International Association for Cryptologic Research

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for Cryptologic Research


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23 November 2023

Vodice, Croatia, 3 June - 7 June 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 3 June to 7 June 2024
Submission deadline: 15 January 2024
Notification: 30 January 2024
Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Job Posting Job Posting
The Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo invites applications from qualified candidates for a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship appointment in cryptography under the supervision of Prof. Michele Mosca. Expertise in cryptography is desired, particularly in the areas of cryptographic protocols, post-quantum cryptography, or implementation of cryptographic primitives. The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is a world-leading institute for research in quantum information at the University of Waterloo. We seek promising candidates to help advance the understanding of post quantum cryptography for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications, to develop new post-quantum cryptographic solutions tailored to these applications, and to implement these ideas in laboratory environments. A Ph.D. degree and evidence of excellence in research are required. Successful applicants are expected to maintain an active program of research. The annual salary is CAD 65,000. In addition, a travel fund of CAD 3,000 per year is provided to attend research related meetings and conferences. Relocation costs of up to CAD 3,000 are also offered. The effective date of appointment is January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. However, dates are negotiable. Applications should include a cover letter describing their interest in the position, a curriculum vitae and research statement and at least three reference letters. Applications and inquiries may be addressed to Dr. Sarah McCarthy, (, Institute for Quantum, Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. The deadline for applications is December 8th, 2023. Late applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr Sarah McCarthy


20 November 2023

Award Award
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2023 IACR Test-of-Time Award for Asiacrypt.
The IACR Test-of-Time Award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field. This year, we are announcing the winners for each conference separately.

The Test-of-Time award for Asiacrypt 2008 is awarded to:

Preimage Attacks on 3, 4, and 5-Pass HAVAL, by Kazumaro Aoki and Yu Sasaki, for providing new attack frameworks in symmetric-key cryptanalysis by formally introducing the Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks against hash functions, which was later generalized into key-recovery attacks against block ciphers, and collision attacks against hash functions..

For more information, see

Congratulations to the winners!
Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 August - 16 August 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 14 August to 16 August 2024
Submission deadline: 7 April 2024
Notification: 20 May 2024
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Job Posting Job Posting

The Applied Cryptography Unit ( at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) is seeking to hire up to four postdoctoral scholars in cryptography.

The research unit, led by Prof. Carlos Cid, was established in 2022, to conduct research in the design and analysis of modern cryptographic primitives and schemes used to protect confidentiality and integrity of data, both in the classical and in the quantum settings. The Applied Cryptography Unit is also part of OIST Center for Quantum Technologies (

To forge and develop the Unit's research activities, we are seeking to hire up to four outstanding post-doctoral researchers to join us, to work in the following topics: post-quantum / quantum cryptography (design and analysis), quantum cryptanalysis, post-quantum cryptographic techniques for privacy-preserving mechanisms.

The postdocs will be provided with funding and access to world-class facilities to pursue their research. The Unit aims to establish a highly collaborative environment, and we expect there will be several opportunities to work with other research groups at OIST, in Japan and overseas.

For more information about the role, and how to apply, see:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Carlos Cid (

More information:

Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Barcelona, Spain
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of Information and Communications Technologies of the public Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, invites applications for a tenure track faculty position. The candidate must have a PhD (or equivalent) in computer science or a closely related field and have a strong background in design focused on computer networks, communication protocols in computer networks and/or cybersecurity. A successful candidate should have a solid research track record in all areas of computer networks, computer communication protocols and cybersecurity Teaching excellence will be highly considered, as well as experience in first year engineering courses related to computer networking topics and their protocols, wireless communication technologies, and mentoring students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Previous experience in professional service will also be valued, as the candidate might be required to assume some management responsibilities. Gross annual salary: 41.039,60€ Qualifications ​The candidate must have a PhD (or equivalent) in computer science or a closely related field and have a strong background in design focused on computer networks, communication protocols in computer networks and/or cybersecurity. A successful candidate should have a solid research track record in all areas of computer networks, computer communication protocols and cybersecurity. Teaching excellence will be highly considered, as well as experience in first year engineering courses related to computer networking topics and their protocols, wireless communication technologies, and mentoring students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Must demonstrate ability to work in other areas that complement well with the department's research (in distributed systems, biomedical engineering,machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital systems of audiovisual technologies, or data science). Must demonstrate ability to attract external funding and the potential to secure partnerships or consultancies with the private sector. It is desirable that the candidate demonstrates leading research projects with social and economic impact.

