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09 October 2023

Daniel Smith-Tone
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A new batch of ``complete and proper'' digital signature scheme submissions has recently been published by NIST as part of its process for establishing post-quantum cryptographic standards. This note communicates an attack on the 3WISE digital signature scheme that the submitters did not wish to withdraw after NIST communicated it to them.

While the 3WISE digital signature scheme is based on a collection of cubic maps which are naturally modeled as symmetric 3-tensors and 3-tensor rank is a difficult problem, the multivariate signature scheme is still vulnerable to MinRank attacks upon projection. We are able to break the NIST security level I parameters within a few seconds. Since the attack is polynomial time, there is no reparametrization resulting in a secure scheme.
Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Evolving secret sharing (Komargodski, Naor, and Yogev, TCC’16) generalizes the notion of secret sharing to the setting of evolving access structures, in which the share holders are added to the system in an online manner, and where the dealer does not know neither the access structure nor the maximum number of parties in advance. Here, the main difficulty is to distribute shares to the new players without updating the shares of old players; moreover, one would like to minimize the share size as a function of the number of players. In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of evolving secret sharing in the computational setting, where the maximum number of parties is polynomial in the security parameter, but the dealer still does not know this value, neither it knows the access structure in advance. Moreover, the privacy guarantee only holds against computationally bounded adversaries corrupting an unauthorized subset of the players. Our main result is that for many interesting, and practically relevant, evolving access structures (including graphs access structures, DNF and CNF formulas access structures, monotone circuits access structures, and threshold access structures), under standard hardness assumptions, there exist efficient secret sharing schemes with computational privacy and in which the shares are succinct (i.e., much smaller compared to the size of a natural computational representation of the evolving access structure).
Tung Chou, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The LESS signature scheme, introduced in 2020, represents a fresh research direction to obtain practical code-based signatures. LESS is based on the linear equivalence problem for codes, and the scheme is entirely described using matrices, which define both the codes, and the maps between them. It makes sense then, that the performance of the scheme depends on how efficiently such objects can be represented. In this work, we investigate canonical forms for matrices, and how these can be used to obtain very compact signatures. We present a new notion of equivalence for codes, and prove that it reduces to linear equivalence; this means there is no security loss when applying canonical forms to LESS. Additionally, we flesh out a potential application of canonical forms to cryptanalysis, and conclude that this does not improve on existing attacks, for the regime of interest. Finally, we analyze the impact of our technique, showing that it yields a drastic reduction in signature size when compared to the LESS submission, resulting in the smallest sizes for code-based signature schemes based on zero-knowledge.
Ruta Jawale, Dakshita Khurana
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof enables verification of NP statements without revealing secrets about them. However, an adversary that obtains a NIZK proof may be able to clone this proof and distribute arbitrarily many copies of it to various entities: this is inevitable for any proof that takes the form of a classical string. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to rely on quantum information in order to build NIZK proof systems that are impossible to clone.

We define and construct unclonable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) for NP. Besides satisfying the zero-knowledge and proof of knowledge properties, these proofs additionally satisfy unclonability. Very roughly, this ensures that no adversary can split an honestly generated proof of membership of an instance $x$ in an NP language $\mathcal{L}$ and distribute copies to multiple entities that all obtain accepting proofs of membership of $x$ in $\mathcal{L}$. Our result has applications to unclonable signatures of knowledge, which we define and construct in this work; these non-interactively prevent replay attacks.
Pierrick Méaux, Jeongeun Park, Hilder V. L. Pereira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful tool to achieve non-interactive privacy preserving protocols with optimal computation/communication complexity. However, the main disadvantage is that the actual communication cost (bandwidth) is high due to the large size of FHE ciphertexts. As a solution, a technique called transciphering (also known as Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption) was introduced to achieve almost optimal bandwidth for such protocols. However, all of existing works require clients to fix a precision for the messages or a mathematical structure for the message space beforehand. It results in unwanted constraints on the plaintext size or underlying structure of FHE based applications.

