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12 December 2023

Scott Fluhrer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In "Oops, I did it again" - Security of One-Time Signatures under Two-Message Attacks, Bruinderink and Hülsing analyzed the effect of key reuse for several one time signature systems. When they analyzed the Winternitz system, they assumed certain probabilities were independent when they weren't, leading to invalid conclusions. This paper does a more correct characterization of the Winternitz scheme, and while their ultimate conclusion (that key reuse allows for practical forgeries) is correct, the situation is both better and worse than what they concluded.
Sulaiman Alhussaini, Craig Collett, Serge˘ı Sergeev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
After the Kotov-Ushakov attack on the tropical implementation of Stickel protocol, various attempts have been made to create a secure variant of such implementation. Some of these attempts used a special class of commuting matrices resembling tropical circulants, and they have been proposed with claims of resilience against the Kotov-Ushakov attack, and even being potential post-quantum candidates. This paper, however, reveals that a form of the Kotov-Ushakov attack remains applicable and, moreover, there is a heuristic implementation of that attack which has a polynomial time complexity and shows an overwhelmingly good success rate.
Céline Chevalier, Guirec Lebrun, Ange Martinelli
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The recently standardized secure group messaging protocol “Messaging Layer Security” (MLS) is designed to ensure asynchronous communications within large groups, with an almost-optimal communication cost and the same security level as point-to-point secure messaging protocols such as “Signal”. In particular, the core sub-protocol of MLS, a Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA) called TreeKEM, must generate a common group key that respects the fundamental security properties of “post-compromise security” and “forward secrecy” which mitigate the effects of user corruption over time.

Most research on CGKAs has focused on how to improve these two security properties. However, post-compromise security and forward secrecy require the active participation of respectively all compromised users and all users within the group. Inactive users – who remain offline for long periods – do not update anymore their encryption keys and therefore represent a vulnerability for the entire group. This issue has already been identified in the MLS standard, but no solution, other than expelling these inactive users after some disconnection time, has been found.

We propose here a CGKA protocol based on TreeKEM and fully compatible with the MLS standard, that implements a “quarantine” mechanism for the inactive users in order to mitigate the risk induced by these users without removing them from the group. That mechanism indeed updates the inactive users’ encryption keys on their behalf and secures these keys with a secret sharing scheme. If some of the inactive users eventually reconnect, their quarantine stops and they are able to recover all the messages that were exchanged during their offline period. Our “Quarantined-TreeKEM” protocol thus offers a good trade-off between security and functionality, with a very limited – and sometimes negative – communication overhead.
François-Xavier Wicht, Zhipeng Wang, Duc V. Le, Christian Cachin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Considerable work explores blockchain privacy notions. Yet, it usually employs entirely different models and notations, complicating potential comparisons. In this work, we use the Transaction Directed Acyclic Graph (TDAG) and extend it to capture blockchain privacy notions (PDAG). We give consistent definitions for untraceability and unlinkability. Moreover, we specify conditions on a blockchain system to achieve each aforementioned privacy notion. Thus, we can compare the two most prominent privacy-preserving blockchains -- Monero and Zcash, in terms of privacy guarantees. Finally, we unify linking heuristics from the literature with our graph notation and review a good portion of research on blockchain privacy.
Cong Ling, Andrew Mendelsohn
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We extend the middle product to skew polynomials, which we use to define a skew middle-product Learning with Errors (LWE) variant. We also define a skew polynomial LWE problem, which we connect to Cyclic LWE (CLWE), a variant of LWE in cyclic division algebras. We then reduce a family of skew polynomial LWE problems to skew middle-product LWE, for a family which includes the structures found in CLWE. Finally, we give an encryption scheme and demonstrate its IND-CPA security, assuming the hardness of skew middle-product LWE.

11 December 2023

Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Copenagen Area
Job Posting Job Posting
Are you excited about post-quantum cryptography, provable security or secure end-to-end encrypted messaging? Or maybe more than one of these? Then we have a great PhD opportunity for you!

