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27 September 2023

Martin R. Albrecht, Giacomo Fenzi, Oleksandra Lapiha, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent works on lattice-based extractable polynomial commitments can be grouped into two classes: (i) non-interactive constructions that stem from the functional commitment by Albrecht, Cini, Lai, Malavolta and Thyagarajan (CRYPTO 2022), and (ii) lattice adaptations of the Bulletproofs protocol (S&P 2018). The former class enjoys security in the standard model, albeit a knowledge assumption is desired. In contrast, Bulletproof-like protocols can be made secure under falsifiable assumptions, but due to technical limitations regarding subtractive sets, they only offer inverse-polynomial soundness error. This issue becomes particularly problematic when transforming these protocols to the non-interactive setting using the Fiat-Shamir paradigm. In this work, we propose the first lattice-based non-interactive extractable polynomial commitment scheme which achieves polylogarithmic proof size and verifier runtime (in the length of the committed message) under standard assumptions. At the core of our work lies a new tree-based commitment scheme, along with an efficient proof of polynomial evaluation inspired by FRI (ICALP 2018). Natively, the construction is secure under a “multi-instance version” of the Power-Ring BASIS assumption (Eprint 2023/846). We then fully reduce security to the Module-SIS assumption by introducing several re-randomisation techniques which can be of independent interest.
Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2023, Basso, Maino, and Pope proposed FESTA~(Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks), an isogeny-based public-key encryption (PKE) protocol that uses the SIDH attack for decryption. In the same paper, they proposed a parameter for that protocol, but the parameter requires high-degree isogeny computations. In this paper, we introduce QFESTA (Quaternion Fast Encapsulation from Supersingular Torsion Attacks), a new variant of FESTA that works with better parameters using quaternion algebras and achieves IND-CCA security in QROM. To realize our protocol, we construct a new algorithm to compute an isogeny of non-smooth degree using quaternion algebra and the SIDH attack. Our protocol relies solely on $(2,2)$-isogeny and $3$-isogeny computations, promising a substantial reduction in computational costs. In addition, our protocol has significantly smaller data sizes for public keys and ciphertexts, approximately one-third the size of the original FESTA.
Shintaro Narisada, Hiroki Okada, Kazuhide Fukushima, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Takashi Nishide
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can perform computations on encrypted data, allowing us to analyze sensitive data without losing its security. The main issue for FHE is its lower performance, especially for high-precision computations, compared to calculations on plaintext data. Making FHE viable for practical use requires both algorithmic improvements and hardware acceleration. Recently, Klemsa and Önen (CODASPY'22) presented fast homomorphic algorithms for high-precision integers, including addition, multiplication and some fundamental functions, by utilizing a technique called redundant representation. Their algorithms were applied on TFHE, which was proposed by Chillotti et al. (Asiacrypt'16).

In this paper, we further accelerate this method by extending their algorithms to multithreaded environments. The experimental results show that our approach performs 128-bit addition in 0.41 seconds, 32-bit multiplication in 4.3 seconds, and 128-bit Max and ReLU functions in 1.4 seconds using a Tesla V100S server.
Amit Agarwal, Navid Alamati, Dakshita Khurana, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Peter Rindal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study verifiable outsourcing of computation in a model where the verifier has black-box access to the function being computed. We introduce the problem of oracle-aided batch verification of computation (OBVC) for a function class $\mathcal{F}$. This allows a verifier to efficiently verify the correctness of any $f \in \mathcal{F}$ evaluated on a batch of $n$ instances $x_1, \ldots, x_n$, while only making $\lambda$ calls to an oracle for $f$ (along with $O(n \lambda)$ calls to low-complexity helper oracles), for security parameter $\lambda$.

We obtain the following positive and negative results:

1.) We build OBVC protocols for the class of all functions that admit random-self-reductions. Some of our protocols rely on homomorphic encryption schemes.

2.) We show that there cannot exist OBVC schemes for the class of all functions mapping $\lambda$-bit inputs to $\lambda$-bit outputs, for any $n = \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$.
Dominique Dittert, Thomas Schneider, Amos Treiber
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The well-defined information leakage of Encrypted Search Algorithms (ESAs) is predominantly analyzed by crafting so-called leakage attacks. These attacks utilize adversarially known auxiliary data and the observed leakage to attack an ESA instance built on a user's data. Known-data attacks require the auxiliary data to be a subset of the user's data. In contrast, sampled-data attacks merely rely on auxiliary data that is, in some sense, statistically close to the user's data and hence reflect a much more realistic attack scenario where the auxiliary data stems from a publicly available data source instead of the private user's data.