In this article, we introduce a new approach for transciphering which does not require fixed message precision decided by the client, for the first time. In more detail, a client uses any kind of FHE-friendly symmetric cipher for $\{0,1\}$ to send its input data encrypted bit-by-bit, then the server can choose a precision $p$ depending on the application and homomorphically transforms the encrypted bits into FHE ciphertexts encrypting integers in $\mathbb{Z}_p$. To illustrate our new technique, we evaluate a transciphering using FiLIP cipher and adapt the most practical homomorphic evaluation technique [CCS'22] to keep the practical latency. As a result, our proof-of-concept implementation for $p$ from $2^2$ to $2^8$ takes only from $13$ ms to $137$ ms.
Leonid Reyzin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a proof of space, a prover performs a complex computation with a large output. A verifier periodically checks that the prover still holds the output. The security goal for a proof of space construction is to ensure that a prover who erases even a portion of the output has to redo a large portion of the computation in order to satisfy the verifier.

We present the first proof space that ensures that the prover has to redo almost the entire computation (fraction arbitrarily close to 1) when trying to save even an arbitrarily small constant fraction of the space.

Our construction is a generalization of an existing construction called SDR (Fisch, Eurocrypt 2019) deployed on the Filecoin blockchain. Our improvements, while general, also demonstrate that the already deployed construction has considerably better security than previously shown.
Elia Anzuoni, Tommaso Gagliardoni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present Shufflecake, a new plausible deniability design to hide the existence of encrypted data on a storage medium making it very difficult for an adversary to prove the existence of such data. Shufflecake can be considered a ``spiritual successor'' of tools such as TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt, but vastly improved: it works natively on Linux, it supports any filesystem of choice, and can manage multiple volumes per device, so to make deniability of the existence of hidden partitions really plausible.

Compared to ORAM-based solutions, Shufflecake is extremely fast and simpler but does not offer native protection against multi-snapshot adversaries. However, we discuss security extensions that are made possible by its architecture, and we show evidence why these extensions might be enough to thwart more powerful adversaries.

We implemented Shufflecake as an in-kernel tool for Linux, adding useful features, and we benchmarked its performance showing only a minor slowdown compared to a base encrypted system. We believe Shufflecake represents a useful tool for people whose freedom of expression is threatened by repressive authorities or dangerous criminal organizations, in particular: whistleblowers, investigative journalists, and activists for human rights in oppressive regimes.
Xiaojie Guo, Kang Yang, Xiao Wang, Yu Yu, Zheli Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Adaptive security is a crucial property for garbling schemes in pushing the communication of garbled circuits to an offline phase when the input is unknown. In this paper, we show that the popular half-gates scheme by Zahur et al. (Eurocrypt’15), without any modification, is adaptively secure in the non-programmable random permutation model (npRPM). Since real implementations of selective-secure half-gates are already based on npRPM, our result shows that these implementa- tions are already adaptively secure under the same condition where the selective security is proven. Additionally, we expand our analysis to cover the recent three-halves construction by Rosulek and Roy (Crypto’21); we also discuss some optimizations and separation when considering the programmable random permutation model instead.
Cruz Barnum, David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Rafail Ostrovsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Garbled circuit techniques that are secure in the adaptive setting -- where inputs are chosen after the garbled program is sent -- are motivated by practice, but they are notoriously difficult to achieve. Prior adaptive garbling is either impractically expensive or encrypts the entire garbled program with the output of a programmable random oracle (PRO), a strong assumption.

We present a simple framework for proving adaptive security of garbling schemes in the non-programmable random oracle (NPRO) model. NPRO is a much milder assumption than PRO, and it is close to the assumption required by the widely used Free XOR extension. Our framework is applicable to a number of GC techniques.