The goal of the project is to explore different routes towards providing a fully quantum-secure replacement for X3DH, the key exchange protocol used by Signal, WhatsApp and the likes. It is an excellent opportunity to be involved in advanced research on cryptographic systems secure against quantum computing.

For more information click the title of this job listing. If you are interested feel free to reach out to Christian Majenz (

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Christian Majenz, Associate Professor at DTU Compute, Cyber Security Engineering Section

More information:

University of Kassel, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting

The Information Security group is looking for a strong candidate to fill an open PhD position. The PhD will be supervised by Jiaxin Pan and will work on provable security, for instance, key exchange protocols and digital signature schemes. We will also work on the post-quantum security of them.

We hope that the PhD can publish at major venues, such as Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, PKC, etc., under the supervision. In the past, this has been successfully realized.

The position is paid according to EG13 TV-H (full-time). It is initially limited for 3 years with the possibility of extension for a further 2 years. The position comes with teaching load of 4 hours per week during the semester teaching period. This is usually manageable and can be done in the forms of tutorials, labs, seminars, or thesis co-supervision.

We encourage strong candidates with a Master degree and those who are close to finish to apply. Knowledge in post-quantum cryptography, digital signatures, or key exchange is highly desirable.

More information can be found in:

  • (English), or
  • (German)

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jiaxin Pan:

More information:

University of Birmingham, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
The Center for Cyber Security and Privacy of the University of Birmingham is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in cryptography. We invite applications from candidates with research records in applied probability and security reductions/analysis of cryptographic schemes. The position is for 1 year. For informal enquiries, please contact Rishiraj Bhattacharyya.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Rishiraj Bhattacharyya (

More information:

Limitless Labs, Ukraine or Remote
Job Posting Job Posting
Limitless Labs is an R&D collective advancing gaming, distributed systems & computing. Our team has extensive expertise in fields like cryptography, crypto networks, game development, ML, product growth & startups. In the past, our founding team has been 2x backed by a16z, built an AI app company with 250M downloads, a prominent web3 gaming title and reached half a million people around the world with blockchain-powered humanitarian relief.

This role is dedicated to applied research. In our initial phases, we are committed to understanding and leveraging the state-of-the-art, while in future phases, we will advance it. Primarily, the researcher will contribute to the design of new architectural solutions.


- Design, specify and verify distributed systems by leveraging formal and experimental techniques.

- Build proof of concepts and prepare executable specifications for the development team.

- Regularly going through papers, bringing new ideas and staying up-to-date.

- Conducting theoretical and practical analysis of the performance of distributed systems.

- Collaborating with both internal and external contributors.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Ira | Head of People @ Limitless Labs

More information:

Mingxun Zhou, Elaine Shi, Giulia Fanti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Anonymous systems are susceptible to malicious activity. For instance, in anonymous payment systems, users may engage in illicit practices like money laundering. Similarly, anonymous federated learning systems decouple user updates to a central machine learning model from the user's identity; malicious users can manipulate their updates to poison the model. Today, compliance with system-generated rules in such systems can be guaranteed at the level of a single message by utilizing Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP). However, it remains unclear how to prove compliance for rules that are defined over a collection of a user's messages, without compromising the unlinkability of the messages.