Closing date for applications:


More information:

Bernardo David, Felix Engelmann, Tore Frederiksen, Markulf Kohlweiss, Elena Pagnin, Mikhail Volkhov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-preserving blueprints enable users to create escrows using the auditor's public key. An escrow encrypts the evaluation of a function $P(t,x)$, where $t$ is a secret input used to generate the auditor's key and $x$ is the user's private input to escrow generation. Nothing but $P(t,x)$ is revealed even to a fully corrupted auditor. The original definition and construction (Kohlweiss et al., EUROCRYPT'23) only support the evaluation of functions on an input $x$ provided by a single user.

We address this limitation by introducing updatable privacy-preserving blueprint schemes (UPPB), which enhance the original notion with the ability for multiple parties to non-interactively update the private value $x$ in a blueprint. Moreover, a UPPB scheme allows for verifying that a blueprint is the result of a sequence of valid updates while revealing nothing else.

We present uBlu, an efficient instantiation of UPPB for computing a comparison between private user values and a private threshold $t$ set by the auditor, where the current value $x$ is the cumulative sum of private inputs, which enables applications such as privacy-preserving anti-money laundering and location tracking. Additionally, we show the feasibility of the notion generically for all value update functions and (binary) predicates from FHE and NIZKs.

Our main technical contribution is a technique to keep the size of primary blueprint components independent of the number of updates and reasonable for practical applications. This is achieved by elegantly extending an algebraic NIZK by Couteau and Hartmann (CRYPTO'20) with an update function and making it compatible with our additive updates. This result is of independent interest and may find additional applications thanks to the concise size of our proofs.
Shashank Agrawal, Shweta Agrawal, Manoj Prabhakaran, Rajeev Raghunath, Jayesh Singla
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a new cryptographic primitive, called Completely Anonymous Signed Encryption (CASE). CASE is a public-key authenticated encryption primitive, that offers anonymity for senders as well as receivers. A "case-packet" should appear, without a (decryption) key for opening it, to be a blackbox that reveals no information at all about its contents. To decase a case-packet fully - so that the message is retrieved and authenticated - a verifcation key is also required. Defining security for this primitive is subtle. We present a relatively simple Chosen Objects Attack (COA) security definition. Validating this definition, we show that it implies a comprehensive indistinguishability-preservation definition in the real-ideal paradigm. To obtain the latter definition, we extend the Cryptographic Agents framework of [2, 3] to allow maliciously created objects. We also provide a novel and practical construction for COA-secure CASE under standard assumptions in public-key cryptography, and in the standard model. We believe CASE can be a staple in future cryptographic libraries, thanks to its robust security guarantees and efficient instantiations based on standard assumptions.
Yuan Zhang, Yaqing Song, Shiyu Li, Weijia Li, Zeqi Lai, Qiang Tang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A central advantage of deploying cryptosystems is that the security of large high-sensitive data sets can be reduced to the security of a very small key. The most popular way to manage keys is to use a $(t,n)-$threshold secret sharing scheme: a user splits her/his key into $n$ shares, distributes them among $n$ key servers, and can recover the key with the aid of any $t$ of them. However, it is vulnerable to device destruction: if all key servers and user's devices break down, the key will be permanently lost. We propose a $\mathrm{\underline{D}}$estruction-$\mathrm{\underline{R}}$esistant $\mathrm{\underline{K}}$ey $\mathrm{\underline{M}}$anagement scheme, dubbed DRKM, which ensures the key availability even if destruction occurs. In DRKM, a user utilizes her/his $n^{*}$ personal identification factors (PIFs) to derive a cryptographic key but can retrieve the key using any $t^{*}$ of the $n^{*}$ PIFs. As most PIFs can be retrieved by the user $\textit{per se}$ without requiring $\textit{stateful}$ devices, destruction resistance is achieved. With the integration of a $(t,n)-$threshold secret sharing scheme, DRKM also provides $\textit{portable}$ key access for the user (with the aid of any $t$ of $n$ key servers) before destruction occurs. DRKM can be utilized to construct a destruction-resistant cryptosystem (DRC) in tandem with any backup system. We formally prove the security of DRKM, implement a DRKM prototype, and conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation to demonstrate its high efficiency. We further utilize Cramer's Rule to reduce the required buffer to retrieve a key from 25 MB to 40 KB (for 256-bit security).
Benjamin E. Diamond, Jim Posen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce an efficient SNARK for towers of binary fields. Adapting Brakedown (CRYPTO '23), we construct a multilinear polynomial commitment scheme suitable for polynomials over tiny fields, including that with 2 elements. Our commitment scheme, unlike those of previous works, treats small-field polynomials with zero embedding overhead. We further introduce binary-field adaptations of HyperPlonk's (EUROCRYPT '23) product and permutation checks, as well as of Lasso's lookup. Our scheme's binary PLONKish variant captures standard hash functions—like Keccak-256 and Grøstl—extremely efficiently. With recourse to thorough performance benchmarks, we argue that our scheme can efficiently generate precisely those Keccak-256-proofs which critically underlie modern efforts to scale Ethereum.
John Bostanci, Luowen Qian, Nicholas Spooner, Henry Yuen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We prove a tight parallel repetition theorem for $3$-message computationally-secure quantum interactive protocols between an efficient challenger and an efficient adversary. We also prove under plausible assumptions that the security of $4$-message computationally secure protocols does not generally decrease under parallel repetition. These mirror the classical results of Bellare, Impagliazzo, and Naor [BIN97]. Finally, we prove that all quantum argument systems can be generically compiled to an equivalent $3$-message argument system, mirroring the transformation for quantum proof systems [KW00, KKMV07].