As our main goal and as an application of the framework, we construct and prove adaptively secure a garbling scheme for tri-state circuits, a recently proposed circuit model that captures both Boolean circuits and RAM programs (Heath et al., Crypto 2023). For a given TSC $C$, our garbling of $C$ is at most $|C|\cdot \lambda$ bits long, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. This implies both an adaptively secure garbled Boolean circuit scheme, as well an adaptively secure garbled RAM scheme where the garbling of $T$ steps of a RAM program has size $O(T \cdot \log^3 T \cdot \log \log T \cdot \lambda)$ bits. Our scheme is concretely efficient: its Boolean circuit handling matches the performance of the popular half-gates, and it is adaptively secure from NPRO.
Adi Shamir, Isaac Canales-Martinez, Anna Hambitzer, Jorge Chavez-Saab, Francisco Rodrigez-Henriquez, Nitin Satpute
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Billions of dollars and countless GPU hours are currently spent on training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for a variety of tasks. Thus, it is essential to determine the difficulty of extracting all the parameters of such neural networks when given access to their black-box implementations. Many versions of this problem have been studied over the last 30 years, and the best current attack on ReLU-based deep neural networks was presented at Crypto’20 by Carlini, Jagielski, and Mironov. It resembles a differential chosen plaintext attack on a cryptosystem, which has a secret key embedded in its black-box implementation and requires a polynomial number of queries but an exponential amount of time (as a function of the number of neurons). In this paper, we improve this attack by developing several new techniques that enable us to extract with arbitrarily high precision all the real-valued parameters of a ReLU-based DNN using a polynomial number of queries and a polynomial amount of time. We demonstrate its practical efficiency by applying it to a full-sized neural network for classifying the CIFAR10 dataset, which has 3072 inputs, 8 hidden layers with 256 neurons each, and about 1.2 million neuronal parameters. An attack following the approach by Carlini et al. requires an exhaustive search over 2256 possibilities. Our attack replaces this with our new techniques, which require only 30 minutes on a 256-core computer.
Juliane Krämer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Committing security has gained considerable attention in the field of authenticated encryption (AE). This can be traced back to a line of recent attacks, which suggests that AE schemes used in practice should not only provide confidentiality and authenticity, but also committing security. Roughly speaking, a committing AE scheme guarantees that ciphertexts will decrypt only for one key. Despite the recent research effort in this area, the finalists of the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization process have not been put under consideration yet. We close this gap by providing an analysis of these schemes with respect to their committing security. Despite the structural similarities the finalists exhibit, our results are of a quite heterogeneous nature: We break four of the schemes with effectively no costs, while for two schemes our attacks are costlier, yet still efficient. For the remaining three schemes ISAP, Ascon, and (a slightly modified version of) Schwaemm, we give formal security proofs. Our analysis reveals that sponges—due to their large states—are more favorable for committing security compared to block-ciphers.
Sofía Celi, Scott Griffy, Lucjan Hanzlik, Octavio Perez Kempner, Daniel Slamanig
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Digital signature schemes with specific properties have recently seen various real-world applications with a strong emphasis on privacy-enhancing technologies. They have been extensively used to develop anonymous credentials schemes and to achieve an even more comprehensive range of functionalities in the decentralized web.

Substantial work has been done to formalize different types of signatures where an allowable set of transformations can be applied to message-signature pairs to obtain new related pairs. Most of the previous work focused on transformations with respect to the message being signed, but little has been done to study what happens when transformations apply to the signing keys. A first attempt to thoroughly formalize such aspects was carried by Derler and Slamanig (ePrint '16, Designs, Codes and Cryptography '19), followed by the more recent efforts by Backes et. al (ASIACRYPT '18) and Eaton et. al (ePrint '23). However, the literature on the topic is vast and different terminology is used across contributions, which makes it difficult to compare related works and understand the range of applications covered by a given construction.

In this work, we present a unified view of signatures with randomizable keys and revisit their security properties. We focus on state-of-the-art constructions and related applications, identifying existing challenges. Our systematization allows us to highlight gaps, open questions and directions for future research on signatures with randomizable keys.

06 October 2023

Seung Geol Choi, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mingyu Liang, Linsheng Liu, Arkady Yerukhimovich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The min-hash sketch is a well-known technique for low-communication approximation of the Jaccard index between two input sets. Moreover, there is a folklore belief that min-hash sketch based protocols protect the privacy of the inputs. In this paper, we investigate this folklore to quantify the privacy of the min-hash sketch.

We begin our investigation by considering the privacy of min-hash in a centralized setting where the hash functions are chosen by the min-hash functionality and are unknown to the participants. We show that in this case the min-hash output satisfies the standard definition of differential privacy (DP) without any additional noise. This immediately yields a privacy-preserving sublinear-communication semi-honest 2-PC protocol based on FHE where the hash function is evaluated homomorphically.