To address this challenge, we propose an efficient protocol called Shuffle-ZKP, which enables users within an unlinkable messaging system to collectively prove their compliance. Our protocol leverages a distributed and private set equality check protocol along with generic Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK) proof systems. We also provide an additional attributing protocol to identify misbehaving users. We theoretically analyze the protocol's correctness and privacy properties; we then implement and test it across multiple use cases. Our empirical results show that in use cases involving thousands of users, each user is able to generate a compliance proof within 0.2-10.6 seconds, depending on the use case, while the additional communication overhead remains under 3KB. Furthermore, the protocol is computationally efficient on the server side; the verification algorithm requires a few seconds to handle thousands of users in all of our use cases.
Tom Azoulay, Uri Carl, Ori Rottenstreich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Collateral is an item of value serving as security for the repayment of a loan. In blockchain-based loans, cryptocurrencies serve as the collateral. The high volatility of cryptocurrencies implies a serious barrier of entry with a common practice that collateral values equal multiple times the value of the loan. As assets serving as collateral are locked, this requirement prevents many candidates from obtaining loans. In this paper, we aim to make loans more accessible by offering loans with lower collateral, while keeping the risk for lenders bound. We propose a credit score based on data recovered from the blockchain to predict how likely a potential borrower is to repay a loan. Our protocol does not risk the initial amount granted by liquidity providers, but only risks part of the interest yield gained from the borrower by the protocol in the past.
Ori Mazor, Ori Rottenstreich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain interoperability refers to the ability of blockchains to share information with each other. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) are peer-to-peer marketplaces where traders can exchange cryptocurrencies. Several studies have focused on arbitrage analysis within a single blockchain, typically in Ethereum. Recently, we have seen a growing interest in cross-chain technologies to create a more interconnected blockchain network. We present a framework to study cross-chain arbitrage in DEXs. We use this framework to analyze cross-chain arbitrages between two popular DEXs, PancakeSwap and QuickSwap, within a time frame of a month. While PancakeSwap is implemented on a blockchain named BNB Chain, QuickSwap is implemented on a different blockchain named Polygon. The approach of this work is to study the cross-chain arbitrage through an empirical study. We refer to the number of arbitrages, their revenue as well as to their duration. This work lays the basis for understanding cross-chain arbitrage and its potential impact on the blockchain technology.
Sajin Sasy, Adithya Vadapalli, Ian Goldberg
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present Private Random Access Computations (PRAC), a 3-party Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) framework to support random-access data structure algorithms for MPC with efficient communication in terms of rounds and bandwidth. PRAC extends the state-of-the-art DORAM Duoram with a new implementation, more flexibility in how the DORAM memory is shared, and support for Incremental and Wide DPFs. We then use these DPF extensions to achieve algorithmic improvements in three novel oblivious data structure protocols for MPC. PRAC exploits the observation that a secure protocol for an algorithm can gain efficiency if the protocol explicitly reveals information leaked by the algorithm inherently. We first present an optimized binary search protocol that reduces the bandwidth from $O(\lg^2 n)$ to $O(\lg n)$ for obliviously searching over $n$ items. We then present an oblivious heap protocol with rounds reduced from $O(\lg n)$ to $O(\lg \lg n)$ for insertions, and bandwidth reduced from $O(\lg^2 n)$ to $O(\lg n)$ for extractions. Finally, we also present the first oblivious AVL tree protocol for MPC where no party learns the data or the structure of the AVL tree, and can support arbitrary insertions and deletions with $O(\lg n)$ rounds and bandwidth. We experimentally evaluate our protocols with realistic network settings for a wide range of memory sizes to demonstrate their efficiency. For instance, we observe our binary search protocol provides $>27\times$ and $>3\times$ improvements in wall-clock time and bandwidth respectively over other approaches for a memory with $2^{26}$ items; for the same setting our heap's extract-min protocol achieves $>31\times$ speedup in wall-clock time and $>13\times$ reduction in bandwidth.
Colin Putman, Keith M. Martin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Anonymous credential schemes enable service providers to verify information that a credential holder willingly discloses, without needing any further personal data to corroborate that information, and without allowing the user to be tracked from one interaction to the next. Mercurial signatures are a novel class of anonymous credentials which show good promise as a simple and efficient construction without heavy reliance on zero-knowledge proofs. However, they still require significant development in order to achieve the functionality that most existing anonymous credential schemes provide. Encoding multiple attributes of the credential holder in such a way that they can be disclosed selectively with each use of the credential is often seen as a vital feature of anonymous credentials, and is one that mercurial signatures have not yet implemented. In this paper, we show a simple way to encode attributes in a mercurial signature credential and to regulate which attributes a credential holder can issue when delegating their credential to another user. We also extend the security model associated with mercurial signatures to account for the inclusion of attributes, and prove the security of our extension with respect to the original mercurial signature construction.
Clément Hoffmann, Pierrick Méaux, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Filter permutators are a family of stream cipher designs that are aimed for hybrid homomorphic encryption. While originally operating on bits, they have been generalized to groups at Asiacrypt 2022, and instantiated for evaluation with the TFHE scheme which favors a filter based on (negacyclic) Look Up Tables (LUTs). A recent work of Gilbert et al., to appear at Asiacrypt 2023, exhibited (algebraic) weaknesses in the Elisabeth-4 instance, exploiting the combination of the 4-bit negacyclic LUTs it uses as filter. In this article, we explore the landscape of patches that can be used to restore the security of such designs while maintaining their good properties for hybrid homomorphic encryption. Starting with minimum changes, we observe that just updating the filter function (still with small negacyclic LUTs) is conceptually feasible, and propose the resulting Elisabeth-b4 design with three levels of NLUTs. We then show that a group permutator combining two different functions in the filter can simplify the analysis and improve performances. We specify the Gabriel instance to illustrate this claim. We finally propose to modify the group filter permutator paradigm into a mixed filter permutator, which considers the permutation of the key with elements in a group and a filter outputting elements in a different group. We specify the Margrethe instance as a first example of mixed filter permutator, with key elements in $\mathbb{F}_2$ and output in $\mathbb{Z}_{16}$, that we believe well-suited for recent fully homomorphic encryption schemes that can efficiently evaluate larger (not negacyclic) LUTs.
Yilei Chen, Jiatu Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A recent line of research has introduced a systematic approach to explore the complexity of explicit construction problems through the use of meta problems, namely, the range avoidance problem (abbrev. $\textsf{Avoid}$) and the remote point problem (abbrev. $\textsf{RPP}$). The upper and lower bounds for these meta problems provide a unified perspective on the complexity of specific explicit construction problems that were previously studied independently. An interesting question largely unaddressed by previous works is whether $\textsf{Avoid}$ and $\textsf{RPP}$ are hard for simple circuits such as low-depth circuits.