As immediate applications, we show how to derive hardness amplification theorems for quantum bit commitment schemes (answering a question of Yan [Yan22]), EFI pairs (answering a question of Brakerski, Canetti, and Qian [BCQ23]), public-key quantum money schemes (answering a question of Aaronson and Christiano [AC13]), and quantum zero-knowledge argument systems. We also derive an XOR lemma [Yao82] for quantum predicates as a corollary.
Kamil Otal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Boolean map $\chi_n^{(k)}:\mathbb{F}_{2^k}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{F}_{2^k}^n$, $x\mapsto u$ given by $u_i=x_i+(x_{(i+1)\ \mathrm{mod}\ n}+1)x_{(i+2)\ \mathrm{mod}\ n}$ appears in various permutations as a part of cryptographic schemes such as KECCAK-f, ASCON, Xoodoo, Rasta, and Subterranean (2.0). Schoone and Daemen investigated some important algebraic properties of $\chi_n^{(k)}$ in [IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2023/1708]. In particular, they showed that $\chi_n^{(k)}$ is not bijective when $n$ is even, when $n$ is odd and $k$ is even, and when $n$ is odd and $k$ is a multiple of $3$. They left the remaining cases as a conjecture. In this paper, we examine this conjecture by taking some smaller sub-cases into account by reinterpreting the problem via the Gröbner basis approach. As a result, we prove that $\chi_n^{(k)}$ is not bijective when $n$ is a multiple of 3 or 5, and $k$ is a multiple of 5 or 7. We then present an algorithmic method that solves the problem for any given arbitrary $n$ and $k$ by generalizing our approach. We also discuss the systematization of our proof and computational boundaries.
Yen-Ting Kuo, Atsushi Takayasu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
CRYSTALS-Kyber is a key-encapsulation mechanism, whose security is based on the hardness of solving the learning-with-errors (LWE) problem over module lattices. As in its specification, Kyber prescribes the usage of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) for efficient polynomial multiplication. Side-channel assisted attacks against Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithms like Kyber remain a concern in the ongoing standardization process of quantum-computer-resistant cryptosystems. Among the attacks, correlation power analysis (CPA) is emerging as a popular option because it does not require detailed knowledge about the attacked device and can reveal the secret key even if the recorded power traces are extremely noisy. In this paper, we present a two-step attack to achieve a full-key recovery on lattice-based cryptosystems that utilize NTT for efficient polynomial multiplication. First, we use CPA to recover a portion of the secret key from the power consumption of these polynomial multiplications in the decryption process. Then, using the information, we are able to fully recover the secret key by constructing an LWE problem with a smaller lattice rank and solving it with lattice reduction algorithms. Our attack can be expanded to other cryptosystems using NTT-based polynomial multiplication, including Saber. It can be further parallelized and experiments on simulated traces show that the whole process can be done within 20 minutes on a 16-core machine with 200 traces. Compared to other CPA attacks targeting NTT in the cryptosystems, our attack achieves lower runtime in practice. Furthermore, we can theoretically decrease the number of traces needed by using lattice reduction if the same measurement is used. Our lattice attack also outperforms the state-of-the-art result on integrating side-channel hints into lattices, however, the improvement heavily depends on the implementation of the NTT chosen by the users.
Rutchathon Chairattana-Apirom, Stefano Tessaro, Chenzhi Zhu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents new blind signatures for which concurrent security, in the random oracle model, can be proved from variants of the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption in pairing-free groups without relying on the algebraic group model (AGM). With the exception of careful instantiations of generic non-black box techniques following Fischlin's paradigm (CRYPTO '06), prior works without the AGM in the pairing-free regime have only managed to prove security for a-priori bounded concurrency.