To improve the efficiency of this protocol, we next consider an implementation in the random oracle model. Here, the protocol participants jointly sample public prefixes for domain separation of the random oracle, and locally evaluate the resulting hash functions on their input sets. Unfortunately, we show that in this public hash function setting, the min-hash output is no longer DP. We therefore consider the notion of distributional differential privacy (DDP) introduced by Bassily et al.~(FOCS 2013). We show that if the honest party's set has sufficiently high min-entropy then the output of the min-hash functionality achieves DDP, again without any added noise. This yields a more efficient semi-honest two-party protocol in the random oracle model, where parties first locally hash their input sets and then perform a 2PC for comparison. By proving that our protocols satisfy DP and DDP respectively, our results formally confirm and qualify the folklore belief that min-hash based protocols protect the privacy of their inputs.
Shiyu Shen, Hao Yang, Wenqian Li, Yunlei Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The threat posed by quantum computing has precipitated an urgent need for post-quantum cryptography. Recently, the post-quantum digital signature draft FIPS 204 has been published, delineating the details of the ML-DSA, which is derived from the CRYSTALS-Dilithium. Despite these advancements, server environments, especially those equipped with GPU devices necessitating high-throughput signing, remain entrenched in classical schemes. A conspicuous void exists in the realm of GPU implementation or server-specific designs for ML-DSA.

In this paper, we propose the first server-oriented GPU design tailored for the ML-DSA signing procedure in high-throughput servers. We introduce several innovative theoretical optimizations to bolster performance, including depth-prior sparse ternary polynomial multiplication, the branch elimination method, and the rejection-prioritized checking order. Furthermore, exploiting server-oriented features, we propose a comprehensive GPU hardware design, augmented by a suite of GPU implementation optimizations to further amplify performance. Additionally, we present variants for sampling sparse polynomials, thereby streamlining our design. The deployment of our implementation on both server-grade and commercial GPUs demonstrates significant speedups, ranging from 170.7× to 294.2× against the CPU baseline, and an improvement of up to 60.9% compared to related work, affirming the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed GPU architecture for ML-DSA signing procedure.
Dragan Lambić
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper a reduced set of submatrices for a faster evaluation of the MDS property of a circulant matrix, with entries that are powers of two, is proposed. A proposition is made that under the condition that all entries of a t × t circulant matrix are powers of 2, it is sufficient to check only its 2x2 submatrices in order to evaluate the MDS property. Although there is no theoretical proof to support this proposition at this point, the experimental results conducted on a sample of a 100 thousand randomly generated matrices indicate that this proposition is true. There are benefits of the proposed MDS test on the efficiency of search methods for the generation of circulant MDS matrices, regardless of the correctness of this proposition. However, if this proposition is correct, its impact on the speed of search methods for circulant MDS matrices will be huge, which will enable generation of MDS matrices of large sizes. Also, a modified version of the make_binary_powers function is presented. Based on this modified function and the proposed MDS test, some examples of efficient 16 x 16 MDS matrices are presented. Also, an examples of efficient 24 x 24 matrices are generated, whose MDS property should be further validated.
Charlotte Lefevre, Yanis Belkheyar, Joan Daemen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a construction, called Kirby, for building a variable-input-length pseudorandom function (VIL-PRF) from a $b$-bit permutation. For this construction we prove a tight bound of $b/2$ bits of security on the PRF distinguishing advantage in the random permutation model and in the multi-user setting. Similar to full-state keyed sponge/duplex, it supports full-state absorbing and additionally supports full-state squeezing, where the latter can at most squeeze $b-c$ bits per permutation call for a security level of $c$ bits. This advantage is especially relevant on constrained platforms when using a permutation with small width $b$. For instance, for $b=256$ at equal security strength the squeezing rate of Kirby is twice that of keyed sponge/duplex. We define a simple mode on top of Kirby that turns it into a deck function with parallel expansion. This deck function is suited for lightweight applications in the sense that it has a low memory footprint. Moreover, for short inputs it can be used for low-latency stream encryption: the time between the availability of the input and the keystream is only a single permutation call. Another feature that sets Kirby apart from other constructions is that leakage of an intermediate state does not allow recovering the key or $\textit{earlier states}$.
Rujia Li, Yuanzhao Li, Qin Wang, Sisi Duan, Qi Wang, Mark Ryan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With the increasing scale and complexity of online activities, accountability, as an after-the-fact mechanism, has become an effective complementary approach to ensure system security. Decades of research have delved into the connotation of accountability. They fail, however, to achieve \textit{practical} accountability of decryption. This paper seeks to address this gap. We consider the scenario where a client (called encryptor, her) encrypts her data and then chooses a delegate (a.k.a. decryptor, him) that stores data for her. If the decryptor does not behave correctly, with non-negligible probability, his behavior will be detected, making the decryptor \textit{accountable} for decryption.