In this paper, we demonstrate, under plausible cryptographic assumptions, that both the range avoidance problem and the remote point problem cannot be efficiently solved by nondeterministic search algorithms, even when the input circuits are as simple as constant-depth circuits. This extends a hardness result established by Ilango, Li, and Williams (STOC '23) against deterministic algorithms employing witness encryption for $\textsf{NP}$, where the inputs to $\textsf{Avoid}$ are general Boolean circuits.

Our primary technical contribution is a novel construction of witness encryption inspired by public-key encryption for certain promise language in $\textsf{NP}$ that is unlikely to be $\textsf{NP}$-complete. We introduce a generic approach to transform a public-key encryption scheme with particular properties into a witness encryption scheme for a promise language related to the initial public-key encryption scheme. Based on this translation and variants of standard lattice-based or coding-based PKE schemes, we obtain, under plausible assumption, a provably secure witness encryption scheme for some promise language in $\textsf{NP}\setminus \textsf{coNP}_{/\textsf{poly}}$. Additionally, we show that our constructions of witness encryption are plausibly secure against nondeterministic adversaries under a generalized notion of security in the spirit of Rudich's super-bits (RANDOM '97), which is crucial for demonstrating the hardness of $\textsf{Avoid}$ and $\textsf{RPP}$ against nondeterministic algorithms.
Qi Pang, Jinhao Zhu, Helen Möllering, Wenting Zheng, Thomas Schneider
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The advent of transformers has brought about significant advancements in traditional machine learning tasks. However, their pervasive deployment has raised concerns about the potential leakage of sensitive information during inference. Existing approaches using secure multiparty computation (MPC) face limitations when applied to transformers due to the extensive model size and resource-intensive matrix-matrix multiplications. In this paper, we present BOLT, a privacy-preserving inference framework for transformer models that supports efficient matrix multiplications and nonlinear computations. Combined with our novel machine learning optimizations, BOLT reduces the communication cost by 10.91x. Our evaluation on diverse datasets demonstrates that BOLT maintains comparable accuracy to floating-point models and achieves 4.8-9.5x faster inference across various network settings compared to the state-of-the-art system.
Daniel J. Bernstein
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The literature gives the impression that (1) existing heuristics accurately predict how effective lattice attacks are, (2) non-ternary lattice systems are not vulnerable to hybrid multi-decoding primal attacks, and (3) the asymptotic exponents of attacks against non-ternary systems have stabilized.