Our most efficient constructions rely on the chosen-target CDH assumption, which has been used to prove security of Blind BLS by Boldyreva (PKC '03), and can be seen as blind versions of signatures by Goh and Jarecki (EUROCRYPT '03) and Chevallier-Mames (CRYPTO'05). We also give a less efficient scheme with security based on (plain) CDH which builds on top of a natural pairing-free variant of Rai-Choo (Hanzlik, Loss, and Wagner, EUROCRYPT '23). Our schemes have signing protocols that consist of four (in order to achieve regular unforgeability) or five moves (for strong unforgeability).

The blindness of our schemes is either computational (assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem), or statistical in the random oracle model.
Shiyu Li, Yuan Zhang, Yaqing Song, Fan Wu, Feng Lyu, Kan Yang, Qiang Tang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Syndrome-based early epidemic warning plays a vital role in preventing and controlling unknown epidemic outbreaks. It monitors the frequency of each syndrome, issues a warning if some frequency is aberrant, identifies potential epidemic outbreaks, and alerts governments as early as possible. Existing systems adopt a cloud-assisted paradigm to achieve cross-facility statistics on the syndrome frequencies. However, in these systems, all symptom data would be directly leaked to the cloud, which causes critical security and privacy issues.

In this paper, we first analyze syndrome-based early epidemic warning systems and formalize two security notions, i.e., symptom confidentiality and frequency confidentiality, according to the inherent security requirements. We propose EpiOracle, a cross-facility early warning scheme for unknown epidemics. EpiOracle ensures that the contents and frequencies of syndromes will not be leaked to any unrelated parties; moreover, our construction uses only a symmetric-key encryption algorithm and cryptographic hash functions (e.g., [CBC]AES and SHA-3), making it highly efficient. We formally prove the security of EpiOracle in the random oracle model. We also implement an EpiOracle prototype and evaluate its performance using a set of real-world symptom lists. The evaluation results demonstrate its practical efficiency.

18 November 2023

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5 March - 8 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 March to 8 March 2024
Submission deadline: 25 November 2023
Notification: 22 December 2023
Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates, 5 March - 8 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 March to 8 March 2024
Submission deadline: 10 December 2023
Notification: 10 January 2024
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5 March - 8 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 March to 8 March 2024
Submission deadline: 15 December 2023
Notification: 10 January 2024
Al Saadiyat Island, United Arab Emirates, 5 March - 8 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 March to 8 March 2024
Submission deadline: 10 December 2023
Notification: 10 January 2024
Max-Planck Institutes in Computer Science
Job Posting Job Posting
The Max Planck Institutes (MPIs) for Informatics, for Security & Privacy, and for Software Systems invite applications for tenure-track faculty in all areas of computer science. We expect to fill several positions.

A doctoral degree in computer science or related fields and an outstanding research record are required. Successful candidates are expected to build a team and pursue a highly visible research agenda, both independently and in collaboration with other groups.

The institutes are part of a network of over 80 MPIs, Germany’s premier basic-research institutes. MPIs have an established record of world-class, foundational research in the sciences, technology, and the humanities. The institutes offer a unique environment that combines the best aspects of a university department and a research laboratory: Faculty enjoy full academic freedom, lead a team of doctoral students and post-docs, and have the opportunity to teach university courses; at the same time, they enjoy ongoing institutional funding in addition to third-party funds, a technical infrastructure unrivaled for an academic institution, as well as internationally competitive compensation.

We maintain an international and diverse work environment and seek applications from outstanding researchers worldwide. The working language is English; knowledge of the German language is not required for a successful career at the institutes.

MPIs are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and global academic community, and consider qualified applicants for employment without discrimination on the basis of gender, race, disability, ethnic or social origin, or any other legally protected status. We particularly encourage applications from groups that are underrepresented in computer science. We welcome applications from dual-career couples and will do our best to try and accommodate their needs.

The initial tenure-track appointment is for six years. A permanent contract can be awarded upon a successful tenure evalution in the sixth year.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Qualified candidates should apply using the application portal at The review of applications will begin on December 1st, 2023.

More information:

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