Unfortunately, it is unclear what "statistically close" means in the context of sampled-data attacks. This leaves open how to measure whether data is close enough for attacks to become a considerable threat. Furthermore, sampled-data attacks have so far not been evaluated in the more realistic attack scenario where the auxiliary data stems from a source different to the one emulating the user's data. Instead, auxiliary and user data have been emulated with data from one source being split into distinct training and testing sets. This leaves open whether and how well attacks work in the mentioned attack scenario with data from different sources.

In this work, we address these open questions by providing a measurable metric for statistical closeness in encrypted keyword search. Using real-world data, we show a clear exponential relation between our metric and attack performance. We uncover new data that are intuitively similar yet stem from different sources. We discover that said data are not "close enough" for sampled-data attacks to perform well. Furthermore, we provide a re-evaluation of sampled-data keyword attacks with varying evaluation parameters and uncover that some evaluation choices can significantly affect evaluation results.
Daniele Cozzo, Emanuele Giunta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An hard homogeneous space (HHS) is a finite group acting on a set with the group action being hard to invert and the set lacking any algebraic structure. As such HHS could potentially replace finite groups where the discrete logarithm is hard for building cryptographic primitives and protocols in a post-quantum world.

Threshold HHS-based primitives typically require parties to compute the group action of a secret-shared input on a public set element. On one hand this could be done through generic MPC techniques, although they incur in prohibitive costs due to the high complexity of circuits evaluating group actions known to date. On the other hand round-robin protocols only require black box usage of the HHS. However these are highly sequential procedures, taking as many rounds as parties involved. The high round complexity appears to be inherent due the lack of homomorphic properties in HHS, yet no lower bounds were known so far.

In this work we formally show that round-robin protocols are optimal. In other words, any at least passively secure distributed computation of a group action making black-box use of an HHS must take a number of rounds greater or equal to the threshold parameter. We furthermore study fair protocols in which all users receive the output in the same round (unlike plain round-robin), and prove communication and computation lower bounds of $\Omega(n \log_2 n)$ for $n$ parties. Our results are proven in Shoup's Generic Action Model (GAM), and hold regardless of the underlying computational assumptions.

26 September 2023

University of Birmingham
Job Posting Job Posting
The University of Birmingham’s Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy is looking for a research fellow (postdoc) to work on our EPSRC-funded project on the security analysis of post-quantum cryptography algorithms.

The successful candidate will be employed on a full-time, fixed-term contract up to September 2026. Full-time starting salary is normally in the range £34,980 to £44,263. (Some) remote work is possible, depending on the circumstances. The University provides a range of employee benefits, as well as opportunities for career development and training. The project includes substantial funding for conference travel.

Applicants should have a PhD, or be close to completing a PhD, in a relevant subject (crypto, computer algebra, maths, etc.). We are particularly keen on applications with a quantum cryptanalysis or quantum algorithm background, but strong candidates with other backgrounds will also be given due consideration. Prior track record on post-quantum cryptography and cryptanalysis is also a plus.

The post-doc will be working in the Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy, which currently has 14 permanent academics as well as 21 postdocs/PhD students.

The application deadline is 16 Oct 2023. Applications have to be made online at:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Informal enquiries can be made to Christophe Petit

More information:

University at Albany, SUNY; New York, USA
Job Posting Job Posting
My group is hiring Ph.D. students on AI security and Homomorphic Encryption accelerators.

We are seeking students who are passionate about research, motivated to explore new ideas, and willing to work in a team environment. You will be expected to work diligently, communicate your results in writing, and publish research papers in top conferences/journals in the field of hardware security.

A strong background in one or more of these topics is required: linear algebra, probability theory, cryptography, or digital hardware design. Prior experience with Verilog hardware description language (HDL), electronic design automation (EDA) tools for application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design, or/and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is preferred.

The candidate is expected to have excellent verbal and written communication skills. International applications: check the department website for GPA, TOEFL, and GRE requirements; visa sponsorship will be provided.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: The deadline to apply is January 15, 2024. Please contact Dr. Seetal Potluri ( for more information.