We make three contributions. First, we review key definitions of accountability known so far. Based on extensive investigations, we formalize new definitions of accountability specifically targeting the decryption process, denoted as \textit{accountable decryption}, and discuss the (in)possibilities when capturing this concept. We also define the security goals in correspondence. Secondly, we present a novel hardware-assisted solution aligning with definitions. Instead of fully trusting the TEE like previous TEE-based accountability solutions, we take a further step, making TEE work in the ``trust, but verify" model where a compromised state is detectable. Thirdly, we implement a full-fledged system and conduct evaluations. The results demonstrate that our solution is efficient. Even in a scenario involving $300,000$ log entries, the decryption process concludes in approximately $5.5$ms, and malicious decryptors can be identified within $69$ms.
Matteo Campanelli, Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Tianyu Li, Helger Lipmaa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lookup arguments allow to prove that the elements of a committed vector come from a (bigger) committed table. They enable novel approaches to reduce the prover complexity of general-purpose zkSNARKs, implementing “non-arithmetic operations” such as range checks, XOR and AND more efficiently. We extend the notion of lookup arguments along two directions and improve their efficiency:

(1) we extend vector lookups to matrix lookups (where we can prove that a committed matrix is a submatrix of a committed table).

(2) We consider the notion of zero-knowledge lookup argument that keeps the privacy of both the sub-vector/sub-matrix and the table.

(3) We present new zero-knowledge lookup arguments, dubbed cq+, zkcq+ and cq++, more efficient than the state of art, namely the recent work by Eagen, Fiore and Gabizon named cq.

Finally, we give a novel application of zero-knowledge matrix lookup argument to the domain of zero-knowledge decision tree where the model provider releases a commitment to a decision tree and can prove in zero-knowledge statistics over the committed data structure. Our scheme based on lookup arguments has succinct verification, prover’s time complexity asymptotically better than the state of the art, and is secure in a strong security model where the commitment to the decision tree can be malicious.
Siemen Dhooghe, Artemii Ovchinnikov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Modern block ciphers designed for hardware and masked with Threshold Implementations (TIs) provide provable security against first-order attacks. However, the application of TIs leaves designers to deal with a trade-off between its security and its cost, for example, the process to generate its required random bits. This generation cost comes with an increased overhead in terms of area and latency. Decreasing the number of random bits for the masking allows to reduce the aforementioned overhead. We propose to reduce the randomness to mask the secrets, like the plaintext. For that purpose, we suggest relaxing the requirement for the uniformity of the input shares and reuse randomness for their masking in first-order TIs. We apply our countermeasures to first-order TIs of the Prince and Midori64 ciphers with three shares. Since the designs with non-uniform masks are no longer perfect first-order probing secure, we provide further analysis by calculating bounds on the advantage of a noisy threshold-probing adversary. We then make use of the PROLEAD tool, which implements statistical tests verifying the robust probing security to compare its output with our estimates. Finally, we evaluate the designs on FPGA to highlight the practical security of our solution. We observe that their security holds while requiring four times less randomness over uniform TIs.
Jacob Leshno, Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Traditional payment processors are the subject of antitrust concerns and regulations. Open decentralized ledgers (e.g., Bitcoin) provide an alternative. They do not rely on a central authority, avoiding antitrust and monopoly concerns. However, the open nature of these systems gives rise to many challenges, including fundamental questions about their security. To address this question, we consider a framework that combines economic theory and dis- tributed systems theory and define economic security for general permissionless decentralized ledgers. Analysis of Bitcoin’s Nakamoto protocol shows that block rewards are ineffective in pro- viding economic security due to limitations of incentives in environments with many anonymous participants. We present an alternative protocol showing that an open decentralized ledger can be economically secure.
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