as nonce-misuse security. Additionally, all Eevee members have full $n$-bit security (where $n$ is the block size of the underlying primitive), use a single primitive and require smaller state and HW area when compared with the SotA modes under their original security settings.
Gijs van Dam
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bitcoin has a low throughput of around 7 transactions per second. The Lightning Network (LN) is a solution meant to improve that throughput while also improving privacy. LN is a Payment Channel Network (PCN) that runs as a peer-to-peer network on top of Bitcoin and improves scalability by keeping most transactions off-chain without sacrificing the trustless character of Bitcoin. Prior work showed that LN is susceptible to the Balance Discovery Attack that allows for individual channel balances to be revealed, threatening users' privacy. In this work we introduce Payment Splitting and Switching (PSS), a way of splitting up payments in LN at intermediary hops along the payment path. PSS drastically reduces the information an attacker can obtain through a BDA. Using real-world data in an LN simulator we demonstrate that the information gain for the attacker drops up to 62% when PSS is deployed. Apart from its potential as mitigation against BDA, PSS also shows promise for increased LN throughput and as a mitigation against jamming attacks.
Qingliang Hou, Xiaoyang Dong, Lingyue Qin, Guoyan Zhang, Xiaoyun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Feistel network and its generalizations (GFN) are another important building blocks for constructing hash functions, e.g., Simpira v2, Areion, and the ISO standard Lesamnta-LW. The Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM) is a general paradigm to build preimage and collision attacks on hash functions, which has been automated in several papers. However, those automatic tools mostly focus on the hash function with Substitution-Permutation network (SPN) as building blocks, and only one for Feistel network by Schrottenloher and Stevens (at CRYPTO 2022). In this paper, we introduce a new automatic model for MitM attacks on Feistel networks by generalizing the traditional direct or indirect partial matching strategies and also Sasaki’s multi-round matching strategy. Besides, we find the equivalent transformations of Feistel and GFN can significantly simplify the MILP model. Based on our automatic model, we improve the preimage attacks on Feistel-SP-MMO, Simpira-2/-4-DM, Areion-256/-512-DM by 1-2 rounds or significantly reduce the complexities. Furthermore, we fill in the gap left by Schrottenloher and Stevens at CRYPTO 2022 on the large branch (b > 4) Simpira-b’s attack and propose the first 11-round attack on Simpira-6. Besides, we significantly improve the collision attack on the ISO standard hash Lesamnta-LW by increasing the attacked round number from previous 11 to ours 17 rounds.
Weijie Wang, Yujie Lu, Charalampos Papamanthou, Fan Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Motivated by the extended deployment of authenticated data structures (e.g., Merkle Patricia Tries) for verifying massive amounts of data in blockchain systems, we begin a systematic study of the I/O efficiency of such systems. We first explore the fundamental limitations of memory checking, a previously-proposed abstraction for verifiable storage, in terms of its locality---a complexity measure that we introduce for the first time and is defined as the number of non-contiguous memory regions a checker must query to verifiably answer a read or a write query. Our central result is an $\Omega(\log n /\log \log n)$ lower bound for the locality of any memory checker. Then we turn our attention to (dense and sparse) Merkle trees, one of the most celebrated memory checkers, and provide stronger lower bounds for their locality. For example, we show that any dense Merkle tree layout will have average locality at least $\frac 13 \log n$. Furthermore, if we allow node duplication, we show that if any write operation has at most polylog complexity, then the read locality cannot be less than $\log n/\log \log n$. Our lower bounds help us construct two new locality-optimized authenticated data structures (DupTree and PrefixTree) which we implement and evaluate on random operations and real workloads, and which are shown to outperform traditional Merkle trees, especially as the number of leaves increases.
Koustabh Ghosh, Parisa Amiri Eliasi, Joan Daemen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we introduce a new keyed hash function based on 32-bit integer multiplication that we call Multimixer-128. In our approach, we follow the key-then-hash parallel paradigm. So, we first add a variable length input message to a secret key and split the result into blocks. A fixed length public function based on integer multiplication is then applied on each block and their results are added to form the digest. We prove an upper bound of $2^{-127}$ for the universality of Multimixer-128 by means of the differential probability and image probability of the underlying public function.

There are vector instructions for fast 32-bit integer multiplication on many CPUs and in such platforms, Multimixer-128 is very efficient. We compare our implementation of Multimixer-128 with NH hash function family that offers similar levels of security and with two fastest NIST LWC candidates. To the best of our knowledge, NH hash function is the fastest keyed hash function on software and Multimixer-128 outperforms NH while providing same levels of security.
George Teseleanu, Paul Cotan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $N=pq$ be the product of two balanced prime numbers $p$ and $q$. Elkamchouchi, Elshenawy and Shaban presented in 2002 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^2-1)(q^2-1) = 1$, instead of the classical RSA key equation $ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1$. The authors claimed that their scheme is more secure than RSA. Unfortunately, the common attacks developed against RSA can be adapted for Elkamchouchi \emph{et al.}'s scheme. In this paper, we introduce a family of RSA-like encryption schemes that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^n-1)(q^n-1) = 1$, where $n>0$ is an integer. Then, we show that regardless of the choice of $n$, there exists an attack based on continued fractions that recovers the secret exponent.
Liqing Yu, Yusai Wu, Yu Yu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This work studies the key-alternating ciphers (KACs) whose round permutations are not necessarily independent. We revisit existing security proofs for key-alternating ciphers with a single permutation (KACSPs), and extend their method to an arbitrary number of rounds. In particular, we propose new techniques that can significantly simplify the proofs, and also remove two unnatural restrictions in the known security bound of 3-round KACSP (Wu et al., Asiacrypt 2020). With these techniques, we prove the first tight security bound for t-round KACSP, which was an open problem. We stress that our techniques apply to all variants of KACs with non-independent round permutations, as well as to the standard KACs.

11 September 2023

Adi Akavia, Ben Galili, Hayim Shaul, Mor Weiss, Zohar Yakhini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) provides protocols for learning and statistical analysis of data that may be distributed amongst multiple data owners (e.g., hospitals that own proprietary healthcare data), while preserving data privacy. The PPML literature includes protocols for various learning methods, including ridge regression. Ridge regression controls the $L_2$ norm of the model, but does not aim to strictly reduce the number of non-zero coefficients, namely the $L_0$ norm of the model. Reducing the number of non-zero coefficients (a form of feature selection) is important for avoiding overfitting, and for reducing the cost of using learnt models in practice. In this work, we develop a first privacy-preserving protocol for sparse linear regression under $L_0$ constraints. The protocol addresses data contributed by several data owners (e.g., hospitals). Our protocol outsources the bulk of the computation to two non-colluding servers, using homomorphic encryption as a central tool. We provide a rigorous security proof for our protocol, where security is against semi-honest adversaries controlling any number of data owners and at most one server. We implemented our protocol, and evaluated performance with nearly a million samples and up to 40 features.
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