24 September 2023

Guangzhou, China, 1 December - 3 December 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 1 December to 3 December 2023
Hao Lu, Jian Liu, Kui Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
State-machine replication (SMR) allows a state machine to be replicated across a set of replicas and handle clients' requests as a single machine. Most existing SMR protocols are leader-based, i.e., requiring a leader to order requests and coordinate the protocol. This design places a disproportionately high load on the leader, inevitably impairing the scalability. If the leader fails, a complex and bug-prone fail-over protocol is needed to switch to a new leader. An adversary can also exploit the fail-over protocol to slow down the protocol. In this paper, we propose a crash-fault tolerant SMR named Cascade, with the following properties: • Leaderless: it does not require a leader, hence completely get rid of the fail-over protocol. • Scalable: it can scale to a large number of replicas. %its throughput increases with the number of replicas. • Robust: it behaves well even under a poor network connection. We provide a full-fledged implementation of Cascade and systematically evaluate its performance. Our benchmark results show that Cascade achieves a peak throughput of around two million TPS, up to 8.7$\times$ higher than the state-of-the-art leaderless SMR.
Rashmi Agrawal, Jung Ho Ahn, Flavio Bergamaschi, Ro Cammarota, Jung Hee Cheon, Fillipe D. M. de Souza, Huijing Gong, Minsik Kang, Duhyeong Kim, Jongmin Kim, Hubert de Lassus, Jai Hyun Park, Micha ...
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A prevalent issue in the residue number system (RNS) variant of the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) homomorphic encryption (HE) scheme is the challenge of efficiently achieving high precision on hardware architectures with a fixed, yet smaller, word-size of bit-length $W$, especially when the scaling factor satisfies $\log\Delta > W$. In this work, we introduce an efficient solution termed composite scaling. In this approach, we group multiple RNS primes as $q_\ell:= \prod_{j=0}^{t-1} q_{\ell,j}$ such that $\log q_{\ell,j} < W$ for $0\le j < t$, and use each composite $q_\ell$ in the rescaling procedure as $\mathsf{ct}\mapsto \lfloor \mathsf{ct} / q_\ell\rceil$. Here, the number of primes, denoted by $t$, is termed the composition degree. This strategy contrasts the traditional rescaling method in RNS-CKKS, where each $q_\ell$ is chosen as a single $\log\Delta$-bit prime, a method we designate as single scaling. To achieve higher precision in single scaling, where $\log\Delta > W$, one would either need a novel hardware architecture with word size $W' > \log\Delta$ or would have to resort to relatively inefficient solutions rooted in multi-precision arithmetic. This problem, however, doesn't arise in composite scaling. In the composite scaling approach, the larger the composition degree $t$, the greater the precision attainable with RNS-CKKS across an extensive range of secure parameters tailored for workload deployment. We have integrated composite scaling RNS-CKKS into both OpenFHE and Lattigo libraries. This integration was achieved via a concrete implementation of the method and its application to the most up-to-date workloads, specifically, logistic regression training and convolutional neural network inference. Our experiments demonstrate that single and composite scaling approaches are functionally equivalent, both theoretically and practically.
Agostino Capponi, Ruizhe Jia, Ye Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain users who submit transactions through private pools are guaranteed pre-trade privacy but face execution risk. We argue that private pools serve the intended purpose of eliminating frontrunning risk, only if such risk is high. Otherwise, some validators may decide to avoid monitoring private pools to preserve rents extracted from frontrunning bots. Private pools intensify the execution arms race for bots, thus decreasing their payoffs {and increasing validators' rents}. The private pool option reduces blockspace allocative inefficiencies and raises aggregate welfare.
Charles Meyer-Hilfiger, Jean-Pierre Tillich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Dual attacks aiming at decoding generic linear codes have been found recently to outperform for certain parameters information set decoding techniques which have been for $60$ years the dominant tool for solving this problem and choosing the parameters of code-based cryptosystems. However, the analysis of the complexity of these dual attacks relies on some unproven assumptions that are not even fully backed up with experimental evidence.

These dual attacks can actually be viewed as the code-based analogue of dual attacks in lattice based cryptography. Here too, dual attacks have been found out those past years to be strong competitors to primal attacks and a controversy has emerged whether similar heuristics made for instance on the independence of certain random variables really hold.