This paper shows that 1 contradicts 2 and that 1 contradicts 3: the existing heuristics imply that hybrid primal key-recovery attacks are exponentially faster than standard non-hybrid primal key-recovery attacks against the LPR PKE with any constant error width. This is the first report since 2015 of an exponential speedup in heuristic non-quantum primal attacks against non-ternary LPR.

Quantitatively, for dimension n, modulus n^{Q_0+o(1)}, and error width w, a surprisingly simple hybrid attack reduces heuristic costs from 2^{(ρ+o(1))n} to 2^{(ρ-ρ H_0+o(1))n}, where z_0=2Q_0/(Q_0+1/2)^2, ρ=z_0 log_4(3/2), and H_0=1/(1+(lg w)/0.057981z_0). This raises the questions of (1) what heuristic exponent is achieved by more sophisticated hybrid attacks and (2) what impact hybrid attacks have upon concrete cryptosystems whose security analyses have ignored hybrid attacks, such as Kyber-512.
Huaxin Wang, Yiwen Gao, Yuejun Liu, Qian Zhang, Yongbin Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
During the standardisation process of post-quantum cryptography, NIST encourages research on side-channel analysis for candidate schemes. As the recommended lattice signature scheme, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, when implemented on hardware, has only been subjected to the side-channel attack presented by Steffen et al. in IACR ePrint 2022. This attack is not complete and requires excessive traces. Therefore, we investigate the leakage of an FPGA (Kintex7) implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium using the CPA method, where with a minimum of 70000 traces partial private key coefficients can be recovered. As far as we know, this is the first work that applies power leakage to sidechannel attacks on FPGA implementations of CRYSTALS-Dilithium. Furthermore, we optimise the attack by extracting Point-of-Interests using known information due to parallelism (named CPA-PoI) and by iteratively utilising parallel leakages (named CPA-ITR). We experimentally demonstrate that when recovering the same number of key coefficients, the CPA-PoI and CPA-ITR reduce the number of traces used by up to 16.67 percent and 25 percent, respectively, compared to the CPA method. When attacking with the same number of traces, the CPA-PoI method and the CPA-ITR method increase the number of recovered key coefficients by up to 55.17 percent and 93.10 percent, respectively, compared to the CPA method. Our experiments confirm that the FPGA implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium is also very vulnerable to side-channel analysis.
Taipei Lu, Bingsheng Zhang, Lichun Li, Kui Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) techniques have gained significant popularity in the past years. Those protocols have been widely adopted in many real-world security-sensitive machine learning scenarios, e.g., medical care and finance. In this work, we introduce $\mathsf{Aegis}$~-- a high-performance PPML platform built on top of a maliciously secure 3-PC framework over ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^\ell}$. In particular, we propose a novel 2-round secure comparison (a.k.a., sign bit extraction) protocol in the preprocessing model. The communication of its semi-honest version is only 25% of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) constant-round semi-honest comparison protocol by Zhou et al.(S&P 2023); both communication and round complexity of its malicious version are approximately 50% of the SOTA (BLAZE) by Patra and Suresh (NDSS 2020), for $\ell=64$. Moreover, the communication of our maliciously secure inner product protocol is merely $3\ell$ bits, reducing 50% from the SOTA (Swift) by Koti et al. (USENIX 2021). Finally, the resulting ReLU and MaxPool PPML protocols outperform the SOTA by $4\times$ in the semi-honest setting and $10\times$ in the malicious setting, respectively.
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