We will show that the dual attacks in coding theory can be studied by providing in a first step a simple alternative expression of the fundamental quantity used in these dual attacks. We then show that this expression can be studied without relying on independence assumptions whatsoever.

This study leads us to discover that there is indeed a problem with the latest and most powerful dual attack introduced in the recent Asiacrypt 2022 paper "Statistical decoding 2.0: Reducing Decoding to LPN" (RLPN) and that for the parameters chosen in this algorithm there are indeed false candidates which are produced and which are not predicted by the analysis provided there which relies on independence assumptions.

We then suggest a slight modification of this algorithm consisting in a further verification step, analyze it thoroughly, provide experimental evidence that our analysis is accurate and show that the complexity claims made in RLPN are indeed valid for this modified algorithm. This approach provides a simple methodology for studying rigorously dual attacks which could turn out to be useful for further developing the subject.
Shahla Atapoor
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The identity-based signature, initially introduced by Shamir [Sha84], plays a fundamental role in the domain of identity-based cryptography. It offers the capability to generate a signature on a message, allowing any user to verify the authenticity of the signature using the signer's identifier information (e.g., an email address), instead of relying on a public key stored in a digital certificate. Another significant concept in practical applications is the threshold signature, which serves as a valuable tool for distributing the signing authority. The notion of an identity-based threshold signature scheme pertains to the distribution of a secret key associated with a specific identity among multiple entities, rather than depending on a master secret key generated by a public key generator. This approach enables a qualified group of participants to jointly engage in the signing process. In this paper, we present two identity-based threshold signature schemes based on isogenies, each of which addresses a different aspect of security. The first scheme prioritizes efficiency but offers security with abort, while the second scheme focuses on robustness. Both schemes ensure active security in the quantum random oracle model. To build these identity-based threshold signatures, we begin by modifying the identity-based signature scheme proposed by Shaw and Dutta [SD21], to accommodate the CSI-SharK signature scheme. Subsequently, we leverage the resulting identity-based signature and build two threshold schemes within the CSIDH (Commutative Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman) framework. Our proposed identity-based threshold signatures are designed based on CSI-SharK and can be easily adapted with minimal adjustments to function with CSI-FiSh.
Jiaxin Wang, Fang-Wei Fu, Yadi Wei, Jing Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Vectorial dual-bent functions have recently attracted some researchers' interest as they play a significant role in constructing partial difference sets, association schemes, bent partitions and linear codes. In this paper, we further study vectorial dual-bent functions $F: V_{n}^{(p)}\rightarrow V_{m}^{(p)}$, where $2\leq m \leq \frac{n}{2}$, $V_{n}^{(p)}$ denotes an $n$-dimensional vector space over the prime field $\mathbb{F}_{p}$. We give new characterizations of certain vectorial dual-bent functions (called vectorial dual-bent functions with Condition A) in terms of amorphic association schemes, linear codes and generalized Hadamard matrices, respectively. When $p=2$, we characterize vectorial dual-bent functions with Condition A in terms of bent partitions. Furthermore, we characterize certain bent partitions in terms of amorphic association schemes, linear codes and generalized Hadamard matrices, respectively. For general vectorial dual-bent functions $F: V_{n}^{(p)}\rightarrow V_{m}^{(p)}$ with $F(0)=0, F(x)=F(-x)$ and $2\leq m \leq \frac{n}{2}$, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on constructing association schemes. Based on such a result, more association schemes are constructed from vectorial dual-bent functions.
Dennis Dayanikli, Anja Lehmann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper analyses the Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP) in the context of provable security. SRP is an asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocol introduced in 1998. It allows a client to establish a shared cryptographic key with a server based on a password of potentially low entropy. Although the protocol was part of several standardization efforts, and is deployed in numerous commercial applications such as Apple Homekit, 1Password or Telegram, it still lacks a formal proof of security. This is mainly due to some of the protocol's design choices which were implemented to circumvent patent issues. Our paper gives the first security analysis of SRP in the universal composability (UC) framework. We show that SRP is UC-secure against passive eavesdropping attacks under the standard CDH assumption in the random oracle model. We then highlight a major protocol change designed to thwart active attacks and propose a new assumption -- the additive Simultaneous Diffie Hellman (aSDH) assumption -- under which we can guarantee security in the presence of an active attacker. Using this new assumption as well as the Gap CDH assumption, we prove security of the SRP protocol against active attacks. Our proof is in the "Angel-based UC framework", a relaxation of the UC framework which gives all parties access to an oracle with super-polynomial power. In our proof, we assume that all parties have access to a DDH oracle (limited to finite fields). We further discuss the plausibility of this assumption and which level of security can be shown without it.
Daniel Smith-Tone
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The support minors method has become indispensable to cryptanalysts in attacking various post-quantum cryptosystems in the areas of multivariate cryptography and rank-based cryptography. The complexity analysis for support minors minrank calculations is a bit messy, with no closed form for the Hilbert series of the ideal generated by the support minors equations (or, more correctly, for the quotient of the polynomial ring by this ideal).

In this article, we provide a generating series whose coefficients are the Hilbert Series of related MinRank ideals. This simple series therefore reflects and relates the structure of all support minors ideals. Its simplicity also makes it practically useful in computing the complexity of support minors instances.
Sermin Kocaman, Younes Talibi Alaoui
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributing the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) has received increased attention in past years due to the wide range of applications that can benefit from this, particularly after the popularity that the blockchain technology has gained. Many schemes have been proposed in the literature to improve the efficiency of multi- party ECDSA. Most of these schemes either require heavy homomorphic encryption computation or multiple executions of a functionality that transforms Multiplicative shares to Additive shares (MtA). Xue et al. (CCS 2021) proposed a 2-party ECDSA protocol secure against mali- cious adversaries and only requires one execution of MtA, with an online phase that consists of only one party sending one field element to the other party with a computational overhead dominated by the verifica- tion step of the signature scheme. We propose a novel protocol, based on the assumption that the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard, that offers the same online phase performance as the protocol of Xue et al., but improves the offline phase by reducing the computational cost by one elliptic curve multiplication and the communication cost by two field elements. To the best of our knowledge, our protocol offers the most efficient offline phase for a two-party ECDSA protocol with such an efficient online phase.
Mohsen Minaei, Duc V. Le, Ranjit Kumaresan, Andrew Beams, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Yibin Yang, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Mahdi Zamani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain auction plays an important role in the price discovery of digital assets (e.g. NFTs). However, despite their importance, implementing auctions directly on blockchains such as Ethereum incurs scalability issues. In particular, the on-chain transactions scale poorly with the number of bidders, leading to network congestion, increased transaction fees, and slower transaction confirmation time. This lack of scalability significantly hampers the ability of the system to handle large-scale, high-speed auctions that are common in today's economy. In this work, we build a protocol where an auctioneer can conduct sealed bid auctions that run entirely off-chain when parties behave honestly, and in the event that $k$ bidders deviate (e.g., do not open their sealed bid) from an $n$-party auction protocol, then the on-chain complexity is only $O(k \log n)$. This improves over existing solutions that require $O(n)$ on-chain complexity, even if a single bidder deviates from the protocol. In the event of a malicious auctioneer, our protocol still guarantees that the auction will successfully terminate. We implement our protocol and show that it offers significant efficiency improvements compared to existing on-chain solutions. Our use of zkSnark to achieve scalability also ensures that the on-chain contract and other participants do not acquire any information about the bidders' identities and their respective bids, except for the winner and the winning bid amount.
Qinggan Fu, Ye Luo, Qianqian Yang, Ling Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports hashing and authenticated encryption, is the winner of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. In this paper, we propose an improved preimage attack against 2-round Ascon-XOF-64 with a complexity of $2^{32}$ via a better guessing strategy. Furthermore, in order to find a good guessing strategy efficiently, we build a MILP model and successfully extend the attack to 3 rounds. The time complexity is $2^{53}$ when $IV=0$, while for the real $IV$, the attack still works and the time complexity is $2^{51}$. Additionally, we also investigate the resistance of Ascon-HASH against collision attacks. We introduce the linearization of the inverse of S-boxes and then propose a practical free-start collision attack on 3-round Ascon-HASH using a differential trail searched dedicatedly. Furthermore, We construct different 2-round connectors using the linearization of the inverse of S-boxes and successfully extend the collision attack to 4 rounds and 5 rounds of Ascon-HASH with complexities of $2^{21}$ and $2^{41}$ respectively. Although our attacks do not compromise the security of the full 12-round Ascon-XOF and Ascon-HASH, they provide some insights into Ascon's security.
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